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Effect of Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria Inoculation on Plant Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomato Grown in Greenhouse

Year 2015, , 148 - 155, 30.05.2015


The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of Symbion-P as bio-fertilizer containing Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato plants (cv. Naram F1) grown in greenhouse conditions and to determine the efficiency of different doses of Symbion-P. The study was carried out under polyethylene (PE) covered greenhouse of Agrobest Group, in Gaziler Village (Kepez-Antalya) during the winter-summer season of 2014. Three different doses of Symbion-P were used as treatments: suggested dose (D, 300 ml da-1), half of suggested dose (D/2, 150 ml da-1) and two fold of suggested dose (Dx2, 600 ml da-1), and non-inoculated plants (0.0 ml da-1) were put on trial as control group. Symbion-P was applied twice: at transplanting time and 15 days after transplanting via irrigation lines. All plants were transplanted on January 1, 2014 as 2 plants per m2. The experiment was terminated on June 30, 2014 when plants were at the 6th trusses stage. The experimental design was randomized parcel with 4 replicates and parameters related to plant growth (plant height, stem diameter, fresh and dry weights of vegetable part and fruit), yield (first flowering time, total and marketable yield, total fruit number and average fruit weight) and fruit quality (colour, firmness, dry weight, total solube solids, titratable acidity, EC, pH, vitamin C and nitrate content) were determined. The results showed that plant growth, total and marketable yield increased by the application of biofertilizer; yields increased with increasing doses and the application of 600 ml per da (Dx2) was found the most appropriate dose for better yield and quality.


  • Arcak S, Güder N (2004). Biyolojik gübrelemenin sürdürülebilir ekosistemdeki önemi. Türkiye 3. Ulusal Gübre Kongresi, Tarım-Sanayi-Çevre, 11-13 Ekim, Tokat, 837-844.
  • Artes F, Conesa MA, Hernandez S, Gil ML (1999) Keeping quality of fresh-cut tomato. Postharvest Biology and Technology 17:153-162.
  • Belimov AA, Kojemiakov PA, Chuvarliyeva CV (1995). Interaction between barley and mixed cultures of nitrogen fixing and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Plant Soil 173:29–37.
  • Chabot R, Hani A, Cescas PM (1996). Growth promotion of maize and lettuce by phosphate-solubilizing Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar. phaseoli. Plant Soil 184:311–321.
  • Çakmakçı R (2005). Bitki gelişiminde fosfat çözücü bakterilerin önemi. S.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19(35):93-108.
  • Çakmakçı R, Kantar F, Algur ÖF (1999). Sugar beet and barley yields in relation to Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum inoculation. Journal Plant Nutritient Soil Science 162:437- 442.
  • Çakmakçı R, Kantar F, Şahin F (2001). Effect of N2 -fixing bacterial inoculations on yield of sugar beet and barley. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci. 164:527-531.
  • Gyaneshwar P, Kumar GN, Parekh LJ, Poole PS (2002). Role of soil microorganisms in improving P nutrition of plants. Plant and Soil. 245:83-93.
  • Fayetörbay D, Çomaklı B, Daşçı M (2010). Fosfor çözücü bakteri, fosforlu gübre ve tavuk gübresi uygulamalarının macar fiğinde (Vicia Pannonica Roth) tohum verimi ve verim unsurları üzerine etkileri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 20:345-357.
  • Hemwall JB (1957). The fixation of phosphorus by soils. In Advances in Agronomy, Vol. IX. Edited by A. G. Norman. Academic Press, pp. 95-112.
  • Hong TL, Tsou SCS (1998). Determination of tomato quality by near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 6:321–324.
  • Kacar B, Katkat AV (1998). Bitki Besleme. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yanın No: 127, Bursa.
  • Kacar B (1972). Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri 1-2. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Fakültesi Yayınları: 468, Yardımcı Ders Kitabı: 161, Ankara.
  • Karaçalı İ (1993). Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafaza ve Pazarlanması. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. No: 494, Bornova/İzmir.
  • Karataş A, Padem H, Ünlü H, Ünlü H (2005) Sera ve tarla koşullarında yetiştirilen bazı sırık domates çeşitlerinin verim ve kalite özelliklerini karşılaştırılması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9(2):42-49.
  • Kucey RMN, Janzen HH, Legett ME (1989). Microbially mediated increases in plant available phophorus. Adv Agron 42:199-228.
  • Kumar V, Narula N (1999). Solubilization of inoranic phosphates and growth emergence of wheat as affected by Azotobacter chrococcum. Biol Fert Soils, 28:301-305.
  • McGuire GR (1992). Reporting of objective color measurements. HortScience 27(12): 1254-1255.
  • Nautiyal CS, Bhadauria S, Kumar P, Lal H, Mondal R, Verma D (2000). Stress induced phosphate solubilization in bacteria isolated from alkaline soils. FEMS Microb Lett 182:291-296.
  • Öztürk A, Cağlar O, Sahin F (2003). Yield response of wheat and barley to inoculation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria at various levels of nitrogen fertilization. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 166. 1-5.
  • Özyılmaz E, Benlioğlu K (2012). Fosfat çözen bakterilerin pamuk bitkisinin gelişimine ve Verticillium solgunluğu’na etkileri. Türk. Biyo. Müc. Derg. 3(1): 47-62.
  • Pal SS (1999). Interaction of an acid tolerant strain of phosphate solubilizing bacteria with a few acid tolerant crops. Plant Soil, 213:221-230.
  • Pearson D (1970). The Chemical Analysis of Foods. Chemical Publishing Co Inc, New York, USA.
  • Paul EA, Clark FE (1988). Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
  • Rodriguez H, Fraga R (1999). Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their role in plant growth promotion. Biotechnology Advances. 17:319-339.
  • Sahin F, Çakmakçı R, Kantar F (2004). Sugar beet and barley yields in relation to inoculation with N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Plant Soil 265:123- 129.
  • Scheffer F, Schachtschabel P (1992). Lehrbuch der bokenkunde, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Sevgican A (2002). Örtüaltı Sebzeciliği. Cilt I ve II. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. Bornova, İzmir.
  • Smith JH, Allison FE, Soulides DA (1962). Phosphobacteria as a soil inoculant. Tech US Dept Agricult Bul. 1:63–70.
  • Turan M, Ataoğlu N, Sezen Y (2004). Fosfor çözücü bakterilerin (Bacillus megaterium) domates (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) bitkisinin verim ve fosfor alımı üzerine etkisi. Türkiye 3. Ulusal Gübre Kongresi, Tarım-Sanayi-Çevre, 11-13 Ekim, Tokat, 939-944.
  • Tüzel Y, Ul MA, Tüzel İH (1993) Effects of different irrigation intervals and rates on spring season glasshouse tomato production: II. fruit quality. Acta Hort. 366:389-396.
  • Vassilev N, Fenice M, Federici F (1996). Rock phosphate solubilization with gluconic acid produced by immobilized Penicillium variabile P16. Biotec Tech. 10:585-588.
  • Whitelaw MA (2000). Growth promotion of plants inoculated with phosphate-solubilizing fungi. Adv Agron. 69:99-151.
  • Yadav KS, Dadarwal KR (1997). Phosphate solubilization and mobilization through soil microorganisms. In: Biot. Appr. Soil Micr. Sust. Crop Prod. 293–308.
  • Yolcu H, Güneş A, Güllap MK, Çakmakçı R (2012). Effects of plant growth-promotıng rhızobacterıa on some morphologic characteristics, yield and quality contents of hungarian vetch. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(2):208-214.

Fosfat Çözücü Bakteri Aşılamalarının Sera Domates Yetiştiriciliğinde Bitki Gelişimi, Verim ve Meyve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2015, , 148 - 155, 30.05.2015


Bu çalışma Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum içerikli biyolojik gübre olan Symbion-P gübresinin sera domates yetiştiriciliğinde bitki gelişimi, verim ve meyve kalitesi üzerine etkisini ve kullanılan gübrenin farklı dozlardaki etkinliğini belirlemek amacı ile 2014 yılı kış-yaz döneminde Gaziler Köyü’nde (Kepez-Antalya) Agrobest Grup’a ait ARGE çalışmalarının yürütüldüğü ısıtmalı PE örtülü üretici serasında, topraklı yetiştiricilikte yürütülmüş; bitkisel materyal olarak Naram F1 domates çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Deneme konularını Symbion-P’in  üç dozu [önerilen doz (D, 300 ml da-1); önerilen dozun yarısı (D/2, 150 ml da-1) ve önerilen dozun iki katı (Dx2, 600 ml da-1)] ile Symbion-P gübresiz (0 ml da-1) kontrol grubu oluşturmuştur. Denemede kullanılan gübre damlama sistemi ile dikim zamanı ve dikimden 15 gün sonra olmak üzere iki defa uygulanmış ve m2’de 2 bitki olacak şekilde 01 Ocak 2014 tarihinde fide dikilmiştir. Üretim 30 Haziran 2014 tarihinde, bitkiler 6 salkımlı iken sonlandırılmıştır. Tesadüf parseli deneme deseni düzeninde 4 tekrarlı olarak yürütülen araştırmada bitki gelişimi, verim ve kalite değerleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar; biyogübre uygulaması ile bitki gelişimi yanında toplam ve pazarlanabilir verimin artış gösterdiğini; doz miktarının artışına bağlı olarak verimin arttığını; bu nedenle de dekara 600 ml’lik dozun (Dx2) kullanılabilir olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Arcak S, Güder N (2004). Biyolojik gübrelemenin sürdürülebilir ekosistemdeki önemi. Türkiye 3. Ulusal Gübre Kongresi, Tarım-Sanayi-Çevre, 11-13 Ekim, Tokat, 837-844.
  • Artes F, Conesa MA, Hernandez S, Gil ML (1999) Keeping quality of fresh-cut tomato. Postharvest Biology and Technology 17:153-162.
  • Belimov AA, Kojemiakov PA, Chuvarliyeva CV (1995). Interaction between barley and mixed cultures of nitrogen fixing and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Plant Soil 173:29–37.
  • Chabot R, Hani A, Cescas PM (1996). Growth promotion of maize and lettuce by phosphate-solubilizing Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar. phaseoli. Plant Soil 184:311–321.
  • Çakmakçı R (2005). Bitki gelişiminde fosfat çözücü bakterilerin önemi. S.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19(35):93-108.
  • Çakmakçı R, Kantar F, Algur ÖF (1999). Sugar beet and barley yields in relation to Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum inoculation. Journal Plant Nutritient Soil Science 162:437- 442.
  • Çakmakçı R, Kantar F, Şahin F (2001). Effect of N2 -fixing bacterial inoculations on yield of sugar beet and barley. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci. 164:527-531.
  • Gyaneshwar P, Kumar GN, Parekh LJ, Poole PS (2002). Role of soil microorganisms in improving P nutrition of plants. Plant and Soil. 245:83-93.
  • Fayetörbay D, Çomaklı B, Daşçı M (2010). Fosfor çözücü bakteri, fosforlu gübre ve tavuk gübresi uygulamalarının macar fiğinde (Vicia Pannonica Roth) tohum verimi ve verim unsurları üzerine etkileri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 20:345-357.
  • Hemwall JB (1957). The fixation of phosphorus by soils. In Advances in Agronomy, Vol. IX. Edited by A. G. Norman. Academic Press, pp. 95-112.
  • Hong TL, Tsou SCS (1998). Determination of tomato quality by near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 6:321–324.
  • Kacar B, Katkat AV (1998). Bitki Besleme. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yanın No: 127, Bursa.
  • Kacar B (1972). Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri 1-2. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Fakültesi Yayınları: 468, Yardımcı Ders Kitabı: 161, Ankara.
  • Karaçalı İ (1993). Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafaza ve Pazarlanması. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. No: 494, Bornova/İzmir.
  • Karataş A, Padem H, Ünlü H, Ünlü H (2005) Sera ve tarla koşullarında yetiştirilen bazı sırık domates çeşitlerinin verim ve kalite özelliklerini karşılaştırılması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 9(2):42-49.
  • Kucey RMN, Janzen HH, Legett ME (1989). Microbially mediated increases in plant available phophorus. Adv Agron 42:199-228.
  • Kumar V, Narula N (1999). Solubilization of inoranic phosphates and growth emergence of wheat as affected by Azotobacter chrococcum. Biol Fert Soils, 28:301-305.
  • McGuire GR (1992). Reporting of objective color measurements. HortScience 27(12): 1254-1255.
  • Nautiyal CS, Bhadauria S, Kumar P, Lal H, Mondal R, Verma D (2000). Stress induced phosphate solubilization in bacteria isolated from alkaline soils. FEMS Microb Lett 182:291-296.
  • Öztürk A, Cağlar O, Sahin F (2003). Yield response of wheat and barley to inoculation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria at various levels of nitrogen fertilization. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 166. 1-5.
  • Özyılmaz E, Benlioğlu K (2012). Fosfat çözen bakterilerin pamuk bitkisinin gelişimine ve Verticillium solgunluğu’na etkileri. Türk. Biyo. Müc. Derg. 3(1): 47-62.
  • Pal SS (1999). Interaction of an acid tolerant strain of phosphate solubilizing bacteria with a few acid tolerant crops. Plant Soil, 213:221-230.
  • Pearson D (1970). The Chemical Analysis of Foods. Chemical Publishing Co Inc, New York, USA.
  • Paul EA, Clark FE (1988). Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
  • Rodriguez H, Fraga R (1999). Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their role in plant growth promotion. Biotechnology Advances. 17:319-339.
  • Sahin F, Çakmakçı R, Kantar F (2004). Sugar beet and barley yields in relation to inoculation with N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Plant Soil 265:123- 129.
  • Scheffer F, Schachtschabel P (1992). Lehrbuch der bokenkunde, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Sevgican A (2002). Örtüaltı Sebzeciliği. Cilt I ve II. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. Bornova, İzmir.
  • Smith JH, Allison FE, Soulides DA (1962). Phosphobacteria as a soil inoculant. Tech US Dept Agricult Bul. 1:63–70.
  • Turan M, Ataoğlu N, Sezen Y (2004). Fosfor çözücü bakterilerin (Bacillus megaterium) domates (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) bitkisinin verim ve fosfor alımı üzerine etkisi. Türkiye 3. Ulusal Gübre Kongresi, Tarım-Sanayi-Çevre, 11-13 Ekim, Tokat, 939-944.
  • Tüzel Y, Ul MA, Tüzel İH (1993) Effects of different irrigation intervals and rates on spring season glasshouse tomato production: II. fruit quality. Acta Hort. 366:389-396.
  • Vassilev N, Fenice M, Federici F (1996). Rock phosphate solubilization with gluconic acid produced by immobilized Penicillium variabile P16. Biotec Tech. 10:585-588.
  • Whitelaw MA (2000). Growth promotion of plants inoculated with phosphate-solubilizing fungi. Adv Agron. 69:99-151.
  • Yadav KS, Dadarwal KR (1997). Phosphate solubilization and mobilization through soil microorganisms. In: Biot. Appr. Soil Micr. Sust. Crop Prod. 293–308.
  • Yolcu H, Güneş A, Güllap MK, Çakmakçı R (2012). Effects of plant growth-promotıng rhızobacterıa on some morphologic characteristics, yield and quality contents of hungarian vetch. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(2):208-214.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gölgen Öztekin

Yüksel Tüzel This is me

Yüksel Tüzel This is me

Mehmet Ece This is me

Mehmet Ece This is me

Publication Date May 30, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Öztekin, G., Tüzel, Y., Tüzel, Y., Ece, M., et al. (2015). Fosfat Çözücü Bakteri Aşılamalarının Sera Domates Yetiştiriciliğinde Bitki Gelişimi, Verim ve Meyve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2), 148-155.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.