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Rootstocks Performance of Root Rot Resistant Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Hybrids

Year 2016, , 7 - 16, 31.01.2016


In this study, rootstock performances of new resistant lines obtained by crossings between different root rot resistant genotypes were investigated. Plant characteristics were recorded during seedling period and yield performance in open field trial of Balo F1 plants grafted onto resistant lines generated by crossings of Perennial, PBC 178, KM2-11, Criollo de Morelos 334 and KM12 among themselves. Infected plants ratio with P. capsici were also recorded in open field. KM211 × 178-102 rootstock showed the highest yield by 465.8 kg ha-1 and grafted plants showed 43.60 % infection. The yield of non-grafted Balo F1 variety plants reached 399.5 kg ha-1, all of the plants in the open field were infected. The plants grafted onto Criollo de Morelos 334 yielded 383.9 kg ha-1 and exhibited almost no infection (only 0.26%). There were positive correlations between “scion diameter-rootstock diameter” and “root weight-fruit weight”. Negative relationships were determined between “rootstock diameter-fruit weight”, “scion diameter-fruit weight”, “root weight-rootstock diameter”, and “root weight-the number of leaves”.


  • Abak K (1982). Biberlerde kökboğazı yanıklığına dayanıklılığın kalıtımı üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Doçentlik Tezi, Ankara.
  • Abak K, Pochard E (1982). Aggressivity of Various Phytophthora capsici Isolates from Turkey on Two Partly Resistant Pepper Lines. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 1: 62-63
  • Arıcı E, Basım E (2001). Determination of Fungal Pathogens of Pepper and Eggplant in the Province of Isparta and Burdur. XI EUCARPIAN Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant. April 9- 13.Antalya.320-323.
  • Bartual R, Carbonell EA, Marsal JI, Tello JC, Campos T (1991). Gene action in the resistance of peppers (Capsicum annuum) to Phytophthora stem blight (Phytophthora capsici L.).Euphytica, 54 2: 195-200.
  • Chaudhry MNA, Akhtar AS, Khan RAA (1995). Phytophthora problem on chillies and its control.Capsicum & Eggplant Newsletter, 14: 62-64.
  • Colla G, Rouphael Y, Cardarelli M, Temperini O, Rea E, Salerno A, Pierandrei F (2008). Influence of grafting on yield and fruit quality of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown under greenhouse conditions. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 782: 359–364.
  • Djian-Caporalino C, Pijarowski L, Fazari A, Samson M, Gaveau L, O’byrne C, Lefebvre, V, Caranta C, Palloix A. Abad P (2001). High-resolution genetic mapping of the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) resistance loci Me3 Me4 conferring heat-stable resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.).Theoretical and Applied Genetics,103;4: 592-600.
  • Djian-Caporalino C, Pijarowski L, Januel A, Lefebvre V, Daubeze A, Palloix A, Dalmasso A, Abad P (1999). Spectrum of resistance to root-knot nematodes and inheritance of heat-stable resistance in in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 99;3-4: 496-502.
  • Erwin DC, Ribeiro OK (1996). Phytophthora diseases worldwide. American Phytopathological Society (APS Press).
  • FAO, 2013. Biber Üretim İstatistikleri. erişim tarihi: 17.12.2013
  • Galmarini CR (1997). Pepper Breeding in Argentina. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter. 16: 28-34.
  • García-Rodríguez MR, Chiquito-Almanza E, LoezaLara PD, Godoy-Hernández H, Villordo-Pineda E, PonsHernández JL, González-Chavira MM, AnayaLópez JL (2010). Production of ancho chili graft on criollo de morelos 334 for the control of Phytophthora capsici. Agrociencia 44: 701–709.
  • Gisbert C, Sánchez-Torres P, Raigón MD, Nuez F (2010). Phytophthora capsici resistance evaluation in pepper hybrids: Agronomic performance and fruit quality of pepper grafted plants.J. Food Agric. Environ. 8 :116-121.
  • Göçmen M (2006). Biberlerde Phytophthora capsici'ye karşı dayanıklılıkta genotip X izolat interaksiyonu ve farklı dayanıklılık kaynaklarının karakterizasyonu: Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi.
  • Hartman GL, Wang TC (1992). Phytophthora blight of pepper: screening for disease resistance. International Journal of Pest Management. 38;3: 319-322.
  • Hausbeck MK, Lamour KH (2004). Phytophthora capsici on vegetable crops: research progress and management challenges. Plant Disease,(88) 12: 1292-1303.
  • Hirata Y, Yagishita N, Ledoux L, Thiry M, Pilels L (1986). Graft-induced changes in pepper and eggplant. Eucarpia (Zaragoza) p. 19–23.
  • İren S, Maden, S (1976). Bazı Patlıcangil ve Kabakgil Türlerinin Biberlerde Yanıklık Etmeni Phytophthora capsici Leon. Enfeksiyonlarına Karşı Serada Reaksiyonlarının Tespiti. A.Ü. Zir.Fak.Yıllığı. No:26.
  • Karahan O, Maden S (1974). Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde biberlerde Kökboğazı yanıklığı (Phytophthora capsici leon) hastalığının tanımlanması ve zararı. Bitki Koruma Bülteni,14:3.
  • Kıran ÖF, Ertunç F (1998). Detection of the Diseases of Solanaceous Plants in Van Province. J.Turk. Phytophth. 27 ;2-3: 105-111
  • Kim BS, Hwang BK (1992). Isolation of antibiotic-producing bacteria antagonistic to Phytophthora capsici from pepper-growing soils and evaluation of their antibiotic activity. The Plant Pathology Journal, 8;4: 241-248.
  • King SR, Davis AR, Liu W, Levi A (2008). Grafting for disease resistance. HortScience, 43;6: 1673-1676.
  • Kubota C, McClure MA, Kokalis-Burelle N, Bausher MG, Rosskopf EN (2008). Vegetable grafting: History, use, and current technology status in North America. HortScience, 43;6: 1664-1669.
  • Leal-Fernández C, Godoy-Hernández H, Núñez-Colín CA, Anaya-López JL, Villalobos-Reyes S, Castellanos JZ (2013). Morphological response and fruit yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grafted onto different commercial rootstocks. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 29;1: 1-11.
  • Lee BK, Kim BS, Chang SW, Hwang BK (2001). Aggressiveness to pumpkin cultivars of isolates of Phytophthora capsici from pumpkin and pepper. Plant Disease,85;5: 497-500.
  • Lefebvre V, Palloix A (1996). Both epistatic and additive effects of QTLs are involved in polygenic induced resistance to disease: a case study, the interaction pepper—Phytophthora capsici Leonian. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,93;4:, 503-511.
  • Morra L, Bilotto M (2006). Evaluation of new rootstocks for resistance to soil-borne pathogens and productive behaviour of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Journal of horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81;3: 518-524.
  • Oelke LM, Bosland PW, Steiner R (2003). Differentiation of race specific resistance to Phytophthora root rot and foliar blight in Capsicum annuum. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 128:213–218.
  • Oka Y, Offenbach R, Pivonia S (2004). Pepper rootstock graft compatibility and response to Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita. Journal of nematology, 36;2: 137.
  • Ortega RG, Palazon-Espanol C, Cuartero-Zueco J (1991). Genetics of resistance to Phytophthora capsici in the pepper line ‘SCM-334’ Plant Breeding 107:50–55.
  • Palada MC, Wu DL (2008). Grafting Sweet Peppers for Production in the Hot-Wet Season. AVRDC, Shanhua, Taiwan, 9:722.
  • Rodriquez MM, Bosland, PW (2010). Grafting Capsicum to tomato rootstocks. Journal of Young Investigators,20; 1-6.
  • Saadoun M, Allagui MB (2013). Management of chili pepper root rot and wilt (caused by Phytophthora nicotianae) by grafting onto resistant rootstock. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 52;1: 141-147.
  • Santos HS, Goto R (2004). Enxertia em plantas de pimentão no controle da murcha de fitóftora em ambiente protegido. Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, 22;1: 45-49.
  • Soylu S, Kurt Ş (2001). Occurrence and Distribution of Fungal Diseases on Greenhousegrown Pepper Plants in Hatay Province. XI EUCARPIAN Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant. April 9-13. Antalya. 315-319
  • Tamietti G, Valentino D (2001). Physiological characterisation of a population of Phytophthora capsici Leon. from Northern Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology, 199-205.
  • Thabuis A, Palloix A, Pflieger S, Daubèze AM, Caranta C, Lefebvre V (2003). Comparative mapping of Phythophtora resistance loci in pepper germplams: Evidende for conserve resistance loci across Solanaceae and for a large genetic diversity. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:1473-1485.
  • TUİK (2012). Biber Üretim İstatistikleri
  • Türkmen Ö, Abak K (2005). Biberde Phytophthora capsici’ye Dayanıklılıkta Heterozis Etkisi S.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19;37: 1-5.
  • Tüzel Y, Gül A, Daşgan HY, Özgür M, Özçelik N, Boyacı HF, Ersoy A (2004). Örtüaltı Yetiştiriciliğinde Gelişmeler Özet. Türkiye Ziraat Müh. V. Teknik Kongresi, Ankara, Cilt II, 679-707.
  • Walker SJ, Bosland PW (1999). Inheritance of Phytophthora root rot and foliar blight resistance in pepper. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 124:14-18.
  • Yarşi G (2003). Sera Kavun Yetiştiriciliğinde Aşılı Fide Kullanımının Verim, Meyve Kalitesi ve Bitki Besin Maddeleri Alımı Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. ÇÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Yetisir H, Sari N (2003). Effect of different rootstock on plant growth, yield and quality of watermelon. Animal Production Science, 43;10: 1269-1274.
  • Yetişir H, Yarşi G, Sarı N (2004). Sebzelerde Aşılama. Bahçe, 33;1.
  • Yoon JY, Green SK, Tschanz AT, Tsou SCS, Chang LC (1988). Pepper improvement for the tropics: problems and the AVRDC approach. Tomato and pepper production in the Tropics. 21-26 Mar 1988 International Symposium on Integrated Management Practices. Tainan (Taiwán).

Kök Boğazı Yanıklığı Hastalığına Dayanıklı Biber (Capsicum annuum L.) Melezlerinin Anaç Performansları

Year 2016, , 7 - 16, 31.01.2016


Bu çalışmada kök boğazı yanıklığına dayanıklı biber genotiplerinin melezlenmesi ile elde edilen yeni dayanıklılık kaynaklarının anaç performansları araştırılmıştır.  Perennial, PBC 178, KM2-11, Criollo de Morelos 334 ve KM12 genotiplerinin melezlenmesi ile oluşturulan dayanıklılık kaynaklarının üzerine aşılanan Balo F1 çeşidinin fide dönemindeki bitkisel özellikleri ile arazi koşullarında verim özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Açık alanda P. capsici ile bulaştırılan edilen bitkilerin hastalanma oranları kaydedilmiştir. Çalışmada KM211×178-102 anacı 4658 kg da-1 ile en yüksek verim değerini göstermiş ve aşılı bitkiler % 43,60 hastalanmıştır. Aşılanmamış Balo F1 çeşidi ise 3995 kg da-1 verim değerine ulaşmış, açık alanda etmen ile bulaştırılan bitkilerin tamamı hastalanmıştır. Criollo de Morelos 334 üzerine aşılanan Balo F1 çeşidinden 3839 kg da-1 verim elde edilmiş ve bitkiler % 0,26 oranında hastalanmıştır. Çalışmada kalem genişliği - anaç genişliği, kök ağırlığı - meyve ağırlığı, arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Anaç genişliği - meyve ağırlığı, kalem genişliği - meyve ağırlığı, kök ağırlığı - anaç genişliği, kök ağırlığı - yaprak sayısı arasında negatif yönde bir ilişki saptanmıştır.


  • Abak K (1982). Biberlerde kökboğazı yanıklığına dayanıklılığın kalıtımı üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Doçentlik Tezi, Ankara.
  • Abak K, Pochard E (1982). Aggressivity of Various Phytophthora capsici Isolates from Turkey on Two Partly Resistant Pepper Lines. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 1: 62-63
  • Arıcı E, Basım E (2001). Determination of Fungal Pathogens of Pepper and Eggplant in the Province of Isparta and Burdur. XI EUCARPIAN Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant. April 9- 13.Antalya.320-323.
  • Bartual R, Carbonell EA, Marsal JI, Tello JC, Campos T (1991). Gene action in the resistance of peppers (Capsicum annuum) to Phytophthora stem blight (Phytophthora capsici L.).Euphytica, 54 2: 195-200.
  • Chaudhry MNA, Akhtar AS, Khan RAA (1995). Phytophthora problem on chillies and its control.Capsicum & Eggplant Newsletter, 14: 62-64.
  • Colla G, Rouphael Y, Cardarelli M, Temperini O, Rea E, Salerno A, Pierandrei F (2008). Influence of grafting on yield and fruit quality of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown under greenhouse conditions. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 782: 359–364.
  • Djian-Caporalino C, Pijarowski L, Fazari A, Samson M, Gaveau L, O’byrne C, Lefebvre, V, Caranta C, Palloix A. Abad P (2001). High-resolution genetic mapping of the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) resistance loci Me3 Me4 conferring heat-stable resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.).Theoretical and Applied Genetics,103;4: 592-600.
  • Djian-Caporalino C, Pijarowski L, Januel A, Lefebvre V, Daubeze A, Palloix A, Dalmasso A, Abad P (1999). Spectrum of resistance to root-knot nematodes and inheritance of heat-stable resistance in in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 99;3-4: 496-502.
  • Erwin DC, Ribeiro OK (1996). Phytophthora diseases worldwide. American Phytopathological Society (APS Press).
  • FAO, 2013. Biber Üretim İstatistikleri. erişim tarihi: 17.12.2013
  • Galmarini CR (1997). Pepper Breeding in Argentina. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter. 16: 28-34.
  • García-Rodríguez MR, Chiquito-Almanza E, LoezaLara PD, Godoy-Hernández H, Villordo-Pineda E, PonsHernández JL, González-Chavira MM, AnayaLópez JL (2010). Production of ancho chili graft on criollo de morelos 334 for the control of Phytophthora capsici. Agrociencia 44: 701–709.
  • Gisbert C, Sánchez-Torres P, Raigón MD, Nuez F (2010). Phytophthora capsici resistance evaluation in pepper hybrids: Agronomic performance and fruit quality of pepper grafted plants.J. Food Agric. Environ. 8 :116-121.
  • Göçmen M (2006). Biberlerde Phytophthora capsici'ye karşı dayanıklılıkta genotip X izolat interaksiyonu ve farklı dayanıklılık kaynaklarının karakterizasyonu: Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi.
  • Hartman GL, Wang TC (1992). Phytophthora blight of pepper: screening for disease resistance. International Journal of Pest Management. 38;3: 319-322.
  • Hausbeck MK, Lamour KH (2004). Phytophthora capsici on vegetable crops: research progress and management challenges. Plant Disease,(88) 12: 1292-1303.
  • Hirata Y, Yagishita N, Ledoux L, Thiry M, Pilels L (1986). Graft-induced changes in pepper and eggplant. Eucarpia (Zaragoza) p. 19–23.
  • İren S, Maden, S (1976). Bazı Patlıcangil ve Kabakgil Türlerinin Biberlerde Yanıklık Etmeni Phytophthora capsici Leon. Enfeksiyonlarına Karşı Serada Reaksiyonlarının Tespiti. A.Ü. Zir.Fak.Yıllığı. No:26.
  • Karahan O, Maden S (1974). Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde biberlerde Kökboğazı yanıklığı (Phytophthora capsici leon) hastalığının tanımlanması ve zararı. Bitki Koruma Bülteni,14:3.
  • Kıran ÖF, Ertunç F (1998). Detection of the Diseases of Solanaceous Plants in Van Province. J.Turk. Phytophth. 27 ;2-3: 105-111
  • Kim BS, Hwang BK (1992). Isolation of antibiotic-producing bacteria antagonistic to Phytophthora capsici from pepper-growing soils and evaluation of their antibiotic activity. The Plant Pathology Journal, 8;4: 241-248.
  • King SR, Davis AR, Liu W, Levi A (2008). Grafting for disease resistance. HortScience, 43;6: 1673-1676.
  • Kubota C, McClure MA, Kokalis-Burelle N, Bausher MG, Rosskopf EN (2008). Vegetable grafting: History, use, and current technology status in North America. HortScience, 43;6: 1664-1669.
  • Leal-Fernández C, Godoy-Hernández H, Núñez-Colín CA, Anaya-López JL, Villalobos-Reyes S, Castellanos JZ (2013). Morphological response and fruit yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grafted onto different commercial rootstocks. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 29;1: 1-11.
  • Lee BK, Kim BS, Chang SW, Hwang BK (2001). Aggressiveness to pumpkin cultivars of isolates of Phytophthora capsici from pumpkin and pepper. Plant Disease,85;5: 497-500.
  • Lefebvre V, Palloix A (1996). Both epistatic and additive effects of QTLs are involved in polygenic induced resistance to disease: a case study, the interaction pepper—Phytophthora capsici Leonian. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,93;4:, 503-511.
  • Morra L, Bilotto M (2006). Evaluation of new rootstocks for resistance to soil-borne pathogens and productive behaviour of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Journal of horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81;3: 518-524.
  • Oelke LM, Bosland PW, Steiner R (2003). Differentiation of race specific resistance to Phytophthora root rot and foliar blight in Capsicum annuum. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 128:213–218.
  • Oka Y, Offenbach R, Pivonia S (2004). Pepper rootstock graft compatibility and response to Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita. Journal of nematology, 36;2: 137.
  • Ortega RG, Palazon-Espanol C, Cuartero-Zueco J (1991). Genetics of resistance to Phytophthora capsici in the pepper line ‘SCM-334’ Plant Breeding 107:50–55.
  • Palada MC, Wu DL (2008). Grafting Sweet Peppers for Production in the Hot-Wet Season. AVRDC, Shanhua, Taiwan, 9:722.
  • Rodriquez MM, Bosland, PW (2010). Grafting Capsicum to tomato rootstocks. Journal of Young Investigators,20; 1-6.
  • Saadoun M, Allagui MB (2013). Management of chili pepper root rot and wilt (caused by Phytophthora nicotianae) by grafting onto resistant rootstock. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 52;1: 141-147.
  • Santos HS, Goto R (2004). Enxertia em plantas de pimentão no controle da murcha de fitóftora em ambiente protegido. Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, 22;1: 45-49.
  • Soylu S, Kurt Ş (2001). Occurrence and Distribution of Fungal Diseases on Greenhousegrown Pepper Plants in Hatay Province. XI EUCARPIAN Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant. April 9-13. Antalya. 315-319
  • Tamietti G, Valentino D (2001). Physiological characterisation of a population of Phytophthora capsici Leon. from Northern Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology, 199-205.
  • Thabuis A, Palloix A, Pflieger S, Daubèze AM, Caranta C, Lefebvre V (2003). Comparative mapping of Phythophtora resistance loci in pepper germplams: Evidende for conserve resistance loci across Solanaceae and for a large genetic diversity. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:1473-1485.
  • TUİK (2012). Biber Üretim İstatistikleri
  • Türkmen Ö, Abak K (2005). Biberde Phytophthora capsici’ye Dayanıklılıkta Heterozis Etkisi S.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19;37: 1-5.
  • Tüzel Y, Gül A, Daşgan HY, Özgür M, Özçelik N, Boyacı HF, Ersoy A (2004). Örtüaltı Yetiştiriciliğinde Gelişmeler Özet. Türkiye Ziraat Müh. V. Teknik Kongresi, Ankara, Cilt II, 679-707.
  • Walker SJ, Bosland PW (1999). Inheritance of Phytophthora root rot and foliar blight resistance in pepper. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 124:14-18.
  • Yarşi G (2003). Sera Kavun Yetiştiriciliğinde Aşılı Fide Kullanımının Verim, Meyve Kalitesi ve Bitki Besin Maddeleri Alımı Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. ÇÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Yetisir H, Sari N (2003). Effect of different rootstock on plant growth, yield and quality of watermelon. Animal Production Science, 43;10: 1269-1274.
  • Yetişir H, Yarşi G, Sarı N (2004). Sebzelerde Aşılama. Bahçe, 33;1.
  • Yoon JY, Green SK, Tschanz AT, Tsou SCS, Chang LC (1988). Pepper improvement for the tropics: problems and the AVRDC approach. Tomato and pepper production in the Tropics. 21-26 Mar 1988 International Symposium on Integrated Management Practices. Tainan (Taiwán).
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Bekir Arpacı

Ayhan Ak This is me

Kazım Abak This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Arpacı, B., Ak, A., & Abak, K. (2016). Kök Boğazı Yanıklığı Hastalığına Dayanıklı Biber (Capsicum annuum L.) Melezlerinin Anaç Performansları. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26(1), 7-16.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.