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NIR Spektroskopisi Kullanılarak Bütün Haldeki Newton Domates Çeşidinde C Vitamini ve Likopen İçeriğinin Tahribatsız Tespiti

Year 2018, , 389 - 397, 31.12.2018


ve C vitamini, domateste iki hayati bileşendir. Bu bileşenlerin yaygın
parçalama yöntemleri ile analitik olarak ölçülmesi pahalı ve zaman alıcıdır. Bu
çalışmada, 930-1650nm aralığında yakın kızılötesi (NIR) spektroskopi kullanımı,
bütün haldeki Newton çeşidi domateslerinin likopen ve C vitamini içeriğini
ölçmek için değerlendirilmiştir. Spektral verilere dayanan ve yaygın parçalama yöntemleri
ile elde edilen analitik ölçümlere dayanan tahmin modelleri geliştirmek için,
kısmi en küçük kareler (PLS) regresyonu kullanılmıştır. Modellemeden önce,
spektrumdaki alakasız verileri azaltmak için bazı ön işleme teknikleri de
kullanılmıştır. Modellerin tahmin doğruluğu, çapraz doğrulama karekök kare
hatası (
RMSECV), korelasyon katsayısı (rcv) ve rezidüel tahmin sapması (RPD) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Likopen ve C vitamini içeriği için en
iyi tahmin modelleri, sırasıyla RMSECV değeri 2.256 µg/g ve 1.087 mg/100g; 0.8v
ve 0.818
rcv ve 1.835 ve 1.701 RPD olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar, NIR
spektroskopisinin, bütün haldeki domatesin sırasıyla likopen ve C vitamini
içeriklerini, iyi ve adil bir doğrulukla tahmin edebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Abushita AA, Hebshi EA, Daood HG and Biacs PA. (1997). Determination of antioxidant vitamins in tomatoes. Food Chemistry 60: 207-212.
  • Agarwal S and Rao, AV. (2000). Tomato lycopene and its role in human health and chronic diseases. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 163 (6): 739 - 744.
  • AOAC. (1980). Official Methods of Analysis. 13th Ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC.
  • Bobelyn E, Serban AS., Nicu M., Lammertyn J, Nicoli B M and Saeys W. (2010). Postharvest quality predicted by NIR-spectroscopy: Study of the effect of biological variability on spectra and model performance. Postharvest Biology and Technology 55: 133-143.
  • Bodunde JG, Erinle ID, Eruotor PG and Amans EB. (1993). Recommendation for the release of four heat tolerant tomato varieties. Professional and Academic Board Nigeria, pp. 1-165.
  • Bureau S, Ruiz D, Reich M, Gouble B, Bertrand D, Audergon JM and Renard CMGC. (2009). Rapid and nondestructive analysis of apricot fruit quality using FT-near-infrared spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 113: 1323–1328.
  • Camps C and Christen D. (2009). Nondestructive assessment of apricot fruit quality by portable visible-near infrared spectroscopy. Food Science and Technology 42: 1125–1131.
  • Cao F, Wu D and He Y. (2010). Soluble solids content and pH prediction and varieties discrimination of grapes based on visible–near infrared spectroscopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 42: 15-18.
  • Cen H and He Y. (2007). Theory and application of near inferared reflectance spectroscopy in determination of food quality. Trends in Food Science & Technology 18: 72-83.
  • Clement A, Dorais, M and Vernon M. (2008). Nondestructive measurement of fresh tomato lycopene content and other physicochemical characteristics using visible− NIR spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (21): 9813–9818.
  • Condolfi A, Maesschalck R, Jouan-Rimband D, Hailey PA and Massart DL. (1999). The influence of data pre-processing in the pattern recognition of excipients near-infrared spectra. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 21: 115–132.
  • Flores K, Sanchez M, Perez-Marin D, Guerrero J and Garrido-Varo A. (2009). Feasibility in NIRS instruments for predicting internal quality in intact tomato. Journal of Food Engineering 91: 311–318.
  • Fu X, Ying Y. Lu H, Yu H and Liu Y. (2005). Evaluation of vitamin C content in kiwifruit by diffuse reflectance FT-NIR spectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 5996; 167-176.
  • Gartner C, Stahl W and Sies H. (19970. Lycopene is more bioavailable from tomato paste than from fresh tomatoes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66: 116-122.
  • Giovannucci E, Rimm EB, Liu Y, Stampfer MJ and Willett WC A. (1995). Prospective study of tomato products, lycopene and prostate cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 94: 391- 8.
  • Golic M and Walsh K. (2006). Robustness of calibration models based on near infrared spectroscopy for the in-line grading of stone fruit for total soluble solids content. Analytica Chimica Acta 555: 286–291.
  • Gorton H C and Javis K. (1999). The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 22 (8): 530 - 533.
  • Guidetti R, Beghi R and Bodria L. (2010). Evaluation of grape quality parameters by a simple VIS/NIR system. Transactions of the ASABE 53(2): 477-484.
  • He Y, Zhang Y, Pereira AG, Gomez AH and Wang J. (2005). Nondestructive determination of tomato fruit quality characteristics using VIS/NIR spectroscopy technique. International Journal of Information Technology 11 (11): 97–108.
  • Jaiswal P, Jha SN and Bharadwaj R. (2012). Non-destructive prediction of quality of intact banana using spectroscopy. Scientia Horticulturae. 135: 14-22.
  • Jamshidi B, Minaei S, Mohajerani E and Ghassemian H. (2012). Reflectance Vis/NIR spectroscopy for nondestructive taste characterization of Valencia oranges. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 85: 64-69.
  • Jamshidi B, Minaei S, Mohajerani E and Ghassemian H. (2014). Prediction of soluble solids in oranges using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy: Effect of peel. International Journal of Food Properties 17: 1460-1468.
  • Jamshidi B, Mohajerani E, Jamshidi J, Minaei S and Sharifi A. (2015). Non-destructive detection of pesticide residues in cucumber using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 32 (6): 857-863.
  • Lammertyn J, Nicolai B, Omms K, Smedt V and Baerdemaeker J. (1998). Non-destructive measurement of acidity, soluble solids and firmness of Jonagold apples using NIR-Spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASAE 41: 1089–1094.
  • Lu R. (2001). Predicting Firmness and sugar content of sweet cherries using near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASAE 44 (5): 1265-1271.
  • Markovic K, Hruskar M and Vahcic N. (2006). Lycopene content of tomato products and their contribution to the lycopene intake of Croatians. Nutrition Research 26: 556–560.
  • Martinez-Ferrer M, Verghese M, Walker LT, Shakelford L, Chandramohan BC and Jhala N. (2006). Lycopene reduces azoxymethane-induced colon tumors in Fisher 344 rats. Nutrition Research 26 (2): 84-91.
  • Mouazen AM, Kuang B, Baerdemaeker JDe and Ramon H. (2010). Comparison among principal component, partial least squares and back propagation neural network analyses for accuracy of measurement of selected soil properties with visible and near infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 158: 23–31.
  • Narisaw AT, Fakaura Y, Hasebe M, Ito M, Aizawa R, Murakoshi M, Uemura S, Khachik H and Nishino H. (1996). Inhibitory effects of natural carotenoids, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein, on colonic aberrant crypt foci formation in rats. Cancer Letters 107: 137- 142.
  • Nicolai BM, Beullens K, Bobelyn E, Peirs A, Saeys W, Theron KI, Karen IT and Lammertyn J. (2007). Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review. Postharvest Biology and Technology 46, 99-118.
  • Nicolai, B. M., Defraeye, T., Ketelaere, B. D., Herremans, E., Hertog, M. L., Saeys, W., Torricelli, A., Vandendriessche, T. and Verboven, P. (2014). Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 5: 285- 312.
  • Pedro, AMK and Ferreira MMC. (2005). Nondestructive determination of solids and carotenoids in tomato products by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration. Analytical Chemistry 77 (8): 2505–2511.
  • Pedro, AMK and Ferreira MMC. (2007). Simultaneously calibrating solids, sugars and acidity of tomato products using PLS2 and NIR spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta 595: 221–227.
  • Pissard A, Baeten V, Romnee JM, Dupont AM and Lateur M. (2012). Classical and NIR measurements of the quality and nutritional parameters of apples: a methodological study of intra-fruit variability. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment 16(3): 294-306.
  • Pohar KS, Gong MC, Bahnson R, Miller EC and Clinton SK. (2003). Tomatoes, lycopene and prostate cancer. World Journal of Urology 21: 9 - 14.
  • Rao AV and Agarwal S. (2000). Role of antioxidant lycopene in cancer and heart disease. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 19 (3): 563 – 569.
  • Saad AG, Jaiswal P and Narayan Jha, S N. (20014). Non-destructive quality evaluation of intact tomato using VIS-NIR spectroscopy. International Journal of Advanced Research 2 (12): 632- 639.
  • Sanchez MT, Joze Del La Haba M, Benitez-Lopez M, Fernandez-Novales J, Garrido-Varo A and Perez-Marin D. (2011). Non-destructive characterization and quality control of intact strawberries based on NIR spectral data. Journal of Food Engineering 110: 102-108.
  • Shao Y, He Y, Gomez AH, Pereir AG, Qiu Z and Zhang Y. (2007). Visible/near infrared spectrometric technique for nondestructive assessment of tomato ‘Heatwave’ (Lycopersicum esculentum) quality characteristics. Journal of Food Engineering 81: 672-678.
  • Sigmund R and Gustav E. (1991). The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics. Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations 133-140.
  • Song Y, Diao Q and Qi H. (2015). Polyamine metabolism and biosynthetic genesexpression in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings during coldacclimation. Plant Growth Regulation 75: 21–32.
  • Steinmetz KA and Plotter JD. (1991). Vegetables, fruit and cancer. I. Epidemiology. Cancer Causes and Control 2: 325-357.
  • Szuvandzsiev P, Helyes L, Lugasi A, Szanto C, Baranowski P and Pek Z. (2014). Estimation of antioxidant components of tomato using VIS-NIR reflectance data by handheld portable spectrometer. International Agrophysics 28: 521-527.
  • Tapiero H, Townsend D, Townsend DM and Tew KD. (2004). The role of carotenoids in the prevention of human pathologies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 58 (2): 100 -110.
  • Van Eck J, Kirk DD and Walmsley AM. (2006). Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum). Methods in molecular biology 343: 459-473.
  • Viscarra Rossel RA. (2008). ParLeS: Software for chemometric analysis of spectroscopic data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 90: 72–83.
  • Wang X, Xue L, He X and Liu M. (2011). Vitamin C content estimation of chilies using Vis/NIR spectroscopy. Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE) 15-17 April 2011, Wuhan, China.
  • Wintergerst ES, Maggini S and Hornig DH. (2006). Immune-enhancing role of vitamin C and zinc and effect on clinical conditions. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 50(2), 85-94.
  • Zude M, Herold B, Roger JM, Bellon-Maurel V and Landahl S. (2006). Nondestructive tests on the prediction of apple fruit flesh firmness and soluble solids content on tree and in shelf life. Journal of Food Engineering 77: 254–260.

Non-destructive determination of vitamin C and lycopene contents of intact cv. Newton tomatoes using NIR spectroscopy

Year 2018, , 389 - 397, 31.12.2018


Lycopene and vitamin C are two vital compositions of tomatoes.
Analytical quantification of these components using common destructive methods is
expensive and time consuming. In this study, the feasibility of using near-infrared
(NIR) spectroscopy at the range of 930-1650nm was assessed to measure the
lycopene and vitamin C contents of intact cv. Newton tomatoes. To develop
prediction models based on spectral data and analytical measurements achieved
using common destructive methods, partial least squares (PLS) regression was utilized.
Before modeling, some pre-processing techniques were also used to reduce the irrelevant
data from the spectra. The prediction accuracy of the models was evaluated using
root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV), correlation coefficient (rcv)
and residual predictive deviation (RPD). The best prediction models had RMSECV
of 2.256 µg g-1 and 1.087 mg 100g-1, rcv of
0.840 and 0.818, and RPD of 1.835 and 1.701 for lycopene and vitamin C contents,
respectively. Results indicated that NIR spectroscopy can predict the lycopene
and vitamin C contents of tomato non-destructively with good and fair accuracy,


  • Abushita AA, Hebshi EA, Daood HG and Biacs PA. (1997). Determination of antioxidant vitamins in tomatoes. Food Chemistry 60: 207-212.
  • Agarwal S and Rao, AV. (2000). Tomato lycopene and its role in human health and chronic diseases. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 163 (6): 739 - 744.
  • AOAC. (1980). Official Methods of Analysis. 13th Ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC.
  • Bobelyn E, Serban AS., Nicu M., Lammertyn J, Nicoli B M and Saeys W. (2010). Postharvest quality predicted by NIR-spectroscopy: Study of the effect of biological variability on spectra and model performance. Postharvest Biology and Technology 55: 133-143.
  • Bodunde JG, Erinle ID, Eruotor PG and Amans EB. (1993). Recommendation for the release of four heat tolerant tomato varieties. Professional and Academic Board Nigeria, pp. 1-165.
  • Bureau S, Ruiz D, Reich M, Gouble B, Bertrand D, Audergon JM and Renard CMGC. (2009). Rapid and nondestructive analysis of apricot fruit quality using FT-near-infrared spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 113: 1323–1328.
  • Camps C and Christen D. (2009). Nondestructive assessment of apricot fruit quality by portable visible-near infrared spectroscopy. Food Science and Technology 42: 1125–1131.
  • Cao F, Wu D and He Y. (2010). Soluble solids content and pH prediction and varieties discrimination of grapes based on visible–near infrared spectroscopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 42: 15-18.
  • Cen H and He Y. (2007). Theory and application of near inferared reflectance spectroscopy in determination of food quality. Trends in Food Science & Technology 18: 72-83.
  • Clement A, Dorais, M and Vernon M. (2008). Nondestructive measurement of fresh tomato lycopene content and other physicochemical characteristics using visible− NIR spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (21): 9813–9818.
  • Condolfi A, Maesschalck R, Jouan-Rimband D, Hailey PA and Massart DL. (1999). The influence of data pre-processing in the pattern recognition of excipients near-infrared spectra. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 21: 115–132.
  • Flores K, Sanchez M, Perez-Marin D, Guerrero J and Garrido-Varo A. (2009). Feasibility in NIRS instruments for predicting internal quality in intact tomato. Journal of Food Engineering 91: 311–318.
  • Fu X, Ying Y. Lu H, Yu H and Liu Y. (2005). Evaluation of vitamin C content in kiwifruit by diffuse reflectance FT-NIR spectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 5996; 167-176.
  • Gartner C, Stahl W and Sies H. (19970. Lycopene is more bioavailable from tomato paste than from fresh tomatoes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66: 116-122.
  • Giovannucci E, Rimm EB, Liu Y, Stampfer MJ and Willett WC A. (1995). Prospective study of tomato products, lycopene and prostate cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 94: 391- 8.
  • Golic M and Walsh K. (2006). Robustness of calibration models based on near infrared spectroscopy for the in-line grading of stone fruit for total soluble solids content. Analytica Chimica Acta 555: 286–291.
  • Gorton H C and Javis K. (1999). The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 22 (8): 530 - 533.
  • Guidetti R, Beghi R and Bodria L. (2010). Evaluation of grape quality parameters by a simple VIS/NIR system. Transactions of the ASABE 53(2): 477-484.
  • He Y, Zhang Y, Pereira AG, Gomez AH and Wang J. (2005). Nondestructive determination of tomato fruit quality characteristics using VIS/NIR spectroscopy technique. International Journal of Information Technology 11 (11): 97–108.
  • Jaiswal P, Jha SN and Bharadwaj R. (2012). Non-destructive prediction of quality of intact banana using spectroscopy. Scientia Horticulturae. 135: 14-22.
  • Jamshidi B, Minaei S, Mohajerani E and Ghassemian H. (2012). Reflectance Vis/NIR spectroscopy for nondestructive taste characterization of Valencia oranges. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 85: 64-69.
  • Jamshidi B, Minaei S, Mohajerani E and Ghassemian H. (2014). Prediction of soluble solids in oranges using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy: Effect of peel. International Journal of Food Properties 17: 1460-1468.
  • Jamshidi B, Mohajerani E, Jamshidi J, Minaei S and Sharifi A. (2015). Non-destructive detection of pesticide residues in cucumber using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 32 (6): 857-863.
  • Lammertyn J, Nicolai B, Omms K, Smedt V and Baerdemaeker J. (1998). Non-destructive measurement of acidity, soluble solids and firmness of Jonagold apples using NIR-Spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASAE 41: 1089–1094.
  • Lu R. (2001). Predicting Firmness and sugar content of sweet cherries using near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASAE 44 (5): 1265-1271.
  • Markovic K, Hruskar M and Vahcic N. (2006). Lycopene content of tomato products and their contribution to the lycopene intake of Croatians. Nutrition Research 26: 556–560.
  • Martinez-Ferrer M, Verghese M, Walker LT, Shakelford L, Chandramohan BC and Jhala N. (2006). Lycopene reduces azoxymethane-induced colon tumors in Fisher 344 rats. Nutrition Research 26 (2): 84-91.
  • Mouazen AM, Kuang B, Baerdemaeker JDe and Ramon H. (2010). Comparison among principal component, partial least squares and back propagation neural network analyses for accuracy of measurement of selected soil properties with visible and near infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 158: 23–31.
  • Narisaw AT, Fakaura Y, Hasebe M, Ito M, Aizawa R, Murakoshi M, Uemura S, Khachik H and Nishino H. (1996). Inhibitory effects of natural carotenoids, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein, on colonic aberrant crypt foci formation in rats. Cancer Letters 107: 137- 142.
  • Nicolai BM, Beullens K, Bobelyn E, Peirs A, Saeys W, Theron KI, Karen IT and Lammertyn J. (2007). Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review. Postharvest Biology and Technology 46, 99-118.
  • Nicolai, B. M., Defraeye, T., Ketelaere, B. D., Herremans, E., Hertog, M. L., Saeys, W., Torricelli, A., Vandendriessche, T. and Verboven, P. (2014). Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 5: 285- 312.
  • Pedro, AMK and Ferreira MMC. (2005). Nondestructive determination of solids and carotenoids in tomato products by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration. Analytical Chemistry 77 (8): 2505–2511.
  • Pedro, AMK and Ferreira MMC. (2007). Simultaneously calibrating solids, sugars and acidity of tomato products using PLS2 and NIR spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta 595: 221–227.
  • Pissard A, Baeten V, Romnee JM, Dupont AM and Lateur M. (2012). Classical and NIR measurements of the quality and nutritional parameters of apples: a methodological study of intra-fruit variability. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment 16(3): 294-306.
  • Pohar KS, Gong MC, Bahnson R, Miller EC and Clinton SK. (2003). Tomatoes, lycopene and prostate cancer. World Journal of Urology 21: 9 - 14.
  • Rao AV and Agarwal S. (2000). Role of antioxidant lycopene in cancer and heart disease. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 19 (3): 563 – 569.
  • Saad AG, Jaiswal P and Narayan Jha, S N. (20014). Non-destructive quality evaluation of intact tomato using VIS-NIR spectroscopy. International Journal of Advanced Research 2 (12): 632- 639.
  • Sanchez MT, Joze Del La Haba M, Benitez-Lopez M, Fernandez-Novales J, Garrido-Varo A and Perez-Marin D. (2011). Non-destructive characterization and quality control of intact strawberries based on NIR spectral data. Journal of Food Engineering 110: 102-108.
  • Shao Y, He Y, Gomez AH, Pereir AG, Qiu Z and Zhang Y. (2007). Visible/near infrared spectrometric technique for nondestructive assessment of tomato ‘Heatwave’ (Lycopersicum esculentum) quality characteristics. Journal of Food Engineering 81: 672-678.
  • Sigmund R and Gustav E. (1991). The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics. Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations 133-140.
  • Song Y, Diao Q and Qi H. (2015). Polyamine metabolism and biosynthetic genesexpression in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings during coldacclimation. Plant Growth Regulation 75: 21–32.
  • Steinmetz KA and Plotter JD. (1991). Vegetables, fruit and cancer. I. Epidemiology. Cancer Causes and Control 2: 325-357.
  • Szuvandzsiev P, Helyes L, Lugasi A, Szanto C, Baranowski P and Pek Z. (2014). Estimation of antioxidant components of tomato using VIS-NIR reflectance data by handheld portable spectrometer. International Agrophysics 28: 521-527.
  • Tapiero H, Townsend D, Townsend DM and Tew KD. (2004). The role of carotenoids in the prevention of human pathologies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 58 (2): 100 -110.
  • Van Eck J, Kirk DD and Walmsley AM. (2006). Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum). Methods in molecular biology 343: 459-473.
  • Viscarra Rossel RA. (2008). ParLeS: Software for chemometric analysis of spectroscopic data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 90: 72–83.
  • Wang X, Xue L, He X and Liu M. (2011). Vitamin C content estimation of chilies using Vis/NIR spectroscopy. Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE) 15-17 April 2011, Wuhan, China.
  • Wintergerst ES, Maggini S and Hornig DH. (2006). Immune-enhancing role of vitamin C and zinc and effect on clinical conditions. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 50(2), 85-94.
  • Zude M, Herold B, Roger JM, Bellon-Maurel V and Landahl S. (2006). Nondestructive tests on the prediction of apple fruit flesh firmness and soluble solids content on tree and in shelf life. Journal of Food Engineering 77: 254–260.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Farzad Azadshahrakı This is me

Bahareh Jamshıdı This is me

Vali Rasoolı Sharabıanı 0000-0001-5981-5229

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Acceptance Date October 24, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Azadshahrakı, F., Jamshıdı, B., & Rasoolı Sharabıanı, V. (2018). Non-destructive determination of vitamin C and lycopene contents of intact cv. Newton tomatoes using NIR spectroscopy. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(4), 389-397.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.