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Ürdün Vadisinde Yetiştirilen Muzlarda Panama Hastalığının Kontrolünde Toprak Solarizasyonu ile Kombine Nano-Teknolojinin Etkisi

Year 2019, , 16 - 23, 31.05.2019


solarizasyonu, enfekte muz fidelerinin dikildiği parsele uygulanmıştır. 80µ
kalınlığında şeffaf plastik örtülerin yayılması, 1 Ağustos - 12 Ekim 2017
tarihleri arasında Jordan Valley'deki Üniversite Çiftliği’nde yapılmıştır.
Bütün fitopatojenik propagüllerin 30 cm derinlikte giderilmesinde toprak
solarizasyonu etkili olmuştur. Daha sonra şeffaf plastik örtüler kaldırılmış ve
solarize edilmiş toprağa sağlıklı Grand Naine çeşidi muz fideleri ile
dikilmiştir. Muz bitkileri, arıtılmış atık su ile sulanmasının yanı sıra 200
ila 400 ppm Gümüş Nanopartikül (AgNP), iki fungisit, Revanol ve Tachigaren,
Sodyum Hipoklorit, Nanopartikül çözeltisi ile toprağa kimyasal olarak muamele
edilmiştir. Biyolojik kontrol üç tedavi içermektedir; Endomikorhiza, Ticari bir
ürün olarak Trichoderma (BioHealth) ve rizo-bakterileri teşvik eden bitki
büyümesi. İki uygulamaya taze tavuk ve koyun gübresi eklenmiştir. On iki
uygulama tam tesadüfi blok deneme deseninde rastgele dağıtılmıştır. Glomus mosseae
endomikhıriza, 200ppm AgNPs, Revanol ve Tachigaren muz fidesi uygulamaları ile
yapılan aşılama, muz bitkilerinin Fusarium solgunluğunu tüm deney süresince
tamamen korumada en etkili olmuştur. Bazı Trichoderma uygulamaları, atık su ve
400 ppm AgNP'ler, enfekte olmuş muz fidelerinin dikimden dokuz ay sonra
korunmasında etkili olmuştur. Koyun ve tavuk gübresi uygulamaları, Fusarium
solgunluğu ile sırasıyla % 60 ve% 40, Hypex, PGPR ve kontrol tedavilerinde % 20
ve% 40 hastalık oluşumu ile sonuçlanmıştır. Atık su, Nanopartiküller 200 ppm ve
endomikorhizal işlemler en yüksek piç oranını vermiştir. Toprak solarizasyonunu
ve Ürdün'deki Panama muz hastalığını kontrol etmek için entegre program
kullanmanızı önerilmektedir.


  • Akila R, Rajendran L, Harish S, Saveetha K, Raguch T, and Samiyappan R (2011). Combined application of botanical formulations and biocontrol agents for the management of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) causing Fusarium wilt in banana. Biol. Control 57: 175–183.
  • AL-Momany A, Arabiat S and Fardous A. (2014). Growth and quality of tomato irrigated with treated waste water to control Fusarium wilt. International Journal of Environment and Water 3 (5): 161-176.
  • Arvanitoyannis I, Mavromatis A, Grammatikaki-Avgeli G and Sakellariou M (2008). Banana: cultivars, biotechnological approaches and genetic transformation. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 43: 1871-1879.
  • Benedicta A, Ertel J, (2008). Environmental impact of Nano technology on human health. In Standards and Thresholds for Impact Assessment. Edited by Michael Schmidt, John Glasson, Lars Emmelin and Hendrike Helbron. Springer-Verlag.
  • Boenigk J, Beisser D, Zimmermann S, Bock C, Jakobi J, Grabner D, Groβmann L, Rahmann S, Barcikowski S, Sures B. (2014). Effects of silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles on a planktonic community: general trends after short-term exposure. PLoS One. Apr 22; 9(4):e95340. doi: 10.1371.
  • Butler D (2013). Fungus threatens top banana. Nature 504: 195-196.
  • Garcia F, Ordonez N, Konkol J, Al Qasem M, Naser Z, Abdelwali M, Salem N, Waalwijk C, Ploetz R and Kema G. (2014) First Report of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 associated with Panama Disease of banana outside Southeast Asia. Plant Disease 98: 694-698.
  • Getha K, and Vikinesway S (2002). Antagonistic effects of Streptomyces violaceusniger strain G10 on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race 4: Indirect evidence for the role of antibiosis in the antagonistic process. J. of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 28: 303–310
  • Gil-Allué C, Schirmer K, Tlili A, Gessner MO, Behra R (2015). Silver nanoparticle effects on stream periphyton during short-term exposures. Environ Sci Technol. 49(2):1165-72.
  • Herbert J and Marx D (1990). Short-term control of Panama disease in South Africa. Phytophylactica 22: 339–340.
  • Khalequzzaman K, Rahim M, Mollah M and Kaisar M (2009). High density planting effect on Banana(Musa sapientum) yield. Journal of Agricultural Research 47 (4): 359-364.
  • Lakshmanan P, Selvaraj P, and Mohan S (1987). Efficacy of different methods for the control of Panama disease. Trop. Pest Mngmnt 33: 373–374.
  • Lian J, Wang Z, Cao L, Tan H, Inderbitzin P, Jiang Z and Zhou S (2009). Artificial inoculation of banana tissue culture plantlets with indigenous endophytes originally derived from native banana plants. Biol. Control 51: 427–434.
  • Lian J, Wang Z, Zhou S. (2008). Response of endophytic bacterial communities in banana tissue culture plantlets to Fusarium wilt pathogen infection. J.Gen. Appl. Micobiol. 54: 83-92.
  • Mohapatara D, Meshra S, and Sutra N (2010). Banana and its by product utilization. Overview. Journal of scientific and Industrial Research 69: 323-329.
  • Nel B, Steinberg C, Labuschagne and Viljoen A (2006). Isolation and characterization of nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates from the rhizosphere of healthy banana plants. Plant Pathology 55: 207-2016.
  • Nel B, Steinberg C, Labuschagne N, Viljoen A (2007). Evaluation of fungicides and sterilants for potential application in the management of Fusarium wilt of banana Crop. Prot. 26: 697– 705.
  • Ploetz R (2006). Fusarium wilt of banana is caused by several pathogens referred to as Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Phytopathology 96: 653–656.
  • Ploetz R, Churchill A (2011). Fusarium wilt: the banana disease that refuses to go away. Acta Hort. 897: 519-526.
  • Ploetz R, Freeman S, Konkol J, Al-Abed A, Naser Z, Shalan K, Barakat R, Israeli Y. (2015). Tropical race 4 of Panama disease in the Middle East. Phytoparasitica 43: 283-293.
  • Ploetz R, Pegg K (1997). Fusarium wilt of banana and Wallace’s line: Was the disease originally restricted to his Indo-Malayan region? Australas. Plant Pathol. 26: 239-249.
  • Saravanan T, Muthusamy M, Marimuthu T (2003). Development of integrated approach to manage the fusarial wilt of banana. Crop. Prot. 22: 1117–1123.
  • Saravanan T, Bhaskaran R, Muthusamy M (2004). Pseudomonas fluorescens induced enzymological changes in banana roots (Cv.Rasthali) against Fusarium wilt disease. Plant Pathology Journal 3(2): 72-80
  • Schliemann W, Kolbe B, Schmidt J, Nimtz M, and Wray V (2008). Accumulation of apocarotenoids in mycorrhizal roots of leek (Allium porrum). Phytochemistry 69:1680-1688.
  • Shen Z, Penton R, Lv N, Xue C, Yuan X, Ruan Y, Li1 R, Shen Q. (2018). Banana Fusarium wilt disease incidence is influenced by shifts of soil microbial communities under different monoculture spans. Microb. Ecol. 75: 739-750.
  • Smith S, Read D (2008). Mineral nutrition, toxic element Accumulation and water Relation of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants. In mycorrhizal Symbiosis .3 rd Edn ., Academic press, London , PP:145-148.
  • Stover H, Simmonds N (1987). Bananas. 3rd Edition.UK. Longmans,
  • Stover R, (1962). Fusarial Wilt (Panama Disease) of Bananas and Other Musa Species. Phytopathol. Pap. 4. Commonn. Mycol. Inst., Kew, Surrey, England.Su H, Hwang S, Ko W (1986). Fusarial wilt of Cavendish bananas in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 70: 814-818.
  • Tahat M, Kamaruzaman S, Othman R (2010). Mycorrhizal fungi as a biocontrol agent. Plant Pathology J. 9: 198-207.
  • Thangavelu R, Mustaffa M (2012). Current advances in the Fusarium wilt disease management in banana with emphasis on biological control. In C. J. Cumagun (ed.), Plant Pathology. InTech, pp 273–298. ISBN: 978-953-51-0489-6.
  • Theodore L, Kunz R (2005). Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications and Solutions. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Viljoen A (2002). The status of Fusarium wilt (Panama disease) of banana in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 98: 341-344.
  • Visser A, Bezuidenhout, M (1996). Enhancement of plant and root growth with micro-organisms. Banana Growers Association of South Africa Year Book 1, 11–17.
  • Xue C, Penton C, Shen Z, Zhang R, Huang Q, Li R, Ruan Y and Shen Q (2015). Manipulating the banana rhizosphere micobiome for biological control of Panama disease. Sci. Rep. 5, 11124; doi: 10.1038/srep11124 (2015).

Effect of Nano Technology in Combination with Soil Solarization to Control Panama Disease of Banana in Jordan Valley

Year 2019, , 16 - 23, 31.05.2019


solarization was applied for a field which was planted with infected banana
seedlings. Spreading transparent plastic sheets of 80µ thickness was done from
August, 1 until October 12, 2017 at the University Farm in Jordan Valley. Soil
solarization was effective in elimination of all phytopathogenic propagules at 30 cm depth. Then clear
plastic sheets were removed and the solarized land was planted with healthy
banana seedlings cultivar Grand Naine. Banana plantlets were chemically treated
as soil drench with Nanoparticle solution of 200 and 400 ppm of Silver
Nanoparticles (AgNPs), two fungicides, Revanol and Tachigaren, Sodium Hypochlorite
in addition of irrigation of one treatment with treated wastewater. Biological
control included three treatments; Endomycorrhiza, Trichoderma as a
commercial product (BioHealth) and plant growth promoting rhizo-bacteria. Fresh
chicken and sheep manure was added to two treatments. Twelve treatments were
distributed randomly in randomized complete block design. Endomycorrhizal
inoculation with Glomus mosseae, 200 ppm of AgNPs, Revanol and
Tachigaren treatments of banana seedlings were the most effective in completely
protecting banana plants from Fusarium wilt during the whole experimental
period. Several applications of Trichoderma, wastewater and 400 ppm of
AgNPs were effective in maintaining some infected banana seedlings nine months
after planting very healthy. Sheep and chicken manure treatments resulted with
60 and 40% disease incidence with Fusarium wilt respectively and 20% of disease
incidence in Hypex, PGPR and control treatments. Wastewater, Nanoparticles 200 ppm
and endomycorhizal treatments gave the highest ratio of sword sucker
development. We recommend soil solarization and use of integrated program to
control Panama disease of banana in Jordan.


  • Akila R, Rajendran L, Harish S, Saveetha K, Raguch T, and Samiyappan R (2011). Combined application of botanical formulations and biocontrol agents for the management of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) causing Fusarium wilt in banana. Biol. Control 57: 175–183.
  • AL-Momany A, Arabiat S and Fardous A. (2014). Growth and quality of tomato irrigated with treated waste water to control Fusarium wilt. International Journal of Environment and Water 3 (5): 161-176.
  • Arvanitoyannis I, Mavromatis A, Grammatikaki-Avgeli G and Sakellariou M (2008). Banana: cultivars, biotechnological approaches and genetic transformation. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 43: 1871-1879.
  • Benedicta A, Ertel J, (2008). Environmental impact of Nano technology on human health. In Standards and Thresholds for Impact Assessment. Edited by Michael Schmidt, John Glasson, Lars Emmelin and Hendrike Helbron. Springer-Verlag.
  • Boenigk J, Beisser D, Zimmermann S, Bock C, Jakobi J, Grabner D, Groβmann L, Rahmann S, Barcikowski S, Sures B. (2014). Effects of silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles on a planktonic community: general trends after short-term exposure. PLoS One. Apr 22; 9(4):e95340. doi: 10.1371.
  • Butler D (2013). Fungus threatens top banana. Nature 504: 195-196.
  • Garcia F, Ordonez N, Konkol J, Al Qasem M, Naser Z, Abdelwali M, Salem N, Waalwijk C, Ploetz R and Kema G. (2014) First Report of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 associated with Panama Disease of banana outside Southeast Asia. Plant Disease 98: 694-698.
  • Getha K, and Vikinesway S (2002). Antagonistic effects of Streptomyces violaceusniger strain G10 on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race 4: Indirect evidence for the role of antibiosis in the antagonistic process. J. of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 28: 303–310
  • Gil-Allué C, Schirmer K, Tlili A, Gessner MO, Behra R (2015). Silver nanoparticle effects on stream periphyton during short-term exposures. Environ Sci Technol. 49(2):1165-72.
  • Herbert J and Marx D (1990). Short-term control of Panama disease in South Africa. Phytophylactica 22: 339–340.
  • Khalequzzaman K, Rahim M, Mollah M and Kaisar M (2009). High density planting effect on Banana(Musa sapientum) yield. Journal of Agricultural Research 47 (4): 359-364.
  • Lakshmanan P, Selvaraj P, and Mohan S (1987). Efficacy of different methods for the control of Panama disease. Trop. Pest Mngmnt 33: 373–374.
  • Lian J, Wang Z, Cao L, Tan H, Inderbitzin P, Jiang Z and Zhou S (2009). Artificial inoculation of banana tissue culture plantlets with indigenous endophytes originally derived from native banana plants. Biol. Control 51: 427–434.
  • Lian J, Wang Z, Zhou S. (2008). Response of endophytic bacterial communities in banana tissue culture plantlets to Fusarium wilt pathogen infection. J.Gen. Appl. Micobiol. 54: 83-92.
  • Mohapatara D, Meshra S, and Sutra N (2010). Banana and its by product utilization. Overview. Journal of scientific and Industrial Research 69: 323-329.
  • Nel B, Steinberg C, Labuschagne and Viljoen A (2006). Isolation and characterization of nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates from the rhizosphere of healthy banana plants. Plant Pathology 55: 207-2016.
  • Nel B, Steinberg C, Labuschagne N, Viljoen A (2007). Evaluation of fungicides and sterilants for potential application in the management of Fusarium wilt of banana Crop. Prot. 26: 697– 705.
  • Ploetz R (2006). Fusarium wilt of banana is caused by several pathogens referred to as Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Phytopathology 96: 653–656.
  • Ploetz R, Churchill A (2011). Fusarium wilt: the banana disease that refuses to go away. Acta Hort. 897: 519-526.
  • Ploetz R, Freeman S, Konkol J, Al-Abed A, Naser Z, Shalan K, Barakat R, Israeli Y. (2015). Tropical race 4 of Panama disease in the Middle East. Phytoparasitica 43: 283-293.
  • Ploetz R, Pegg K (1997). Fusarium wilt of banana and Wallace’s line: Was the disease originally restricted to his Indo-Malayan region? Australas. Plant Pathol. 26: 239-249.
  • Saravanan T, Muthusamy M, Marimuthu T (2003). Development of integrated approach to manage the fusarial wilt of banana. Crop. Prot. 22: 1117–1123.
  • Saravanan T, Bhaskaran R, Muthusamy M (2004). Pseudomonas fluorescens induced enzymological changes in banana roots (Cv.Rasthali) against Fusarium wilt disease. Plant Pathology Journal 3(2): 72-80
  • Schliemann W, Kolbe B, Schmidt J, Nimtz M, and Wray V (2008). Accumulation of apocarotenoids in mycorrhizal roots of leek (Allium porrum). Phytochemistry 69:1680-1688.
  • Shen Z, Penton R, Lv N, Xue C, Yuan X, Ruan Y, Li1 R, Shen Q. (2018). Banana Fusarium wilt disease incidence is influenced by shifts of soil microbial communities under different monoculture spans. Microb. Ecol. 75: 739-750.
  • Smith S, Read D (2008). Mineral nutrition, toxic element Accumulation and water Relation of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants. In mycorrhizal Symbiosis .3 rd Edn ., Academic press, London , PP:145-148.
  • Stover H, Simmonds N (1987). Bananas. 3rd Edition.UK. Longmans,
  • Stover R, (1962). Fusarial Wilt (Panama Disease) of Bananas and Other Musa Species. Phytopathol. Pap. 4. Commonn. Mycol. Inst., Kew, Surrey, England.Su H, Hwang S, Ko W (1986). Fusarial wilt of Cavendish bananas in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 70: 814-818.
  • Tahat M, Kamaruzaman S, Othman R (2010). Mycorrhizal fungi as a biocontrol agent. Plant Pathology J. 9: 198-207.
  • Thangavelu R, Mustaffa M (2012). Current advances in the Fusarium wilt disease management in banana with emphasis on biological control. In C. J. Cumagun (ed.), Plant Pathology. InTech, pp 273–298. ISBN: 978-953-51-0489-6.
  • Theodore L, Kunz R (2005). Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications and Solutions. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Viljoen A (2002). The status of Fusarium wilt (Panama disease) of banana in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 98: 341-344.
  • Visser A, Bezuidenhout, M (1996). Enhancement of plant and root growth with micro-organisms. Banana Growers Association of South Africa Year Book 1, 11–17.
  • Xue C, Penton C, Shen Z, Zhang R, Huang Q, Li R, Ruan Y and Shen Q (2015). Manipulating the banana rhizosphere micobiome for biological control of Panama disease. Sci. Rep. 5, 11124; doi: 10.1038/srep11124 (2015).
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ahmad Mohamad Almomany 0000-0002-9898-9982

Nida Salem This is me 0000-0003-3778-2213

Monther Mohumad Tahat

Publication Date May 31, 2019
Acceptance Date February 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Almomany, A. M., Salem, N., & Tahat, M. M. (2019). Effect of Nano Technology in Combination with Soil Solarization to Control Panama Disease of Banana in Jordan Valley. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29, 16-23.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.