Research Article
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Effect of Different Hormone Applications on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Strawberry Leaves

Year 2019, , 225 - 232, 28.06.2019


This study was carried out to determine the effect
of the application of methyl jasmonate (MeJa) and gibberellic acid (GA3)
on the antioxidant enzyme activity in 5 different strawberry cultivars (Albion,
Aromas, Honeoye, Seascape, Sweet Ann). The application of 50 ppm and 100ppm GA3
and 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00 mM doses MeJA was applied as foliar spray. Catalase
(CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde MDA levels were
determined in the collected leaf. Samples sweet Ann cultivar had the highest
CAT and SOD activity while Honeoye cultivar had the lowest values. CAT activity
was decreased in Seascape and Aromas cultivars, and it was observed that CAT
activity variability according to application and dose in other cultivars. The
amount of SOD has increased with each application in the Albion and Seascape
cultivars. In contrast to CAT and SOD activity, MDA concentration was
determined the highest in Honeoye and the lowest in Sweet Ann. The present
study, it was determined that the hormone (GA3, MeJa) applications
affected the enzyme and MDA contents depending on the cultivars and the doses
of the hormones.


  • Baktır İ (2010). Bitki Büyüme Düzenleyicileri Özellikleri ve Tarımda Kullanımları. Hasad Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Cakmak I, Marschner H (1992). Magnesium deficiency and high light ıntensity enhance activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in bean leaves. Plant Physiol., 98: 1222-1227.
  • Camp WV, Inza D, Montagu MV (1997). The regulation and function of tobacco superoxide dismutase free radical, Biol. Med. 23: 515–520.
  • Creelman RA, Mullet JE (1997). Biosynthesis and action of jasmonates in plants. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol, 48: 355–381.
  • Dhindsa RS, Mathowe W (1981). Drought tolerance in two mosses: correlated with enzymatic defence against lipid peroxidation. J. of Exp. Bot. 32 (126): 79-91.
  • Ergin S (2012). Yüksek Sıcaklık Stresinin Çilek Bitkisinde Enzimatik ve Enzimatik Olmayan Antioksidanlar ile Protein Metabolizmasına Etkileri. Doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Bursa.
  • Gülen H, Çetinkaya C, Kadıoğlu M, Kesici M, Cansey A, Eriş A (2008). Peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation in strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa) plants under low temperature. Journal of Biology Environment Science, 2 (6): 95-100.
  • Günalp B (2011). Patlıcan (Solanum Melongena L.) Embriyo Kültüründe, Jasmonik Asit Ve Tuz Stresi Etkileşiminin İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Anakara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Heath RL, Packer L (1968). Photoperoxidation in isolated chloroplasts: I. Kinetics and stoichiometry of fatty acid peroxidation. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 125 (1): 189-198.
  • Jebara S, Jebara M, Limam F, Aouani ME (2005). Changes in ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, guaiacol peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) nodules under salt stress. J. of Plant Physiol. 162 (8): 929-936.
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  • Kacar B, Katkat AV, Öztürk Ş (2006). Bitki Fizyolojisi. Nobel Yayınları. 2. Baskı. Ankara.
  • Kumar R, Saravanan S, Jasrotia A, Bakshi P, Shah R, Raina V (2014). Influence of gibberellic acid and blossom removal on flowering and yield of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. belrubi. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10: 272-275.
  • Li DM, Guo YK, Li Q, Zhang J, Wang XJ, Bai JG (2012). The pretreatment of cucumber with methyl jasmonate regulates antioxidant enzyme activities and protects chloroplast and mitochondrial ultrastructure in chilling-stressed leaves. Science Horticulture, 143: 135–143.
  • Özen HÇ, Onay A (2007). Bitki Fizyolojisi. Nobel Yayım Dağıtım, Ankara.
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  • Shan S, Liu G, Li S, Miao P (2007). Effects of IAA, GA3 and 6-BA applied in autumn on plant quality of strawberry. Journal of Fruit Science, 24 (4): 545-548.
  • Sharma RR, Singh R (2009). Gibberellic acid influences the production of malformed and button berries, and fruit yield and quality in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.). Scientia Horticulturae 119: 430–433.
  • Sofy MR (2016). Effect of Gibberellic Acid, Paclobutrazol and Zinc on Growth, Physiological Attributes and the Antioxidant Defense System of Soybean (Glycine max) under Salinity Stress.International Journal of Plant Research, 6 (3): 64-87.
  • Sun D, Lu X, Hu Y, Li W, Hong K, Mo Y, Cahill DM, Xie J (2013a). Methyl jasmonate induced defense responses increase resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 in banana. Scientia Horticulturae, 164: 484–491.
  • Sun CH, Wang D, Hu YL, Li XH, Zhang WD, Sun J, Gao XL (2013b). Effects of Salicylic Acid on Physiological Characteristics of Strawberry Leaves under Drought Stress. Europ.J.Hort.Sci., 78 (3): 106–111.
  • Turhan E, Aydoğan Ç, Baykul A, Akoğlu A, Evrenosoğlu Y, Ergin S (2012). Apoplastic Antioxidant Enzymes in the Leaves of Two Strawberry Cultivars and Their Relationship to Cold-Hardiness. Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 40 (2): 114-122.
  • Uzal O (2017). The effect of GA3 applications at different doses on lipidperoxidation, chlorophyll, and antioxidant enzyme activities in pepper plants under salt stress. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (8): 5283-5288.
  • Wang SY (1999). Methyl Jasmonate Reduces Water Stress in Strawberry. Journal of Plant Growth Regulator, 18: 127–134.
  • Wang SY (2000). Effect Of Methyl Jasmonate On Water Stress In Strawberry. Acta Horticulture, 516: 89-96.
  • Yan Z, Chen J, Li X (2013). Methyl jasmonate as modulator of Cd toxicity in Capsicum frutescens var. fasciculatum seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98 : 203–209.
  • Yong Z, Hao-Ru T, Ya L (2008). Variation in Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Two Strawberry Cultivars with Short-term Low Temperature Stress. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4 (4): 458-462.
  • Yonghua Q, Shanglong Z, Asghar S, Lingxiao Z, Qiaoping Q, Kunsong C, Changjie X (2005). Regeneration mechanism of Toyonoka strawberry under different color plastic films. Plant Science, 168 : 1425–1431.
  • Zhang Y, Luo Y, Hou Y, Jiang H, Chen Q, Tang H (2008). Chilling Acclimation Induced Changes in the Distribution of H2O2 and antioxidant System of Strawberry Leaves. Agricultural Journal, 3(4):286-291.

Çilek Yapraklarının Antioksidan Enzim Aktiviteleri Üzerine Farklı Hormon Uygulamalarının Etkisi

Year 2019, , 225 - 232, 28.06.2019


çalışma, 5 farklı çilek çeşidinde (Albion, Aromas, Honeoye, Seascape, Sweet
Ann) dışardan metil jasmonat (MeJA) ve gibberalik asit (GA3) uygulamasının
antioksidan enzim aktiviteleri üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla
yapılmıştır. 50ppm ve 100ppm dozlarında GA3 ve 0.25, 0.50 ve 1.00 mM
dozlarında MeJA uygulaması yapraktan uygulanmıştır. Alınan yaprak örneklerinde
katalaz (KAT), süperoksidaz dismutaz (SOD) ve malondialdehit (MDA) miktarları
okunmuştur. Sweet Ann çeşidi en yüksek KAT ve SOD aktivitesine sahipken,
Honeoye çeşidi en düşük değerlere sahip olmuştur. CAT aktivitesi Seascape ve
Aromas çeşitlerinde azalma göstermiş diğer çeşitlerde uygulama ve doza bağlı
olarak değişkenlik görülmüştür. SOD miktarı Albion ve Seascape çeşitlerinde her
uygulama ile artış kaydetmiştir. KAT ve SOD aktivitesinin aksine, MDA
konsantrasyonu en fazla Honeoye çeşidinde, en düşük Sweet Ann çeşidinde
belirlenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmada, GA3 ve MeJa uygulamaları çilek
çeşitlerine ve uygulanma dozlarına bağlı olarak yaprakların enzim ve MDA
içeriklerini etkilediği saptanmıştır.


  • Baktır İ (2010). Bitki Büyüme Düzenleyicileri Özellikleri ve Tarımda Kullanımları. Hasad Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Cakmak I, Marschner H (1992). Magnesium deficiency and high light ıntensity enhance activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in bean leaves. Plant Physiol., 98: 1222-1227.
  • Camp WV, Inza D, Montagu MV (1997). The regulation and function of tobacco superoxide dismutase free radical, Biol. Med. 23: 515–520.
  • Creelman RA, Mullet JE (1997). Biosynthesis and action of jasmonates in plants. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol, 48: 355–381.
  • Dhindsa RS, Mathowe W (1981). Drought tolerance in two mosses: correlated with enzymatic defence against lipid peroxidation. J. of Exp. Bot. 32 (126): 79-91.
  • Ergin S (2012). Yüksek Sıcaklık Stresinin Çilek Bitkisinde Enzimatik ve Enzimatik Olmayan Antioksidanlar ile Protein Metabolizmasına Etkileri. Doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Bursa.
  • Gülen H, Çetinkaya C, Kadıoğlu M, Kesici M, Cansey A, Eriş A (2008). Peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation in strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa) plants under low temperature. Journal of Biology Environment Science, 2 (6): 95-100.
  • Günalp B (2011). Patlıcan (Solanum Melongena L.) Embriyo Kültüründe, Jasmonik Asit Ve Tuz Stresi Etkileşiminin İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Anakara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Heath RL, Packer L (1968). Photoperoxidation in isolated chloroplasts: I. Kinetics and stoichiometry of fatty acid peroxidation. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 125 (1): 189-198.
  • Jebara S, Jebara M, Limam F, Aouani ME (2005). Changes in ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, guaiacol peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) nodules under salt stress. J. of Plant Physiol. 162 (8): 929-936.
  • Kabay T, Şensoy S (2016). Kuraklık stresinin bazı fasulye genotiplerinde oluşturduğu enzim, klorofil ve iyon değişimleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 26 (3): 380-395.
  • Kacar B, Katkat AV, Öztürk Ş (2006). Bitki Fizyolojisi. Nobel Yayınları. 2. Baskı. Ankara.
  • Kumar R, Saravanan S, Jasrotia A, Bakshi P, Shah R, Raina V (2014). Influence of gibberellic acid and blossom removal on flowering and yield of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. belrubi. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10: 272-275.
  • Li DM, Guo YK, Li Q, Zhang J, Wang XJ, Bai JG (2012). The pretreatment of cucumber with methyl jasmonate regulates antioxidant enzyme activities and protects chloroplast and mitochondrial ultrastructure in chilling-stressed leaves. Science Horticulture, 143: 135–143.
  • Özen HÇ, Onay A (2007). Bitki Fizyolojisi. Nobel Yayım Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Premachandra GS, Soneoka H, Kanaya M, Ogata S (1991). Cell membrane stability and leaf surface wax content as affected by increasing water deficits in maize. J.Exp. Bot., 42: 167–171.
  • Qin, YH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Bi JH, Zhang SL, Hu GB (2011). Response of in vitro strawberry to antibiotics. Plant Growth Regulator, 65: 183–193.
  • Shan S, Liu G, Li S, Miao P (2007). Effects of IAA, GA3 and 6-BA applied in autumn on plant quality of strawberry. Journal of Fruit Science, 24 (4): 545-548.
  • Sharma RR, Singh R (2009). Gibberellic acid influences the production of malformed and button berries, and fruit yield and quality in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.). Scientia Horticulturae 119: 430–433.
  • Sofy MR (2016). Effect of Gibberellic Acid, Paclobutrazol and Zinc on Growth, Physiological Attributes and the Antioxidant Defense System of Soybean (Glycine max) under Salinity Stress.International Journal of Plant Research, 6 (3): 64-87.
  • Sun D, Lu X, Hu Y, Li W, Hong K, Mo Y, Cahill DM, Xie J (2013a). Methyl jasmonate induced defense responses increase resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 in banana. Scientia Horticulturae, 164: 484–491.
  • Sun CH, Wang D, Hu YL, Li XH, Zhang WD, Sun J, Gao XL (2013b). Effects of Salicylic Acid on Physiological Characteristics of Strawberry Leaves under Drought Stress. Europ.J.Hort.Sci., 78 (3): 106–111.
  • Turhan E, Aydoğan Ç, Baykul A, Akoğlu A, Evrenosoğlu Y, Ergin S (2012). Apoplastic Antioxidant Enzymes in the Leaves of Two Strawberry Cultivars and Their Relationship to Cold-Hardiness. Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 40 (2): 114-122.
  • Uzal O (2017). The effect of GA3 applications at different doses on lipidperoxidation, chlorophyll, and antioxidant enzyme activities in pepper plants under salt stress. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (8): 5283-5288.
  • Wang SY (1999). Methyl Jasmonate Reduces Water Stress in Strawberry. Journal of Plant Growth Regulator, 18: 127–134.
  • Wang SY (2000). Effect Of Methyl Jasmonate On Water Stress In Strawberry. Acta Horticulture, 516: 89-96.
  • Yan Z, Chen J, Li X (2013). Methyl jasmonate as modulator of Cd toxicity in Capsicum frutescens var. fasciculatum seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98 : 203–209.
  • Yong Z, Hao-Ru T, Ya L (2008). Variation in Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Two Strawberry Cultivars with Short-term Low Temperature Stress. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4 (4): 458-462.
  • Yonghua Q, Shanglong Z, Asghar S, Lingxiao Z, Qiaoping Q, Kunsong C, Changjie X (2005). Regeneration mechanism of Toyonoka strawberry under different color plastic films. Plant Science, 168 : 1425–1431.
  • Zhang Y, Luo Y, Hou Y, Jiang H, Chen Q, Tang H (2008). Chilling Acclimation Induced Changes in the Distribution of H2O2 and antioxidant System of Strawberry Leaves. Agricultural Journal, 3(4):286-291.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Müttalip Gündoğdu 0000-0002-9375-7365

Selma Kuru Berk 0000-0002-4553-7069

Mustafa Kenan Geçer 0000-0003-1959-9909

Selma Kıpçak This is me 0000-0002-0563-1130

Özlem Çakmakcı This is me 0000-0001-6145-4442

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Acceptance Date April 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Gündoğdu, M., Kuru Berk, S., Geçer, M. K., Kıpçak, S., et al. (2019). Çilek Yapraklarının Antioksidan Enzim Aktiviteleri Üzerine Farklı Hormon Uygulamalarının Etkisi. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2), 225-232.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.