Research Article
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Optimization of Seed Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production: Effects of Pre-Sowing Gibberellic Acid Treatments and Planting DensityOptimization of Seed Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production: Effects of Pre-Sowing Gibberellic Acid Treatments and Planting Density

Year 2020, , 156 - 165, 31.03.2020


This research was carried out in 2016 and 2017 in Isparta conditions in order to determine the effectiveness of pre-sowing gibberellic acid applications and planting density on seed potato tuber production. In this study, GA3 was applied to seed tubers at 0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 ppm before planting and tubers were planted at different in-row spacing (20, 25 and 30 cm). GA3 applications significantly increased the number of main stem, number of tubers per hill, seed tuber yield and total tuber yield. As the planting density increased, number of tubers per hill, tuber yield per hill and average tuber weight decreased while seed tuber yield and total tuber yield increased. Planting at 20 cm in-row spacing by applying 3.0 and 4.5 ppm GA3 were the most effective applications in terms of seed tuber yield and the Grade A seed tuber yield increased by 57% and Grade B seed tuber yield increased by 88% with these treatments. In the study, it was understood that seed grade tuber yield could be increased without decreasing in total tuber yield with planted of tubers at a distance of 20 cm in-row spacing by applying 3.0 ppm GA3 before planting.


  • Allen, E.J., & Wurr, D.C.E. (1992). Plant Density. In PM Harris (Eds.), The Potato Crop, The scientific basis for improvement, Chapman & Hall, ,(pp. 293-333). UK.
  • Almeida, F.M., Sánchez, J.A., Noval, W.T., & Rodríguez, J.A.C. (2016). Effects of dıfferent plant spacıngs and seed tuber sızes on some morpho-productıve characterıstıcs of potato ın Huambo, Angola. Cultivos Tropicales, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 88-95.
  • Anonim, (2018). Patates bitkisine ait İsatistiki Veriler. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Erişim tarihi: 25.07.2019.
  • Anonim. (2017). Isparta Meteoroloji Bölge Müdürlüğü Kayıtları, Isparta.
  • Arıoğlu H., & Onaran H. (2002, Eylül). "Niğde koşulları patates yetiştiriciliğinde; farklı yumru iriliği ve bitki sıklığının, yumru verimi ve yumru kalibrasyonu üzerine etkileri", III. Ulusal Patates Kongresi , İZMİR, TÜRKIYE, cilt.1, ss.125-135.
  • Ayupov, Y., Apushev, A., Zamalieva, F.F., & Gabdulov M. (2014). the effect of planting density on the crop yield, the structure and the quality of middle-early variety of potato in The West Kazakhstan. Life Science Journal, 11(8): 545-548.
  • Barani M., Akbari N., & Ahmadi H., (2013). The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed size and sprouting of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research 8(29):3898-3903.
  • Biemelt S., Tschiersch H., & Sonnewald U., (2004). Impact of altered Gibberellins metabolism on biomass accumulation, lignin biosynthesis, and photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Physiology.135:254-265.
  • Bielinski, M., Santos, R. Persio & Rodriguez. (2008). Optimum in row distance for potato mini tuber production. Horticulture Technology. 18:403-406.
  • Bremner, P.M., & Taha, M.A. (1966). Effects of variety seed size and spacing on growth, development and yield. J. Agric. Sci. 66, 241-253.
  • Bussan A.J., Mitchell P.D., Copas M.E., & Drilias M.J. (2007). Evaluation of the effect of density on potato yield and tuber size distribution. Crop Sci., 47: 24622472.
  • Chapman H.W. (2006). Tuberisation in the potato plant. Physiologia Plantarum 11(2):215-224.
  • Çalışkan, M.E., & Arıoğlu, H. (2002, Eylül). Patateste büyümeyi düzenleyici kimyasalların farklı amaçlar için kullanımı. III. Ulusal Patates Kongresi, İzmir, 263-284. Gasimova, N.V., Mingaliev, S.K., & Laptev V.R. (2010). Yield and quality of potato tubers of different early ripeness groups depending on the growing technology methods in Middle Urals. Agricultural Gazette of the Urals, 5(71): 41-44. Gulluoglu L., & Arioglu H. (2009). Effects of seed size and in-row spacing on growth and yield of early potato in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey. African J. Agric. Res., 4: 535-541.
  • Holmes, J.C., Lang, R.W., & Singh, A.K. (1970). The effect of five growth regulators on apical dominance in potato seed tubers and on subsequent tuber production. Potato Res. 13: 342-352.
  • Jbour, M. (2003). Potato tuber dormancy period and ways of its regulation.(PhD), Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Poland, Jadwisin, 128s.
  • Love, S. L., & Thompson-Johns, A. (2006). Seed piece spacing influences yield, tuber size distribution, stem and tuber density, and net returns of three processing potato cultivars. Hort. Science. 34:629–633.
  • Love, S.L., & Thompson-Johns, A. (1999). Seed piece spacing influences yield, tuber size distribution, stem and tuber density, and net returns of three processing potato cultivars. Hort. Sci., 34: 629-633.
  • Mahmoodabad, Z.R., Jamaati-e-Somarin, S.H., Khayatnezhad, M., & Gholamin R. (2010). Quantitative and qualitative yield of potato tuber by used of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density. AmericanEurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 9(3): 310-318.
  • Masarirambii M.T., Mandisodza, F.C., Mashingaidze, A.B., & Bhebhe E. (2012). Influence of plant population and seed tuber size on growth and yield components of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 545–549.
  • Mikitzel, L.J. (1993). Influencing seed tuber yield of ranger russet and shepody potatoes with gibberellic acid. American Potato Journal, 70, 667- 676.
  • Moorby, J. (1967). Inter-stem and inter-tuber competition in potatoes. Eur. Potato J. 10: 189-205.
  • Razaq, M., Rab, A., Alam, H., Salahuddin, Saud, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2015). effect of potash levels and plant density on potato yield . Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 2224-3208, 5(13).
  • Rehman, F., Lee, S.K., Kim, H.S., Jeon, H.J., Park, J., & Joung, H. (2001). Dormancy breaking and effects on tuber yield of potato subjected to various chemicals and growth regulators under greenhouse conditions. OnLine Journal of Biolojical Science. 1(9): 818-820.
  • Rex, B.L. (1990). effects of seed piece population on the yield and processing quality of russet burbank potatoes. Am. J. Potato. Res. 67(8): 473-489.
  • Salimi, K.H., Tavakkol, A.R., Hosseini, M.B., & Struik, P.C. (2010). Effects of gibberellic acid and carbon disulphide on sprouting of potato minitubers. Scientia Horticulturae, 124, 14-18.
  • SAS Institute, (1999). INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0. Cary NC USA.
  • Somarin, S.J., Mahmoodabad, R.Z., & Yari A. (2010). Response of agronomical, physiological, apparent recovery nitrogen use efficiency and yield of potato tuber (solanum tuberosum l.), to nitrogen and plant density. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 9 (1): 16-21. Şanlı, A., & Karadoğan T. (2012). Isparta ekolojik koşullarında farklı olgunlaşma grubuna giren bazı patates (Solanum tuberosum l.) çeşitlerinin verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1), 33-41.
  • Şanlı, A., Karadoğan, T., Erbaş, S., & Tosun, B. (2015). The effects of plant densıty and eye number per seed pıece on potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) tuber yıeld. Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LVIII, 2015 ISSN 2285-5785.
  • Tahmorespour, M.A., Vishkai, M.N.S., & Soleymani A. (2013). Effect of plant density, date and depth of cultivation on yield and yield components of potato planting in the Chabahar. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 4 (8): 1890-1897. Tunçtürk, M., Tunçtürk, R., Yıldırım, B., & Eryiğit, T. (2004). Değişik azot dozları ve sıra üzeri mesafelerinin patateste (Solanum tuberosum l.) verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (J. Agric. Sci.), 14(2): 95-104.
  • Wiersema, S.G. (1987). Effect of stem density on potato production. Technical information Bulletin.
  • Yıldırım, Z., Çalışkan, C., Çaylak, Ö., & Yıldırım, M.B., (1999, Haziran). Dikim öncesi farklı gibberellik asit (GA3) uygulama zamanlarının bazı patates çeşitlerinde verim ve kalite özelliklerine etkileri, II. Ulusal Patates Kongresi, Erzurum, 332-342s.
  • Yılmaz, G., & Kahrıman, F. (2006, Eylül). Patates tarımında büyümeyi düzenleyici bazı kimyasalların etkilerinin incelenmesi, IV. Ulusal Patates Kongresi, Niğde, 356s.

Tohumluk Patates (Solanum tuberosum L.) Üretiminin Optimizasyonu: Dikim Öncesi Gibberellik Asit Uygulamaları ile Dikim Sıklığının Etkileri

Year 2020, , 156 - 165, 31.03.2020


Bu araştırma, tohumluk patates yumrusu üretiminde dikim öncesi gibberellik asit uygulamaları ile dikim sıklığının etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Isparta koşullarında 2016 ve 2017 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, dikimden önce tohumluk yumrulara 0, 1.5, 3.0 ve 4.5 ppm dozlarında GA3 uygulanmış ve yumrular 20, 25 ve 30 cm sıra üzeri mesafelerde dikilmiştir. GA3 uygulamaları patateste ana sal sayısı, ocakta yumru sayısı, tohumluk yumru verimi ve toplam yumru verimini önemli derecede arttırmıştır. Dikim sıklığı arttıkça ocakta yumru sayısı, ocak verimi ve ortalama yumru ağırlığı azalmış, tohumluk yumru verimi ile toplam yumru verimi ise artmıştır. Tohumluk yumru verimi bakımından en etkili uygulamalar 3.0 ve 4.5 ppm GA3 uygulanarak 20 cm sıklıkta yapılan dikimler olmuş, bu uygulamalar ile A sınıfı tohumluk yumru veriminde yaklaşık % 57, B sınıfı tohumluk yumru veriminde ise % 88 artış sağlanmıştır. Çalışmada patates yumrularının dikim öncesi 3.0 ppm GA3 uygulanarak 20 cm sıra üzeri mesafede dikilmeleri ile toplam yumru veriminde azalma olmadan tohumluk sınıfına giren yumru veriminin arttırılabileceği anlaşılmıştır


  • Allen, E.J., & Wurr, D.C.E. (1992). Plant Density. In PM Harris (Eds.), The Potato Crop, The scientific basis for improvement, Chapman & Hall, ,(pp. 293-333). UK.
  • Almeida, F.M., Sánchez, J.A., Noval, W.T., & Rodríguez, J.A.C. (2016). Effects of dıfferent plant spacıngs and seed tuber sızes on some morpho-productıve characterıstıcs of potato ın Huambo, Angola. Cultivos Tropicales, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 88-95.
  • Anonim, (2018). Patates bitkisine ait İsatistiki Veriler. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Erişim tarihi: 25.07.2019.
  • Anonim. (2017). Isparta Meteoroloji Bölge Müdürlüğü Kayıtları, Isparta.
  • Arıoğlu H., & Onaran H. (2002, Eylül). "Niğde koşulları patates yetiştiriciliğinde; farklı yumru iriliği ve bitki sıklığının, yumru verimi ve yumru kalibrasyonu üzerine etkileri", III. Ulusal Patates Kongresi , İZMİR, TÜRKIYE, cilt.1, ss.125-135.
  • Ayupov, Y., Apushev, A., Zamalieva, F.F., & Gabdulov M. (2014). the effect of planting density on the crop yield, the structure and the quality of middle-early variety of potato in The West Kazakhstan. Life Science Journal, 11(8): 545-548.
  • Barani M., Akbari N., & Ahmadi H., (2013). The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed size and sprouting of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research 8(29):3898-3903.
  • Biemelt S., Tschiersch H., & Sonnewald U., (2004). Impact of altered Gibberellins metabolism on biomass accumulation, lignin biosynthesis, and photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Physiology.135:254-265.
  • Bielinski, M., Santos, R. Persio & Rodriguez. (2008). Optimum in row distance for potato mini tuber production. Horticulture Technology. 18:403-406.
  • Bremner, P.M., & Taha, M.A. (1966). Effects of variety seed size and spacing on growth, development and yield. J. Agric. Sci. 66, 241-253.
  • Bussan A.J., Mitchell P.D., Copas M.E., & Drilias M.J. (2007). Evaluation of the effect of density on potato yield and tuber size distribution. Crop Sci., 47: 24622472.
  • Chapman H.W. (2006). Tuberisation in the potato plant. Physiologia Plantarum 11(2):215-224.
  • Çalışkan, M.E., & Arıoğlu, H. (2002, Eylül). Patateste büyümeyi düzenleyici kimyasalların farklı amaçlar için kullanımı. III. Ulusal Patates Kongresi, İzmir, 263-284. Gasimova, N.V., Mingaliev, S.K., & Laptev V.R. (2010). Yield and quality of potato tubers of different early ripeness groups depending on the growing technology methods in Middle Urals. Agricultural Gazette of the Urals, 5(71): 41-44. Gulluoglu L., & Arioglu H. (2009). Effects of seed size and in-row spacing on growth and yield of early potato in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey. African J. Agric. Res., 4: 535-541.
  • Holmes, J.C., Lang, R.W., & Singh, A.K. (1970). The effect of five growth regulators on apical dominance in potato seed tubers and on subsequent tuber production. Potato Res. 13: 342-352.
  • Jbour, M. (2003). Potato tuber dormancy period and ways of its regulation.(PhD), Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Poland, Jadwisin, 128s.
  • Love, S. L., & Thompson-Johns, A. (2006). Seed piece spacing influences yield, tuber size distribution, stem and tuber density, and net returns of three processing potato cultivars. Hort. Science. 34:629–633.
  • Love, S.L., & Thompson-Johns, A. (1999). Seed piece spacing influences yield, tuber size distribution, stem and tuber density, and net returns of three processing potato cultivars. Hort. Sci., 34: 629-633.
  • Mahmoodabad, Z.R., Jamaati-e-Somarin, S.H., Khayatnezhad, M., & Gholamin R. (2010). Quantitative and qualitative yield of potato tuber by used of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density. AmericanEurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 9(3): 310-318.
  • Masarirambii M.T., Mandisodza, F.C., Mashingaidze, A.B., & Bhebhe E. (2012). Influence of plant population and seed tuber size on growth and yield components of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 545–549.
  • Mikitzel, L.J. (1993). Influencing seed tuber yield of ranger russet and shepody potatoes with gibberellic acid. American Potato Journal, 70, 667- 676.
  • Moorby, J. (1967). Inter-stem and inter-tuber competition in potatoes. Eur. Potato J. 10: 189-205.
  • Razaq, M., Rab, A., Alam, H., Salahuddin, Saud, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2015). effect of potash levels and plant density on potato yield . Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 2224-3208, 5(13).
  • Rehman, F., Lee, S.K., Kim, H.S., Jeon, H.J., Park, J., & Joung, H. (2001). Dormancy breaking and effects on tuber yield of potato subjected to various chemicals and growth regulators under greenhouse conditions. OnLine Journal of Biolojical Science. 1(9): 818-820.
  • Rex, B.L. (1990). effects of seed piece population on the yield and processing quality of russet burbank potatoes. Am. J. Potato. Res. 67(8): 473-489.
  • Salimi, K.H., Tavakkol, A.R., Hosseini, M.B., & Struik, P.C. (2010). Effects of gibberellic acid and carbon disulphide on sprouting of potato minitubers. Scientia Horticulturae, 124, 14-18.
  • SAS Institute, (1999). INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0. Cary NC USA.
  • Somarin, S.J., Mahmoodabad, R.Z., & Yari A. (2010). Response of agronomical, physiological, apparent recovery nitrogen use efficiency and yield of potato tuber (solanum tuberosum l.), to nitrogen and plant density. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 9 (1): 16-21. Şanlı, A., & Karadoğan T. (2012). Isparta ekolojik koşullarında farklı olgunlaşma grubuna giren bazı patates (Solanum tuberosum l.) çeşitlerinin verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1), 33-41.
  • Şanlı, A., Karadoğan, T., Erbaş, S., & Tosun, B. (2015). The effects of plant densıty and eye number per seed pıece on potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) tuber yıeld. Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LVIII, 2015 ISSN 2285-5785.
  • Tahmorespour, M.A., Vishkai, M.N.S., & Soleymani A. (2013). Effect of plant density, date and depth of cultivation on yield and yield components of potato planting in the Chabahar. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 4 (8): 1890-1897. Tunçtürk, M., Tunçtürk, R., Yıldırım, B., & Eryiğit, T. (2004). Değişik azot dozları ve sıra üzeri mesafelerinin patateste (Solanum tuberosum l.) verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (J. Agric. Sci.), 14(2): 95-104.
  • Wiersema, S.G. (1987). Effect of stem density on potato production. Technical information Bulletin.
  • Yıldırım, Z., Çalışkan, C., Çaylak, Ö., & Yıldırım, M.B., (1999, Haziran). Dikim öncesi farklı gibberellik asit (GA3) uygulama zamanlarının bazı patates çeşitlerinde verim ve kalite özelliklerine etkileri, II. Ulusal Patates Kongresi, Erzurum, 332-342s.
  • Yılmaz, G., & Kahrıman, F. (2006, Eylül). Patates tarımında büyümeyi düzenleyici bazı kimyasalların etkilerinin incelenmesi, IV. Ulusal Patates Kongresi, Niğde, 356s.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Arif Şanlı 0000-0002-5443-2082

Yeşim Cirit 0000-0001-9178-5752

Publication Date March 31, 2020
Acceptance Date February 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Şanlı, A., & Cirit, Y. (2020). Tohumluk Patates (Solanum tuberosum L.) Üretiminin Optimizasyonu: Dikim Öncesi Gibberellik Asit Uygulamaları ile Dikim Sıklığının Etkileri. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(1), 156-165.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.