Research Article
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Poultry Farmers’ Training Needs Analysis in Edo State, Nigeria

Year 2021, , 216 - 227, 30.03.2021


This study assessed the training needs poultry farmers in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. The objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the poultry farmers, examine the perceived training needs of the poultry farmers, ascertain the sources of information to poultry farmers, determine the sources of assistance to poultry farmers and identify the constraints to the training of poultry farmers. A quota sampling technique was used to select 84 respondents. The study results revealed that the mean age of the respondents was 33years and more of the respondents were male. More of the respondents were married and had an average household of 6 persons. The respondents were educated up to the secondary education level with a mean farming experience of 8 years and extension visits were annual. This study unveiled that respondents lacked competence among others in feed formulation (85.7%) and medication provision (76.2%). The majority of the poultry farmers possess a high level of awareness from cooperative society (75%) as the highest source of information while few of them possess low-level awareness from extension workers (47.6%). Self- help (mean = 3.26) was the highest source of assistance to the poultry farmers. The constraints such as inadequate farming fund (mean = 3.19), inadequate training provision (mean = 3.10) and inadequate input support (mean = 3.08) were considered to be the most serious. It was recommended that extension workers should be ready to make themselves available to farmers monthly.


  • Adesehinwa, A. O. K., Okunola, J. O. and Adewumi, M. K. (2004). Socioeconomic Characteristics of Ruminant Livestock Farmers and their Production ConstraintsSouth-western Nigeria, Livestock Research for Rural Development, 16 (2): 1-11 Aromolarun, O. (1999). Analysis of household preferences and determinants in the consumption of meat . 1510.htm Banmeke T.O.A, Omoregbee F.E 2009. Rubber Farmers’ Perceived Factors Militating Against Rubber Production in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2(2): 33- 39. Brown, A. (2002). “Six weeks to live”. The Guardian. Retrieved February 21, 2014 Evbuomwan, G.(2005). Empirical Analysis of cost and Returns to Commercial Table Egg Production in Lagos State.In the proceedings of Farm Management Association of Nigeria Conference, pp: 18-20 Fabusoro, E., Awotunde, J.A., Sodiya, C. I. and Alarima, C.I. (2008). Status of Job Motivation and Job Performance of Field Extension Agents in Ogun State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Development. Journal of Agricultural Extension 12(2), 1-13 Farinde, A.J., A.O. Ajayi and O.D.Kolawole (2004).Emerging role of extension agents and agencies in managing controversy/ conflict situations for continuity of extension operations.Paper presented at the 9th AESON Annual Conference O.A.U. Ille-ife, Nigeria September 6-11 Federal Republic of Nigeria (2017). Edo State coordinates. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2002). Proceedings of the Workshop on Rural Radio and Food Security, 5–9 November 2001. Food and Agriculture Organization. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2009). State of Food Insecurity in the World 2009 (FAO, Rome, 2009). Gbigbi, M. T and. Ovharhe, O. J. (2017). Analysis of Credit inputs and Constraints facing Plantain Production Farmers in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 20 (2): 3047 – 3051
  • Goreux L M (2003). Cotton Producers in Africa vis US and EU Subsidies. Prelude to the Cancun Negotiations. European Parliament: Brussels, pp. 4-10. Ike, P. C (2011). Resource Use and Technical Efficiency of Small scale Poultry Farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. International Journal of Poultry Science10 (11): 895-898 Jabil, I. Y. (2009).Marketing of Selected product in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Agricultural Economics and Extension programme, School of Agricultural Technology, AbubakarTafawaBalewa University, Bauchi, 114. Jamagani Z.B. (2013. Relationship between problems and needs of extension workers: A case study of Maigana and Samaru zones of Kaduna State Agricultural Development Project, Nigeria. Agricultural Consultant No 11 IdrisGidado Road Hanwa GRA Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria Jamil, R (2006). Training Needs Analysis Practice: A survey on large scale companies in manufacturing industry in west Malaysia, Monograph (project report)edn,faculty of management and Human Resources Development, Skudai, Johor , Malaysia Jasim, E (2016). Training Needs of Agriculture Extension Officers in Iraq, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 6 (2), 146 ISSN: 2250-3153 Jayarante K S U., Owen M. and Jones, D (2010). Evaluating a New and Aspiring Country Extension Director Leadership Education Program: Determining Outcomes and Needed Improvement. Journal of Leadership Education (on-line)9, (1) 17-35 Madukwe, M.C. and L.O. Obibuaku, (1991).Effects of personal factors on the effectiveness of extension supervisors. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Extension, 6, (1 & 2), pp. 34-39 Marchington, M. and Wilkinson, A., ‘Direct Participation’, in S. Back & K. Sisson (eds), Personnel Management, 3rd edition, Oxford, Blackwell, 2000. McGehee, W. and Thayer, P.W. (1961), “Training in Business and Industry”, New York: Wiley Miller, J. A and Osinik D.M (2002). Training needs assessment. White Paper edn Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), USA Miller, H. (2004). Agricultural Credit and Finance in Africa. Rockefeller Foundation USA pp 121. Murtala, N. (2004). Cost and Return Analysis of Poultry Egg Marketing in Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria Ovharhe, O. J. (2015). Socio-Economic Determinants affecting Plantain Production in Ovia North East Local Government Areas in Edo State. Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 13 (2):12-20 Raheem .O.A (2011). Poultry farmers awareness and knowledge of improved production practices id?htm Stone, R (2000) Human Resources Management 4th edn Wiley Art Department, Milton Australia Uzokwe, U.N. and Ovharhe, O. J. (2011). Assessment of Participatory Tools Used by Agricultural Extension Agents in Delta State ADP International Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics.1 (2): 39-48.

Kümes Hayvanı Çiftçilerinin Nijerya, Edo Eyaletindeki Eğitim İhtiyaç Analizi

Year 2021, , 216 - 227, 30.03.2021


Bu çalışmada, Edo Eyaleti Egor Yerel Yönetim Bölgesi'ndeki kümes hayvanı çiftçilerinin eğitim ihtiyaçlarını değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, kümes hayvanı çiftçilerinin sosyo-ekonomik özelliklerini tanımlamak, kümes hayvanı çiftçilerinin algılanan eğitim ihtiyaçlarını incelemek, kümes hayvanı çiftçilerine bilgi kaynaklarını tespit etmek, kümes hayvanı çiftçilerine yardım kaynaklarını belirlemek ve eğitimin önündeki kısıtlamaları belirlemektir. kümes hayvanı çiftçileri. 84 deneği seçmek için bir kota örnekleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları, katılımcıların ortalama yaşının 33 olduğunu ve katılımcıların daha fazlasının erkek olduğunu ortaya koydu. Ankete katılanların çoğu evli ve ortalama haneleri 6 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Ankete katılanlar, ortalama 8 yıllık bir çiftçilik deneyimi ile orta öğretim seviyesine sahiptir ve yayım ziyaretleri yıllık gerçekleşmiştir. Bu çalışma, katılımcıların yem formülasyonu (% 85.7) ve ilaç sağlama (% 76.2) konularında diğerleri arasında yeterlilikten yoksun olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Kümes hayvanı çiftçilerinin çoğunluğu, en yüksek bilgi kaynağı olarak kooperatif toplumundan yüksek düzeyde bir farkındalığa (% 75) sahipken, bunların birkaçı, yayım çalışanlarından düşük düzeyde farkındalığa (% 47.6) sahiptir. Kendi kendine yardım (ortalama = 3,26) kanatlı çiftçilere en yüksek yardım kaynağı durumundadır. Yetersiz tarım fonu (ortalama = 3.19), yetersiz eğitim sağlanması (ortalama = 3.10) ve yetersiz girdi desteği (ortalama = 3.08) gibi kısıtlamalar en ciddi olanlar olarak kabul edilmektedir. Yayım çalışanlarının, aylık olarak çiftçilere hizmet vermeye hazır olmaları önerilmektedir.


  • Adesehinwa, A. O. K., Okunola, J. O. and Adewumi, M. K. (2004). Socioeconomic Characteristics of Ruminant Livestock Farmers and their Production ConstraintsSouth-western Nigeria, Livestock Research for Rural Development, 16 (2): 1-11 Aromolarun, O. (1999). Analysis of household preferences and determinants in the consumption of meat . 1510.htm Banmeke T.O.A, Omoregbee F.E 2009. Rubber Farmers’ Perceived Factors Militating Against Rubber Production in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2(2): 33- 39. Brown, A. (2002). “Six weeks to live”. The Guardian. Retrieved February 21, 2014 Evbuomwan, G.(2005). Empirical Analysis of cost and Returns to Commercial Table Egg Production in Lagos State.In the proceedings of Farm Management Association of Nigeria Conference, pp: 18-20 Fabusoro, E., Awotunde, J.A., Sodiya, C. I. and Alarima, C.I. (2008). Status of Job Motivation and Job Performance of Field Extension Agents in Ogun State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Development. Journal of Agricultural Extension 12(2), 1-13 Farinde, A.J., A.O. Ajayi and O.D.Kolawole (2004).Emerging role of extension agents and agencies in managing controversy/ conflict situations for continuity of extension operations.Paper presented at the 9th AESON Annual Conference O.A.U. Ille-ife, Nigeria September 6-11 Federal Republic of Nigeria (2017). Edo State coordinates. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2002). Proceedings of the Workshop on Rural Radio and Food Security, 5–9 November 2001. Food and Agriculture Organization. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2009). State of Food Insecurity in the World 2009 (FAO, Rome, 2009). Gbigbi, M. T and. Ovharhe, O. J. (2017). Analysis of Credit inputs and Constraints facing Plantain Production Farmers in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 20 (2): 3047 – 3051
  • Goreux L M (2003). Cotton Producers in Africa vis US and EU Subsidies. Prelude to the Cancun Negotiations. European Parliament: Brussels, pp. 4-10. Ike, P. C (2011). Resource Use and Technical Efficiency of Small scale Poultry Farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. International Journal of Poultry Science10 (11): 895-898 Jabil, I. Y. (2009).Marketing of Selected product in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Agricultural Economics and Extension programme, School of Agricultural Technology, AbubakarTafawaBalewa University, Bauchi, 114. Jamagani Z.B. (2013. Relationship between problems and needs of extension workers: A case study of Maigana and Samaru zones of Kaduna State Agricultural Development Project, Nigeria. Agricultural Consultant No 11 IdrisGidado Road Hanwa GRA Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria Jamil, R (2006). Training Needs Analysis Practice: A survey on large scale companies in manufacturing industry in west Malaysia, Monograph (project report)edn,faculty of management and Human Resources Development, Skudai, Johor , Malaysia Jasim, E (2016). Training Needs of Agriculture Extension Officers in Iraq, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 6 (2), 146 ISSN: 2250-3153 Jayarante K S U., Owen M. and Jones, D (2010). Evaluating a New and Aspiring Country Extension Director Leadership Education Program: Determining Outcomes and Needed Improvement. Journal of Leadership Education (on-line)9, (1) 17-35 Madukwe, M.C. and L.O. Obibuaku, (1991).Effects of personal factors on the effectiveness of extension supervisors. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Extension, 6, (1 & 2), pp. 34-39 Marchington, M. and Wilkinson, A., ‘Direct Participation’, in S. Back & K. Sisson (eds), Personnel Management, 3rd edition, Oxford, Blackwell, 2000. McGehee, W. and Thayer, P.W. (1961), “Training in Business and Industry”, New York: Wiley Miller, J. A and Osinik D.M (2002). Training needs assessment. White Paper edn Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), USA Miller, H. (2004). Agricultural Credit and Finance in Africa. Rockefeller Foundation USA pp 121. Murtala, N. (2004). Cost and Return Analysis of Poultry Egg Marketing in Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria Ovharhe, O. J. (2015). Socio-Economic Determinants affecting Plantain Production in Ovia North East Local Government Areas in Edo State. Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 13 (2):12-20 Raheem .O.A (2011). Poultry farmers awareness and knowledge of improved production practices id?htm Stone, R (2000) Human Resources Management 4th edn Wiley Art Department, Milton Australia Uzokwe, U.N. and Ovharhe, O. J. (2011). Assessment of Participatory Tools Used by Agricultural Extension Agents in Delta State ADP International Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics.1 (2): 39-48.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Ovharhe Oghenero 0000-0003-0732-2793

Edith Uhunmwangho This is me 0000-0001-6792-7300

Elizabeth Yarhere This is me 0000-0001-6693-5595

Oghenesuvwe Okpara This is me 0000-0001-6751-1639

Publication Date March 30, 2021
Acceptance Date September 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Oghenero, O., Uhunmwangho, E., Yarhere, E., Okpara, O. (2021). Poultry Farmers’ Training Needs Analysis in Edo State, Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 216-227.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.