Research Article
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Evaluation of the Fungicide Resistance of Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) in Tomatoes to Boscalid and Pyraclostrobin in Greenhouse Areas of Turkey

Year 2021, , 487 - 493, 30.06.2021


Botrytis cinerea, a polyphagous pathogen, can infect all of the aboveground parts of tomato plants and cause significant yield and quality losses. Fungicides are commonly used for the control of this pathogen. Currently, resistance to fungicides, which provide the effective and fast control of pathogens, is an important problem. In this study, resistance of B. cinerea isolates obtained from tomato greenhouses in Antalya province against Signum® (boscalid + pyraclostrobin) and Cantus® (boscalid) fungicides were evaluated under in vitro conditions. Mycelium growth tests conducted with different fungicide concentrations and EC50 values were calculated. While EC50 values of isolates sensitive to boscalid varied between 0.7 and 8.6 μg/ml, EC50 values of isolates sensitive to boscalid + pyraclostrobin were found to be between 0.1 and 1.9 μg/ml. Conidial germination tests were carried out in a 2% water agar (WA) medium. It was determined that isolates 61, 69, 72, and 81 were resistant to both fungicides, while isolates 57 and 97 were sensitive to boscalid and resistant to boscalid + pyraclostrobin. It has been determined that 20% of the isolates were resistant to both fungicides. Isolates resistant to boscalid but sensitive to boscalid+pyraclostrobin were not found. With this current in vitro study, the first data on the resistance formation against boscalid and boscalid + pyraclostrobin active ingredients in B. cinerea populations in Antalya province were presented. There is a need to develop integrated control programs that can be used in the control of the pathogen.

Supporting Institution

TÜBİTAK 2209 Student Project

Project Number



We would like to thank İlham Uzun and BASF Central Anatolia and Black Sea Branch of Turkey for their assistance in the supply of Cantus® and Signum® fungicides. This study was financially supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209 Student Project (Grant number1919B011900973).


  • De Miccolis Angelini, R. M., Habib, W., Rotolo, C., Pollastro, S., & Faretra, F. (2010). Selection, characterization and genetic analysis of laboratory mutants of Botryotinia fuckeliana (Botrytis cinerea) resistant to the fungicide boscalid. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128, 185-199.
  • FAO. (2020). Access date: 10.10.2019.
  • Fernández-Ortuño, D., Chen, F., & Schnabel, G. (2012). Resistance to pyraclostrobin and boscalid in Botrytis cinerea isolates from strawberry fields in the Carolinas. Plant Disease, 96, 1198-1203.
  • Fernández-Ortuño, D., Grabke, A., Bryson, P. K., Amiri, A., Peres, N. A., & Schnabel, G. (2014). Fungicide resistance profiles in Botrytis cinerea from strawberry fields of seven southern U.S. states. Plant Disease, 98, 825-833.
  • Fernández-Ortuño, D., Torés, J. A., de Vicente, A., & Pérez-García, A. (2008). Mechanisms of resistance to QoI fungicides in phytopathogenic fungi. International Microbiology, 11, 1-9.
  • FRAC. (2020). Access date: 10.10.2019.
  • Gül, E., & Karakaya, A. (2020). 30th Scientific-Experts Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. AgriConf 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, In: Brka M, Omanović-Mikličanin E, Karić L, Falan V, Toroman A (eds) Prevalence of Botrytis cinerea in tomato greenhouses in Antalya province of Turkey and phenotypic characterization of isolates, 78 Springer, Switzerland, pp 98-106.
  • Hahn, M. (2014). The rising threat of fungicide resistance in plant pathogenic fungi: Botrytis as a case study. Journal of Chemical Biology, 7, 133-141.
  • Kim, Y. K., & Xiao, C. L. (2010). Resistance to pyraclostrobin and boscalid in populations of Botrytis cinerea from stored apples in Washington State. Plant Disease, 94, 604-612.
  • Konstantinou, S., Veloukas, T., Leroch, M., Menexes, G., Hahn, M., & Karaoglanidis, G. (2015). Population structure, fungicide resistance profile, and sdhB mutation frequency of Botrytis cinerea from strawberry and greenhouse-grown tomato in Greece. Plant Disease, 99, 240-248.
  • Leroux, P., Gredt, M., Leroch, M., & Walker, A. S. (2010). Exploring mechanisms of resistance to respiratory inhibitors in field strains of Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76, 6615-6630.
  • Liu, S., Che, Z., & Chen, G. (2016). Multiple-fungicide resistance to carbendazim, diethofencarb, procymidone, and pyrimethanil in field isolates of Botrytis cinerea from tomato in Henan Province, China. Crop Protection, 84, 56-61.
  • Tuik. (2019). Access date: 12.10.19.
  • Veloukas, T., Leroch, M., Hahn, M., & Karaoglanidis, G. S. (2011). Detection and molecular characterization of boscalid-resistant Botrytis cinerea isolates from strawberry. Plant Disease, 95, 1302-1307.
  • Veloukas, T., Kalogeropoulou, P., Markoglou, A. N., & Karaoglanidis, G. S. (2014). Fitness and competitive ability of Botrytis cinerea field isolates with dual resistance to SDHI and QoI fungicides, associated with several sdhB and the cytb G143A mutations. Phytopathology, 104, 347- 356.
  • Weber, R. W. S. (2011). Resistance of Botrytis cinerea to multiple fungicides in Northern German small-fruit production. Plant Disease, 95, 1263-1269.
  • Yin, Y. N., Kim, Y. K., & Xiao, C. L. (2011) Molecular characterization of boscalid resistance in field isolates of Botrytis cinerea from apple. Phytopathology, 101, 986-995.

Türkiye’de Domates Seralarında Kurşuni Küf (Botrytis cinerea) Hastalığının Boscalid ve Pyraclostrobin’e Karşı Fungisit Dayanıklılığının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, , 487 - 493, 30.06.2021


Polifag bir patojen olan Botrytis cinerea, domatesin toprak üstü kısımlarını enfekte edebilmekte ve önemli verim ve kalite kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. Fungisitler bu patojenin kontrolünde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde patojenlerin etkili ve hızlı kontrolünü sağlayan fungisitlere karşı dayanıklılık oluşumu önemli bir sorundur. Bu çalışmada Antalya ili domates seralarından elde edilen B. cinerea izolatlarının Signum® (boscalid + pyraclostrobin) ve Cantus® (boscalid) fungisitlerine karşı dayanıklılığı in vitro koşullarda değerlendirilmiştir. Farklı fungisit konsantrasyonları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen misel gelişim testleri ile EC50 değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Boscalid’e hassas izolatların EC50 değerleri 0,7 ile 8,6 μg/ml arasında değişirken, boscalid + pyraclostrobin etken maddelerine karşı hassas izolatların EC50 değerleri 0,1 ile 1,9 μg/ml arasında bulunmuştur. Konidi çimlenme testleri % 2’lik su agarı (WA) ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. 61, 69, 72 ve 81 numaralı izolatların her iki fungisite dayanıklı olduğu, 57 ve 97 numaralı izolatların boscalide hassas iken boscalid + pyraclostrobin’e dayanıklı olduğu belirlenmiştir. İzolatların %20'sinin her iki fungiside dayanıklı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Boscalid’e dayanıklı, ancak boscalid + pyraclostrobin’e hassas izolatlar bulunamamıştır. Bu çalışmada Antalya ilindeki B. cinerea populasyonlarında boscalid ve boscalid + pyraclostrobin etken maddelerine karşı dayanıklılık oluşumuna ilişkin ilk veriler sunulmuştur. Patojenin mücadelesinde entegre mücadele programlarının geliştirilmesine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.

Project Number



  • De Miccolis Angelini, R. M., Habib, W., Rotolo, C., Pollastro, S., & Faretra, F. (2010). Selection, characterization and genetic analysis of laboratory mutants of Botryotinia fuckeliana (Botrytis cinerea) resistant to the fungicide boscalid. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128, 185-199.
  • FAO. (2020). Access date: 10.10.2019.
  • Fernández-Ortuño, D., Chen, F., & Schnabel, G. (2012). Resistance to pyraclostrobin and boscalid in Botrytis cinerea isolates from strawberry fields in the Carolinas. Plant Disease, 96, 1198-1203.
  • Fernández-Ortuño, D., Grabke, A., Bryson, P. K., Amiri, A., Peres, N. A., & Schnabel, G. (2014). Fungicide resistance profiles in Botrytis cinerea from strawberry fields of seven southern U.S. states. Plant Disease, 98, 825-833.
  • Fernández-Ortuño, D., Torés, J. A., de Vicente, A., & Pérez-García, A. (2008). Mechanisms of resistance to QoI fungicides in phytopathogenic fungi. International Microbiology, 11, 1-9.
  • FRAC. (2020). Access date: 10.10.2019.
  • Gül, E., & Karakaya, A. (2020). 30th Scientific-Experts Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. AgriConf 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, In: Brka M, Omanović-Mikličanin E, Karić L, Falan V, Toroman A (eds) Prevalence of Botrytis cinerea in tomato greenhouses in Antalya province of Turkey and phenotypic characterization of isolates, 78 Springer, Switzerland, pp 98-106.
  • Hahn, M. (2014). The rising threat of fungicide resistance in plant pathogenic fungi: Botrytis as a case study. Journal of Chemical Biology, 7, 133-141.
  • Kim, Y. K., & Xiao, C. L. (2010). Resistance to pyraclostrobin and boscalid in populations of Botrytis cinerea from stored apples in Washington State. Plant Disease, 94, 604-612.
  • Konstantinou, S., Veloukas, T., Leroch, M., Menexes, G., Hahn, M., & Karaoglanidis, G. (2015). Population structure, fungicide resistance profile, and sdhB mutation frequency of Botrytis cinerea from strawberry and greenhouse-grown tomato in Greece. Plant Disease, 99, 240-248.
  • Leroux, P., Gredt, M., Leroch, M., & Walker, A. S. (2010). Exploring mechanisms of resistance to respiratory inhibitors in field strains of Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76, 6615-6630.
  • Liu, S., Che, Z., & Chen, G. (2016). Multiple-fungicide resistance to carbendazim, diethofencarb, procymidone, and pyrimethanil in field isolates of Botrytis cinerea from tomato in Henan Province, China. Crop Protection, 84, 56-61.
  • Tuik. (2019). Access date: 12.10.19.
  • Veloukas, T., Leroch, M., Hahn, M., & Karaoglanidis, G. S. (2011). Detection and molecular characterization of boscalid-resistant Botrytis cinerea isolates from strawberry. Plant Disease, 95, 1302-1307.
  • Veloukas, T., Kalogeropoulou, P., Markoglou, A. N., & Karaoglanidis, G. S. (2014). Fitness and competitive ability of Botrytis cinerea field isolates with dual resistance to SDHI and QoI fungicides, associated with several sdhB and the cytb G143A mutations. Phytopathology, 104, 347- 356.
  • Weber, R. W. S. (2011). Resistance of Botrytis cinerea to multiple fungicides in Northern German small-fruit production. Plant Disease, 95, 1263-1269.
  • Yin, Y. N., Kim, Y. K., & Xiao, C. L. (2011) Molecular characterization of boscalid resistance in field isolates of Botrytis cinerea from apple. Phytopathology, 101, 986-995.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Esra Gül 0000-0002-8001-3412

Zeynep Karataş This is me 0000-0002-6487-9451

Aziz Karakaya This is me

Project Number 1919B011900973
Publication Date June 30, 2021
Acceptance Date March 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gül, E., Karataş, Z., & Karakaya, A. (2021). Evaluation of the Fungicide Resistance of Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) in Tomatoes to Boscalid and Pyraclostrobin in Greenhouse Areas of Turkey. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(2), 487-493.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.