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The Impacts of Clove Extract Incorporated Gelatine/Glycerol Based Edible Film Covered PET Packaging on the Ready-to-eat ‘Wonderful’ Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Arils

Year 2021, , 606 - 616, 15.09.2021


Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) arils are so perishable and have very short storability after extracting from the fruit peel. Therefore, several techniques have been used for the improvement of the arils’ storability. Among these techniques, edible films and coatings have a long history in food preservation; where most of the studies have focused on edible coatings. Therefore, present study aimed to test the performance of clove extract incorporated gelatine/glycerine based edible film covered PET packaging on the ready-to-eat ‘Wonderful’ pomegranate arils. Edible films were prepared in 4 different compositions, including; EF1: only gelatine and glycerine, EF2: gelatine/glycerine with clove extract, EF3: gelatine/glycerine with clove extract and some additives and EF4: gelatine/glycerine with only additives. Un-covered PET packages were then used as a control group. Studies were conducted with 35 boxes (each with 50 arils) in each group, and the boxes were stored at 4 ± 0.5 ºC and 90-95 % relative humidity for 14 days. Quality parameters were observed with 2-days interval. Results suggested that all of the four edible films are effective in preventing weight loss, mechanical damage, loss in sensory quality, reduction of soluble solids content, decline in titratable acidity and loss of ascorbic acid content of the pomegranate arils. The highest efficacy was noted from EF2 and EF3, which were incorporated with clove extract. According to the measured parameters, the edible films together with the PET packaging make it possible to store arils for 10 days with acceptable sensory quality.


  • Adiletta, G., Petriccione, M., Liguori, L., Zampella, L., Mastrobuoni, F., & Di Matteo, M. (2019). Overall quality and antioxidant enzymes of ready‐to‐eat ‘Purple Queen’pomegranate arils during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 155, 20-28. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.05.008
  • Aliasgarian, S., Ghassemzadeh, H. R., Moghaddam, M., & Ghaffari, H. (2013). Mechanical damage of strawberry during harvest and postharvest operations. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(7), 969-974. doi:10.1515/ata-2015-0001
  • Ayhan, Z., & Estürk, O. (2009). Overall quality and shelf life of minimally processed and modified atmosphere packaged “ready-to-eat” pomegranate arils. Journal of Food Science, 74(5), 399-405. doi:10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01184.x.
  • Brasil, I. M., Gomes, C., Puerta-Gomez, A., Castell-Perez, M. E., & Moreira, R. G. (2012). Polysaccharide-based multilayered antimicrobial edible coating enhances quality of fresh-cut papaya. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 47(1), 39-45. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2012.01.005
  • Caleb, O.J., Mahajan, P.V., Manley, M., & Opara, U.L. (2013). Evaluation of parameters affecting modified atmosphere packaging engineering design for pomegranate arils. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48 (11), 2315-2323. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12220
  • Erkan, M., & Kader, A. A. (2011). Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.). In E. M. Yahia (Ed.), Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits, volume 4, mangosteen to white sapote (pp. 231–249). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
  • Fawole, O. A., & Opara, U. L. (2013). Effects of storage temperature and duration on physiological responses of pomegranate fruit. Industrial Crops and Products, 47, 300-309. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.03.028
  • Hasheminejad, N., & Khodaiyan, F. (2020). The effect of clove essential oil loaded chitosan nanoparticles on the shelf life and quality of pomegranate arils. Food Chemistry, 309, 125520. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125520
  • Hassan, B., Chatha, S. A. S., Hussain, A. I., Zia, K. M., & Akhtar, N. (2018). Recent advances on polysaccharides, lipids and protein based edible films and coatings: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 109, 1095-1107. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.11.097
  • Kahramanoğlu, İ. (2019). Trends in pomegranate sector: production, postharvest handling and marketing. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 3(2), 239-246.
  • Kahramanoğlu, İ., Aktaş, M., & Gündüz, Ş. (2018). Effects of fludioxonil, propolis and black seed oil application on the postharvest quality of “Wonderful” pomegranate. Plos one, 13(5), e0198411. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0198411
  • Kahramanoğlu, İ., Usanmaz, S., Alas, T., Okatan, V., & Wan, C. (2020). Combined effect of hot water dipping and Cistus creticus L. leaf extracts on the storage quality of fresh Valencia oranges. Folia Horticulturae, 32(2), 337-350. doi:10.2478/fhort-2020-0029
  • Lansky, E. P., & Newman, R. A. (2007). Punica granatum (pomegranate) and its potential for prevention and treatment of inflammation and cancer. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 109, 177e206. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2006.09.006
  • Limpisophon, K., Tanaka, M., & Osako, K. (2010). Characterization of gelatin-fatty acid emulsion films based on blue shark (Prionace glauca) skin gelatin. Food Chemistry, 122(4), 1095-1101. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.03.090
  • Lopez-Rubira, V., Conesa, A., Allende, A., & Artes, F. (2005). Shelf life and overall quality of minimally processed pomegranate arils modified atmosphere packaged and treated with UV-C. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 37(2), 174-185. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2005.04.003
  • Mahalik, N. P., & Nambiar, A. N. (2010). Trends in food packaging and manufacturing systems and technology. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21(3), 117e128. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2009.12.006
  • Munhuweyi, K., Lennox, C. L., Meitz-Hopkins, J. C., Caleb, O. J., Sigge, G. O., & Opara, U. L. (2017). Investigating the effects of crab shell chitosan on fungal mycelial growth and postharvest quality attributes of pomegranate whole fruit and arils. Scientia Horticulturae, 220, 78-89. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2017.03.038
  • Niu, X., Ma, Q., Li, S., Wang, W., Ma, Y., Zhao, H., & Wang, J. (2021). Preparation and Characterization of Biodegradable Composited Films Based on Potato Starch/Glycerol/Gelatin. Journal of Food Quality, 6633711. doi:10.1155/2021/6633711
  • Okatan, V., & Çolak, A. M. (2019). Chemical and phytochemicals content of barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) fruit genotypes from Sivasli district of Usak province of western Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(1), 165-170. doi:10.30848/PJB2019-1(5)
  • Oz, A. T., & Ulukanli, Z. (2012). Application of edible starch-based coating including glycerol plus oleum nigella on arils from long-stored whole pomegranate fruits. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 36(1), 81–95. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2011.00599.x.
  • Özdemir, K. S., & Gökmen, V. (2017). Extending the shelf-life of pomegranate arils with chitosan-ascorbic acid coating. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 76, 172-180. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2016.10.057
  • Podshivalov, A., Zakharova, M., Glazacheva, E., & Uspenskaya, M. (2017). Gelatin/potato starch edible biocomposite films: Correlation between morphology and physical properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 157, 1162-1172. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.10.079
  • Rodov, V., Schmilovitch, Z., Ronen, B., Hoffman, A., Egozi, H., Porat, R., et al. (2005). Mechanically separated pomegranate arils: A new lightly processed fresh product. 5th IFPA poster session at fresh-cut expo. Phoenix: AZ
  • Sepulveda, E., Galletti, L., Sáenz, C., & Tapia, M. (2000). Minimal processing of pomegranate var. Wonderful. CIHEAM-Opitions Mediterraneennes, 42, 237-242.
  • Song, H., Yuan, W., Jin, P., Wang, W., Wang, X., Yang, L., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Effects of chitosan/nano-silica on postharvest quality and antioxidant capacity of loquat fruit during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 119, 41-48. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2016.04.015
  • Sutherland, W. J., Clout, M., Côté, I. M., Daszak, P., Depledge, M. H., Fellman, L., et al. (2010). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2010. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2009.10.003
  • Tkaczewska, J. (2020). Peptides and protein hydrolysates as food preservatives and bioactive components of edible films and coatings-A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 206, 298-311. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2020.10.022
  • Venkataramudu, K., Naik, S. R., Viswanath, M., & Chandramohan, G. (2018). Packaging and storage of pomegranate fruits and arils: A review. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(6), 1964-1967.
  • Xing, Y., Li, X., Xu, Q., Yun, J., Lu, Y., & Tang, Y. (2011). Effects of chitosan coating enriched with cinnamon oil on qualitative properties of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Food Chemistry, 124(4), 1443-1450. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.07.105

Karanfil Ekstraktı Karıştırılan Jelatin/Gliserin Bazlı Yenilebilir Film ile Kapatılan PET Ambalajın Tüketime Hazır ‘Wonderful’ Nar Taneleri (Punica granatum L.) Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2021, , 606 - 616, 15.09.2021


Nar (Punica granatum L.) taneleri kolay bozulabilir olduğundan, meyvenin kabuklarından çıkarıldıktan sonra depolanma süresi kısalmaktadır. Dolayısıyla tanelerin depolama süresi ve kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi için çeşitli teknikler kullanılmaktadır. Bu teknikler arasında, gıda muhafazasında uzun bir geçmişi olan yenilebilir filmler ve yenilebilir kaplamalar yer almakta olup, yapılan çalışmalarda daha çok yenilebilir kaplamalarla odaklanılmıştır. Bu nedenle, mevcut çalışma, tüketime hazır ‘Wonderful’ nar taneleri üzerinde PET ambalajı ile karanfil ekstraktı içeren jelatin/gliserin bazlı yenilebilir film kombinasyonunun performansını test etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Yenilebilir filmler 4 farklı kompozisyonda; EF1: sadece jelatin ve gliserin, EF2: karanfil ekstraktı içeren jelatin/gliserin, EF3: karanfil ekstraktı ve bazı katkı maddeleri içeren jelatin/gliserin ve EF4: sadece katkı maddeleri içeren jelatin/gliserin hazırlanmıştır. Yenilebilir film kaplanmamış ambalajlar ise kontrol grubu olarak kullanılmıştır. Her uygulama grubunda 35 kutu (her birinde 50 adet nar tanesi) ile çalışmalar yapılmış ve kutular 14 gün boyunca 4 ± 0.5 ºC ve % 90-95 bağıl nemde saklanmıştır. Muhafaza süresi boyunca 2 gün aralıklarla kalite parametreleri gözlemlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, dört yenilebilir filmin tamamının nar tanelerinde ağırlık kaybını, mekanik hasar oluşmasını, duyusal kalite kaybını, suda çözünebilir kuru madde miktarı kaybını, titre edilebilir asitlik kaybını ve askorbik asit içeriğindeki azalmayı önlemede etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. En yüksek etkinlik, karanfil ekstraktı ile birleştirilen EF2 ve EF3'te kaydedilmiştir. Ölçülen parametreler doğrultusunda, PET ambalaj ile birlikte kullanılan yenilebilir filmlerin nar tanelerinin kabul edilebilir duyusal kalitesini 10 gün boyunca koruyabildiğini göstermiştir.


  • Adiletta, G., Petriccione, M., Liguori, L., Zampella, L., Mastrobuoni, F., & Di Matteo, M. (2019). Overall quality and antioxidant enzymes of ready‐to‐eat ‘Purple Queen’pomegranate arils during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 155, 20-28. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.05.008
  • Aliasgarian, S., Ghassemzadeh, H. R., Moghaddam, M., & Ghaffari, H. (2013). Mechanical damage of strawberry during harvest and postharvest operations. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(7), 969-974. doi:10.1515/ata-2015-0001
  • Ayhan, Z., & Estürk, O. (2009). Overall quality and shelf life of minimally processed and modified atmosphere packaged “ready-to-eat” pomegranate arils. Journal of Food Science, 74(5), 399-405. doi:10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01184.x.
  • Brasil, I. M., Gomes, C., Puerta-Gomez, A., Castell-Perez, M. E., & Moreira, R. G. (2012). Polysaccharide-based multilayered antimicrobial edible coating enhances quality of fresh-cut papaya. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 47(1), 39-45. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2012.01.005
  • Caleb, O.J., Mahajan, P.V., Manley, M., & Opara, U.L. (2013). Evaluation of parameters affecting modified atmosphere packaging engineering design for pomegranate arils. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48 (11), 2315-2323. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12220
  • Erkan, M., & Kader, A. A. (2011). Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.). In E. M. Yahia (Ed.), Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits, volume 4, mangosteen to white sapote (pp. 231–249). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
  • Fawole, O. A., & Opara, U. L. (2013). Effects of storage temperature and duration on physiological responses of pomegranate fruit. Industrial Crops and Products, 47, 300-309. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.03.028
  • Hasheminejad, N., & Khodaiyan, F. (2020). The effect of clove essential oil loaded chitosan nanoparticles on the shelf life and quality of pomegranate arils. Food Chemistry, 309, 125520. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125520
  • Hassan, B., Chatha, S. A. S., Hussain, A. I., Zia, K. M., & Akhtar, N. (2018). Recent advances on polysaccharides, lipids and protein based edible films and coatings: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 109, 1095-1107. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.11.097
  • Kahramanoğlu, İ. (2019). Trends in pomegranate sector: production, postharvest handling and marketing. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 3(2), 239-246.
  • Kahramanoğlu, İ., Aktaş, M., & Gündüz, Ş. (2018). Effects of fludioxonil, propolis and black seed oil application on the postharvest quality of “Wonderful” pomegranate. Plos one, 13(5), e0198411. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0198411
  • Kahramanoğlu, İ., Usanmaz, S., Alas, T., Okatan, V., & Wan, C. (2020). Combined effect of hot water dipping and Cistus creticus L. leaf extracts on the storage quality of fresh Valencia oranges. Folia Horticulturae, 32(2), 337-350. doi:10.2478/fhort-2020-0029
  • Lansky, E. P., & Newman, R. A. (2007). Punica granatum (pomegranate) and its potential for prevention and treatment of inflammation and cancer. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 109, 177e206. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2006.09.006
  • Limpisophon, K., Tanaka, M., & Osako, K. (2010). Characterization of gelatin-fatty acid emulsion films based on blue shark (Prionace glauca) skin gelatin. Food Chemistry, 122(4), 1095-1101. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.03.090
  • Lopez-Rubira, V., Conesa, A., Allende, A., & Artes, F. (2005). Shelf life and overall quality of minimally processed pomegranate arils modified atmosphere packaged and treated with UV-C. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 37(2), 174-185. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2005.04.003
  • Mahalik, N. P., & Nambiar, A. N. (2010). Trends in food packaging and manufacturing systems and technology. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21(3), 117e128. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2009.12.006
  • Munhuweyi, K., Lennox, C. L., Meitz-Hopkins, J. C., Caleb, O. J., Sigge, G. O., & Opara, U. L. (2017). Investigating the effects of crab shell chitosan on fungal mycelial growth and postharvest quality attributes of pomegranate whole fruit and arils. Scientia Horticulturae, 220, 78-89. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2017.03.038
  • Niu, X., Ma, Q., Li, S., Wang, W., Ma, Y., Zhao, H., & Wang, J. (2021). Preparation and Characterization of Biodegradable Composited Films Based on Potato Starch/Glycerol/Gelatin. Journal of Food Quality, 6633711. doi:10.1155/2021/6633711
  • Okatan, V., & Çolak, A. M. (2019). Chemical and phytochemicals content of barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) fruit genotypes from Sivasli district of Usak province of western Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(1), 165-170. doi:10.30848/PJB2019-1(5)
  • Oz, A. T., & Ulukanli, Z. (2012). Application of edible starch-based coating including glycerol plus oleum nigella on arils from long-stored whole pomegranate fruits. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 36(1), 81–95. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2011.00599.x.
  • Özdemir, K. S., & Gökmen, V. (2017). Extending the shelf-life of pomegranate arils with chitosan-ascorbic acid coating. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 76, 172-180. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2016.10.057
  • Podshivalov, A., Zakharova, M., Glazacheva, E., & Uspenskaya, M. (2017). Gelatin/potato starch edible biocomposite films: Correlation between morphology and physical properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 157, 1162-1172. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.10.079
  • Rodov, V., Schmilovitch, Z., Ronen, B., Hoffman, A., Egozi, H., Porat, R., et al. (2005). Mechanically separated pomegranate arils: A new lightly processed fresh product. 5th IFPA poster session at fresh-cut expo. Phoenix: AZ
  • Sepulveda, E., Galletti, L., Sáenz, C., & Tapia, M. (2000). Minimal processing of pomegranate var. Wonderful. CIHEAM-Opitions Mediterraneennes, 42, 237-242.
  • Song, H., Yuan, W., Jin, P., Wang, W., Wang, X., Yang, L., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Effects of chitosan/nano-silica on postharvest quality and antioxidant capacity of loquat fruit during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 119, 41-48. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2016.04.015
  • Sutherland, W. J., Clout, M., Côté, I. M., Daszak, P., Depledge, M. H., Fellman, L., et al. (2010). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2010. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2009.10.003
  • Tkaczewska, J. (2020). Peptides and protein hydrolysates as food preservatives and bioactive components of edible films and coatings-A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 206, 298-311. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2020.10.022
  • Venkataramudu, K., Naik, S. R., Viswanath, M., & Chandramohan, G. (2018). Packaging and storage of pomegranate fruits and arils: A review. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(6), 1964-1967.
  • Xing, Y., Li, X., Xu, Q., Yun, J., Lu, Y., & Tang, Y. (2011). Effects of chitosan coating enriched with cinnamon oil on qualitative properties of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Food Chemistry, 124(4), 1443-1450. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.07.105
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Kahramanoglu 0000-0002-6074-6395

Publication Date September 15, 2021
Acceptance Date June 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kahramanoglu, İ. (2021). The Impacts of Clove Extract Incorporated Gelatine/Glycerol Based Edible Film Covered PET Packaging on the Ready-to-eat ‘Wonderful’ Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Arils. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(3), 606-616.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.