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Farklı Kabakgil Türlerinde Arazi Koşullarında Arbusküler Mikorhizal Fungus (AMF), Peynir Altı Suyu ve Hümik Asit Uygulamalarının Bitki Gelişimi, Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 274 - 281, 01.07.2016


Bu çalışma kavun (Magnum-F1), karpuz (Wonder-F1) ve yazlık kabak (Focus-F1) türlerine 2 farklı Arbusküler Mikorhizal Fungus (AMF), hümik asit (HA) ve peynir altı suyu (PAS) uygulamalarının bazı bitki gelişim özellikleri ile verim ve kalite üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Arazi koşullarında yürütülen denemede her üç sebze türü için 5 farklı uygulama [1-) Kontrol, 2-) AMF, 3-) AMF + PAS, 4-) AMF + HA ve 5-) AMF+ PAS+HA] tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 4 tekerrürlü olarak denenmiştir. Kavunda uygulamaların istatistiki olarak ortalama verim (2843-4124 kg/da) ve ortalama yan kol uzunluğu (cm) üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Karpuzda ortalama verim (5146-8658 kg/da), ortalama yan kol uzunluğu (124.75-165.75 cm) ve meyve sap uzunluğu; kabakta ise uygulamaların ortalama verim (2766-3454 kg/da), SÇKM (8.99 - 10.25 ºbriks) ve yaprak yaş ağırlığına etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Beşinci (AMF + PAS + HA) ve 4. (AMF + HA) uygulamaların genel olarak diğer uygulamalara göre daha çok ön plana çıktığı belirlenmiştir. Özellikle ortalama verim bakımından 5 numaralı uygulamanın her üç kabakgil türü için en yüksek değerlere sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Ahmed L, Diana ABM, Rico D, Ryan CB (2012). Effect of delactosed whey permeate treatment on physico-chemical, sensorial, nutritional and microbial properties of whole tomatoes during postharvest storage. Food Science and Technology 51 (2013) 367-374.
  • Atiyeh CA, Edwards JD Metzger, Lee S, Arancon NQ (2002). The influence of humic acids derived from earthwormprocessed organic wastes on plant growth, Bioresour. Technol. 84 7–14.
  • Bandiera M, Mosca G, Vamerali T (2009). Humic acids affect root characteristics of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus L. var.oleiformis Pers.) inmetal-polluted wastes. Desalination 246,78–91.
  • Bernardoni, C., Cerorri, G., Fabbri, M., (1990). Fertigation Experiments in Horticulture. Coltre Protette, 19,12.
  • control agent of Anoplus roboris (Sufr., Coleoptera). J. Microbiol., 40 (2): 104-108.
  • Declerck S, Plenchette C, Strullu DG (1995). Mycorrhizal dependency of banana (Musa acuminate, AAA group) cultivar. Plant Soil 176, 183-187.
  • Demir S, Özrenk E (2009). The effects of whey on the colonization and sporulation of arbuscular mycorhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus intraradices, in lentil (Lens orientalis) plants. Afr J Biotechnol 8(10): 2151-2156.
  • Demir, S., Şensoy, S., Ocak E., Tüfenkçi, Ş., Demirer Durak E., Erdinç, Ç., Ünsal H., 2015. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), humic acid and whey on wilt disease caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb. in three Solanaceous crops. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 39: 300-309.
  • Demir I, Sezen K, Demirbag Z (2002). The first study on bacterial flora and biological control agent of Anoplus roboris (Sufr., Coleoptera). The Journal of Microbiology, 40(2), 104-108.
  • Düzgüneş A, Kesici OT, Kavuncu O, Gürbüz F (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metotları (istatistik metotları -2). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 1021, Ankara 381 s.
  • Eser F (2014). Arbusküler mikorhizal fungus (amf), peyniraltı suyu ve hümik asit uygulamalarının kavunda (Cucumis melo L.) meyve verimi ve kalitesine etkileri YYU. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. (Basılmamış, Yüksek Lisans Tezi) 50 s.
  • Fan H, Li T, Sun X, Sun XZ, Zheng CS (2014). Effects of humic acid derived from sediments on the postharvest vase life extension in cut chrysanthemum flowers, Postharvest Biology and Technology 101 (2015) 82–87.
  • Halifeoğlu G (2011). Arbüsküler mikorhizal fungus (AMF), peyniraltı suyu ve hümik asit uygulamalarının karpuzda fide yetiştiriciliği ve fusarium solgunluğuna etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (Basılmamış, Yüksek Lisans Tezi) 88s.
  • Johansson JF, Paul LR, Finlay RD (2004). Microbial interactions in the mycorrhizosphere and their significance for sustainable agriculture. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 48: 1-13.
  • Linderman R.G, Davis AE, (2004). Varied response of marigold (Tagetes spp.) genotypes to inoculation with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Sci. Hort., 99: 67-78.
  • Ocak E, Demir S (2012). toprak verimliliği ve bitki gelişiminde peyniraltı suyu ve arbusküler mikorhizal fungus (amf)’un önemi. YYÜ Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (YYU J Agr Scı) 2012, 22(1): 48-55.
  • Özgönen H, Biçici M, Erkılıç A (2001). The Effect of salicylic acid and endomycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum on plant development of tomatoes and Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici. Turk J. Agric For, 25: 25-29.
  • Özrenk E, Demir S, Tüfenkçi Ş (2003). Peyniraltı suyu uygulaması ile Glomus intraradices ve Rhizobium cicer inokulasyonlarının nohut bitkisinde bazı gelişim parametrelerine etkileri. YYÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 13(2): 127-132.
  • Russo RO, Beryln GP (1990). The use of organic bio-stimulants to help low input sustainable agriculture. J. Sust. Agri, 1.19-42.
  • Sastry MSR, Sharma AK, Johri BN (2000). Effect of an AM fungal consortium and Pseudomanas on the growth and nutrient uptake of eucalyptus hybrid. Mycorrhiza, 10: 55-61
  • Sensoy S, Demir S, Turkmen O, Erdinc C, Savur OB (2007). Responses of some different pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes to inoculation with two different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Sci. Hort., 113(1):92-95.
  • Sensoy S, Demir S, Tufenkci S, Erdinc C, Demirer E, Ünsal H, Halifeoglu G, Ekincialp A (2011). Response of Four Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L) Hybrids to Different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 21(4): 751-757.
  • Sensoy S, Turkmen O, Kabay T, Erdinc C, Turan M, Yildiz M (2005). Determination of salinity tolerance levels of melon genotypes collected from Lake Van Basin, Journal of Biological Sciences 5(5): 637-642.
  • Sensoy S, Bicer S, Unsal H (2013). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling growth of melon hybrid cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15 (2): 392-394.
  • Sienkiewicz T, Riedel CL (1990). Whey and Whey Utilization. Verlag Th. Mann, Gelsenkichen-Buer, Germany.
  • Smith S, Read DJ (2008). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Academic Pres Publishers, London.
  • Sonnleitner R. Lorbeer E. Schinner F. (2003). Effects of straw, vegetable oil, and whey on physical and microbiological properties of a chernozem. Applied Soil Ecology, 22:195-204.
  • Strack D, Fester T, Hause B, Schliemann W, Walter MW (2003). Arbuscular Mycorrhiza: Biological, chemical and molecular aspects. J Chem Ecol 29(9): 1955-1979.
  • Trimble RM, Knowles NR (1994). Influence of phosphorus nutrition and vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and yield of greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 75: 251-259.
  • Tufenkci S, Turkmen O, Sonmez F, Erdinc C, Sensoy S (2006). Effects of Humic Acid Doses and Application Times on the Plant Growth, Nutrient and Heavy Metal Contents of Lettuce Grown on Sewage Sludge-Applied Soils. Fresenius Environment Bulletin, 15(4): 295-300.
  • Turkmen O, Bozkurt MA, Yildiz M, Çimrin KM (2004). Effect of nitrogen and humic acid applications on the head weigth, nutrient, and nitrate contents in lettuce. Adv. Food Sci., 26:1-6.
  • Turkmen O, Demir S, Sensoy S, Dursun A. (2005). Effects of Arbuscular Mycorhizal Fungus and Humic Acid on the Seedling Development and Nutrient Content of Pepper Grown under Saline Soil Conditions. Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(5): 568-574.
  • Tüfenkci S, Demir S, Sensoy S, Ünsal H, Demirer E, Erdinc C, Biçer Ş, Ekincialp A (2012). The Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Seedling Growth of Four Hybrid Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Cultivars. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 36(3), 317-327.
  • Van der Heijden M.G.A, Boller T, Wiemken A, Sanders I.R (1998). Different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal species are potential determinants of plant community structure. Ecology, 79(6): 2082-2091.
  • Watson KS, (1978). Continuing impact of the environmental area on the dairy industry. Proocedings Whey Products Conference, Minneapolis-Minnesota pp: 30-52.

The Effects of AMF, Whey and Humic Acid Applications on Plant Growth, Yield and Quality in Different Cucurbit Species under Open Field Conditions

Year 2016, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 274 - 281, 01.07.2016


This study was carried out to assess the effects of two different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (AMF), humic acid (HA) and whey applications on various plant and yield characteristics in melon (Magnum-F1), watermelon (Wonder-F1) and summer squash (Focus-F1) species. At trials implemented in the field, 5 different applications [1-) Control, 2-) AMF, 3-) AMF+Whey, 4-) AMF + HA, and 5-) AMF + Whey + HA] were applied at 4 replications according to randomized block design for all three types of vegetables species. The applications on melon were significant for average yield (28 430 - 41 240 kg ha-1) and average branch length. The applications were significant on watermelon in terms of average yield (51 460-86 580 kg ha-1), average branch length (124.75-165.75 cm), fruit pedicle length; and on summer squash in terms of average yield (27 660-34 540 kg ha-1), TSSC (8.99-10.25 brixº), and weight of fresh leaves. It was observed that the 5th and 4th applications were more superior to the others. According to average yield, especially, the fifth application had the highest mean for all three species.


  • Ahmed L, Diana ABM, Rico D, Ryan CB (2012). Effect of delactosed whey permeate treatment on physico-chemical, sensorial, nutritional and microbial properties of whole tomatoes during postharvest storage. Food Science and Technology 51 (2013) 367-374.
  • Atiyeh CA, Edwards JD Metzger, Lee S, Arancon NQ (2002). The influence of humic acids derived from earthwormprocessed organic wastes on plant growth, Bioresour. Technol. 84 7–14.
  • Bandiera M, Mosca G, Vamerali T (2009). Humic acids affect root characteristics of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus L. var.oleiformis Pers.) inmetal-polluted wastes. Desalination 246,78–91.
  • Bernardoni, C., Cerorri, G., Fabbri, M., (1990). Fertigation Experiments in Horticulture. Coltre Protette, 19,12.
  • control agent of Anoplus roboris (Sufr., Coleoptera). J. Microbiol., 40 (2): 104-108.
  • Declerck S, Plenchette C, Strullu DG (1995). Mycorrhizal dependency of banana (Musa acuminate, AAA group) cultivar. Plant Soil 176, 183-187.
  • Demir S, Özrenk E (2009). The effects of whey on the colonization and sporulation of arbuscular mycorhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus intraradices, in lentil (Lens orientalis) plants. Afr J Biotechnol 8(10): 2151-2156.
  • Demir, S., Şensoy, S., Ocak E., Tüfenkçi, Ş., Demirer Durak E., Erdinç, Ç., Ünsal H., 2015. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), humic acid and whey on wilt disease caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb. in three Solanaceous crops. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 39: 300-309.
  • Demir I, Sezen K, Demirbag Z (2002). The first study on bacterial flora and biological control agent of Anoplus roboris (Sufr., Coleoptera). The Journal of Microbiology, 40(2), 104-108.
  • Düzgüneş A, Kesici OT, Kavuncu O, Gürbüz F (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metotları (istatistik metotları -2). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 1021, Ankara 381 s.
  • Eser F (2014). Arbusküler mikorhizal fungus (amf), peyniraltı suyu ve hümik asit uygulamalarının kavunda (Cucumis melo L.) meyve verimi ve kalitesine etkileri YYU. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. (Basılmamış, Yüksek Lisans Tezi) 50 s.
  • Fan H, Li T, Sun X, Sun XZ, Zheng CS (2014). Effects of humic acid derived from sediments on the postharvest vase life extension in cut chrysanthemum flowers, Postharvest Biology and Technology 101 (2015) 82–87.
  • Halifeoğlu G (2011). Arbüsküler mikorhizal fungus (AMF), peyniraltı suyu ve hümik asit uygulamalarının karpuzda fide yetiştiriciliği ve fusarium solgunluğuna etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (Basılmamış, Yüksek Lisans Tezi) 88s.
  • Johansson JF, Paul LR, Finlay RD (2004). Microbial interactions in the mycorrhizosphere and their significance for sustainable agriculture. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 48: 1-13.
  • Linderman R.G, Davis AE, (2004). Varied response of marigold (Tagetes spp.) genotypes to inoculation with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Sci. Hort., 99: 67-78.
  • Ocak E, Demir S (2012). toprak verimliliği ve bitki gelişiminde peyniraltı suyu ve arbusküler mikorhizal fungus (amf)’un önemi. YYÜ Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (YYU J Agr Scı) 2012, 22(1): 48-55.
  • Özgönen H, Biçici M, Erkılıç A (2001). The Effect of salicylic acid and endomycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum on plant development of tomatoes and Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici. Turk J. Agric For, 25: 25-29.
  • Özrenk E, Demir S, Tüfenkçi Ş (2003). Peyniraltı suyu uygulaması ile Glomus intraradices ve Rhizobium cicer inokulasyonlarının nohut bitkisinde bazı gelişim parametrelerine etkileri. YYÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 13(2): 127-132.
  • Russo RO, Beryln GP (1990). The use of organic bio-stimulants to help low input sustainable agriculture. J. Sust. Agri, 1.19-42.
  • Sastry MSR, Sharma AK, Johri BN (2000). Effect of an AM fungal consortium and Pseudomanas on the growth and nutrient uptake of eucalyptus hybrid. Mycorrhiza, 10: 55-61
  • Sensoy S, Demir S, Turkmen O, Erdinc C, Savur OB (2007). Responses of some different pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes to inoculation with two different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Sci. Hort., 113(1):92-95.
  • Sensoy S, Demir S, Tufenkci S, Erdinc C, Demirer E, Ünsal H, Halifeoglu G, Ekincialp A (2011). Response of Four Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L) Hybrids to Different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 21(4): 751-757.
  • Sensoy S, Turkmen O, Kabay T, Erdinc C, Turan M, Yildiz M (2005). Determination of salinity tolerance levels of melon genotypes collected from Lake Van Basin, Journal of Biological Sciences 5(5): 637-642.
  • Sensoy S, Bicer S, Unsal H (2013). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling growth of melon hybrid cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 15 (2): 392-394.
  • Sienkiewicz T, Riedel CL (1990). Whey and Whey Utilization. Verlag Th. Mann, Gelsenkichen-Buer, Germany.
  • Smith S, Read DJ (2008). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Academic Pres Publishers, London.
  • Sonnleitner R. Lorbeer E. Schinner F. (2003). Effects of straw, vegetable oil, and whey on physical and microbiological properties of a chernozem. Applied Soil Ecology, 22:195-204.
  • Strack D, Fester T, Hause B, Schliemann W, Walter MW (2003). Arbuscular Mycorrhiza: Biological, chemical and molecular aspects. J Chem Ecol 29(9): 1955-1979.
  • Trimble RM, Knowles NR (1994). Influence of phosphorus nutrition and vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and yield of greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 75: 251-259.
  • Tufenkci S, Turkmen O, Sonmez F, Erdinc C, Sensoy S (2006). Effects of Humic Acid Doses and Application Times on the Plant Growth, Nutrient and Heavy Metal Contents of Lettuce Grown on Sewage Sludge-Applied Soils. Fresenius Environment Bulletin, 15(4): 295-300.
  • Turkmen O, Bozkurt MA, Yildiz M, Çimrin KM (2004). Effect of nitrogen and humic acid applications on the head weigth, nutrient, and nitrate contents in lettuce. Adv. Food Sci., 26:1-6.
  • Turkmen O, Demir S, Sensoy S, Dursun A. (2005). Effects of Arbuscular Mycorhizal Fungus and Humic Acid on the Seedling Development and Nutrient Content of Pepper Grown under Saline Soil Conditions. Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(5): 568-574.
  • Tüfenkci S, Demir S, Sensoy S, Ünsal H, Demirer E, Erdinc C, Biçer Ş, Ekincialp A (2012). The Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Seedling Growth of Four Hybrid Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Cultivars. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 36(3), 317-327.
  • Van der Heijden M.G.A, Boller T, Wiemken A, Sanders I.R (1998). Different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal species are potential determinants of plant community structure. Ecology, 79(6): 2082-2091.
  • Watson KS, (1978). Continuing impact of the environmental area on the dairy industry. Proocedings Whey Products Conference, Minneapolis-Minnesota pp: 30-52.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Fisheries Management
Journal Section Articles

Aytekin Ekincialp

Çeknas Erdinç

Fuat Eser This is me

Semra Demir

Suat Şensoy

Publication Date July 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Ekincialp, A., Erdinç, Ç., Eser, F., Demir, S., et al. (2016). Farklı Kabakgil Türlerinde Arazi Koşullarında Arbusküler Mikorhizal Fungus (AMF), Peynir Altı Suyu ve Hümik Asit Uygulamalarının Bitki Gelişimi, Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26(2), 274-281.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.