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Türkiye'deki Tarımsal Atıklar: Enerji Potansiyeli ve Mevcut Biyokütle Santrallerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 119 - 131, 31.03.2022


Biyokütle enerjisi; enerji güvenliğini, çeşitliliğini artırmak ve kırsal ekonomiyi geliştirmek için devamlı önem kazanmaktadır. Türkiye'deki mevcut biyokütle enerji tesislerinin daha fazla atık kullandığı bilinmesine rağmen, bu tesislerde tarımsal artıkların kullanımının teşvik edilmesi son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada tarımsal atıklar iki başlık altında incelenmiştir: birincil atıklar (BA), hasat sonrası tarlada kalan atıklardır (mısır sapı, buğday samanı, vb.), ikincil atıklar (İA) ise ürünlerin fabrikada işlenmesinden sonra kalan atıklardır (badem kabuğu, mısır koçanı, vb.). Tarımsal kalıntı miktarı hesaplanırken toprağın korunması, hayvanların beslenmesi, ısınma amaçlı gibi özel kullanımlar dikkate alınır. Türkiye'de 81 ilde en çok ekilen ürünler listelenmiş ve kalori değeri yüksek ürünlerin atıkları üzerinde yoğunlaşılmıştır. Bu tarım ürünlerine ait birincil ve ikincil atık miktarları iller bazında ayıklanmış ve haritalanmıştır. Daha sonra bu atıkların enerji potansiyeli hesaplanmıştır. Türkiye'de üretilen toplam BA ve İA miktarı yıllık 39 412 683 ton ve 6 803 787 tondur. Santralin toplam verimi %30 ve biyokütle santralinin kapasite faktörünün 0.65 olduğu varsayıldığında, toplam 81 ilde sadece BA'dan yılda 2 438,5 MW ve sadece İA'dan yılda 830 MW güç elde edilecektir. AHP yöntemine göre, nakliye öncesi ön işlem seçiminde maliyet en önemli kriterdir.


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Agricultural Residues in Turkey: Energy Potential and Evaluation of Existing Biomass Power Plants

Year 2022, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 119 - 131, 31.03.2022


Biomass energy gains importance constantly in order to increase energy security, diversity and develop the rural economy. Most of the existing biomass energy power plants in Turkey use solid waste, it is extremely important to encourage the use of agricultural residues in these facilities. In this study, agricultural residues were examined under two headings: primary residues (PR) are the residues left in the field after harvest (corn stalk, wheat straw, etc.), and secondary residues (SR) are the residues after the products are processed in the factory (almond shell, corn cob, etc.) When calculating the amount of agricultural residues, special uses such as soil protection, animal feeding, heating purposes are taken into account. The most cultivated products across 81 provinces in Turkey are listed and the residues are concentrated on products with high calorific value. The amount of primary and secondary residues belonging to these agricultural products was extracted and mapped based on provinces. Then the energy potential of these residues was calculated. The total amount of PR and SR produced in Turkey is 39 412 683 tonnes and 6 803 787 tonnes. By assuming the total efficiency of the power plant as 30% and the capacity factor of the biomass power plant as 0.65, the power to be obtained from only PRs will be 2 438.5 MW and from only SR will be 830 MW in the total of 81 provinces. Based on AHP method, cost is the most important criterion in the selection of pretreatment before transportation.


  • Acar, S., & Ayanoglu, A. (2012). Determination Of Higher Heating Values (HHVs) Of Biomass Fuels. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 28(2), 749–758.
  • Akkuş, G. (2018). Bağ Budama Artıklarından Torrefaksiyon İle Katı Atık Üretimi.
  • Alatzas, S., Moustakas, K., Malamis, D., & Vakalis, S. (2019). Biomass Potential from Agricultural Waste for Energetic Utilization in Greece. Energies, 12(6)(1095), 1–20.
  • Aqsha, A., Tijani, M. M., & Mahinpey, N. (2014). Catalytic Pyrolysis Of Straw Biomasses (Wheat, Flax, Oat And Barley Straw) And The Comparison Of Their Product Yields. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 190 VOLUME, 1007–1015.
  • Atashbar, N. Z. (2017). Modeling and Optimization of Biomass Supply Chains for Several Bio-Refineries.
  • Avcıoğlu, A. O., Dayıoğlu, M. A., & Türker, U. (2019). Assessment of The Energy Potential of Agricultural Biomass Residues İn Turkey. Renewable Energy, 138, 610–619.
  • Ba, B. H., Prins, C., & Prodhon, C. (2016). Models For Optimization and Performance Evaluation Of Biomass Supply Chains: An Operations Research Perspective. Renewable Energy, 87, 977–989.
  • Bai, X., Wang, G., Gong, C., Yu, Y., Liu, W., & Wang, D. (2017). Co-Pelletizing Characteristics of Torrefied Wheat Straw With Peanut Shell. Bioresource Technology, 233, 373–381.
  • Bajwa, D. S., Peterson, T., Sharma, N., Shojaeiarani, J., & Bajwa, S. G. (2018). A Review of Densified Solid Biomass For Energy Production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 96(July), 296–305.
  • Bilgiç, E. (2014). The Comparıson of Effects of Torrefaction and Carbonızation Treatments On Biomass (Issue June).
  • Biomass Supply Chains Harvesting & Collection, Pre-Treatment And Upgrading, Storage, Transportation & Handling. (2018). World Bioenergy Association.
  • Biswas, B., Pandey, N., Bisht, Y., Singh, R., Kumar, J., & Bhaskar, T. (2017). Pyrolysis Of Agricultural Biomass Residues: Comparative Study Of Corn Cob, Wheat Straw, Rice Straw And Rice Husk. Bioresource Technology, 237, 57–63.
  • Bledzki, A. K., Mamun, A. A., Erdmann, K., & Volk, J. (n.d.). Characterization of Grain By-Products and Properties of Its Biodegrade Composites. Naro.Tech Messe Und Kongresse Fü Nachwa Chsende Rohstoffe; Sept 6-9., 1–11.
  • Bledzki, A. K., Mamun, A. A., & Volk, J. (2010). Physical, Chemical and Surface Properties of Wheat Husk, Rye Husk and Soft Wood and Their Polypropylene Composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41(4), 480–488.
  • Bojić, S., Datkov, D., Brcanov, D., Georgijević, M., & Martinov, M. (2013). Location Allocation of Solid Biomass Power Plants: Case Study of Vojvodina. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 26, 769–775.
  • Çakır, G. (2019). Tarımsal Ürünler Tedarik Zinciri Yönteimi: Çiçek Bamyası Uygulaması.°+y+2°+grado+de+secundaria+de+la+institución+educativa+parroquial+“Pequeña+Belén”+en+la+comunidad+de+Peralvillo%2C+ubicada+en+el+distrito+de+Chancay+-+periodo+2018&btnG=
  • Cebi, S., Ilbahar, E., & Atasoy, A. (2016). A Fuzzy Information Axiom Based Method to Determine the Optimal Location for A Biomass Power Plant : A Case Study in Aegean Region of Turkey. Energy, 116, 894–907.
  • Chang, P., & Lin, H. (2015). Manufacturing Plant Location Selection in Logistics Network Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 8(5), 1547–1575.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Articles

Ayşegül Bahadıroğlu 0000-0003-2874-0855

Buse Nur Atay 0000-0002-4848-197X

Sibel Başakçılardan Kabakcı 0000-0001-9717-5111

Publication Date March 31, 2022
Acceptance Date February 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Bahadıroğlu, A., Atay, B. N., & Başakçılardan Kabakcı, S. (2022). Agricultural Residues in Turkey: Energy Potential and Evaluation of Existing Biomass Power Plants. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(1), 119-131.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.