Research Article
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Morphometric Characterization and Discrimination of Three Broiler Chickens Using Canonical Discriminant Analysis

Year 2025, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 81 - 90


This study was conducted to assess morphometric traits of three commercial broiler strains. A total of 300 day-old chicks, 100 each of Arbor Acre, Cobb 500, and Ross 308, were used for this study. Data were obtained on body weight (BW) and biometric traits, including, body length (BL), chest girth (CG), thigh length (TL), shank length (SL), wing length (WL), and keel length (KL). Analysis revealed significant (p<0.01) variations between strains for shank length, wing length, and keel length, with Cobb 500 exhibiting higher body weight than Arbor Acre and Ross 308. CG had the strongest positive relationship with body weight (r=0.886), indicating its usefulness in predicting body weight. The Mahalanobis distance analysis revealed that Arbor Acre and Cobb 500 were most closely related based on shank length (D²=0.247), while Arbor Acre and Ross 308 were closely related in WL, CG, and KL. Stepwise Canonical Discriminant Analysis identified SL, WL, CG, and KL as the most discriminating traits among the strains. The discriminant functions classified 64.8% of the chickens into their respective strains after cross-validation, with Cobb 500 exhibiting the highest accuracy (67.3%). Information obtained from current research demonstrates the potential of morphometric traits in distinguishing broiler strains.

Ethical Statement

Ethical approval is not required for this study because the methods of the study does not require review by an ethics committee.


  • Abdelqader, A., Wollny, C. B. A., & Gauly, M. (2008). On-farm investigation of local chicken biodiversity and performance potentials in rural areas of Jordan. Animal Genetic Research Information, 43, 49–58.
  • Ajayi, O. O., Adeleke, M. A., Sanni, M. T., Yakubu, A., Peters, S. O., Imumorin, I. G., Ozoje, M. O., Ikeobi, C. O. N., & Adebambo, O. A. (2012). Application of principal component and discriminant analyses to morpho-structural indices of indigenous and exotic chickens raised under intensive management system. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44(6), 1247–1254.
  • Ariza, A. G., Aarbulú, A. A., González, F. J. N., Jurado, J. M. B., Vallejo, M. E. C., & Bermejo, J. V. D. (2022). Data mining-based discriminant analysis as a tool for the study of egg quality in native hen breeds. Scientific Reports, 12, 15873.
  • Aziz, M. M. A., & Al-Hur, F. S. (2013). Differentiation between Saudi goat types using size-free canonical discriminant analysis. Emir Journal of Food Agriculture, 25, 723–735.
  • Barbosa, L. (2005). Genetic divergence among five lines of laying hens. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 56, 642–646.
  • Fayeye, T. R., Hagan, K. K., & Obadare, A. R. (2014). Morphometric traits and correlation between body weight and body size traits in Isa Brown and Ilorin Ecotype chickens. Iran Journal of Applied Animal Science, 4, 609–614.
  • IBM Corp. (2011). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 20.0). Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Isaac, U. C. (2020). Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlations between body weight and linear body traits of chicken genotypes. Agrobiological Records, 4, 32–43.
  • Isaac, U. C., & Adeolu, A. A. (2023). Linear models for predicting body weight in crossbred chickens. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 8, 90–102.
  • Isaac, U. C., & Obike, M. O. (2020). Phenotypic correlations between body weight and egg production traits of local chicken genotypes in humid tropical rainforest of Umudike. International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences, 9, 134–140.
  • Isaac, U. C., Igbokwe, C. A., Okafor, N. J., Aniemena, C. F., Albert, J. C., & Nwachukwu, B. C. (2022). Repeatability of growth traits in three strains of broiler chicken. Malaysian Animal Husbandry Journal, 2, 29–33.
  • Isaac, U. C., Okafor, N. J., Nwachukwu, B. C., Albert, J. C., Aniemena, C. F., & Igbokwe, C. A. (2024). Stepwise canonical discriminant analysis for morphometric characterization of three strains of broiler chicken. Genetika, 56(1), 43–54.
  • Isaac, U. C., Ejivade, O. M., Ezea, J., & Nosike, R. J. (2023). Allometric growth models for improvement of size and conformation in crossbred chickens. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences, 5, 78–84.
  • Kadurumba, O. E., Ibe, S. N., Okoro, V. M. O., Ogbuewu, I. P., & Nwaogwugwu, U. C. (2014). Body weight as a discriminant factor among three breeds of the Nigerian local chickens. Advances in Agriculture Sciences and Engineering, 4, 1590–1594.
  • Kambur, M., & Kekeçoğlu, M. (2020). Is the natural honey bee biodiversity of anatolia in the process of extinction? Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(3), 593-600. DOI: 10.29133/yyutbd.708186.
  • Kim, J. H. (2019). Multicollinearity and misleading statistical results. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 72, 558–569.
  • Li, X., Deng, S., & Jiang, Y. (2019). Outlier detection on robust Mahalanobis distance and its application. Open Journal of Statistics, 9, 15–26.
  • Mahalanobis, P. C. (1936). On the generalised distance in statistics. Proceedings of the National Institute of Science of India, 2, 49–55.
  • Maharani, D., Mustofa, F., Sari, A. P. Z. N. I., Fathoni, A., Sasongko, H., & Hariyono, D. N. H. (2021). Phenotypic characterization and principal component analysis of indigenous chicken breeds in Indonesia. Veterinary World, 14, 1665–1676.
  • Mdlala, K., Dzomba, E. F., & Muchadeyi, F. C. (2017). Characterization of the village goat production systems in the rural communities of the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, and North West Provinces of South Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 49, 515–527.
  • Mmushi, J. R., Chiwanga, G. H., Anuzu-Aweh, E. M., Walugembe, M., Max, R. A., Lamont, S. J., Mollel, E. L., Msoffe, P. L., Dekkers, J. C., Gallardo, R. A., Zhou, H., & Muhairwa, A. O. (2020). Phenotypic variability and population structure analysis of Tanzanian free-range local chickens. BMC Veterinary Research, 16, 360.
  • Mohammed, A.Y., Elfaki, M.H., EL Hado, M.A., & Mariod, A.A. (2020). The ımpact of poultry production on empowering of rural women development. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(1), 204-210. DOI: 10.29133/yyutbd.641942.
  • N’Dri, A. L., Fofana, N., Okon, J. L., & Adepo-Gourene, A. B. (2016). Biometric characterization of local chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) according to sex and phenotype from traditional breeding of Dabakala (Côte d'Ivoire). International Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Research, 2, 1–6.
  • Ogah, D. M. (2013). Canonical discriminant analysis of morphometric traits in indigenous chicken genotypes. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 11, 170–174.
  • Ogah, D. M., Momoh, O. M., & Dim, N. I. (2011). Application of canonical discriminant analysis for assessment of genetic variation in Muscovy duck ecotypes in Nigeria. Egyptian Poultry Science, 31, 429–436.
  • Ogbogo, S. (2019). Discriminant analysis: An analysis of its predictorship function. Journal of Education and Practice, 10, 50–57.
  • Ojedapo, L. O., Amao, S. R., Ameen, S. A., Adedeji, T. A., Ogundipe, T. L., & Ige, A. O. (2012). Prediction of body weight and other linear body measurements of two commercial layer strain chickens. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 6, 13–22.
  • Rotimi, E. A. (2023). Analysis of egg quality traits and prediction of egg weight in Isa Brown laying hens. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 60(3), 399–404.
  • Rotimi, E. A., & Ati, M. H. (2020). Use of discriminant analysis method to identify sex by morphological traits in adult rabbits in Nigeria. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 53(4), 183–186.
  • Rotimi, E. A., Aliyu, A. M., & Aruwayo, A. (2021). Morphological characteristics of goat breeds in Nigeria using discriminant analysis approach. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 48(5), 30–40.
  • Rotimi, E. A., Momoh, O. M., & Egahi, J. O. (2020). Relationship between body weight and morphological traits in Sahelian goats of Nigeria using path analysis. MKU. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 455–460.
  • Sadick, A. M., Aryee, G., Poku, P. A., & Kyeree, C. G. (2020). Relationship between body weight and linear body measurements in the Cobb broiler chicken. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 4(1), 1–6.
  • Sam, I. M., & Okon, L. S. (2022). Comparative evaluation of growth performance, morphometric and carcass traits of three strains of broiler chicken raised in the tropics. Animal Research International, 19(3), 4617–4624.
  • Udeh, I. C., & Ogbu, C. C. (2011). Principal component analysis of body measurements in three strains of broiler chicken. Science World Journal, 6(1), 11–14.
  • Yakubu, A., Salako, A. E., Imumorin, I. G., Ige, A. O., & Akinyemi, M. O. (2010). Discriminant analysis of morphometric differentiation in the West African Dwarf and Red Sokoto goats. South African Journal of Animal Science, 40(4), 381–387.
  • Yakubu, A., Eyduran, E., Celik, S., & Ishayan, J. O. (2022). Use of linear modeling, multivariate adaptive regression splines, and decision trees in goats. Genetika, 54(4), 1429–1445.
Year 2025, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 81 - 90



  • Abdelqader, A., Wollny, C. B. A., & Gauly, M. (2008). On-farm investigation of local chicken biodiversity and performance potentials in rural areas of Jordan. Animal Genetic Research Information, 43, 49–58.
  • Ajayi, O. O., Adeleke, M. A., Sanni, M. T., Yakubu, A., Peters, S. O., Imumorin, I. G., Ozoje, M. O., Ikeobi, C. O. N., & Adebambo, O. A. (2012). Application of principal component and discriminant analyses to morpho-structural indices of indigenous and exotic chickens raised under intensive management system. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44(6), 1247–1254.
  • Ariza, A. G., Aarbulú, A. A., González, F. J. N., Jurado, J. M. B., Vallejo, M. E. C., & Bermejo, J. V. D. (2022). Data mining-based discriminant analysis as a tool for the study of egg quality in native hen breeds. Scientific Reports, 12, 15873.
  • Aziz, M. M. A., & Al-Hur, F. S. (2013). Differentiation between Saudi goat types using size-free canonical discriminant analysis. Emir Journal of Food Agriculture, 25, 723–735.
  • Barbosa, L. (2005). Genetic divergence among five lines of laying hens. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 56, 642–646.
  • Fayeye, T. R., Hagan, K. K., & Obadare, A. R. (2014). Morphometric traits and correlation between body weight and body size traits in Isa Brown and Ilorin Ecotype chickens. Iran Journal of Applied Animal Science, 4, 609–614.
  • IBM Corp. (2011). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 20.0). Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Isaac, U. C. (2020). Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlations between body weight and linear body traits of chicken genotypes. Agrobiological Records, 4, 32–43.
  • Isaac, U. C., & Adeolu, A. A. (2023). Linear models for predicting body weight in crossbred chickens. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 8, 90–102.
  • Isaac, U. C., & Obike, M. O. (2020). Phenotypic correlations between body weight and egg production traits of local chicken genotypes in humid tropical rainforest of Umudike. International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences, 9, 134–140.
  • Isaac, U. C., Igbokwe, C. A., Okafor, N. J., Aniemena, C. F., Albert, J. C., & Nwachukwu, B. C. (2022). Repeatability of growth traits in three strains of broiler chicken. Malaysian Animal Husbandry Journal, 2, 29–33.
  • Isaac, U. C., Okafor, N. J., Nwachukwu, B. C., Albert, J. C., Aniemena, C. F., & Igbokwe, C. A. (2024). Stepwise canonical discriminant analysis for morphometric characterization of three strains of broiler chicken. Genetika, 56(1), 43–54.
  • Isaac, U. C., Ejivade, O. M., Ezea, J., & Nosike, R. J. (2023). Allometric growth models for improvement of size and conformation in crossbred chickens. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences, 5, 78–84.
  • Kadurumba, O. E., Ibe, S. N., Okoro, V. M. O., Ogbuewu, I. P., & Nwaogwugwu, U. C. (2014). Body weight as a discriminant factor among three breeds of the Nigerian local chickens. Advances in Agriculture Sciences and Engineering, 4, 1590–1594.
  • Kambur, M., & Kekeçoğlu, M. (2020). Is the natural honey bee biodiversity of anatolia in the process of extinction? Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(3), 593-600. DOI: 10.29133/yyutbd.708186.
  • Kim, J. H. (2019). Multicollinearity and misleading statistical results. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 72, 558–569.
  • Li, X., Deng, S., & Jiang, Y. (2019). Outlier detection on robust Mahalanobis distance and its application. Open Journal of Statistics, 9, 15–26.
  • Mahalanobis, P. C. (1936). On the generalised distance in statistics. Proceedings of the National Institute of Science of India, 2, 49–55.
  • Maharani, D., Mustofa, F., Sari, A. P. Z. N. I., Fathoni, A., Sasongko, H., & Hariyono, D. N. H. (2021). Phenotypic characterization and principal component analysis of indigenous chicken breeds in Indonesia. Veterinary World, 14, 1665–1676.
  • Mdlala, K., Dzomba, E. F., & Muchadeyi, F. C. (2017). Characterization of the village goat production systems in the rural communities of the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, and North West Provinces of South Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 49, 515–527.
  • Mmushi, J. R., Chiwanga, G. H., Anuzu-Aweh, E. M., Walugembe, M., Max, R. A., Lamont, S. J., Mollel, E. L., Msoffe, P. L., Dekkers, J. C., Gallardo, R. A., Zhou, H., & Muhairwa, A. O. (2020). Phenotypic variability and population structure analysis of Tanzanian free-range local chickens. BMC Veterinary Research, 16, 360.
  • Mohammed, A.Y., Elfaki, M.H., EL Hado, M.A., & Mariod, A.A. (2020). The ımpact of poultry production on empowering of rural women development. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(1), 204-210. DOI: 10.29133/yyutbd.641942.
  • N’Dri, A. L., Fofana, N., Okon, J. L., & Adepo-Gourene, A. B. (2016). Biometric characterization of local chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) according to sex and phenotype from traditional breeding of Dabakala (Côte d'Ivoire). International Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Research, 2, 1–6.
  • Ogah, D. M. (2013). Canonical discriminant analysis of morphometric traits in indigenous chicken genotypes. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 11, 170–174.
  • Ogah, D. M., Momoh, O. M., & Dim, N. I. (2011). Application of canonical discriminant analysis for assessment of genetic variation in Muscovy duck ecotypes in Nigeria. Egyptian Poultry Science, 31, 429–436.
  • Ogbogo, S. (2019). Discriminant analysis: An analysis of its predictorship function. Journal of Education and Practice, 10, 50–57.
  • Ojedapo, L. O., Amao, S. R., Ameen, S. A., Adedeji, T. A., Ogundipe, T. L., & Ige, A. O. (2012). Prediction of body weight and other linear body measurements of two commercial layer strain chickens. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 6, 13–22.
  • Rotimi, E. A. (2023). Analysis of egg quality traits and prediction of egg weight in Isa Brown laying hens. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 60(3), 399–404.
  • Rotimi, E. A., & Ati, M. H. (2020). Use of discriminant analysis method to identify sex by morphological traits in adult rabbits in Nigeria. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 53(4), 183–186.
  • Rotimi, E. A., Aliyu, A. M., & Aruwayo, A. (2021). Morphological characteristics of goat breeds in Nigeria using discriminant analysis approach. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 48(5), 30–40.
  • Rotimi, E. A., Momoh, O. M., & Egahi, J. O. (2020). Relationship between body weight and morphological traits in Sahelian goats of Nigeria using path analysis. MKU. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 455–460.
  • Sadick, A. M., Aryee, G., Poku, P. A., & Kyeree, C. G. (2020). Relationship between body weight and linear body measurements in the Cobb broiler chicken. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 4(1), 1–6.
  • Sam, I. M., & Okon, L. S. (2022). Comparative evaluation of growth performance, morphometric and carcass traits of three strains of broiler chicken raised in the tropics. Animal Research International, 19(3), 4617–4624.
  • Udeh, I. C., & Ogbu, C. C. (2011). Principal component analysis of body measurements in three strains of broiler chicken. Science World Journal, 6(1), 11–14.
  • Yakubu, A., Salako, A. E., Imumorin, I. G., Ige, A. O., & Akinyemi, M. O. (2010). Discriminant analysis of morphometric differentiation in the West African Dwarf and Red Sokoto goats. South African Journal of Animal Science, 40(4), 381–387.
  • Yakubu, A., Eyduran, E., Celik, S., & Ishayan, J. O. (2022). Use of linear modeling, multivariate adaptive regression splines, and decision trees in goats. Genetika, 54(4), 1429–1445.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Biotechnology Diagnostics
Journal Section Articles

Emmanuel Abayomi Rotımı 0000-0002-5657-6151

Early Pub Date March 16, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date September 19, 2024
Acceptance Date January 12, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 35 Issue: 1


APA Rotımı, E. A. (2025). Morphometric Characterization and Discrimination of Three Broiler Chickens Using Canonical Discriminant Analysis. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(1), 81-90.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.