The Stimulating Effect of Polyamine and Brassinolide on Sweet Cherry cv. ‘0900 Ziraat’ Pollen
Year 2025,
Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 36 - 43
Ferhad Muradoğlu
Hüseyin Kırkaya
Şeyma Batur
Gürkan Pürlu
Mirmahmud Hasanov
Sweet cherry exhibited self-incompatibility and the group incompatibility cultivar '0900 Ziraat' is known to be a self-incompatible cultivar. Fruit set and yield to realize, it is obligatory to the overlap blooming periods between the main and pollinizer cultivars, as well as to consider factors such as self and cross-pollination, environmental terms, and pollen quality. In the study, Pollen germination (PG) and pollen tube length (PTL) were evaluated after following applications (0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 2.50 mM and control) of 24-epibrassanoid (24-epiBL) and Putrescine (PUT). PG and PTL rates were significantly impressed by the application of two bioregulators (24-epiBL and PUT), and the longest PG and PTL formed in the 0.25 mM application of both bioregulators. Whereas higher doses particularly, 0.50 and 2.5 mM presented restrictive effects on both PG and PTL. In comparing two bioregulator applications on PG and PTL, a higher stimulant effect was observed at low doses in PUT, and the higher inhibition effect was monitored in 24-epiBL with 2.5 mM application. In conclusion, on PG and PTL of sweet cherry cultivar '0900 Ziraat' high concentrations (0.50 mM and 2.50 mM) of two bioregulators showed toxic effects contrary, lower concentrations (0.05 mM and 0.25 mM) have been positively efficient.
Ethical Statement
Ethical approval is not required for this study.
- Acar I., Ak B. E., & Sarpkaya K. (2010). Effects of boron and gibberellic acid on in vitro pollen germination of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 9: 5126–5130.
- Alcaraz, María L., & José I. Hormaza. (2021). Fruit set in avocado: Pollen limitation, pollen load size, and selective fruit abortion. Agronomy 11(8), 1603.
- Aloisi, I., Cai, G., Serafini-Fracassini, D., & Del Duca, S. (2016). Polyamines in pollen: from microsporogenesis to fertilization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 155.
- Aronne, G., Iovane, M., & Strumia, S. (2021). Temperature and humidity affect pollen viability and may trigger distyly disruption in threatened species. Annali Di Botanica, 11, 77–82.
- Bekefi, Z. (2004). Self-fertility studies of some sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars and selections. Int. J. Hortic. Sci., 10(4), 21-26.
- Benko, P., Jee, S., Kaszler, N., Fehér, A., & Gémes, K. (2020). Polyamines treatment during pollen germination and pollen tube elongation in tobacco modulate reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide homeostasis. Journal Of Plant Physiology, 244, 153085.
- Beyhan, N., & Karakaş, B. (2009). Investigation of the fertilization biology of some sweet cherry cultivars grown in the Central Northern Anatolian Region of Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae, 121(3), 320-326.
- Brewbaker, J. L., & Kwack, B. H. (1963). The Essential role of calcium ion in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Amer. J. Botany, 50(9), 859-865.
- Bykova, O., Chuine, I., Morin, X., &Higgins, S.I. (2012) Temperature dependence of the reproduction niche and its relevance for plant species distributions. Journal of Biogeography, 39(12), 2191-2200.
- Calic, D., & Radojevic, L. (2017). Horse chestnut pollen quality. Genetika, 1, 105–115. doi: 10.2298/GENSR1701105C
- Cerovi´c, R., Paji´c, Z., Filipovi´c, M., Fotiri´c-Aksi´c, M., Radiˇcevi´c, S., Nikoli´c, D., & Đorđevi´c, M. (2014). Pollen germination and pollen tube growth in ZP maize lines. Genet.-Belgrade, 46(3) 935–947.
- Cittadini, E. D., Ridder, N., Peri, P. L., & Keulen, H., 2006. A method for assessing frost damage risk in sweet cherry orchards of South Patagonia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 141, 235-243.
- Çetinbaş-Genç, A. (2020). Putrescine modifies the pollen tube growth of tea (Camellia sinensis) by affecting actin organization and cell wall structure. Protoplasma, (1), 89-101.
- Del Duca, S., Bregoli, A. M., Bergamini, C., & Serafini-Fracassini, D. (1997). Transglutaminase-catalyzed modification of cytoskeletal proteins by polyamines during the germination of Malus domestica pollen. Sexual Plant Reproduction, 10, 89-95.
- Dölek, C., & Karabıyık, Ş. (2024). Effects of putrescine and spermine on pollen germination levels of some olive cultivars. BIO Web of Conferences, 01012.
- Engin, H., & Ünal, A. (2002). Bornova şartlarında yetiştirilen kiraz çeşitlerinin çiçeklenme zamanları ve çiçeklenme dönemindeki sıcaklıkların çiçeklenme üzerine etkileri. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 39(3), 9-16.
- Eti, S. (1991). Determination of pollen viability and germination capability of some fruit species and cultivars by different in vitro test. J. Agric. Faculty Cukurova Univ., 6, 69-80.
- FAO. (2025). Access Date: 03.01.2025.
- Hewitt, F. R., Hough, T. O., Sasse, J. M., Williams, E. G., & Rowon, K. S. (1985). Effect of brassinolide and other growth regulators on the germination and growth of pollen tubes of Prunus avium using a multiple hanging–drop assay. Aust. J. Plant Physiol., 12, 201–211.
- Jain, S., Rathod, M., Banjare, R., Nidhi, N., Sood, A., & Sharma, R. (2023). Physiological aspects of flowering, fruit setting, fruit development and fruit drop, regulation and their manipulation: A review. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 13(12), 205-224.
- Jia, D., Chen, L. G., Yin, G., Yang, X., Gao, Z., Guo, Y., & Tang, W. (2020). Brassinosteroids regulate outer ovule integument growth in part via the control of INNER NO OUTER by BRASSINOZOLE‐RESISTANT family transcription factors. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62(8), 1093-1111
- Kang Y. Y., & Guo S. R. (2011). Role of Brassinosteroids on Horticultural Crops. In: S. Hayat and A. Ahmad (eds.) Brassinosteroids: A Class of Plant Hormone, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, pp. 269–288. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0189-2_9.
- Karabıyık, Ş. (2024). Putrescine Affects fruit yield and quality by promoting effective pollination period in citrus limon. Applied Fruit Science, 66, 559–567.
- Maita, S., & Sotomayor, C. (2015). The effect of three plant bioregulators on pollen germination, pollen tube growth and fruit set in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] cvs. Non Pareil and Carmel. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 18, 381-386
- Matsuura-Tokita, K., Suzuki, T., Kimata, Yusuke., Takebayashi, Y., Ueda, M., Nakano, T., Sakakibara, H., Nakano, A.,& Higashiyama, T. 2024. Brassinosteroids function as the plant male and female reproductive hormone coordinating gene expression. BioRxiv., 592278. doi:
- Muradoğlu, F., Beyhan, O., & Sonmez, F. (2017). Response to heavy metals on pollen viability, germination and tube growth of some apple cultivars. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 7: 4456–4461.
- Muradoğlu, F., Yıldız, K., & Balta, F. (2010). Methyl jasmonate influences of pollen germination and pollen tube growth of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Yüzüncü Yıl Univ. J. Agr. Sci., 20, 183–188.
- Muradoğlu, F., O. Beyhan., Demir, T., Manzoor, M.A., Sonmez, F., & Balık, H.nİ. (2024). Alleviation of cadmium stress on pollens of quince varieties through epibrassinolide. Applied Fruit Science, 66, 1241-1247.
- Özçağıran, R., Aşkın, A., & Ülger, M. (1989). Kirazlarda çiçek tozu borusunun dişicik borusu içeresinde gelişmesinin incelenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(2), 41-54.
- Pal, M., Mitre, V., Tripon, A., Macavei, L., & Lazar, M. (2015). Pollen viability and germination capacity of some new sweet cherry Cultivars. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 72(1), 223-224. doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-hort:10645
- Qi X. L., Zhang S. L., & Fang J. B. (2010). Effects of plant growth regulators on pollen germination in kiwifruit. Nonwood Forest Research, 3, 010.
- Romero, F. M., Maiale, S. J., Rossi, F. R., Marina, M., Ruiz, O.A., & Garriz, A. (2018). Polyamine Metabolism Responses to Biotic and Abiotic Stress. In Methods in Molecular Biology; Springer: Clifton, NJ, USA, Volume 1694, pp. 37–49.
- Sarısu, H. C., & Aşkın, M. A. (2014). Nucellus deformation in sweet cherry primary ovules at anthesis. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri, 6(6), 1158-1163.
- Shivanna, K. R., & Rangaswamy, N. S. (1992). Pollen Biology Laboratory Manual. Druckerei Kutschbach, Berlin.
- Singh I., & Shono M. (2003). Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on pollen viability during heat-stress in tomato. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 41, 174–176.
- Song, J., Nada, K., & Tachibana, S. (1999). Ameliorative effect of polyamines on the high temperature inhibition of in vitro pollen germination in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Scientia Horticulturae, 80(3-4), 203-212.
- Sorkheh, K., Shiran, B., Rouhi, V., Khodambashi, M., Wolukau, J. N., & Ercisli, S. (2011). Response of in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) to temperature, polyamines and polyamine synthesis inhibitor. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39(4-6), 749-757.
- Sotomayor C., Castro J., Velasco N., & Toro R. (2012). Influence of seven growth regulators on fruit set, pollen germination and pollen tube growth of almonds. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 2, 1051–1056.
- Sütyemez, M. (2011). Pollen quality, quantity and fruit set of some self-compatible and self-incompatible cherry cultivars with artificial pollination. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(17), 3380-3386.
- Thompson, M. (2004). Flowering, Pollination and Fruit Set. In: Webster A.D., Looney N.E. (eds.), Cherries, Crop Physiology, Production and Uses. Wallingford, CABI Publishing: 223–243.
- Tosun, F., & Koyuncu, F. (2007). Effects of some chemical applicationts on pollen germination and pollen tube growth in sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.). Akdeniz Univ. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 20, 219– 224.
- Vogler, F., Schmalzl, C., Englhart, M., Bircheneder, M., & Sprunck, S. (2014). Brassinosteroids promote Arabidopsis pollen germination and growth. Plant Reproduction, 27, 153-167.
- Wolukau, J. N., Zhang, S., Xu, G., & Chen, D. (2004). The effect of temperature, polyamines and polyamine synthesis inhibitor on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of Prunus mume. Scientia Horticulturae, 99(3-4), 289-299.
- Xue X.-M., Wang J.-Z., Zhang A.-N., & Lu C., (2008). Effects of plant growth regulating substances on pollen germination and tube growth in Chaohong peach. Journal of Northwest A & F University (Natural Science Edition), 2008-04.
- Ye, Q., Zhu, W., Li, L., Zhang, S., Yin, Y., Ma, H., & Wang, X. (2010). Brassinosteroids control male fertility by regulating the expression of key genes involved in Arabidopsis anther and pollen development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(13), 6100-6105.
- Yıldız, K., & Yilmaz, H. (2002). Effect of jasmonic acid, ACC and ethephon on pollen germination in strawberry. Plant Growth Regul., 38, 145–148
- Yin W, Dong N, Niu M, Zhang X, Li L, Liu J, Liu B, & Tong H (2019). Brassinosteroid-regulated plant growth and development and gene expression in soybean. Crop J., 7(3), 411–418. https ://
Year 2025,
Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 36 - 43
Ferhad Muradoğlu
Hüseyin Kırkaya
Şeyma Batur
Gürkan Pürlu
Mirmahmud Hasanov
- Acar I., Ak B. E., & Sarpkaya K. (2010). Effects of boron and gibberellic acid on in vitro pollen germination of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 9: 5126–5130.
- Alcaraz, María L., & José I. Hormaza. (2021). Fruit set in avocado: Pollen limitation, pollen load size, and selective fruit abortion. Agronomy 11(8), 1603.
- Aloisi, I., Cai, G., Serafini-Fracassini, D., & Del Duca, S. (2016). Polyamines in pollen: from microsporogenesis to fertilization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 155.
- Aronne, G., Iovane, M., & Strumia, S. (2021). Temperature and humidity affect pollen viability and may trigger distyly disruption in threatened species. Annali Di Botanica, 11, 77–82.
- Bekefi, Z. (2004). Self-fertility studies of some sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars and selections. Int. J. Hortic. Sci., 10(4), 21-26.
- Benko, P., Jee, S., Kaszler, N., Fehér, A., & Gémes, K. (2020). Polyamines treatment during pollen germination and pollen tube elongation in tobacco modulate reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide homeostasis. Journal Of Plant Physiology, 244, 153085.
- Beyhan, N., & Karakaş, B. (2009). Investigation of the fertilization biology of some sweet cherry cultivars grown in the Central Northern Anatolian Region of Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae, 121(3), 320-326.
- Brewbaker, J. L., & Kwack, B. H. (1963). The Essential role of calcium ion in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Amer. J. Botany, 50(9), 859-865.
- Bykova, O., Chuine, I., Morin, X., &Higgins, S.I. (2012) Temperature dependence of the reproduction niche and its relevance for plant species distributions. Journal of Biogeography, 39(12), 2191-2200.
- Calic, D., & Radojevic, L. (2017). Horse chestnut pollen quality. Genetika, 1, 105–115. doi: 10.2298/GENSR1701105C
- Cerovi´c, R., Paji´c, Z., Filipovi´c, M., Fotiri´c-Aksi´c, M., Radiˇcevi´c, S., Nikoli´c, D., & Đorđevi´c, M. (2014). Pollen germination and pollen tube growth in ZP maize lines. Genet.-Belgrade, 46(3) 935–947.
- Cittadini, E. D., Ridder, N., Peri, P. L., & Keulen, H., 2006. A method for assessing frost damage risk in sweet cherry orchards of South Patagonia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 141, 235-243.
- Çetinbaş-Genç, A. (2020). Putrescine modifies the pollen tube growth of tea (Camellia sinensis) by affecting actin organization and cell wall structure. Protoplasma, (1), 89-101.
- Del Duca, S., Bregoli, A. M., Bergamini, C., & Serafini-Fracassini, D. (1997). Transglutaminase-catalyzed modification of cytoskeletal proteins by polyamines during the germination of Malus domestica pollen. Sexual Plant Reproduction, 10, 89-95.
- Dölek, C., & Karabıyık, Ş. (2024). Effects of putrescine and spermine on pollen germination levels of some olive cultivars. BIO Web of Conferences, 01012.
- Engin, H., & Ünal, A. (2002). Bornova şartlarında yetiştirilen kiraz çeşitlerinin çiçeklenme zamanları ve çiçeklenme dönemindeki sıcaklıkların çiçeklenme üzerine etkileri. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 39(3), 9-16.
- Eti, S. (1991). Determination of pollen viability and germination capability of some fruit species and cultivars by different in vitro test. J. Agric. Faculty Cukurova Univ., 6, 69-80.
- FAO. (2025). Access Date: 03.01.2025.
- Hewitt, F. R., Hough, T. O., Sasse, J. M., Williams, E. G., & Rowon, K. S. (1985). Effect of brassinolide and other growth regulators on the germination and growth of pollen tubes of Prunus avium using a multiple hanging–drop assay. Aust. J. Plant Physiol., 12, 201–211.
- Jain, S., Rathod, M., Banjare, R., Nidhi, N., Sood, A., & Sharma, R. (2023). Physiological aspects of flowering, fruit setting, fruit development and fruit drop, regulation and their manipulation: A review. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 13(12), 205-224.
- Jia, D., Chen, L. G., Yin, G., Yang, X., Gao, Z., Guo, Y., & Tang, W. (2020). Brassinosteroids regulate outer ovule integument growth in part via the control of INNER NO OUTER by BRASSINOZOLE‐RESISTANT family transcription factors. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62(8), 1093-1111
- Kang Y. Y., & Guo S. R. (2011). Role of Brassinosteroids on Horticultural Crops. In: S. Hayat and A. Ahmad (eds.) Brassinosteroids: A Class of Plant Hormone, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, pp. 269–288. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0189-2_9.
- Karabıyık, Ş. (2024). Putrescine Affects fruit yield and quality by promoting effective pollination period in citrus limon. Applied Fruit Science, 66, 559–567.
- Maita, S., & Sotomayor, C. (2015). The effect of three plant bioregulators on pollen germination, pollen tube growth and fruit set in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] cvs. Non Pareil and Carmel. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 18, 381-386
- Matsuura-Tokita, K., Suzuki, T., Kimata, Yusuke., Takebayashi, Y., Ueda, M., Nakano, T., Sakakibara, H., Nakano, A.,& Higashiyama, T. 2024. Brassinosteroids function as the plant male and female reproductive hormone coordinating gene expression. BioRxiv., 592278. doi:
- Muradoğlu, F., Beyhan, O., & Sonmez, F. (2017). Response to heavy metals on pollen viability, germination and tube growth of some apple cultivars. Fresen. Environ. Bull. 7: 4456–4461.
- Muradoğlu, F., Yıldız, K., & Balta, F. (2010). Methyl jasmonate influences of pollen germination and pollen tube growth of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Yüzüncü Yıl Univ. J. Agr. Sci., 20, 183–188.
- Muradoğlu, F., O. Beyhan., Demir, T., Manzoor, M.A., Sonmez, F., & Balık, H.nİ. (2024). Alleviation of cadmium stress on pollens of quince varieties through epibrassinolide. Applied Fruit Science, 66, 1241-1247.
- Özçağıran, R., Aşkın, A., & Ülger, M. (1989). Kirazlarda çiçek tozu borusunun dişicik borusu içeresinde gelişmesinin incelenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(2), 41-54.
- Pal, M., Mitre, V., Tripon, A., Macavei, L., & Lazar, M. (2015). Pollen viability and germination capacity of some new sweet cherry Cultivars. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 72(1), 223-224. doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-hort:10645
- Qi X. L., Zhang S. L., & Fang J. B. (2010). Effects of plant growth regulators on pollen germination in kiwifruit. Nonwood Forest Research, 3, 010.
- Romero, F. M., Maiale, S. J., Rossi, F. R., Marina, M., Ruiz, O.A., & Garriz, A. (2018). Polyamine Metabolism Responses to Biotic and Abiotic Stress. In Methods in Molecular Biology; Springer: Clifton, NJ, USA, Volume 1694, pp. 37–49.
- Sarısu, H. C., & Aşkın, M. A. (2014). Nucellus deformation in sweet cherry primary ovules at anthesis. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri, 6(6), 1158-1163.
- Shivanna, K. R., & Rangaswamy, N. S. (1992). Pollen Biology Laboratory Manual. Druckerei Kutschbach, Berlin.
- Singh I., & Shono M. (2003). Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on pollen viability during heat-stress in tomato. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 41, 174–176.
- Song, J., Nada, K., & Tachibana, S. (1999). Ameliorative effect of polyamines on the high temperature inhibition of in vitro pollen germination in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Scientia Horticulturae, 80(3-4), 203-212.
- Sorkheh, K., Shiran, B., Rouhi, V., Khodambashi, M., Wolukau, J. N., & Ercisli, S. (2011). Response of in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) to temperature, polyamines and polyamine synthesis inhibitor. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39(4-6), 749-757.
- Sotomayor C., Castro J., Velasco N., & Toro R. (2012). Influence of seven growth regulators on fruit set, pollen germination and pollen tube growth of almonds. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 2, 1051–1056.
- Sütyemez, M. (2011). Pollen quality, quantity and fruit set of some self-compatible and self-incompatible cherry cultivars with artificial pollination. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(17), 3380-3386.
- Thompson, M. (2004). Flowering, Pollination and Fruit Set. In: Webster A.D., Looney N.E. (eds.), Cherries, Crop Physiology, Production and Uses. Wallingford, CABI Publishing: 223–243.
- Tosun, F., & Koyuncu, F. (2007). Effects of some chemical applicationts on pollen germination and pollen tube growth in sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.). Akdeniz Univ. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 20, 219– 224.
- Vogler, F., Schmalzl, C., Englhart, M., Bircheneder, M., & Sprunck, S. (2014). Brassinosteroids promote Arabidopsis pollen germination and growth. Plant Reproduction, 27, 153-167.
- Wolukau, J. N., Zhang, S., Xu, G., & Chen, D. (2004). The effect of temperature, polyamines and polyamine synthesis inhibitor on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of Prunus mume. Scientia Horticulturae, 99(3-4), 289-299.
- Xue X.-M., Wang J.-Z., Zhang A.-N., & Lu C., (2008). Effects of plant growth regulating substances on pollen germination and tube growth in Chaohong peach. Journal of Northwest A & F University (Natural Science Edition), 2008-04.
- Ye, Q., Zhu, W., Li, L., Zhang, S., Yin, Y., Ma, H., & Wang, X. (2010). Brassinosteroids control male fertility by regulating the expression of key genes involved in Arabidopsis anther and pollen development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(13), 6100-6105.
- Yıldız, K., & Yilmaz, H. (2002). Effect of jasmonic acid, ACC and ethephon on pollen germination in strawberry. Plant Growth Regul., 38, 145–148
- Yin W, Dong N, Niu M, Zhang X, Li L, Liu J, Liu B, & Tong H (2019). Brassinosteroid-regulated plant growth and development and gene expression in soybean. Crop J., 7(3), 411–418. https ://