Research Article
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Effects of Humic Acid and Nitrogen Levels on Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) in Calcareous Soil

Year 2025, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 149 - 164


Flax is one of the earliest plants that humans have domesticated. Due to its high omega-3 and fatty acid content, its cultivation and consumption have increased as a healthy oil resource. It was tested in the fields of Qaladza city, Sulaimani governorate, Iraq, during the growing season of 2022–2023. Four different amounts of humic acid (0, 50, 100, and 150 kgHA ha-1) and four different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg N ha-1) were used to see how they affected the flax variety Thorshansity 72, which is a cultivar from Poland. Results indicated that from a nutritional point of view, humic acid and nitrogen are two critical elements in plant growth. There were significant differences in the plant height, number of fruiting branches, and number of capsules per plant based on the humic acid and nitrogen fertilizer rates. Differences were also observed in the number of seeds per capsule and seed yield. There were also differences in the nutrients found in the soil, shoots, and roots, and the amount of oil in the seeds of a flax plant.


  • Adani, F., Genevini, P., Zaccheo, P., & Zocchi, G. (1998). The effect of commercial humic acid on tomato plant growth and mineral nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 21(3), 561-575.
  • Al-Obady, R. F., & Shaker, A. T. (2022). Effect of sowing dates and compound fertilizer NPK on growth and yield of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(2), 185-198.
  • Aliari, H. (2006). Agronomy and Physiology of Oilseeds. Amidi Publicationss, Iran (in Farsi).
  • Atiyeh, R., Lee, S., Edwards, C., Arancon, N., & Metzger, J. (2002). The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresource Technology, 84(1), 7-14.
  • Bakry, A., Sadak, M. S., Moamen, H., & Abd El Lateef, E. (2013). Influence of humic acid and organic fertilizer on growth, chemical constituents, yield and quality of two flax seed cultivars grown under newly reclaimed sandy soils. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5).
  • Bakry, B. A., Taha, M. H., Abdelgawad, Z. A., & Abdallah, M. M. S. (2014). The role of humic acid and proline on growth, chemical constituents and yield quantity and quality of three flax cultivars grown under saline soil conditions. Agricultural Sciences, 5(14), 1566.
  • Boehme, M., Schevtschenko, J., & Pinker, I. (2005). Iron supply of cucumbers in substrate culture with humate. Acta Horticulturae, 697329.
  • Canellas, L. P., Olivares, F. L., Aguiar, N. O., Jones, D. L., Nebbioso, A., Mazzei, P., & Piccolo, A. (2015). Humic and fulvic acids as biostimulants in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 19615-27.
  • Casa, R., Russell, G., Cascio, B. L., & Rossini, F. (1999). Environmental effects on linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) yield and growth of flax at different stand densities. European Journal of Agronomy, 11(3-4), 267-278.
  • Cimrin, K. M., & Yilmaz, I. (2005). Humic acid applications to lettuce do not improve yield but do improve phosphorus availability. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science, 55(1), 58-63.
  • Çoban, F., & Önder, M. (2014). Effects of sowing densities on the important agronomic characteristics of camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] plant. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1(2), 50-55.
  • Dordas, C. A. (2010). Variation of physiological determinants of yield in linseed in response to nitrogen fertilization. Industrial Crops and Products, 31(3), 455-465.
  • Elsorady, M. E. I., El-Borhamy, A. M. A., & Barakat, E. H. A. (2022). Evaluation of new Egyptian flaxseed genotypes and pasta fortified with flaxseeds. Acta Scientiarum Technology, 44(1l).
  • Homayouni, G., Souri, M., & Zarein, M. (2013). Effects of zinc and nitrogen on yield components of five flax genotypes. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Chemistry, 13(5), 20-24.
  • Kates, M., & Eberhardt, F. M. (1957). Isolation and fractionation of leaf phosphatides. Canadian Journal of Botany 35(6), 895-905.
  • Kocjan, A. D., & Trdan, S. (2008). Influence of row spacing on the yield of two flax cultivars (Linum usitatissimum L.). Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 91(1), 23-35.
  • Lindsay, W. l. (1978). Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 42421-428.
  • López-Bucio, J., Cruz-Ramırez, A., & Herrera-Estrella, L. (2003). The role of nutrient availability in regulating root architecture. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 6(3), 280-287.
  • Marschner, H. (2011). "Marschner's mineral nutrition of higher plants. Third Edition, Third Edition. ed. Elsevier Ltd., London," Academic Press.
  • Nardi, S., Pizzeghello, D., Schiavon, M., & Ertani, A. (2016). Plant biostimulants: physiological responses induced by protein hydrolyzed-based products and humic substances in plant metabolism. Scientia Agricola, 73(1), 18-23.
  • Nowak, W., & Jeziorek, M. (2023). The role of flaxseed in improving human health. In "Healthcare", Vol. 11, pp. 395. MDPI.
  • Omar, T. A. (2020). Effect of nitrogen application methods and harvesting dates on yield and yield components of some flax cultivars. Moroccan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(5).
  • Parhizkar, K. F., Iran, N. H., Amiri, R., Oraki, H., & Majidian, M. (2012). Effects of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of oil flax. Electronic Journal of Crop Production, 5, 37–51.
  • Piccolo, A., Pietramellara, G., & Mbagwu, J. (1997). Use of humic substances as soil conditioners to increase aggregate stability. Geoderma, 75(3-4), 267-277.
  • Rahimi, M., & Bahrani, A. (2011). Seed yield and oil compositions of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) plant as affected by sowing date and nitrogen. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 10(6), 1045–1053.
  • Rengel, Z., & Marschner, P. (2005). Nutrient availability and management in the rhizosphere: exploiting genotypic differences. New Phytologist, 168(2), 305-312.
  • Senesi, N., Miano, T., & Brunetti, G. (1996). Humic-like substances in organic amendments and effects on native soil humic substances. Humic Substances in Terrestrial Ecosystems, 531-593.
  • Soltanpour, P., Workman, S., & Schwab, A. (1979). Use of inductively‐coupled plasma spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of macro‐and micronutrients in NH4HCO3‐DTPA extracts of soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 43(1), 75-78.
  • Trevisan, S., Francioso, O., Quaggiotti, S., & Nardi, S. (2010). Humic substances biological activity at the plant-soil interface: from environmental aspects to molecular factors. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(6), 635-643.
  • Zedan, S. Z., Kineber, M. E., & Mostafa, S. H. (1999). Response of flax to potassium and nitrogen fertilization under sandy soil conditions. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 77(2), 729-743.
  • Zhang, X., Davidson, E. A., Mauzerall, D. L., Searchinger, T. D., Dumas, P., & Shen, Y. (2015). Managing nitrogen for sustainable development. Nature, 528(7580), 51-59.

Effects of Humic Acid and Nitrogen Levels on Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) in Calcareous Soil

Year 2025, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 149 - 164


Flax is one of the earliest plants that humans have domesticated. Due to its high omega-3 and fatty acid content, its cultivation and consumption have increased as a healthy oil resource. It was tested in the fields of Qaladza city, Sulaimani governorate, Iraq, during the growing season of 2022–2023. Four different amounts of humic acid (0, 50, 100, and 150 kgHA ha-1) and four different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg N ha-1) were used to see how they affected the flax variety Thorshansity 72, which is a cultivar from Poland. Results indicated that, from a nutritional point of view, humic acid and nitrogen are two critical elements in plant growth. There was a big difference in the plant height, number of fruiting branches, and number of capsules per plant based on the humic acid and nitrogen fertilizer rates. There was also a difference in the number of seeds per capsule and the seed yield. There were also differences in the nutrients found in the soil, shoots, and roots, and the amount of oil in the seeds of a flax plant.


  • Adani, F., Genevini, P., Zaccheo, P., & Zocchi, G. (1998). The effect of commercial humic acid on tomato plant growth and mineral nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 21(3), 561-575.
  • Al-Obady, R. F., & Shaker, A. T. (2022). Effect of sowing dates and compound fertilizer NPK on growth and yield of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(2), 185-198.
  • Aliari, H. (2006). Agronomy and Physiology of Oilseeds. Amidi Publicationss, Iran (in Farsi).
  • Atiyeh, R., Lee, S., Edwards, C., Arancon, N., & Metzger, J. (2002). The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresource Technology, 84(1), 7-14.
  • Bakry, A., Sadak, M. S., Moamen, H., & Abd El Lateef, E. (2013). Influence of humic acid and organic fertilizer on growth, chemical constituents, yield and quality of two flax seed cultivars grown under newly reclaimed sandy soils. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5).
  • Bakry, B. A., Taha, M. H., Abdelgawad, Z. A., & Abdallah, M. M. S. (2014). The role of humic acid and proline on growth, chemical constituents and yield quantity and quality of three flax cultivars grown under saline soil conditions. Agricultural Sciences, 5(14), 1566.
  • Boehme, M., Schevtschenko, J., & Pinker, I. (2005). Iron supply of cucumbers in substrate culture with humate. Acta Horticulturae, 697329.
  • Canellas, L. P., Olivares, F. L., Aguiar, N. O., Jones, D. L., Nebbioso, A., Mazzei, P., & Piccolo, A. (2015). Humic and fulvic acids as biostimulants in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 19615-27.
  • Casa, R., Russell, G., Cascio, B. L., & Rossini, F. (1999). Environmental effects on linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) yield and growth of flax at different stand densities. European Journal of Agronomy, 11(3-4), 267-278.
  • Cimrin, K. M., & Yilmaz, I. (2005). Humic acid applications to lettuce do not improve yield but do improve phosphorus availability. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science, 55(1), 58-63.
  • Çoban, F., & Önder, M. (2014). Effects of sowing densities on the important agronomic characteristics of camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] plant. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1(2), 50-55.
  • Dordas, C. A. (2010). Variation of physiological determinants of yield in linseed in response to nitrogen fertilization. Industrial Crops and Products, 31(3), 455-465.
  • Elsorady, M. E. I., El-Borhamy, A. M. A., & Barakat, E. H. A. (2022). Evaluation of new Egyptian flaxseed genotypes and pasta fortified with flaxseeds. Acta Scientiarum Technology, 44(1l).
  • Homayouni, G., Souri, M., & Zarein, M. (2013). Effects of zinc and nitrogen on yield components of five flax genotypes. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Chemistry, 13(5), 20-24.
  • Kates, M., & Eberhardt, F. M. (1957). Isolation and fractionation of leaf phosphatides. Canadian Journal of Botany 35(6), 895-905.
  • Kocjan, A. D., & Trdan, S. (2008). Influence of row spacing on the yield of two flax cultivars (Linum usitatissimum L.). Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 91(1), 23-35.
  • Lindsay, W. l. (1978). Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 42421-428.
  • López-Bucio, J., Cruz-Ramırez, A., & Herrera-Estrella, L. (2003). The role of nutrient availability in regulating root architecture. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 6(3), 280-287.
  • Marschner, H. (2011). "Marschner's mineral nutrition of higher plants. Third Edition, Third Edition. ed. Elsevier Ltd., London," Academic Press.
  • Nardi, S., Pizzeghello, D., Schiavon, M., & Ertani, A. (2016). Plant biostimulants: physiological responses induced by protein hydrolyzed-based products and humic substances in plant metabolism. Scientia Agricola, 73(1), 18-23.
  • Nowak, W., & Jeziorek, M. (2023). The role of flaxseed in improving human health. In "Healthcare", Vol. 11, pp. 395. MDPI.
  • Omar, T. A. (2020). Effect of nitrogen application methods and harvesting dates on yield and yield components of some flax cultivars. Moroccan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(5).
  • Parhizkar, K. F., Iran, N. H., Amiri, R., Oraki, H., & Majidian, M. (2012). Effects of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of oil flax. Electronic Journal of Crop Production, 5, 37–51.
  • Piccolo, A., Pietramellara, G., & Mbagwu, J. (1997). Use of humic substances as soil conditioners to increase aggregate stability. Geoderma, 75(3-4), 267-277.
  • Rahimi, M., & Bahrani, A. (2011). Seed yield and oil compositions of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) plant as affected by sowing date and nitrogen. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 10(6), 1045–1053.
  • Rengel, Z., & Marschner, P. (2005). Nutrient availability and management in the rhizosphere: exploiting genotypic differences. New Phytologist, 168(2), 305-312.
  • Senesi, N., Miano, T., & Brunetti, G. (1996). Humic-like substances in organic amendments and effects on native soil humic substances. Humic Substances in Terrestrial Ecosystems, 531-593.
  • Soltanpour, P., Workman, S., & Schwab, A. (1979). Use of inductively‐coupled plasma spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of macro‐and micronutrients in NH4HCO3‐DTPA extracts of soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 43(1), 75-78.
  • Trevisan, S., Francioso, O., Quaggiotti, S., & Nardi, S. (2010). Humic substances biological activity at the plant-soil interface: from environmental aspects to molecular factors. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(6), 635-643.
  • Zedan, S. Z., Kineber, M. E., & Mostafa, S. H. (1999). Response of flax to potassium and nitrogen fertilization under sandy soil conditions. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 77(2), 729-743.
  • Zhang, X., Davidson, E. A., Mauzerall, D. L., Searchinger, T. D., Dumas, P., & Shen, Y. (2015). Managing nitrogen for sustainable development. Nature, 528(7580), 51-59.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy, Industrial Crops
Journal Section Articles

Azad Abdullah 0009-0008-5755-1491

Aso Husamalddin 0000-0001-8084-9300

Muhamad Maruf 0009-0009-8520-3694

Tamer Eryiğit 0000-0001-5069-8206

Early Pub Date March 20, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date November 28, 2024
Acceptance Date March 4, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 35 Issue: 1


APA Abdullah, A., Husamalddin, A., Maruf, M., Eryiğit, T. (2025). Effects of Humic Acid and Nitrogen Levels on Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) in Calcareous Soil. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(1), 149-164.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.