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Türkiye’nin Iğdır İli’nde sararma ve çalımsı görünüm gösteren biber bitkilerinde ‘Candidatus phytoplasma trifolii’nin varlığı

Year 2022, , 429 - 437, 30.09.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı fitoplazma belirtisi gösteren biberlerde fitoplazma etmeninin grup/alt grubunu araştırmaktır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, 2020 yılında Iğdır ilinden toplanan bitkiler direct ve nested PCR testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiş ve BLASTn, iphyClassifier, Mega 7 ve pDRAW32 programları kullanılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Testlerde, fitoplazmaya spesifik yaklaşık 1.2 kb DNA fragmentleri elde edilmiştir. Belirlenen 16S rRNA nükleotit dizisi (1254 bp) (OM663745) %99.44'ten fazla diğer ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ üyelerine nükleotit benzerliği göstermiştir. Gerçekleştirilen Sanal RFLP ve filogenetik analizler simptom gösteren biber bitkilerinde Clover proliferation group (16SrVI) grubu ve A alt grubundaki ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ etmeninin infeksiyonunu kanıtlamıştır.
Sonuç: Türkiye’nin Iğdır ilinde doğal olarak enfekte olmuş biberlerde ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ varlığı PCR-RFLP ve kladistik analiz kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir.

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Dergi Editörü ve sekretaryasına teşekkür ederim. Çalışmada emeği geçen tüm arkadaşlarıma teşekkür ederim.


  • Alp, Ş., M. Usta, H.M. Sipahioğlu & A. Güller, 2016. First report of "Candidatus Phytoplasma solani" on a new host marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry, 40: 311-318. http: //
  • Arocha, Y., G. Plata, J. Franco, G. Maín, S. Veramendi, F. Lazcano, J.L. Crespo, V. Lino, C. Calderόn, R. Llerena, R. Andrew, O. Antezana, A. Gutiérrez, M. Coca & E. Boa, 2009. First report of a 16SrIII Phytoplasma (X-disease group) affecting bell pepper, strawberry (frutilla), Schinus molle and Arracacia xanthorrhiza in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Plant Pathology, 59 (2): 395-395. http: //
  • Bayram, S., U. Zeybekoglu, G. Soylemezoglu, D. Canik, M. Karavin, A. Cakir & F. Ertunc, 2014. Presence of putative insect vectors of grapevine yellows phytoplasmas in Turkey. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 4 (1): 22-26. http: //
  • Bertaccini, A. & I.M. Lee, 2018. “Phytoplasmas: an update,”. in: Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria-I, in Characterization and Epidemiology of Phytoplasma-Associated Diseases. Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria-I, 1-29. http: //
  • Bertaccini, A., 2007. Phytoplasmas: diversity, taxonomy and epidemiology. Frontiers in Bioscience, 12: 673-689. http: //
  • Beşkeçili, M., N. Güneş & M. Gümüş, 2021. Antalya ili Demre ilçesi biber yetiştiriciliğinde Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) ve Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) etmenlerinin yaygınlığının belirlenmesi, Ege Universitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58 (3): 399-405. http: //
  • Bogoutdinov, D.Z., D. Valyunas, M. Navalinskene & M. Samuitene, 2008. About specific identification of Phytoplasmas in solanaceae crops, Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya, 1: 77-80.
  • Chiykowski, L.N., 1965. A yellows-type virus of alsike clover in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany, 43: 527-536. http: //
  • Choueiri, E., P. Salar, F. Jreijiri, S. El Zammar, R. Massaad, H. Abdul‐Nour, J.M. Bové, J.L. Jean-Luc Danet & X. Foissac, 2007. Occurrence and distribution of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ associated with diseases of solanaceous crops in Lebanon. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 118: 411-416. http: //
  • Erdoğan, O., 2009. Bazı pamuk çeşit adaylarının Verticillium solgunluk hastalığı etmeni (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)'ne karşı duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6 (2): 9-16.
  • Ertunc, F., A. Çakır, G. Soylemezoglu, D.C. Orel, Ş. Topkaya & S. Bayram, 2015. Reactions of some grapevine cultivars to “bois noir” phytoplasma. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 5 (1-Supplement): 109-110.
  • Faghihi, M.M., S.M. Taghavi, A. Safaei, M. Siampour & S.S. Modarres-Najafabadi, 2016. First report of a Phytoplasma associated with bell pepper big bud disease in Iran. New Disease Reports, 33: 15. http: //
  • FAO, 2020. Dünya biber üretimi. (Web page: http: // (Date accessed: 23.06.2020).
  • FAOSTAT, 2017. Crops and livestock products. (Web page: http: // (Date accessed: 26.12.2019).
  • Fialová, R., P. Válová, G. Balakishiyeva, J.L. Danet, D. Šafárová, X. Foissac & M. Navrátil, 2009. Genetic variability of stolbur Phytoplasma in annualcrop and wild plant species in south Moravia. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91: 411-416. http: //
  • Flower, C.E., N. Hayes-Plazolles, J.M. Slavicek & C. Rosa, 2018. First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’-related strain of 16SrVI-A Phytoplasma subgroup, associated with Elm yellows disease in American elm (Ulmus americana L.) in Ohio, U.S.A. Plant Disease, 102 (2): 438. http: //
  • Girsova, N.V., K.D. Bottner-Parker, D.Z. Bogoutdinov, T.B. Kastalyeva, Y.I. Meshkov, K.A. Mozhaeva & L.I. Ming, 2017. Diverse phytoplasmas associated with leguminous crops in Russia. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 149 (3): 599-610. http: //
  • Güller, A., 2021. Molecular analysis and first-time PCR isolation of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Trifolii’ from Maize (Zea mays L.) in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30 (10): 11220-11227.
  • Gundersen, D.E. & I.M. Lee, 1996. Ultrasensitive detection of phytoplasmas by nested-PCR assay using two universal primer pairs. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 35: 144-151.
  • Gundersen, D.E., I.M. Lee, D.A. Schaff, N.A. Harrison, C.J. Chang, R.E. Davis & D.T. Kingsbury, 1996. Genomic diversity and differentiation among phytoplasma strains in 16S rRNA groups I (aster yellows and related phytoplasmas) and III (X-disease and related phytoplasmas). International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 46: 64-75. http: //
  • Harling, R., Y. Arocha, V. Harju, C. Tobing, E. Boa, P. Kelly & R. Reeder, 2009. First report of 16SrII ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ infecting chilli and tamarillo in Indonesia. Plant Pathology, 58 (4): 791. http: //
  • Hemmati, C., M. Nikooei, & H. Pasalari, 2018. Cota tinctoria and Orosius albicinctus: A new plant host and potential insect vector of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 13 (1): 13. https: //
  • Hiruki, C. & K.R. Wang, 2004. Clover Proliferation Phytoplasma: ‘Canditatus Phytoplasma trifolii’. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54: 1349-1353. http: //
  • Hodgetts, J., T. Ball, N. Boonham, R. Mumford & M. Dickinson, 2007. Use of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) for identification of phytoplasmas in plants. Plant Pathology, 56: 357- 365. http: //
  • Hogenhout, A.S. & M.S. Music, 2010. Phytoplasma genomics, from sequencing to comparative and functional genomics- What have we learnt? Phytoplasmas Genoms, Plant Hosts and Vectors, 19: 37. http: //
  • IRPCM, 2004. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’, a taxon for the wall‐less, non‐helical prokaryotes that colonize plant phloem and insects. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54: 1243-1255. http: //
  • Jacobs, K.A., IM. Lee, H.M. Griffiths, F.D.Jr. Miller & K.D. Bottner, 2003. A new member of the clover proliferation phytoplasma group (16SrVI) associated with elm yellows in Illinois. Plant Disease, 87: 241-246. http: //
  • Jomantiene, R., R.E. Davis, J. Maas & E.L. Dally, 1998. Classification of new phytoplasmas associated with diseases of strawberry in Florida, based on analysis of 16S rRNA and ribosomal protein gene operon sequences. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 48: 269-277. http: //
  • Julien, H., V. Taffouo, A. Nouck, K. Nyemene, L. Tonfack, T. Meguekam & E. Youmbi, 2017. Effects of Salt Stress on Plant Growth, Nutrient Partitioning, Chlorophyll Content, Leaf Relative Water Content, Accumulation of Osmolytes and Antioxidant Compounds in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Cultivars. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 45: 481-490. http: //
  • Kamran, A., L. Lotos, M.A. Amer, M.A. Al-Saleh, I.M. Alshahwan, M.T. Shakeel, M.H. Ahmad, M. Umar & N.I. Katis, 2018. Characterization of Pepper leafroll chlorosis virus, a New Polerovirus Causing Yellowing Disease of Bell Pepper in Saudi Arabia. Plant Disease, 102: 318-326. http: // 10.1094/PDIS-03-17-0418-RE
  • Khan, M.S. & S.K. Raj, 2006. First report of molecular detection of an Aster yellows Phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris) isolate infecting chilli (Capsicum annuum) in India. Plant Pathology, 55: 822. http: //
  • Lam, N., R. Creamer, J.Rascon & R. Belfon, 2009. Characterization of a new curtovirus Pepper yellow dwarf virus from chile pepper and distribution in weed hosts in New Mexico. Archives of Virology, 154 (3): 429-436. http: //
  • Lee I.M., D.E. Gundersen-Rindal & R.E.Davis & I.M. Bartoszyk, 1998. Revised classification scheme of phytoplasmas based on RFLP analyses of 16S rRNA and ribosomal protein gene sequences. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 48, 1153-1169. https: //
  • Lee, I.M. & R.E. Davis, 1992. “Mycoplasmas Which Infect Plant and Insects, 379-390”. In: Mycoplasmas: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis (Eds. J. Maniloff, R.N. McElhansey,L.R. Finch & J.B. Baseman). Washington, DC: American Society of Microbiology, USA.
  • Lee, I.M., R.E. Davis & D.E. Gundersen-Rindal, 2000. Phytoplasmas: phytopathogenic mollicutes. Annual Review of Microbiology, 56: 1593-1597. http: //
  • Lee, I.M., R.W. Hammond, R.E. Davis & D.E. Gundersen, 1993. Universal amplifcation and analysis of pathogen 16S rDNA for classifcation and identifcation of mycoplasma like organisms. Phytopathology, 83: 834-842.
  • Navratil, M., P. Valova, R. Fialova, P. Lauterer, D. Safarova & M. Stary, 2009. The incidence of “stolbur” disease and associated yield losses in vegetable crops in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Crop Protection, 28: 898-904. http: //
  • Oksal, H.D., 2020. Natural Phytoplasma infections on fruit, vegetable and weed plants at the same agroecosystem and their molecular properties. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48 (2): 615-625. http: //
  • Oksal, H.D., F. Kaya Apak, E. Oksal, T. Tursun & H.M. Sipahioglu, 2017. Detection and Molecular Characterization of two ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Trifolii’ Isolates Infecting Peppers at the Same Ecological Niche. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 19 (6): 1372-1378. http: //
  • Özdağ, Y. & G. Sertkaya, 2017. Investigation on viruses causing yellowing disease in pepper in Hatay-Turkey. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22: 16-22.
  • Rao, G.P. & M. Kumar, 2017. World status of Phytoplasma diseases associated with eggplant. Crop Protection, 96: 22-29. http: //
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  • Salas-Muñoz, S., J.A. Mauricio-Castillo, C.H. Dietrich, R. Creamer & L.R. Reveles-Torres, 2018. First report of the leafhoppers Ceratagallia nitidula and Empoasca abrupta (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) as vectors of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii'. Plant Disease, 102 (12): 2636-2637. http: //
  • Santos-Cervantes, M.E., J.A. Chávez-Medina, J. Méndez-Lozano & N.E. Leyva-López, 2008. Detection and Molecular Characterization of Two Little Leaf Phytoplasma Strains Associated with Pepper and Tomato Diseases in Guanajuato and Sinaloa, Mexico. Plant Disease, 92 (7): 1007-1011. http: //
  • Sertkaya, G., M. Martini & R. Osler, 2008. First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ in Turkey. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90: 143-149.
  • Sertkaya, G., M. Martini, R. Musetti & R. Osler, 2007. Detection and molecular characterization of Phytoplasmas infecting sesame and solanaceous crops in Turkey. Bulletin of Insectology, 60 (2): 141-142.
  • Şevik, M.A., 2011. Occurrence of pepper mild mottle virus in greenhouse-grown pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (25): 4976-4979.
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  • Usta, M. & A. Güller, 2020. Detection and molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Trifolii’, a member of the Clover proliferation grup, infecting tomato plants from Iğdır Province in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8 (12): 2533-2540. http: //
  • Usta, M., A. Güller & H.M. Sipahioğlu, 2017. Detection and characterization of two Phytoplasma lineages on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with same symptomatology based on Virtual RFLP and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of 16S rDNA. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27 (3): 299-308.
  • Usta, M., A. Güller & H.M. Sipahioğlu, 2021. First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ associated with leaf reddening and upright growth in pears (Pyrus communis L.). Plant Protection Science, 57 (3): 188-195. http: //
  • Usta, M., A. Güller & H.M. Sipahioğlu, 2022. Detection, in silico analysis and molecular diversity of phytoplasmas from solanaceous crops in Turkey. Plant Protection Science, 58: 31-39. http: // Weintraub, P.G & L. Beanland, 2006. Insect vector of Phytoplasmas. Annual Review of Entomology, 51: 91-111. http: //
  • Yılmaz, S., B.K. Çağlar & K. Djelouah, 2019. Molecular characterization of Phytoplasma diseases of pepper in Turkey. Journal of Phytopathology, 167: 479-483. http: //
  • Zhao, Y., W. Wei, I.M. Lee, J. Shao, X. Suo & R.E. Davis, 2009. Construction of an interactive online Phytoplasma classification tool, iPhyClassifier, and its application in analysis of the peach X-disease Phytoplasma group (16SrIII). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 59: 2582-2593. http: //
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Presence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ in yellowing and bushy appearance-associated pepper plants from Iğdır Province of Turkey

Year 2022, , 429 - 437, 30.09.2022


Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the group/subgroup of phytoplasma agent in peppers showing phytoplasma symptoms.
Material and Methods: In this study, plants collected from Iğdır province in 2020 were analyzed using direct and nested PCR tests, and BLASTn, iphyClassifier, Mega 7, and pDRAW32 programs were used.
Results: In the tests performed, approximately 1.2 kb of DNA fragments specific to phytoplasma were obtained. The 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence (1254 bp in length) (OM663745) revealed that it was showed more than 99.44% nucleotide similarity to other ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ members. The tentative RFLP and phylogenetic analyzes performed proved the ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ the infection from the Clover proliferation group (16SrVI) group and subgroup A in symptomatic pepper plants.
Conclusion: The presence of ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ in naturally infected peppers in Iğdır province of Turkey was detected using PCR-RFLP and cladistic analysis.

Project Number



  • Alp, Ş., M. Usta, H.M. Sipahioğlu & A. Güller, 2016. First report of "Candidatus Phytoplasma solani" on a new host marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry, 40: 311-318. http: //
  • Arocha, Y., G. Plata, J. Franco, G. Maín, S. Veramendi, F. Lazcano, J.L. Crespo, V. Lino, C. Calderόn, R. Llerena, R. Andrew, O. Antezana, A. Gutiérrez, M. Coca & E. Boa, 2009. First report of a 16SrIII Phytoplasma (X-disease group) affecting bell pepper, strawberry (frutilla), Schinus molle and Arracacia xanthorrhiza in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Plant Pathology, 59 (2): 395-395. http: //
  • Bayram, S., U. Zeybekoglu, G. Soylemezoglu, D. Canik, M. Karavin, A. Cakir & F. Ertunc, 2014. Presence of putative insect vectors of grapevine yellows phytoplasmas in Turkey. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 4 (1): 22-26. http: //
  • Bertaccini, A. & I.M. Lee, 2018. “Phytoplasmas: an update,”. in: Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria-I, in Characterization and Epidemiology of Phytoplasma-Associated Diseases. Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria-I, 1-29. http: //
  • Bertaccini, A., 2007. Phytoplasmas: diversity, taxonomy and epidemiology. Frontiers in Bioscience, 12: 673-689. http: //
  • Beşkeçili, M., N. Güneş & M. Gümüş, 2021. Antalya ili Demre ilçesi biber yetiştiriciliğinde Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) ve Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) etmenlerinin yaygınlığının belirlenmesi, Ege Universitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58 (3): 399-405. http: //
  • Bogoutdinov, D.Z., D. Valyunas, M. Navalinskene & M. Samuitene, 2008. About specific identification of Phytoplasmas in solanaceae crops, Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya, 1: 77-80.
  • Chiykowski, L.N., 1965. A yellows-type virus of alsike clover in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany, 43: 527-536. http: //
  • Choueiri, E., P. Salar, F. Jreijiri, S. El Zammar, R. Massaad, H. Abdul‐Nour, J.M. Bové, J.L. Jean-Luc Danet & X. Foissac, 2007. Occurrence and distribution of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ associated with diseases of solanaceous crops in Lebanon. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 118: 411-416. http: //
  • Erdoğan, O., 2009. Bazı pamuk çeşit adaylarının Verticillium solgunluk hastalığı etmeni (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)'ne karşı duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6 (2): 9-16.
  • Ertunc, F., A. Çakır, G. Soylemezoglu, D.C. Orel, Ş. Topkaya & S. Bayram, 2015. Reactions of some grapevine cultivars to “bois noir” phytoplasma. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 5 (1-Supplement): 109-110.
  • Faghihi, M.M., S.M. Taghavi, A. Safaei, M. Siampour & S.S. Modarres-Najafabadi, 2016. First report of a Phytoplasma associated with bell pepper big bud disease in Iran. New Disease Reports, 33: 15. http: //
  • FAO, 2020. Dünya biber üretimi. (Web page: http: // (Date accessed: 23.06.2020).
  • FAOSTAT, 2017. Crops and livestock products. (Web page: http: // (Date accessed: 26.12.2019).
  • Fialová, R., P. Válová, G. Balakishiyeva, J.L. Danet, D. Šafárová, X. Foissac & M. Navrátil, 2009. Genetic variability of stolbur Phytoplasma in annualcrop and wild plant species in south Moravia. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91: 411-416. http: //
  • Flower, C.E., N. Hayes-Plazolles, J.M. Slavicek & C. Rosa, 2018. First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’-related strain of 16SrVI-A Phytoplasma subgroup, associated with Elm yellows disease in American elm (Ulmus americana L.) in Ohio, U.S.A. Plant Disease, 102 (2): 438. http: //
  • Girsova, N.V., K.D. Bottner-Parker, D.Z. Bogoutdinov, T.B. Kastalyeva, Y.I. Meshkov, K.A. Mozhaeva & L.I. Ming, 2017. Diverse phytoplasmas associated with leguminous crops in Russia. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 149 (3): 599-610. http: //
  • Güller, A., 2021. Molecular analysis and first-time PCR isolation of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Trifolii’ from Maize (Zea mays L.) in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30 (10): 11220-11227.
  • Gundersen, D.E. & I.M. Lee, 1996. Ultrasensitive detection of phytoplasmas by nested-PCR assay using two universal primer pairs. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 35: 144-151.
  • Gundersen, D.E., I.M. Lee, D.A. Schaff, N.A. Harrison, C.J. Chang, R.E. Davis & D.T. Kingsbury, 1996. Genomic diversity and differentiation among phytoplasma strains in 16S rRNA groups I (aster yellows and related phytoplasmas) and III (X-disease and related phytoplasmas). International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 46: 64-75. http: //
  • Harling, R., Y. Arocha, V. Harju, C. Tobing, E. Boa, P. Kelly & R. Reeder, 2009. First report of 16SrII ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ infecting chilli and tamarillo in Indonesia. Plant Pathology, 58 (4): 791. http: //
  • Hemmati, C., M. Nikooei, & H. Pasalari, 2018. Cota tinctoria and Orosius albicinctus: A new plant host and potential insect vector of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 13 (1): 13. https: //
  • Hiruki, C. & K.R. Wang, 2004. Clover Proliferation Phytoplasma: ‘Canditatus Phytoplasma trifolii’. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54: 1349-1353. http: //
  • Hodgetts, J., T. Ball, N. Boonham, R. Mumford & M. Dickinson, 2007. Use of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) for identification of phytoplasmas in plants. Plant Pathology, 56: 357- 365. http: //
  • Hogenhout, A.S. & M.S. Music, 2010. Phytoplasma genomics, from sequencing to comparative and functional genomics- What have we learnt? Phytoplasmas Genoms, Plant Hosts and Vectors, 19: 37. http: //
  • IRPCM, 2004. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’, a taxon for the wall‐less, non‐helical prokaryotes that colonize plant phloem and insects. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54: 1243-1255. http: //
  • Jacobs, K.A., IM. Lee, H.M. Griffiths, F.D.Jr. Miller & K.D. Bottner, 2003. A new member of the clover proliferation phytoplasma group (16SrVI) associated with elm yellows in Illinois. Plant Disease, 87: 241-246. http: //
  • Jomantiene, R., R.E. Davis, J. Maas & E.L. Dally, 1998. Classification of new phytoplasmas associated with diseases of strawberry in Florida, based on analysis of 16S rRNA and ribosomal protein gene operon sequences. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 48: 269-277. http: //
  • Julien, H., V. Taffouo, A. Nouck, K. Nyemene, L. Tonfack, T. Meguekam & E. Youmbi, 2017. Effects of Salt Stress on Plant Growth, Nutrient Partitioning, Chlorophyll Content, Leaf Relative Water Content, Accumulation of Osmolytes and Antioxidant Compounds in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Cultivars. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 45: 481-490. http: //
  • Kamran, A., L. Lotos, M.A. Amer, M.A. Al-Saleh, I.M. Alshahwan, M.T. Shakeel, M.H. Ahmad, M. Umar & N.I. Katis, 2018. Characterization of Pepper leafroll chlorosis virus, a New Polerovirus Causing Yellowing Disease of Bell Pepper in Saudi Arabia. Plant Disease, 102: 318-326. http: // 10.1094/PDIS-03-17-0418-RE
  • Khan, M.S. & S.K. Raj, 2006. First report of molecular detection of an Aster yellows Phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris) isolate infecting chilli (Capsicum annuum) in India. Plant Pathology, 55: 822. http: //
  • Lam, N., R. Creamer, J.Rascon & R. Belfon, 2009. Characterization of a new curtovirus Pepper yellow dwarf virus from chile pepper and distribution in weed hosts in New Mexico. Archives of Virology, 154 (3): 429-436. http: //
  • Lee I.M., D.E. Gundersen-Rindal & R.E.Davis & I.M. Bartoszyk, 1998. Revised classification scheme of phytoplasmas based on RFLP analyses of 16S rRNA and ribosomal protein gene sequences. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 48, 1153-1169. https: //
  • Lee, I.M. & R.E. Davis, 1992. “Mycoplasmas Which Infect Plant and Insects, 379-390”. In: Mycoplasmas: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis (Eds. J. Maniloff, R.N. McElhansey,L.R. Finch & J.B. Baseman). Washington, DC: American Society of Microbiology, USA.
  • Lee, I.M., R.E. Davis & D.E. Gundersen-Rindal, 2000. Phytoplasmas: phytopathogenic mollicutes. Annual Review of Microbiology, 56: 1593-1597. http: //
  • Lee, I.M., R.W. Hammond, R.E. Davis & D.E. Gundersen, 1993. Universal amplifcation and analysis of pathogen 16S rDNA for classifcation and identifcation of mycoplasma like organisms. Phytopathology, 83: 834-842.
  • Navratil, M., P. Valova, R. Fialova, P. Lauterer, D. Safarova & M. Stary, 2009. The incidence of “stolbur” disease and associated yield losses in vegetable crops in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Crop Protection, 28: 898-904. http: //
  • Oksal, H.D., 2020. Natural Phytoplasma infections on fruit, vegetable and weed plants at the same agroecosystem and their molecular properties. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48 (2): 615-625. http: //
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There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Abdullah Güller 0000-0003-3887-4208

Mustafa Usta 0000-0002-3940-2774

Gülüstan Korkmaz 0000-0002-9032-5823

Serap Demirel 0000-0002-1877-0797

Zeynelabidin Kurt 0000-0003-1164-9326

Project Number -
Publication Date September 30, 2022
Submission Date March 1, 2022
Acceptance Date May 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Güller, A., Usta, M., Korkmaz, G., Demirel, S., et al. (2022). Presence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ in yellowing and bushy appearance-associated pepper plants from Iğdır Province of Turkey. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 59(3), 429-437.

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