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Kısıntılı sulamanın iki farklı yer fıstığı çeşidinde su-verim ilişkilerine etkileri

Year 2023, , 155 - 164, 01.04.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı yağlık ve çerezlik olarak kullanılmak üzere gıda sektöründe önemli bir yeri olan yer fıstığının sulama programını oluşturmak, kurak ve yarı kurak iklim bölgelerinde su kaynaklarının daha verimli kullanılması adına kısıntılı sulama yaparak su-verim ilişkilerini incelemektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma Kahramanmaraş Doğu Akdeniz Geçit Kuşağı Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsüne ait topraklarda 2020 yılı yetiştirme sezonunda yürütülmüştür. Faktöriyel deneme desenine göre uyarlanan çalışmada iki farklı yer fıstığı çeşidi (Florispan, NC-7) ve dört sulama seviyesi (%100, %75, %50, %25) 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür.
Araştırma Bulguları: Her iki çeşite %100 sulanan konudan %25 sulanan konuya doğru 1230 ile 513 mm su verildi. Bitki su tüketimi değerleri 1100 ile 450 mm arasında değişti. Su kullanım etkinliği 0.44 ile 0.89 kg m-3, sulama suyu kullanım etkinliği ise 0.39 ile 0.78 kg m-3 olarak bulunmuştur. Ky değeri 0.54 olarak bulunurken klorofil içeriği değerleri 20 ile 39 arasında gözlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Yer fıstığı bitkisinin Doğu Akdenizde %75 su kısıtında yetiştirilebileceği anlaşılmıştır. Florispan çeşidi su stresine karşı daha hassas olduğu için NC-7 çeşidinin yetirilmesi önerilmiştir. Klorofil içeriğinin belirsiz sonuçlar vermesi sulama zamanının belirlenmesinde yetersiz olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Amiri, E., A. Abdzad Gohari & A. Mianabadi, 2015. Evaluation of water schemes for peanut, using CSM-CROPGRO-Peanut model. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 61 (10): 1439-1453.
  • Anonymous, 2022. Meteoroloji Genel müdürlüğü. (Web sayfası: (Erişim tarihi: Haziran 2022).
  • Arya, S.S., A.R. Salve & S. Chauhan, 2016. Peanuts as functional food: a review. Journal of food science and technology, 53 (1): 31-41.
  • Aşık, F.F., R. Yıldız & H.H. Arıoğlu, 2018. Osmaniye Koşullarına Uygun Yeni Yerfıstığı Çeşitleri İle Bunların Önemli Tarımsal ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21 (6): 825-836.
  • Boukid, F., 2022. Peanut protein-an underutilised by‐product with great potential: a review. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 57 (9): 5585-5591.
  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1951. A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method for Making Mechanical Analysis of Soils. Agronomy Journal, 9 (1951): 434-438.
  • Carleton, T.A., 2017. Crop-damaging temperatures increase suicide rates in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (33): 8746-8751.
  • Doorenbos, J. & A.H. Kassam, 1979. Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Rome FAO, 203 pp.
  • Doorenbos, J. & A.H. Kassam, 1986. Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Rome FAO, 193 pp.
  • Güngör, Y., Z. Erözel & O. Yıldırım, 2012. Sulama Kitabı. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Yayın No:1592. 28 s.
  • Gürgülü, H. & M.A. Ul, 2017. İzmir’de yetiştirilen bazı bitkiler için bitki su tüketimi değerleri ve sulama programları. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 54 (3): 311-317.
  • Hoogenboom, G., 2000. Contribution of agrometeorology to the simulation of crop production and its applications. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,103 (1-2): 137-157.
  • Howell, T.A., , M.J. McFarland, D.L. Reddell, K.W. Brown, R.J. Newton & P. Dahmen, 1980. Response of peanuts to irrigation management at different crop growth stages. Texas Water Resources Institute, 103 pp.
  • Howell, T.A., J.T. Musick & J.A. Tolk, 1986. Canopy temperature of irrigated winter wheat.Transactions of the ASAE, 29 (6): 1692-1698.
  • Igbadun, H.E., B.A. Salim, A.K.P.R. Tarımo & H.F. Mahoo, 2008. Effects of Deficit Irrigation Scheduling on Yields and Soil Water Balance of Irrigated Maize. Irrigation Science, 27 (1): 11-23.
  • Kadayıfçı, A. & O. Yıldırım, 2000. Ayçiçeğinin su-verim ilişkileri. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 24 (2): 137-145.
  • Kadiroğlu, A., 2022. Yer Fıstığı Yetiştiriciliği. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları, 53 s.
  • Kadiroğlu, A., H. Baydar & M. Kocatürk, 2011. Yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea L.)’nda jips uygulamasının verim ve kalite özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Derim, 28 (2): 42-54.
  • Kanber, R., Kırda, C, Tekinel, O, 1992. Sulama Suyu niteliği ve Sulamada Tuzluluk Sorunları. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yay. No. 21, Ders kitapları. Yayın No. 6, Adana, 341 s.
  • Kang, S., Z. Liang, W. Hu & J. Zhang,1998. Water use efficiency of controlled alternate irrigation on root-divided maize plants. Agricultural Water Management, 38 (1): 69-76.
  • Ketring, D.L., 1984. Temperature effects on vegetative and reproductive development of peanut 1, 2. Crop Science, 24 (5): 877-882.
  • Khodadadi Dehkordi, D., 2020. The effect of different irrigation treatments on yield and water productivity of Arachis Hypogaea L. under semi‐arid conditions in Iran. Irrigation and Drainage, 69 (4): 646-657.
  • Killi, F & T. Beycioglu, 2022. Genetic and environmental variability, heritability and genetic advance in pod yield, yield components, oil and protein content of peanut varieties. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 27 (1): 71-77.
  • Meisner, C.A. & K.J. Karnok,1992. Peanut root response to drought stress. Agronomy Journal, 84 (2): 159-165.
  • Minolta, 1989. Chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. Instruction manual. Minolta Co., Ltd., Radiometric Instruments Operations, Osaka, Japan, 24 pp.
  • Nageswara Rao, R.C., H.S. Talwar & G.C. Wright, 2001. Rapid assessment of specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using a chlorophyll meter. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 186 (3): 175-182.
  • Nelson, D.W. & L.E. Sommer, 1982. “Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, 2nd Edition. ASA-SSSA, Madison, pp. 595-579.
  • Payero, J.O., D.D. Tarkalson, S. Irmak, D. Davison & J.L. Petersen, 2008. Effect of Irrigation Amounts Applied with Subsurface Drip Irrigation on Corn Evapotranspiration, Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Dry Matter Production in a Semiarid Climate. Agricultural Water Management, 95 (8): 895-908.
  • Perry, C., 2011. Accounting for water use: Terminology and implications for saving water and increasing production. Agricultural Water Management, 98 (12): 1840-1846.
  • Pradhan, D., A. Shekoofa & T.R. Sinclair, 2019. Temperature effect on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit and its recovery. Journal of Crop Improvement, 33 (2): 177-186.
  • Prasad, P.V., P.Q. Craufurd & R.J. Summerfield, 1999. Sensitivity of peanut to timing of heat stress during reproductive development. Crop Science, 39 (5): 1352-1357.
  • Richards, L.A., 1954. Diagnosis and Improvements of Saline and Alkali Soils. U.S. Dept. Agri. Handbook, No:60, 160 pp.
  • Rustom, I.Y.S., M.H. López-Leiva & B.M. Nair, 1996. Nutritional, sensory and physicochemical properties of peanut beverage sterilized under two different UHT conditions. Food Chemistry, 56 (1): 45-53.
  • Sağlam, M.T, 2008. Toprak ve Suyun Kimyasal Analiz Yöntemleri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:2, 154 s.
  • Sepaskhah, A.R. & S.H. Ahmadi, 2010. A review on partial root-zone drying irrigation, International Journal of Plant Production 4 (4): 241-258.
  • Settaluri, V.S., C.V.K. Kandala, N. Puppala & J. Sundaram, 2012. Peanuts and their nutritional aspects-a review. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3 (12): 1644-1650.
  • Sezen, S.M., S. Yucel, S. Tekin & M. Yıldız, 2019. Determination of optimum irrigation and effect of deficit irrigation strategies on yield and disease rate of peanut irrigated with drip system in Eastern Mediterranean. Agricultural Water Management, 221 (2019): 211-219.
  • Shi, P., X. Li & J. Shen, 2020. Nonlinear modelling of selected micro-and macro-properties of weathered asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 253 (2020): 119097.
  • Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, C.C. Holbrook, T. Kesmala, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng & A. Patanothai, 2009. Association of root, specific leaf area and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading to water use efficiency of peanut under different available soil water. Agricultural Water Management, 96 (5): 790-798.
  • Topak, R., B. Acar, R. Uyanöz & E. Ceyhan, 2016. Performance of partial root-zone drip irrigation for sugar beet production in a semi-arid area. Agricultural Water Management, 176 (2016): 180-190.
  • Zhang, Y., E. Kendy, Y. Qiang, L. Changming, S. Yanjun & S. Hongyong, 2004. Effect of soil water deficit on evapotranspiration, crop yield, and water use efficiency in the north china plain. Agricultural Water Management, 64 (2004): 107-122.
  • Zhao, Q., P. Li, M. Wang, W. Zhang, W. Zhao & R. Yang, 2020. Fate of phospholipids during aqueous extraction processing of peanut and effect of demulsification treatments on oil-phosphorus-content. Food Chemistry, 331 (2020): 127367.
  • Zhao, X., J. Chen & F. Du, 2012. Potential use of peanut by-products in food processing: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49 (5): 521-529.

Effects of deficit irrigation on water-yield relations of two different peanut varieties

Year 2023, , 155 - 164, 01.04.2023


Objective: The aim of this study is to create an irrigation program for oil and snck peanuts, which is important for the food sector. and to examine the water-yield relations by using deficit irrigation in order to use water resources more efficiently in arid and semi-arid climates.
Material and Methods: This study was conducted in the fields of the Eastern Mediterranean Transition Zone Agricultural Research Institute in Kahramanmaraş in the 2020 growing season. In this study, two different peanut varieties (Florispan, NC-7) and four irrigation levels (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%) were tested in 3 replications according to a factorial trial design.
Results: Both varieties were given 1230 to 513 mm of water from 100% irrigated to 25% irrigated treatment. Crop water consumption values varied between 1100 and 450 mm. Water usage efficiency was found to be between 0.44 and 0.89 kg m-3 and irrigation water use efficiency was between 0.39 and 0.78 kg m-3. While Ky value was found to be 0.54, chlorophyll content values were observed between 20 and 39.
Conclusion: Peanut plant can be grown in Eastern Mediterranean with 75% water deficed. Since Florispan variety is more sensitive to water stress, it is suggested to grow NC-7 variety. Uncertain results of chlorophyll content showed that it was insufficient to determine irrigation time.


  • Amiri, E., A. Abdzad Gohari & A. Mianabadi, 2015. Evaluation of water schemes for peanut, using CSM-CROPGRO-Peanut model. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 61 (10): 1439-1453.
  • Anonymous, 2022. Meteoroloji Genel müdürlüğü. (Web sayfası: (Erişim tarihi: Haziran 2022).
  • Arya, S.S., A.R. Salve & S. Chauhan, 2016. Peanuts as functional food: a review. Journal of food science and technology, 53 (1): 31-41.
  • Aşık, F.F., R. Yıldız & H.H. Arıoğlu, 2018. Osmaniye Koşullarına Uygun Yeni Yerfıstığı Çeşitleri İle Bunların Önemli Tarımsal ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21 (6): 825-836.
  • Boukid, F., 2022. Peanut protein-an underutilised by‐product with great potential: a review. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 57 (9): 5585-5591.
  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1951. A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method for Making Mechanical Analysis of Soils. Agronomy Journal, 9 (1951): 434-438.
  • Carleton, T.A., 2017. Crop-damaging temperatures increase suicide rates in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (33): 8746-8751.
  • Doorenbos, J. & A.H. Kassam, 1979. Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Rome FAO, 203 pp.
  • Doorenbos, J. & A.H. Kassam, 1986. Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Rome FAO, 193 pp.
  • Güngör, Y., Z. Erözel & O. Yıldırım, 2012. Sulama Kitabı. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Yayın No:1592. 28 s.
  • Gürgülü, H. & M.A. Ul, 2017. İzmir’de yetiştirilen bazı bitkiler için bitki su tüketimi değerleri ve sulama programları. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 54 (3): 311-317.
  • Hoogenboom, G., 2000. Contribution of agrometeorology to the simulation of crop production and its applications. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,103 (1-2): 137-157.
  • Howell, T.A., , M.J. McFarland, D.L. Reddell, K.W. Brown, R.J. Newton & P. Dahmen, 1980. Response of peanuts to irrigation management at different crop growth stages. Texas Water Resources Institute, 103 pp.
  • Howell, T.A., J.T. Musick & J.A. Tolk, 1986. Canopy temperature of irrigated winter wheat.Transactions of the ASAE, 29 (6): 1692-1698.
  • Igbadun, H.E., B.A. Salim, A.K.P.R. Tarımo & H.F. Mahoo, 2008. Effects of Deficit Irrigation Scheduling on Yields and Soil Water Balance of Irrigated Maize. Irrigation Science, 27 (1): 11-23.
  • Kadayıfçı, A. & O. Yıldırım, 2000. Ayçiçeğinin su-verim ilişkileri. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 24 (2): 137-145.
  • Kadiroğlu, A., 2022. Yer Fıstığı Yetiştiriciliği. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları, 53 s.
  • Kadiroğlu, A., H. Baydar & M. Kocatürk, 2011. Yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea L.)’nda jips uygulamasının verim ve kalite özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Derim, 28 (2): 42-54.
  • Kanber, R., Kırda, C, Tekinel, O, 1992. Sulama Suyu niteliği ve Sulamada Tuzluluk Sorunları. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yay. No. 21, Ders kitapları. Yayın No. 6, Adana, 341 s.
  • Kang, S., Z. Liang, W. Hu & J. Zhang,1998. Water use efficiency of controlled alternate irrigation on root-divided maize plants. Agricultural Water Management, 38 (1): 69-76.
  • Ketring, D.L., 1984. Temperature effects on vegetative and reproductive development of peanut 1, 2. Crop Science, 24 (5): 877-882.
  • Khodadadi Dehkordi, D., 2020. The effect of different irrigation treatments on yield and water productivity of Arachis Hypogaea L. under semi‐arid conditions in Iran. Irrigation and Drainage, 69 (4): 646-657.
  • Killi, F & T. Beycioglu, 2022. Genetic and environmental variability, heritability and genetic advance in pod yield, yield components, oil and protein content of peanut varieties. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 27 (1): 71-77.
  • Meisner, C.A. & K.J. Karnok,1992. Peanut root response to drought stress. Agronomy Journal, 84 (2): 159-165.
  • Minolta, 1989. Chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. Instruction manual. Minolta Co., Ltd., Radiometric Instruments Operations, Osaka, Japan, 24 pp.
  • Nageswara Rao, R.C., H.S. Talwar & G.C. Wright, 2001. Rapid assessment of specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using a chlorophyll meter. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 186 (3): 175-182.
  • Nelson, D.W. & L.E. Sommer, 1982. “Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, 2nd Edition. ASA-SSSA, Madison, pp. 595-579.
  • Payero, J.O., D.D. Tarkalson, S. Irmak, D. Davison & J.L. Petersen, 2008. Effect of Irrigation Amounts Applied with Subsurface Drip Irrigation on Corn Evapotranspiration, Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Dry Matter Production in a Semiarid Climate. Agricultural Water Management, 95 (8): 895-908.
  • Perry, C., 2011. Accounting for water use: Terminology and implications for saving water and increasing production. Agricultural Water Management, 98 (12): 1840-1846.
  • Pradhan, D., A. Shekoofa & T.R. Sinclair, 2019. Temperature effect on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit and its recovery. Journal of Crop Improvement, 33 (2): 177-186.
  • Prasad, P.V., P.Q. Craufurd & R.J. Summerfield, 1999. Sensitivity of peanut to timing of heat stress during reproductive development. Crop Science, 39 (5): 1352-1357.
  • Richards, L.A., 1954. Diagnosis and Improvements of Saline and Alkali Soils. U.S. Dept. Agri. Handbook, No:60, 160 pp.
  • Rustom, I.Y.S., M.H. López-Leiva & B.M. Nair, 1996. Nutritional, sensory and physicochemical properties of peanut beverage sterilized under two different UHT conditions. Food Chemistry, 56 (1): 45-53.
  • Sağlam, M.T, 2008. Toprak ve Suyun Kimyasal Analiz Yöntemleri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:2, 154 s.
  • Sepaskhah, A.R. & S.H. Ahmadi, 2010. A review on partial root-zone drying irrigation, International Journal of Plant Production 4 (4): 241-258.
  • Settaluri, V.S., C.V.K. Kandala, N. Puppala & J. Sundaram, 2012. Peanuts and their nutritional aspects-a review. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3 (12): 1644-1650.
  • Sezen, S.M., S. Yucel, S. Tekin & M. Yıldız, 2019. Determination of optimum irrigation and effect of deficit irrigation strategies on yield and disease rate of peanut irrigated with drip system in Eastern Mediterranean. Agricultural Water Management, 221 (2019): 211-219.
  • Shi, P., X. Li & J. Shen, 2020. Nonlinear modelling of selected micro-and macro-properties of weathered asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 253 (2020): 119097.
  • Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, C.C. Holbrook, T. Kesmala, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng & A. Patanothai, 2009. Association of root, specific leaf area and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading to water use efficiency of peanut under different available soil water. Agricultural Water Management, 96 (5): 790-798.
  • Topak, R., B. Acar, R. Uyanöz & E. Ceyhan, 2016. Performance of partial root-zone drip irrigation for sugar beet production in a semi-arid area. Agricultural Water Management, 176 (2016): 180-190.
  • Zhang, Y., E. Kendy, Y. Qiang, L. Changming, S. Yanjun & S. Hongyong, 2004. Effect of soil water deficit on evapotranspiration, crop yield, and water use efficiency in the north china plain. Agricultural Water Management, 64 (2004): 107-122.
  • Zhao, Q., P. Li, M. Wang, W. Zhang, W. Zhao & R. Yang, 2020. Fate of phospholipids during aqueous extraction processing of peanut and effect of demulsification treatments on oil-phosphorus-content. Food Chemistry, 331 (2020): 127367.
  • Zhao, X., J. Chen & F. Du, 2012. Potential use of peanut by-products in food processing: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49 (5): 521-529.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Mualla Keten 0000-0001-7741-922X

Tahsin Beycioğlu 0000-0001-5338-8836

Hasan Degirmenci 0000-0002-6157-816X

Fatih Kıllı 0000-0001-8480-0416

Publication Date April 1, 2023
Submission Date November 23, 2022
Acceptance Date February 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Keten, M., Beycioğlu, T., Degirmenci, H., Kıllı, F. (2023). Kısıntılı sulamanın iki farklı yer fıstığı çeşidinde su-verim ilişkilerine etkileri. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(1), 155-164.

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