Research Article
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The efficiency of water buffalo farms in semi-intensive feeding system: A case study from Balıkesir, Türkiye

Year 2023, , 205 - 219, 05.07.2023


Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether or not the buffalo farms in the semi-intensive system are operating at an effective level.
Material and Methods: The data were obtained from face-to-face interviews with 102 buffalo breeders in Balıkesir province. Data Envelopment Analysis was used to determine the technical efficiency of the buffalo farms, and Tobit regression model was used to determine the factors affecting the technical efficiency.
Results: The results reveal that the buffalo farms don’t work effectively in terms of both pure technical efficiency (VRSTE: 0.668) and scale efficiency (SE: 0.687). According to pure technical efficiency scores, 23.53% of buffalo farms operate at full efficiency level. 90% of the buffalo farms that implement the semi-intensive system operate at a decreasing return to scale. This condition shows that the farms exceed the optimal size limits.
Conclusion: The technical efficiency of buffalo farms may vary depending on various factors in the countries that apply semi-intensive feeding systems in buffalo farms.

Supporting Institution

Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number



Funding for this research was provided by the Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit under grant number 2015-ZRF-048. The authors thank Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit for its financial support.


  • Abdel-Salam, S.A.M., 2019. Characterization of buffalo dairy production systems in Egypt using cluster analysis procedure. Journal of Buffalo Science, 8: 13-19.
  • Ahmed, O., S. Abdel-Salam & S. Rungsuriyawiboon, 2020. Measuring the economic performance of mixed crop-livestock farming systems in Egypt: A non-parametric DEA approach. New Medit, 19: 133-145.
  • Akdan, C., Ö. Kınık & F. İçier, 2020. Manda Sütü ve Diğer Süt Karışımlarıyla Üretilen Kefirlerin Bazı Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. E.Ü Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Özel Sayı: 39-50.
  • Borghese, A., 2005. Buffalo Production and Research. REU Technical Series 67, 316 pp.
  • Borghese, A., 2010. Development and perspective of buffalo and buffalo market in Europe and Near East. Revista Veterinaria, 21: 20-31.
  • Borghese, A., 2011. Situation and perspectives of buffalo in the World, Europe and Macedonia. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 1: 281-296.
  • CBRT, 2016. Turkish Central Bank exchange rates: 1 US Dollar to Turkish Lira exchange rate for May 2016. (Web page: (Date accessed: September, 2022).
  • Cecchini, L., L. Vieceli & A. D’Urso, 2021. Farm efficiency related to animal welfare performance and management of sheep farms in marginal areas of Central Italy: A two-stage DEA model. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 20: 955-969.
  • Coelli, T.J., 1996. A guide to DEAP Version 2.1: A data envelopment analysis (computer) program. CEPA Working Paper 96/08, Department of Econometrics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 49 pp.
  • Cuevas, A.C. & C.S. Mina, 2022. Impact of cooperative membership on technical efficiency and marketing efficiency: The case of dairy buffalo farmers in the Philippines. DLSU Business & Economics Review, 31: 137-145.
  • Deb, G.K, T.N. Nahar & P.G. Duran, 2016. Safe and sustainable traditional production: The water buffalo in Asia. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4: 1-7.
  • Degirmencioglu, T., H. Unal & H. Kuraloglu, 2015. Comparison of extensive or semi-intensive feeding for Anatolian water buffalo. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 27: 712-715.
  • Dhakal, S.C., 2022. Determinants of technical efficiency among dairy farms in Chitwan, Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry University, 5: 149-156.
  • EIP-AGRI, 2019. Sustainable livestock farming (Brochure). (Web page: eipagri_brochure_sustainable_livestock_2019_en_web.pdf) (Date accessed: October, 2022)
  • El Debaky, H.A., N.A. Kutchy & A. Ul-Husna, 2019. Potential of water buffalo in world agriculture: Challenges and opportunities. Applied Animal Science, 35: 255-268.
  • Ermetin, O., 2017. Husbandry and sustainability of water buffaloes in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5: 1673-1682.
  • FAO, 2022. Buffaloes. (Web page: (Date accessed: September, 2022).
  • FAOSTAT, 2022. Crops and livestock products: Raw milk of buffalo. (Web page: (Date accessed: October, 2022).
  • Fogarasi, J. & L. Latruffe, 2009. Technical efficiency in dairy farming: A comparison of France and Hungary in 2001-2006. Studies in Agricultural Economics, 110: 75-84.
  • Gadhvi, D.N., L.M. Sorathiya & A.L. Rathva, 2021. Comparative profitability analysis of specialized cattle and buffalo farms. Agricultural Science Digest, D-5354: 1-5.
  • Gonçalves, R.M., W. da Cruz Vieira & J.E. de Lima, 2008. Analysis of technical efficiency of milk producing farms in Minas Gerais. Economia Aplicada, 12: 321-335.
  • Gül, M., M.G. Akpinar & Y. Tascioğlu, 2018. Economic analysis of buffalo breeding in Turkey. Custos e @gronegócio on line, 14: 305-335.
  • Hamid, M.A., S. Ahmed & M.A. Rahman, 2016. Status of buffalo production in Bangladesh compared to SAARC countries. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 10: 313-329.
  • Hasan, T., S. Akter & H. Biswas, 2016. Economic analysis of small scale dairy buffalo enterprises in Bhola district of Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture, 27: 502-510.
  • Ishizaka, A. & P. Nemery, 2013. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Wiley, UK, 296 pp.
  • Işık, M. & M. Gül, 2016. Economic and social structures of water buffalo farming in Muş province of Turkey. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 45: 400-408.
  • Islam, S., T.N. Nahar, J. Begum, G.K. Deb, M. Khatun & A. Mustafa, 2017. Economic Evaluation of Buffalo Production in Selected Regions of Bangladesh. Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, 6: 177.
  • Kaygısız, F., A. Evren, Ö. Koçak, M. Aksel & T. Tan, 2018. Efficiency analysis of dairy buffalo enterprises in Çatalca district of İstanbul. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 65: 291-296.
  • Lambertz, C., C. Chaikong, J. Maxa, E. Schlecht & M. Gauly, 2012. Characteristics, socioeconomic benefits and household livelihoods of beef buffalo and beef cattle farming in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 113 (2): 155-164.
  • Liotta, L., V. Chiofalo, V.L. Presti, A. Vassallo, G. Dalfino & A. Zumbo, 2015. The influence of two different breeding systems on quality and clotting properties of milk from dairy buffaloes reared in Sicily (Italy). Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14 (3): 3669.
  • Madau, F.A., R. Furesi & P. Pulina, 2017. Technical efficiency and total factor productivity changes in European dairy farm sectors. Agricultural and Food Economics, 5 (17): 1-14.
  • Malcolm, M.B.J.G.R., J.M.P. Jayasinghe, R.M.S.D. Rathnayake & A.M. Samaraweera, 2019. Production characteristics and technical efficiency of buffalo farming in Thanamalwila veterinary division, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Animal Production, 11: 16-22.
  • Mokhber, M., M. Moradi-Shahrbabak, M. Sadeghi, H. Moradi-Shahrbabak, A. Stella, E. Nicolzzi, J. Rahmaninia & J.L. Williams, 2018. A genome-wide scan for signatures of selection in Azeri and Khuzestani buffalo breeds. BMC Genomics, 19: 449.
  • Momin, M.M., M.K.I. Khan & O.F. Miazi, 2016. Performance traits of buffalo under extensive and semi-intensive Bathan system. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 6 (4): 823-831.
  • Pantoja, L.S.G., E.R. Amante, A.M. da Cruz Rodrigues & L.H.M. da Silva, 2022. World scenario for the valorization of byproducts of buffalo milk production chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 364: 1-10.
  • Popa, R.A., L. Vidu, D.C. Popa & A. Bota, 2016. Economic efficiency - A key to biodiversity conservation. Analyze product cost structure and profit calculation in three types of buffalo farms in Fagaras Area. Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science, LIX: 240-245.
  • Roustemis, D., A. Ragkos, D. Patousis, A. Theodoridis & S. Savvidou, 2016. “Buffalo farming in Greece: Present and future, 355-358”. In: Ecosystem Services and Socio-Economic Benefits of Mediterranean Grasslands. (Eds. A.P. Kyriazopoulos, A. López-Francos, C. Porqueddu, P. Sklavou), Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 114, 454 pp.
  • Sabia, E., F. Napolitano, S. Claps, A. Braghieri, N. Piazzolla & C. Pacelli, 2015. “Feeding, nutrition and sustainability in dairy enterprises: The case of Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), 57-64”. In: The Sustainability of Agro-Food and Natural Resource Systems in the Mediterranean Basin. (Ed. A. Vastola) Springer Cham London, 397 pp.
  • Saner, G., S. Engindeniz, H. Adanacıoğlu, D. Güler & Z. Şengül, 2022. Manda yetiştiriciliğinin ekonomik yönü üzerine bir analiz: Balıkesir ili örneği. Hayvansal Üretim, 63 (1): 35-46.
  • Singh, S.P., S.K. Singh & B.R. Singh, 2015. Buffalo farming profitability in beneficiaries and non- beneficiaries’ dairy farmers of Krishi Vigyan Kendra.Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 34: 28-31.
  • Soysal, M.I., Y.T. Tuna, E.K. Gurcan, E. Ozkan, S. Kok, N. Castellano, O. Cobanoglu & C.M.A. Barone, 2007. Anatolian water buffalo’s husbandry in Turkey: preliminary results on somatic characterization. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6 (sup2): 1302-1307.
  • Sweers, W., T. Möhring & J. Müller, 2014. The economics of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) breeding, rearing and direct marketing, Archives Animal Breeding, 57 (22): 1-11.
  • Theodoridis, A., A. Ragkos, D. Roustemis, K. Galanopoulos, Z. Abas & E. Sinapis, 2012. Assessing technical efficiency of Chios sheep farms with data envelopment analysis. Small Ruminant Research, 107 (2-3): 85-91.
  • Tsiobani, E.N., Hasanagas, M. Yiakoulaki & K. Papanikolaou, 2013. Pluriactivity and professionalism in buffalo farming system: The case of Northern Greece. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 83 (7): 763-767.
  • TurkStat, 2022. Livestock Statistics of Turkish Statistical Institute. (Web page: (Date accessed: October, 2022).
  • Vijayudu, G., 2015. Economics of buffalo milk production - A case study of composite Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Rural Development, 34 (3): 305-326.
  • Vithanage, U.Y.N., M.B.P. Mahipala, L.H.P. Gunaratne & H.W. Cyril, 2013. A comparison of animal-crop mixed farming systems in dry lowland Sri Lanka. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 25 (9): 1-9.
  • Wahid, H. & Y. Rosnina, 2011. “Management of Dairy Animals: Buffalo: Asia, 772-779”. In: Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. 2nd ed. (Eds. P.L.H. McSweeney & J.P. McNamara), Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 4170 pp.
  • Yılmaz, A. & M.A. Kara, 2019. Status and future of water buffalo husbandry in the World and Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (3): 356-363.

Yarı entansif besleme sisteminde manda işletmelerinin etkinliği: Balıkesir, Türkiye’de bir örnek olay

Year 2023, , 205 - 219, 05.07.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın temel amacı yarı entansif sistemde faaliyet gösteren manda işletmelerinin etkin düzeyde çalışıp çalışmadığını belirlemektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmanın verileri Balıkesir ilindeki 102 manda yetiştiricisi ile yüz yüze gerçekleştirilen görüşmelerden elde edilmiştir. İncelenen manda işletmelerinin teknik etkinliğini belirlemek amacıyla Veri Zarflama Analizi (VZA), manda işletmelerinin teknik etkinliğini etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla da Tobit regresyon modeli kullanılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Elde edilen bulgular hem saf teknik etkinlik (VRSTE: 0.668) hem de ölçek etkinliği (SE: 0.687) açısından manda işletmelerinin etkin düzeyde çalışmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Saf teknik etkinlik skorlarına göre, manda işletmelerinin %23.53’ü tam etkinlik düzeyinde çalışmaktadır. Yarı entansif sistemi uygulayan manda işletmelerinin yaklaşık %90’ının ölçeğe göre azalan getiride çalışıyor olması bu işletmelerin optimal büyüklük sınırlarını aştığını göstermektedir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmadaki bulgular, manda yetiştiriciliğinde yarı entansif besleme sistemi uygulayan ülkelerde manda işletmelerinin teknik etkinliğinin çeşitli faktörlere bağlı olarak değişebileceğini ortaya koymaktadır.

Project Number



  • Abdel-Salam, S.A.M., 2019. Characterization of buffalo dairy production systems in Egypt using cluster analysis procedure. Journal of Buffalo Science, 8: 13-19.
  • Ahmed, O., S. Abdel-Salam & S. Rungsuriyawiboon, 2020. Measuring the economic performance of mixed crop-livestock farming systems in Egypt: A non-parametric DEA approach. New Medit, 19: 133-145.
  • Akdan, C., Ö. Kınık & F. İçier, 2020. Manda Sütü ve Diğer Süt Karışımlarıyla Üretilen Kefirlerin Bazı Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. E.Ü Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Özel Sayı: 39-50.
  • Borghese, A., 2005. Buffalo Production and Research. REU Technical Series 67, 316 pp.
  • Borghese, A., 2010. Development and perspective of buffalo and buffalo market in Europe and Near East. Revista Veterinaria, 21: 20-31.
  • Borghese, A., 2011. Situation and perspectives of buffalo in the World, Europe and Macedonia. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 1: 281-296.
  • CBRT, 2016. Turkish Central Bank exchange rates: 1 US Dollar to Turkish Lira exchange rate for May 2016. (Web page: (Date accessed: September, 2022).
  • Cecchini, L., L. Vieceli & A. D’Urso, 2021. Farm efficiency related to animal welfare performance and management of sheep farms in marginal areas of Central Italy: A two-stage DEA model. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 20: 955-969.
  • Coelli, T.J., 1996. A guide to DEAP Version 2.1: A data envelopment analysis (computer) program. CEPA Working Paper 96/08, Department of Econometrics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 49 pp.
  • Cuevas, A.C. & C.S. Mina, 2022. Impact of cooperative membership on technical efficiency and marketing efficiency: The case of dairy buffalo farmers in the Philippines. DLSU Business & Economics Review, 31: 137-145.
  • Deb, G.K, T.N. Nahar & P.G. Duran, 2016. Safe and sustainable traditional production: The water buffalo in Asia. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4: 1-7.
  • Degirmencioglu, T., H. Unal & H. Kuraloglu, 2015. Comparison of extensive or semi-intensive feeding for Anatolian water buffalo. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 27: 712-715.
  • Dhakal, S.C., 2022. Determinants of technical efficiency among dairy farms in Chitwan, Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry University, 5: 149-156.
  • EIP-AGRI, 2019. Sustainable livestock farming (Brochure). (Web page: eipagri_brochure_sustainable_livestock_2019_en_web.pdf) (Date accessed: October, 2022)
  • El Debaky, H.A., N.A. Kutchy & A. Ul-Husna, 2019. Potential of water buffalo in world agriculture: Challenges and opportunities. Applied Animal Science, 35: 255-268.
  • Ermetin, O., 2017. Husbandry and sustainability of water buffaloes in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5: 1673-1682.
  • FAO, 2022. Buffaloes. (Web page: (Date accessed: September, 2022).
  • FAOSTAT, 2022. Crops and livestock products: Raw milk of buffalo. (Web page: (Date accessed: October, 2022).
  • Fogarasi, J. & L. Latruffe, 2009. Technical efficiency in dairy farming: A comparison of France and Hungary in 2001-2006. Studies in Agricultural Economics, 110: 75-84.
  • Gadhvi, D.N., L.M. Sorathiya & A.L. Rathva, 2021. Comparative profitability analysis of specialized cattle and buffalo farms. Agricultural Science Digest, D-5354: 1-5.
  • Gonçalves, R.M., W. da Cruz Vieira & J.E. de Lima, 2008. Analysis of technical efficiency of milk producing farms in Minas Gerais. Economia Aplicada, 12: 321-335.
  • Gül, M., M.G. Akpinar & Y. Tascioğlu, 2018. Economic analysis of buffalo breeding in Turkey. Custos e @gronegócio on line, 14: 305-335.
  • Hamid, M.A., S. Ahmed & M.A. Rahman, 2016. Status of buffalo production in Bangladesh compared to SAARC countries. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 10: 313-329.
  • Hasan, T., S. Akter & H. Biswas, 2016. Economic analysis of small scale dairy buffalo enterprises in Bhola district of Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture, 27: 502-510.
  • Ishizaka, A. & P. Nemery, 2013. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Wiley, UK, 296 pp.
  • Işık, M. & M. Gül, 2016. Economic and social structures of water buffalo farming in Muş province of Turkey. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 45: 400-408.
  • Islam, S., T.N. Nahar, J. Begum, G.K. Deb, M. Khatun & A. Mustafa, 2017. Economic Evaluation of Buffalo Production in Selected Regions of Bangladesh. Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, 6: 177.
  • Kaygısız, F., A. Evren, Ö. Koçak, M. Aksel & T. Tan, 2018. Efficiency analysis of dairy buffalo enterprises in Çatalca district of İstanbul. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 65: 291-296.
  • Lambertz, C., C. Chaikong, J. Maxa, E. Schlecht & M. Gauly, 2012. Characteristics, socioeconomic benefits and household livelihoods of beef buffalo and beef cattle farming in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 113 (2): 155-164.
  • Liotta, L., V. Chiofalo, V.L. Presti, A. Vassallo, G. Dalfino & A. Zumbo, 2015. The influence of two different breeding systems on quality and clotting properties of milk from dairy buffaloes reared in Sicily (Italy). Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14 (3): 3669.
  • Madau, F.A., R. Furesi & P. Pulina, 2017. Technical efficiency and total factor productivity changes in European dairy farm sectors. Agricultural and Food Economics, 5 (17): 1-14.
  • Malcolm, M.B.J.G.R., J.M.P. Jayasinghe, R.M.S.D. Rathnayake & A.M. Samaraweera, 2019. Production characteristics and technical efficiency of buffalo farming in Thanamalwila veterinary division, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Animal Production, 11: 16-22.
  • Mokhber, M., M. Moradi-Shahrbabak, M. Sadeghi, H. Moradi-Shahrbabak, A. Stella, E. Nicolzzi, J. Rahmaninia & J.L. Williams, 2018. A genome-wide scan for signatures of selection in Azeri and Khuzestani buffalo breeds. BMC Genomics, 19: 449.
  • Momin, M.M., M.K.I. Khan & O.F. Miazi, 2016. Performance traits of buffalo under extensive and semi-intensive Bathan system. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 6 (4): 823-831.
  • Pantoja, L.S.G., E.R. Amante, A.M. da Cruz Rodrigues & L.H.M. da Silva, 2022. World scenario for the valorization of byproducts of buffalo milk production chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 364: 1-10.
  • Popa, R.A., L. Vidu, D.C. Popa & A. Bota, 2016. Economic efficiency - A key to biodiversity conservation. Analyze product cost structure and profit calculation in three types of buffalo farms in Fagaras Area. Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science, LIX: 240-245.
  • Roustemis, D., A. Ragkos, D. Patousis, A. Theodoridis & S. Savvidou, 2016. “Buffalo farming in Greece: Present and future, 355-358”. In: Ecosystem Services and Socio-Economic Benefits of Mediterranean Grasslands. (Eds. A.P. Kyriazopoulos, A. López-Francos, C. Porqueddu, P. Sklavou), Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 114, 454 pp.
  • Sabia, E., F. Napolitano, S. Claps, A. Braghieri, N. Piazzolla & C. Pacelli, 2015. “Feeding, nutrition and sustainability in dairy enterprises: The case of Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), 57-64”. In: The Sustainability of Agro-Food and Natural Resource Systems in the Mediterranean Basin. (Ed. A. Vastola) Springer Cham London, 397 pp.
  • Saner, G., S. Engindeniz, H. Adanacıoğlu, D. Güler & Z. Şengül, 2022. Manda yetiştiriciliğinin ekonomik yönü üzerine bir analiz: Balıkesir ili örneği. Hayvansal Üretim, 63 (1): 35-46.
  • Singh, S.P., S.K. Singh & B.R. Singh, 2015. Buffalo farming profitability in beneficiaries and non- beneficiaries’ dairy farmers of Krishi Vigyan Kendra.Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 34: 28-31.
  • Soysal, M.I., Y.T. Tuna, E.K. Gurcan, E. Ozkan, S. Kok, N. Castellano, O. Cobanoglu & C.M.A. Barone, 2007. Anatolian water buffalo’s husbandry in Turkey: preliminary results on somatic characterization. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6 (sup2): 1302-1307.
  • Sweers, W., T. Möhring & J. Müller, 2014. The economics of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) breeding, rearing and direct marketing, Archives Animal Breeding, 57 (22): 1-11.
  • Theodoridis, A., A. Ragkos, D. Roustemis, K. Galanopoulos, Z. Abas & E. Sinapis, 2012. Assessing technical efficiency of Chios sheep farms with data envelopment analysis. Small Ruminant Research, 107 (2-3): 85-91.
  • Tsiobani, E.N., Hasanagas, M. Yiakoulaki & K. Papanikolaou, 2013. Pluriactivity and professionalism in buffalo farming system: The case of Northern Greece. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 83 (7): 763-767.
  • TurkStat, 2022. Livestock Statistics of Turkish Statistical Institute. (Web page: (Date accessed: October, 2022).
  • Vijayudu, G., 2015. Economics of buffalo milk production - A case study of composite Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Rural Development, 34 (3): 305-326.
  • Vithanage, U.Y.N., M.B.P. Mahipala, L.H.P. Gunaratne & H.W. Cyril, 2013. A comparison of animal-crop mixed farming systems in dry lowland Sri Lanka. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 25 (9): 1-9.
  • Wahid, H. & Y. Rosnina, 2011. “Management of Dairy Animals: Buffalo: Asia, 772-779”. In: Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. 2nd ed. (Eds. P.L.H. McSweeney & J.P. McNamara), Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 4170 pp.
  • Yılmaz, A. & M.A. Kara, 2019. Status and future of water buffalo husbandry in the World and Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (3): 356-363.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering, Farm Enterprises
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Adanacıoğlu 0000-0002-8439-8524

Gamze Saner 0000-0002-2897-9543

Sait Engindeniz 0000-0002-7371-3330

Duran Güler 0000-0001-8555-0877

Zekiye Şengül 0000-0002-2496-2867

Project Number 2015-ZRF-048
Early Pub Date July 18, 2023
Publication Date July 5, 2023
Submission Date February 4, 2023
Acceptance Date May 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Adanacıoğlu, H., Saner, G., Engindeniz, S., Güler, D., et al. (2023). The efficiency of water buffalo farms in semi-intensive feeding system: A case study from Balıkesir, Türkiye. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(2), 205-219.

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