Research Article
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Analysis of egg quality traits and prediction of egg weight in Isa Brown laying hens

Year 2023, , 399 - 404, 13.10.2023


Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the best-fitted regression model for estimating egg weight of Isa Brown laying chickens using external and internal egg parameters.
Materials and Method: Data collected include: egg weight (EWT), egg length (EL), egg diameter (ED), shell thickness (ST), shell weight (SW), albumen height (AH), albumen weight (AW), yolk height (YH), yolk weight (YW) and yolk length (YL). Data were subjected to statistical analysis procedures of SPSS (version 23.0.0). Egg weight was regressed on external and internal egg parameters using forward, backward and full model regression procedures, to determine the combinations of egg parameters that explain variation in the dependent variable.
Results: Results showed that the mean (±SE) of EWT, EL, ED, ST, SW, AH, AW, YH, YW and YL were 60.49±0.47, 4.23±0.03, 2.94±0.02, 1.37±0.01, 6.04±0.05, 1.20±0.01, 36.30±0.39, 1.22±0.02, 15.29±0.15 and 2.32±0.02 respectively. The models of EWT = 30.638+0.582AW+0.571YW and EWT = -14.991+8.779EL+5.493ED+3.686SW are the best fitted regression models for predicting egg weight of Isa Brown laying chickens.
Conclusion: Conclusively, egg weight of Isa Brown laying chickens can be improved through selection for EL, ED, ST and SW trait

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  • Abanikannda, O.T.F. & A.O. Leigh, 2007. Allometric relationships between composition and size of chicken table eggs. International Journal of Poultry Science, 6: 211-217.
  • Alkan, S., A. Galiç, T. Karsli & K. Karabağ, 2015. Effects of egg weight on egg quality traits in partridge (Alectoris Chukar). Journal of Applied Animal Research, 43: 450-56.
  • Alkan, S., T. Karsli, A. Galiç & K. Karabağ, 2013. Determination of phenotypic correlations between internal and external quality traits of Guinea Fowl Eggs. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 19 (5): 861-867. DOI:10.9775/kvfd.2013.8988
  • Baykalir, Y. & S. Aslan, 2020. Phenotypic correlations between egg quality traits, albumen pH and ovalbumin levels in four varieties of Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica). GSC Biol. Pharm. Sci., 10: 69-75.
  • Campbell, J.R., M.D. Kenealy & K.L. Campbell, 2003. Animal Sciences. The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals, fourth ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 510 pp.
  • Congjiao, S., L. Junnian, Y. Ning & X. Guiyun, 2019. Egg quality and egg albumen property of domestic chicken, duck, goose, turkey, quail, and pigeon. Poultry Science, 98: 4516-4521.
  • Dakpogan, H.V., S. Salifou, A.B. Gbangboche & C.A.A. Chrysostome, 2012. Laying performance of five local hen phenotypes in improved rearing conditions. Journal of Animal and Plant Science, 15: 2130-2134.
  • 2022.
  • Farooq, M., M.A. Mian, M. Ali, F.R. Durrani, A. Asquar & A.K. Muqarrab, 2001. Egg traits of Fayomi bird under subtropical conditions. Sarad Journal of Agriculture, 17: 141-145.
  • Hoang, P., 2019. A new criterion for model selection. Mathematics, 7: 1215
  • IBM SPSS, 2015. IBM SPSS Statistical Package Software for Windows, Version 23.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Islam, M.S. & R.K. Dutta, 2010. Egg quality traits of indigenous, exotic and crossbred chickens (Gallus domesticus L.) in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Journal of Life Earth Sciences, 5: 63-67.
  • Kgwatalala, P.M., M. Molapisi, K. Thutwa, B. Sekgopi, T.P. Selemoge & S.J. Nsoso, 2016. Egg quality characteristics and phenotypic correlations among egg quality traits in the naked neck, normal and dwarf strains of Tswana chickens raised under intensive management system. International Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research, 2 (8): 96 105.
  • Kul, S. & I. Seker, 2004. Phenotypic correlations between some external and internal egg quality traits in the Japanase quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). International Journal of Poultry Science, 3: 400-405.
  • Misshohou, A., P.N. Dieye & E. Talaki, 2002. Rural poultry production and productivity in Southern Senegal. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 14 (2).
  • Momoh, O.M., A.O. Ani & L.C. Ugwuowo, 2010. Part-period egg production and egg quality characteristics of two ecotypes of Nigerian local chicken and their F1 crosses. International Journal of Poultry Science, 9 (8): 744-748.
  • Moreki, J.C., Van der, H.J.C. Merwe & J.P. Hayes, 2011. Effect of dietary calcium level on egg production and egg shell quality in broiler breeder hens from 36 to 60 weeks of age. Online Journal of Animal Feed Resources, 1 (1): 1-7.
  • Nowaczewski, S., K. Witkiewicz, M. Fratczak, H. Kontecka, A. Rutkowski, S. Krystianiak & A. Rosinski, 2008. Egg quality from domestic and French guinea fowl. Nauka Przyr Technology, 2 (2): 1-9.
  • Obike, O.M. & K.E. Azu, 2012. Phenotypic correlations among body weight, external and internal egg quality traits of pearl and black strains of guinea fowl in a humid tropical environment. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 2 (10): 857-864.
  • Ojedapo, L.O., 2013. Phenotypic correlation between the external and internal egg quality traits of Pharaoh quail reared in derived Savannah zone of Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3 (10): 80-83
  • Olawumi, S.O. & J.T. Ogunalde, 2008. Phenotypic correlation between some External and Internal Egg quality traits in the exotic is a Brown layer breeders”, Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 2: 30-35.
  • Pesmen, G. & M. Yardimci, 2008. Estimating the live weight using some body measurements in Saamen goats. Achiva Zootechnica, 11: 664-668.
  • Rath, P.K., P.K. Mishra, B.K. Mallick & N.C. Behura, 2015. Evaluation of different egg quality traits and interpretation of their mode of inheritance in White Leghorns. Veterinary World, 8 (4): 449-452. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2015.449-452.
  • Stadelman, W.J, 1995. “Quality Identification of Shell Eggs”. In: Egg Science and Technology (Eds. W.J. Stadelman & O.J. Cotterill). 4th Revision. Food Products Press, Binghamton, New York, 614 pp.
  • Tabinda, K., H. Sohail, N.M. Khan, P. Abida & F. Ghulam, 2013. Production performance, egg quality and biochemical parameters of three way crossbred chickens with reciprocal F1 crossbred chickens in sub-tropical environment. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 12: 1. DOI: 10.4081/ijas.2013.e21.
  • Tebesi, T., O.R. Madibela & J.C. Moreki, 2012. Effect of storage time on internal and external characteristics of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) eggs. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 2 (6): 534-542.
  • Topal, M., N. Yildiz, N. Esenbuğa, V. Aksakal, M. Macit & M. Özdemir, 2003. Determination of best fitted regression model for estimation of body weight in Awassi sheep. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 23: 201-208.
  • Yakubu, A., D.M. Ogah & R.F. Barda, 2008. Productivity and Egg quality characteristics of free range Naked Neck and normal feathered Nigerian Indigenous chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (6): 579-585.
  • Yousif, I.A. & N.M. Eltayeb, 2011. Performance of Sudanese native dwarf and bare neck chicken raised under improved traditional production system. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 2: 860-866.

Isa Brown yumurtlayan tavuklarda yumurta kalitesi özelliklerinin analizi ve yumurta ağırlığının tahmini

Year 2023, , 399 - 404, 13.10.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, dış ve iç yumurta parametrelerini kullanarak Isa Brown yumurtlayan tavukların yumurta ağırlığını tahmin etmek için en uygun regresyon modelini belirlemektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Toplanan veriler şunları içerir: yumurta ağırlığı (EWT), yumurta uzunluğu (EL), yumurta çapı (ED), kabuk kalınlığı (ST), kabuk ağırlığı (SW), albümin yüksekliği (AH), albümin ağırlığı (AW), yumurta sarısı yüksekliği (YH), yumurta sarısı ağırlığı (YW) ve yumurta sarısı uzunluğu (YL). Veriler SPSS (sürüm 23.0.0) 'in istatistiksel analiz prosedürlerine tabi tutuldu. Bağımlı değişkendeki değişimi açıklayan yumurta parametrelerinin kombinasyonlarını belirlemek için yumurta ağırlığı, ileri, geri ve tam model regresyon prosedürleri kullanılarak dış ve iç yumurta parametreleri üzerinde gerilemiştir.
Bulgular: Sonuçlar EWT, EL, ED, ST, SW, AH, AW, YH, YW ve YL(±SE)'nin sırasıyla 60.49±0.47, 4.23±0.03, 2.94±0.02, 1.37±0.01, 6.04±0.05, 1.20±0.01, 36.30±0.39, 1.22±0.02, 15.29±0.15 ve 2.32±0.02 olarak belirlenmiştir. EWT = 30.638+0.582AW+0.571YW ve EWT = -14.991+8.779EL+5.493ED+3.686 modelleri, Isa Brown yumurtlayan tavukların yumurta ağırlığını tahmin etmek için en uygun regresyon modelleridir.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, Isa Brown yumurtlayan tavukların yumurta ağırlığı EL, ED, ST ve SW özellikleri için seçim yoluyla iyileştirilebilir.

Project Number



  • Abanikannda, O.T.F. & A.O. Leigh, 2007. Allometric relationships between composition and size of chicken table eggs. International Journal of Poultry Science, 6: 211-217.
  • Alkan, S., A. Galiç, T. Karsli & K. Karabağ, 2015. Effects of egg weight on egg quality traits in partridge (Alectoris Chukar). Journal of Applied Animal Research, 43: 450-56.
  • Alkan, S., T. Karsli, A. Galiç & K. Karabağ, 2013. Determination of phenotypic correlations between internal and external quality traits of Guinea Fowl Eggs. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 19 (5): 861-867. DOI:10.9775/kvfd.2013.8988
  • Baykalir, Y. & S. Aslan, 2020. Phenotypic correlations between egg quality traits, albumen pH and ovalbumin levels in four varieties of Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica). GSC Biol. Pharm. Sci., 10: 69-75.
  • Campbell, J.R., M.D. Kenealy & K.L. Campbell, 2003. Animal Sciences. The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals, fourth ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 510 pp.
  • Congjiao, S., L. Junnian, Y. Ning & X. Guiyun, 2019. Egg quality and egg albumen property of domestic chicken, duck, goose, turkey, quail, and pigeon. Poultry Science, 98: 4516-4521.
  • Dakpogan, H.V., S. Salifou, A.B. Gbangboche & C.A.A. Chrysostome, 2012. Laying performance of five local hen phenotypes in improved rearing conditions. Journal of Animal and Plant Science, 15: 2130-2134.
  • 2022.
  • Farooq, M., M.A. Mian, M. Ali, F.R. Durrani, A. Asquar & A.K. Muqarrab, 2001. Egg traits of Fayomi bird under subtropical conditions. Sarad Journal of Agriculture, 17: 141-145.
  • Hoang, P., 2019. A new criterion for model selection. Mathematics, 7: 1215
  • IBM SPSS, 2015. IBM SPSS Statistical Package Software for Windows, Version 23.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Islam, M.S. & R.K. Dutta, 2010. Egg quality traits of indigenous, exotic and crossbred chickens (Gallus domesticus L.) in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Journal of Life Earth Sciences, 5: 63-67.
  • Kgwatalala, P.M., M. Molapisi, K. Thutwa, B. Sekgopi, T.P. Selemoge & S.J. Nsoso, 2016. Egg quality characteristics and phenotypic correlations among egg quality traits in the naked neck, normal and dwarf strains of Tswana chickens raised under intensive management system. International Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research, 2 (8): 96 105.
  • Kul, S. & I. Seker, 2004. Phenotypic correlations between some external and internal egg quality traits in the Japanase quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). International Journal of Poultry Science, 3: 400-405.
  • Misshohou, A., P.N. Dieye & E. Talaki, 2002. Rural poultry production and productivity in Southern Senegal. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 14 (2).
  • Momoh, O.M., A.O. Ani & L.C. Ugwuowo, 2010. Part-period egg production and egg quality characteristics of two ecotypes of Nigerian local chicken and their F1 crosses. International Journal of Poultry Science, 9 (8): 744-748.
  • Moreki, J.C., Van der, H.J.C. Merwe & J.P. Hayes, 2011. Effect of dietary calcium level on egg production and egg shell quality in broiler breeder hens from 36 to 60 weeks of age. Online Journal of Animal Feed Resources, 1 (1): 1-7.
  • Nowaczewski, S., K. Witkiewicz, M. Fratczak, H. Kontecka, A. Rutkowski, S. Krystianiak & A. Rosinski, 2008. Egg quality from domestic and French guinea fowl. Nauka Przyr Technology, 2 (2): 1-9.
  • Obike, O.M. & K.E. Azu, 2012. Phenotypic correlations among body weight, external and internal egg quality traits of pearl and black strains of guinea fowl in a humid tropical environment. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 2 (10): 857-864.
  • Ojedapo, L.O., 2013. Phenotypic correlation between the external and internal egg quality traits of Pharaoh quail reared in derived Savannah zone of Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3 (10): 80-83
  • Olawumi, S.O. & J.T. Ogunalde, 2008. Phenotypic correlation between some External and Internal Egg quality traits in the exotic is a Brown layer breeders”, Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 2: 30-35.
  • Pesmen, G. & M. Yardimci, 2008. Estimating the live weight using some body measurements in Saamen goats. Achiva Zootechnica, 11: 664-668.
  • Rath, P.K., P.K. Mishra, B.K. Mallick & N.C. Behura, 2015. Evaluation of different egg quality traits and interpretation of their mode of inheritance in White Leghorns. Veterinary World, 8 (4): 449-452. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2015.449-452.
  • Stadelman, W.J, 1995. “Quality Identification of Shell Eggs”. In: Egg Science and Technology (Eds. W.J. Stadelman & O.J. Cotterill). 4th Revision. Food Products Press, Binghamton, New York, 614 pp.
  • Tabinda, K., H. Sohail, N.M. Khan, P. Abida & F. Ghulam, 2013. Production performance, egg quality and biochemical parameters of three way crossbred chickens with reciprocal F1 crossbred chickens in sub-tropical environment. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 12: 1. DOI: 10.4081/ijas.2013.e21.
  • Tebesi, T., O.R. Madibela & J.C. Moreki, 2012. Effect of storage time on internal and external characteristics of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) eggs. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 2 (6): 534-542.
  • Topal, M., N. Yildiz, N. Esenbuğa, V. Aksakal, M. Macit & M. Özdemir, 2003. Determination of best fitted regression model for estimation of body weight in Awassi sheep. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 23: 201-208.
  • Yakubu, A., D.M. Ogah & R.F. Barda, 2008. Productivity and Egg quality characteristics of free range Naked Neck and normal feathered Nigerian Indigenous chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (6): 579-585.
  • Yousif, I.A. & N.M. Eltayeb, 2011. Performance of Sudanese native dwarf and bare neck chicken raised under improved traditional production system. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 2: 860-866.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Emmanuel Rotımı 0000-0002-5657-6151

Project Number NA
Early Pub Date October 12, 2023
Publication Date October 13, 2023
Submission Date March 11, 2023
Acceptance Date September 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Rotımı, E. (2023). Analysis of egg quality traits and prediction of egg weight in Isa Brown laying hens. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(3), 399-404.

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