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Sistematik literatür taraması: Tarımsal dijitalleşme, verimli ve sürdürülebilir tarıma doğru teknolojik dönüşüm

Year 2024, , 259 - 271, 01.07.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı literatür araştırmasının yapılması ve PRISMA yönteminin kullanılmasıdır. Araştırma, dijital platformların, sensörlerin ve yapay zekanın tarım üzerindeki etkilerine özel bir vurgu yaparak, dijital teknolojilerin küresel gıda güvenliği sorunlarını çözmede oynadığı rolü incelemektedir.
Material ve Yöntem: 30 makalenin analizi araştırmanın temelini oluşturmuştur. Araştırma kriterleri titizlikle uygulandı ve sonuçlar PRISMA kılavuzlarına uygun olarak metodik olarak birleştirildi.
Araştırma Bulguları: Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), büyük veri ve yapay zeka gibi dijital teknolojiler, mahsullerin hayatta kalmasını, üretkenliğini ve başarısını artırmasını sağladı. Araştırmaya göre, bu teknolojiler hava durumu, toprak kontrolü ve haşere kontrolü için kullanılabilir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde uygulanmasında eğitim eksikliği ve erişim eksikliği gibi sorunlarla karşılaşılmaktadır. Dijital tarım, uygun politikalarla desteklendiğinde mahsul verimini, kaynak verimliliğini ve karar alma süreçlerini iyileştirmek için büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bu nedenle, veri güvenliği, eğitim ve altyapı politikaları çok önemlidir.
Sonuç: Dijital tarım, kaynak verimliliğini, mahsul verimini ve karar alma süreçlerini iyileştirebilir, ancak bunu başarmak için uluslararası işbirliği ve uygun politika taahhütleri gereklidir.


The author expresses sincere gratitude to everyone who helped with this study, especially to Ege University for their invaluable help.


  • Ayamga, M., A. Lawani, S. Akaba & A. Birindwa, 2023. Developing institutions and inter-organizational synergies through digitalization and youth engagement in african agriculture: the case of “africa goes digital”. Land, 12 (1): 199.
  • Bugayong, I. D., K. Hayashi, N.J V.B. Querijero , M.E.M. Orden, N. Agustiani, L. Hadiawati, I.H. Siregar, W.B. Carada & V.A. Atienza, 2019. Technology transfer pathways of information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D): the case of the weather-rice-nutrient integrated decision support system (werise) in Indonesia. Journal of The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences, 25 (2): 104-117.
  • Burton, R. J. F., C. Kuczera & G. Schwarz, 2008. Exploring farmers’ cultural resistance to voluntary agri-environmental schemes. Sociologia Ruralis Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology, 48 (1): 16-37.
  • Çakmakçı, R., M.A. Salık & S. Çakmakçı, 2023. Assesment and principles of environmentally sustainable food and agricultural systems. J. of Agriculture, 13 (5): 1073.
  • Carolan, M. S., 2008. More-than-representational knowledge/s of the countryside: how we think as bodies. Sociologia Ruralis Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology, 48 (4): 408-422.
  • Chuang, J.H., J.H. Wang, Liou Y.C, 2020. Farmers’ knowledge, attitude, and adoption of smart agriculture technology In Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (19): 1-8.
  • Ciruela-Lorenzo, A., A. Del-Águila-Obra, A. Meléndez & J. Plaza-Angulo, 2020. Digitalization of agri-cooperatives İn the smart agriculture context. Proposal of A Digital Diagnosis Tool Sustainability, 12 (4): 1325.
  • Dhanaraju, M., P. Chenniappan, K. Ramalingam, S. Pazhanivelan & R. Kaliaperumal, 2022. Smart farming: internet of things (IoT)-based sustainable agriculture. Journal of Agriculture, 12 (10): 1745.
  • Drewry, J.L., J.M. Shutske, D. Trechter, B.D. Luck, 2022. Assessment of digital technology adoption and access barriers among agricultural service providers and agricultural extension professionals. Journal of The ASABE, 65 (5): 1049 -1059.
  • FAO, 2018. Sustainable development goals. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed : July, 2023).
  • FAO, 2019. The state of food and agriculture 2019. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed : July, 2023).
  • FAO, 2020. The state of food security and nutrition in the world 2020. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed : July, 2023).
  • FAO, 2021. Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the SDGs. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed: July, 2023).
  • Fielke, S. J., R. Garrard, E. Jakku, A. Fleming, L. Wiseman & B.M. Taylor, 2019. Conceptualising the DAIS: implications of the ‘digitalisation of agricultural innovation systems’ on technology and policy at multiple levels. NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90 (1): 1-11.
  • Fielke, S., B. Taylor, E. Jakku, M. Mooij, C. Stitzlein, A. Fleming & M. Vilas, 2021. Grasping at digitalisation: turning imagination into fact in the sugarcane farming community. Sustainability Science, 16 (2): 677-690.
  • Gabriel, A. & M. Gandorfer, 2019. Adoption of digital technologies in agriculture—an inventory in a european small-scale farming region. Precision Agriculture, 24 (1): 68-91.
  • Garske, B., A. Bau & F. Ekardt, F, 2021. Digitalization and AI in european agriculture: a strategy for achieving climate and biodiversity targets?. Journal of Sustainability, 13 (9): 4652.
  • Gerli, P., J. Clement, G. Esposito, L. Mora & N. Crutzen, 2022. The hidden power of emotions: how psychological factors influence skill development in smart technology adoption. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180: 121721.
  • Gopane, T., 2018. “What is the impact of digital financial service on agribusiness market risk? 1-7”. in 2018 ist-africa week conference (IST-Africa). South Africa, University of Johannesburg, 1-7 pp.
  • Griffin, T.W., K.D. Harris, J.K Ward, P. Goeringer & J.A. Richard, 2022. Three digital agriculture problems in cotton solved by distributed ledger technology. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44 (1): 237-252.
  • Hrustek, L., 2020. Sustainability driven by agriculture through digital transformation. Sustainability Journal. 12 (20): 8596.
  • Huang, X., F. Yang & S. Fahad, 2022. The impact of digital technology use on farmers’ low-carbon production behavior under the background of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality goals. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: 1002181.
  • Izuogu, C., L. Njoku, M. Olaolu, P. Kadurumba, G. Azuamairo & G. Agou, 2023. A review of the digitalization of agriculture İn Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 27 (2): 47-64.
  • Jayashankar, P., W.J. Johnston, S. Nilakanta & R. Burres, 2020. Co-creation of value-in-use through big data technology- A B2B agricultural perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35 (3): 508-523.
  • Kanna, M., 2021. Digital transformation of the agricultural sector: pathways, drivers and policy implications. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43 (4): 1221-1242.
  • Kashina, E., G. Yanovskaya, E. Fedotkina, A. Tesalovsky, E. Vetrova, A. Shaimerdenova & M. Aitkazina, 2022. Impact of digital farming on sustainable development and planning in agriculture and increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural business. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 17 (8): 2413-2420.
  • Keogh, M. & M. Henry, 2016. The Implications of digital agriculture and big data for australian agriculture. Australian Farm Institute, Sydney, Australia, 1-84 pp.
  • Kitole, F. A., E. Mkuna, and J.K. Sesabo, 2024. Digitalization and agricultural transformation in developing countries: empirical evidence from tanzania agriculture sector. Smart Agricultural Technology, 7 (2024): 100379.
  • Kitole, F., R. Lihawa, J. Sesabo & C. Shitima, 2023. The dynamism of communication technology adoption, market information and welfare: evidence from nile perch (lates niloticus) fish market, Mwanza, Tanzania, Lake. Journal of Lake & Reservoirs Research & Management, 28 (1): 1-13.
  • Kondratiev, V. (2018). Global value chains, industry 4.0 and industrial policy. Journal of The New Economic. 9 (3): 170-177. Doi:
  • Konfo, T.R.C., F.M.C. Djouhou, M.H. Hounhouigan, E. Dahouenon-Ahoussi, F. Avlessi & C.K.D. Sohounhloue, 2023. Recent advances in the use of digital technologies in agri-food processing: a short review. Applied Food Research, 100329.
  • Korotchenya, V., 2019. Digital agriculture and agricultural production efficiency: exploring prospects for Russia. J. Espacios, 40 (22): 22-35.
  • Kumar, A. & S. Basu, 2022. Can end-user feedback inform ‘responsibilisation’ of India's policy landscape for agri-digital transition?. Sociologia Ruralis, 62 (2): 305-334.
  • Lioutas, D., C. Charatsari. M.D. Rosa, 2021. Digitalization of agriculture: a way to solve the food problem or a trolley dilemma?. Technology In Society, 67 (2021): 101744.
  • Liu, X. and Zhang, X., 2023. The impact of the digital economy on high-quality development of specialized farmers’ cooperatives: evidence from China. Sustainability Journal, 15 (10): 7958.
  • Lobley, M., R. Winter, and R. Wheeler, 2018. The changing world of farming in brexit UK (Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning). CRC Press: Routledge, UK, 262 pages.
  • Maurel V.B., E. Lutton, P. Bisquert, L. Brossard, S. Chambaronginhac, P. Labarthe, P. Lagacherie, F. Martignac, J. Molena, N. Parisey, S. Picault, S. Piot-Lepetit & I. Veissier, 2022. Digital revolution for the agroecological transition of food systems: a responsible research and innovation perspective. Journal of Agricultural Systems, 203 (2022): 103524.
  • Mikhailov, A., G.F. Camboim, F.M. Reichert & P.A. Zawislak, 2022. The application and benefits of digital technologies for agri-food value chain: evidence from an emerging country. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 23 (5): 1-29.
  • Mushi, G. E., G.D.M. Serugendo, and P-Y Burgi, 2022. Digital technology and services for sustainable agriculture in Tanzania: a literature review. Sustainability Journal, 14 (4): 1-1.
  • National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2019. Number of employed persons by three industries. (Web page: (Date accessed: January, 2024).
  • Novak, I.M., O.Y. Ermakov, O.A. Demianyshyna & Revytska, 2020. Digitalization as a vector of technological changes of Ukraine. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9 (1): 3429-2434.
  • Oliveira, R.C.D. & R.D.D.S.E. Silva, 2023. Artificial intelligence in agriculture: benefits, challenges, and trends. Applied Sciences, 13 (13): 7405.
  • Peng, X., G. Wang & G. Chen, 2023. Spatial distribution of freshippo villages under the digitalization of new retail in china. Sustainability, 15 (4): 3292.
  • Prause, L., 2021. Digital agriculture and labor: a few challenges for social sustainability. Journal of Sustainability, 13 (11): 5980.
  • Prihadyanti, D. Dan S.A. Aziz, 2023. Indonesia toward sustainable agriculture do technology based start ups play a crucial role?. J. of Business Strategy and Development, 6 (2):140-157.
  • Rolandi, S., G. Brunori, M. Bacco & I. Scotti, 2021. The digitalization of agriculture and rural areas: towards a taxonomy of the impacts. Journal of Sustainability, 13 (9): 5172.
  • Rotondi, V., R. Kashyap, L.M. Pesando, S. Spinelli, and F.C. Billari, 2020. Leveraging mobile phones to attain sustainable development”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (24): 13413-13420.
  • Sanga, C. A., M. Mussa, S. Tumbo, M.R.S. Mlozi, L. Muhiche, and R. Haug, 2014. On the development of the mobile based agricultural extension system in Tanzania: a technological perspective. International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR), 8 (1): 49-67.
  • Saravanan, K. & Saraniya S., 2018. Cloud IoT based novel livestock monitoring and identification system using UID. Sensor Review, 38 (1): 21-33.
  • Sharma, A., A. Sharma, A. Tselykh, A. Bozhenyuk, T. Choudhury, M.A. Alomar & M. Sánchez-Chero, 2023. Artificial intelligence and internet of things oriented sustainable precision farming: towards modern agriculture. Open Life Sciences, 18 (1): 20220713.
  • Sharma, N.R., S. Sharma & D. Sharma, 2020. Towards a mobile app technology-enabled sustainable agriculture in India. Plant Archives, 20 (2): 3065-3071.
  • Shen, Z., S. Wang, J.P. Boussemart & Y. Hao, 2022. Digital transition and green growth In Chinese agriculture. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181: 121742.
  • Subramanian, A., 2021. Harnessing digital technology to improve agricultural productivity?. Plos One, 16 (6): 0253377.
  • Tianyu, Q., L. Wang, Y. Zhou, L. Guo, G. Jiang & L. Zhang, 2022. Digital technology-and-services-driven sustainable transformation of agriculture: cases of China and The EU. Journal of Agriculture, 12 (2): 297.
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Systematic literature review: Agricultural digitalization, technological transformation towards efficient and sustainable agriculture

Year 2024, , 259 - 271, 01.07.2024


Objective: The objective of this study was to utilize a literature review and the PRISMA methodology. Analyzing how agriculture can alleviate the world's food problems is crucial. The application of digital platforms, artificial intelligence, and sensors, with a strong emphasis on innovation and digitalization, provides tangible evidence of the impact of digital agriculture.
Materials and Methods: This study comprehensively analyzes existing studies. Specific attention is given to policies encouraging digital technology adoption in agriculture, assessing challenges, studying policies from developed and developing nations to synthesize findings.
Results: By the use of IoT, big data analytics, and AI, digital technology improves sustainability, productivity, and efficiency in agriculture. Benefits for both developed and developing countries are acknowledged, but issues like training and access continue. Legislators must enact laws and take other measures to foster favorable conditions. Digital technology adoption increases productivity and decision-making, but it also creates privacy issues. Infrastructure, education, and data protection should be the main focuses of government policy in order to promote fair and sustainable agricultural development.
Conclusion: Adopting digital technology in agriculture on a large scale and improving global sustainability and efficiency require effective legislation. To advance the industry, recommendations include incorporating technical advancements into Indonesian agriculture laws based on successful worldwide experiences.

Ethical Statement

We made a truthful literature review and used analysis according to our point of view, strengthened by the results of existing literature

Supporting Institution



Many thanks


  • Ayamga, M., A. Lawani, S. Akaba & A. Birindwa, 2023. Developing institutions and inter-organizational synergies through digitalization and youth engagement in african agriculture: the case of “africa goes digital”. Land, 12 (1): 199.
  • Bugayong, I. D., K. Hayashi, N.J V.B. Querijero , M.E.M. Orden, N. Agustiani, L. Hadiawati, I.H. Siregar, W.B. Carada & V.A. Atienza, 2019. Technology transfer pathways of information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D): the case of the weather-rice-nutrient integrated decision support system (werise) in Indonesia. Journal of The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences, 25 (2): 104-117.
  • Burton, R. J. F., C. Kuczera & G. Schwarz, 2008. Exploring farmers’ cultural resistance to voluntary agri-environmental schemes. Sociologia Ruralis Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology, 48 (1): 16-37.
  • Çakmakçı, R., M.A. Salık & S. Çakmakçı, 2023. Assesment and principles of environmentally sustainable food and agricultural systems. J. of Agriculture, 13 (5): 1073.
  • Carolan, M. S., 2008. More-than-representational knowledge/s of the countryside: how we think as bodies. Sociologia Ruralis Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology, 48 (4): 408-422.
  • Chuang, J.H., J.H. Wang, Liou Y.C, 2020. Farmers’ knowledge, attitude, and adoption of smart agriculture technology In Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (19): 1-8.
  • Ciruela-Lorenzo, A., A. Del-Águila-Obra, A. Meléndez & J. Plaza-Angulo, 2020. Digitalization of agri-cooperatives İn the smart agriculture context. Proposal of A Digital Diagnosis Tool Sustainability, 12 (4): 1325.
  • Dhanaraju, M., P. Chenniappan, K. Ramalingam, S. Pazhanivelan & R. Kaliaperumal, 2022. Smart farming: internet of things (IoT)-based sustainable agriculture. Journal of Agriculture, 12 (10): 1745.
  • Drewry, J.L., J.M. Shutske, D. Trechter, B.D. Luck, 2022. Assessment of digital technology adoption and access barriers among agricultural service providers and agricultural extension professionals. Journal of The ASABE, 65 (5): 1049 -1059.
  • FAO, 2018. Sustainable development goals. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed : July, 2023).
  • FAO, 2019. The state of food and agriculture 2019. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed : July, 2023).
  • FAO, 2020. The state of food security and nutrition in the world 2020. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed : July, 2023).
  • FAO, 2021. Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the SDGs. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations. (Web page: (Date accessed: July, 2023).
  • Fielke, S. J., R. Garrard, E. Jakku, A. Fleming, L. Wiseman & B.M. Taylor, 2019. Conceptualising the DAIS: implications of the ‘digitalisation of agricultural innovation systems’ on technology and policy at multiple levels. NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90 (1): 1-11.
  • Fielke, S., B. Taylor, E. Jakku, M. Mooij, C. Stitzlein, A. Fleming & M. Vilas, 2021. Grasping at digitalisation: turning imagination into fact in the sugarcane farming community. Sustainability Science, 16 (2): 677-690.
  • Gabriel, A. & M. Gandorfer, 2019. Adoption of digital technologies in agriculture—an inventory in a european small-scale farming region. Precision Agriculture, 24 (1): 68-91.
  • Garske, B., A. Bau & F. Ekardt, F, 2021. Digitalization and AI in european agriculture: a strategy for achieving climate and biodiversity targets?. Journal of Sustainability, 13 (9): 4652.
  • Gerli, P., J. Clement, G. Esposito, L. Mora & N. Crutzen, 2022. The hidden power of emotions: how psychological factors influence skill development in smart technology adoption. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180: 121721.
  • Gopane, T., 2018. “What is the impact of digital financial service on agribusiness market risk? 1-7”. in 2018 ist-africa week conference (IST-Africa). South Africa, University of Johannesburg, 1-7 pp.
  • Griffin, T.W., K.D. Harris, J.K Ward, P. Goeringer & J.A. Richard, 2022. Three digital agriculture problems in cotton solved by distributed ledger technology. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44 (1): 237-252.
  • Hrustek, L., 2020. Sustainability driven by agriculture through digital transformation. Sustainability Journal. 12 (20): 8596.
  • Huang, X., F. Yang & S. Fahad, 2022. The impact of digital technology use on farmers’ low-carbon production behavior under the background of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality goals. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: 1002181.
  • Izuogu, C., L. Njoku, M. Olaolu, P. Kadurumba, G. Azuamairo & G. Agou, 2023. A review of the digitalization of agriculture İn Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 27 (2): 47-64.
  • Jayashankar, P., W.J. Johnston, S. Nilakanta & R. Burres, 2020. Co-creation of value-in-use through big data technology- A B2B agricultural perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35 (3): 508-523.
  • Kanna, M., 2021. Digital transformation of the agricultural sector: pathways, drivers and policy implications. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43 (4): 1221-1242.
  • Kashina, E., G. Yanovskaya, E. Fedotkina, A. Tesalovsky, E. Vetrova, A. Shaimerdenova & M. Aitkazina, 2022. Impact of digital farming on sustainable development and planning in agriculture and increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural business. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 17 (8): 2413-2420.
  • Keogh, M. & M. Henry, 2016. The Implications of digital agriculture and big data for australian agriculture. Australian Farm Institute, Sydney, Australia, 1-84 pp.
  • Kitole, F. A., E. Mkuna, and J.K. Sesabo, 2024. Digitalization and agricultural transformation in developing countries: empirical evidence from tanzania agriculture sector. Smart Agricultural Technology, 7 (2024): 100379.
  • Kitole, F., R. Lihawa, J. Sesabo & C. Shitima, 2023. The dynamism of communication technology adoption, market information and welfare: evidence from nile perch (lates niloticus) fish market, Mwanza, Tanzania, Lake. Journal of Lake & Reservoirs Research & Management, 28 (1): 1-13.
  • Kondratiev, V. (2018). Global value chains, industry 4.0 and industrial policy. Journal of The New Economic. 9 (3): 170-177. Doi:
  • Konfo, T.R.C., F.M.C. Djouhou, M.H. Hounhouigan, E. Dahouenon-Ahoussi, F. Avlessi & C.K.D. Sohounhloue, 2023. Recent advances in the use of digital technologies in agri-food processing: a short review. Applied Food Research, 100329.
  • Korotchenya, V., 2019. Digital agriculture and agricultural production efficiency: exploring prospects for Russia. J. Espacios, 40 (22): 22-35.
  • Kumar, A. & S. Basu, 2022. Can end-user feedback inform ‘responsibilisation’ of India's policy landscape for agri-digital transition?. Sociologia Ruralis, 62 (2): 305-334.
  • Lioutas, D., C. Charatsari. M.D. Rosa, 2021. Digitalization of agriculture: a way to solve the food problem or a trolley dilemma?. Technology In Society, 67 (2021): 101744.
  • Liu, X. and Zhang, X., 2023. The impact of the digital economy on high-quality development of specialized farmers’ cooperatives: evidence from China. Sustainability Journal, 15 (10): 7958.
  • Lobley, M., R. Winter, and R. Wheeler, 2018. The changing world of farming in brexit UK (Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning). CRC Press: Routledge, UK, 262 pages.
  • Maurel V.B., E. Lutton, P. Bisquert, L. Brossard, S. Chambaronginhac, P. Labarthe, P. Lagacherie, F. Martignac, J. Molena, N. Parisey, S. Picault, S. Piot-Lepetit & I. Veissier, 2022. Digital revolution for the agroecological transition of food systems: a responsible research and innovation perspective. Journal of Agricultural Systems, 203 (2022): 103524.
  • Mikhailov, A., G.F. Camboim, F.M. Reichert & P.A. Zawislak, 2022. The application and benefits of digital technologies for agri-food value chain: evidence from an emerging country. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 23 (5): 1-29.
  • Mushi, G. E., G.D.M. Serugendo, and P-Y Burgi, 2022. Digital technology and services for sustainable agriculture in Tanzania: a literature review. Sustainability Journal, 14 (4): 1-1.
  • National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2019. Number of employed persons by three industries. (Web page: (Date accessed: January, 2024).
  • Novak, I.M., O.Y. Ermakov, O.A. Demianyshyna & Revytska, 2020. Digitalization as a vector of technological changes of Ukraine. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9 (1): 3429-2434.
  • Oliveira, R.C.D. & R.D.D.S.E. Silva, 2023. Artificial intelligence in agriculture: benefits, challenges, and trends. Applied Sciences, 13 (13): 7405.
  • Peng, X., G. Wang & G. Chen, 2023. Spatial distribution of freshippo villages under the digitalization of new retail in china. Sustainability, 15 (4): 3292.
  • Prause, L., 2021. Digital agriculture and labor: a few challenges for social sustainability. Journal of Sustainability, 13 (11): 5980.
  • Prihadyanti, D. Dan S.A. Aziz, 2023. Indonesia toward sustainable agriculture do technology based start ups play a crucial role?. J. of Business Strategy and Development, 6 (2):140-157.
  • Rolandi, S., G. Brunori, M. Bacco & I. Scotti, 2021. The digitalization of agriculture and rural areas: towards a taxonomy of the impacts. Journal of Sustainability, 13 (9): 5172.
  • Rotondi, V., R. Kashyap, L.M. Pesando, S. Spinelli, and F.C. Billari, 2020. Leveraging mobile phones to attain sustainable development”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (24): 13413-13420.
  • Sanga, C. A., M. Mussa, S. Tumbo, M.R.S. Mlozi, L. Muhiche, and R. Haug, 2014. On the development of the mobile based agricultural extension system in Tanzania: a technological perspective. International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR), 8 (1): 49-67.
  • Saravanan, K. & Saraniya S., 2018. Cloud IoT based novel livestock monitoring and identification system using UID. Sensor Review, 38 (1): 21-33.
  • Sharma, A., A. Sharma, A. Tselykh, A. Bozhenyuk, T. Choudhury, M.A. Alomar & M. Sánchez-Chero, 2023. Artificial intelligence and internet of things oriented sustainable precision farming: towards modern agriculture. Open Life Sciences, 18 (1): 20220713.
  • Sharma, N.R., S. Sharma & D. Sharma, 2020. Towards a mobile app technology-enabled sustainable agriculture in India. Plant Archives, 20 (2): 3065-3071.
  • Shen, Z., S. Wang, J.P. Boussemart & Y. Hao, 2022. Digital transition and green growth In Chinese agriculture. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181: 121742.
  • Subramanian, A., 2021. Harnessing digital technology to improve agricultural productivity?. Plos One, 16 (6): 0253377.
  • Tianyu, Q., L. Wang, Y. Zhou, L. Guo, G. Jiang & L. Zhang, 2022. Digital technology-and-services-driven sustainable transformation of agriculture: cases of China and The EU. Journal of Agriculture, 12 (2): 297.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Review

Khotimatul Barki 0009-0003-8911-0790

Malında Aptıka Rachmah 0000-0002-9377-8828

Early Pub Date July 1, 2024
Publication Date July 1, 2024
Submission Date October 30, 2023
Acceptance Date April 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Barki, K., & Rachmah, M. A. (2024). Systematic literature review: Agricultural digitalization, technological transformation towards efficient and sustainable agriculture. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 61(2), 259-271.

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