Research Article
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Son çeyrek yüzyılda Türkiye’nin Manisa İlinde kamu yayımı

Year 2024, , 61 - 72, 18.04.2024


Amaç: Çalışma, son çeyrek yüzyıldaki değişimi inceleyerek ildeki bazı yayım göstergelerini ortaya koymayı, ülkenin yayım hafızasına katkıda bulunmayı ve yayım sistemine yönelik öneriler geliştirmeyi amaçlamıştır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışmanın ana materyalini Manisa İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü ile bazı ilçe müdürlüklerinde görev yapan 229 yayımcıdan elde edilen veriler oluşturmaktadır. Yayımcıların mesleki memnuniyetlerini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesinde lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Manisa'da genç, kadın ve üniversite mezunu yayımcıların sayısı artmıştır. Yayıma ayrılan süre azalırken, bürokratik iş yükü artmıştır. Kapsanan dönemde, bir yayımcının hizmet verdiği çiftçi sayısı %43 artmıştır. Çiftçi eğitimine daha fazla zaman harcayan yayımcılar işlerinden daha memnunlardır.
Sonuç: İstihdam politikası, bir yayımcı 200 çiftçiye hizmet verecek şekilde planlanmalıdır. Yayım faaliyetleri, zaman, bölge, hedefler, bütçe, fırsatlar, işbirlikleri, sonuç göstergeleri gibi kriterler tanımlanarak proje mantığıyla yürütülmelidir.

Supporting Institution

TUBITAK & Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (BAP)

Project Number

TUBITAK (Project No: 104O130, and Project No: 112O208) & BAP, Project No: 96-ZRF-041


  • Anderson J.R. & G. Feder, 2003., Rural Extension Services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper World Bank Publications 2976, Washington D.C., 37 pp.
  • Anderson, J.R., G. Feder & S. Ganguly, 2006. The Rise and Fall of Training and Visit Extension: An Asian Mini-drama with an African Epilogue. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, World Bank Publications 3928, Washington D.C., 30 pp.
  • Anonymous, 1938. Türk Ziraatine Bir Bakış. Birinci Köy ve Ziraat Kalkınma Kongresi Yayını, Devlet Basımevi, İstanbul, 304 s.
  • Anonymous, 2004. Osmanlıdan Günümüze Tarım ve Tarıma Hizmet Veren Kurumların Teşkilatlanma Süreçleri. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara, 72 s.
  • Asadi, A., F. Fadakar, Z. Khoshnodifar, S.M. Hashemi & G. Hosseininia, 2008. Personal characteristics affecting agricultural extension workers' job satisfaction level. Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (4): 246-250.
  • Ashraf, S. & Z. Yousaf Hassan, 2021. The Challenges Facing Agricultural Extension from the Viewpoint of Agricultural Officers in Pakistan. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 23 (3): 499-513.
  • Axinn, G., 1988. Guide on Alternative Extension Approaches, FAO, Rome, Italy, 148 pp.
  • Boyaci, M. & Ö. Yildiz, 2011. Türkiye’de Tarım Danışmanlığı Modelinin İşleyişi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. E.Ü. Tarımsal Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayım Serisi No: 8, İzmir.Boyaci, M. & Ö. Yildiz, 2015. Türkiye’de farklı kuruluşlardaki yayım elemanlarının iş memnuniyetini etkileyen faktörler. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 52 (2): 123-130.
  • Boyaci, M., 1998. A Study on the Structural Characteristics, Problems and Solution Proposals of Agricultural Information and Technology Flow (Information) System: The Case of Manisa Province. Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics, 10.3100.0000.104 (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, E.Ü. Research Fund, Project No: 96-ZRF-041, 1998, 182 pp.
  • Boyaci, M., 2007. A Research on the Usage and Development of Information and Communication Technologies in Agricultural Extension in Türkiye. TÜBİTAK Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Research Group, Project No: 104O130.
  • Boyaci, M., 2017. A Research on the Development of Agricultural Innovation System: Example of Aegean Region, TÜBİTAK Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Research Group Program Code 1001, Project No: 112O208.
  • Boyaci, M.,1996. Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinde ve Türkiye’de Tarımsal Yayım. E.Ü. Tarımsal Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Yayım Serisi No: 3, E.Ü. Basımevi, Bornova, 21 s.
  • Cawley, A., K. Heanue, R. Hilliard, C. O’Donoghue & M. Sheehan, 2023. How Knowledge Transfer Impact Happens at the Farm Level: Insights from Advisers and Farmers in the Irish Agricultural Sector. Sustainability, 15 (4): 3226. https: // .
  • Chambers, R., 1994. Challenging the Professions, Frontiers for Rural Development. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 143 pp.
  • Cole, G.A., 1993. Personnel Management Theory and Practice. DF. Publications Ltd., London, 558 pp.
  • Contado, T.E., 1990. “Agricultural Extension Approaches: What FAO’s Case Studies Reveal, 77-113”. In: Global Consultation on Agricultural Extension (Eds. B.E. Swanson). FAO, Rome, 217 pp.
  • Davis, K. & S. Franzel, 2018. Extension and Advisory Services in 10 Developing Countries: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. USAID, Feed the Future DLEC Project. https: //, Accessed: May 2023.
  • Dinar, A. & G. Keynan, 2001. Economics of paid extension lessons from Nicaragua, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83 (3): 769-776.
  • Engel, P., 1990. Knowledge management in agriculture, building upon diversity, knowledge in society. The International Journal of Knowledge Transfer, 3 (3): 28-35.
  • Field, A., 2009. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Third Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd., Dubai, 166 pp.
  • Heinemann, J., T. Abate, A. Hilbeck & D. Murray, 2009. International assessment of agricultural knowledge, science, and technology for development (IAASTD): Synthesis Report. Washington, D.C., 95 pp.
  • Manisa İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü, 2023. Bitkisel Üretim ve Hayvancılık Verileri. (Web page:,%20accessed: %20February%209,%202023) (Date accessed: February 2023).
  • Norton G.W. & J. Alwang, 2020. Changes in agricultural extension and implications for farmer adoption of new practices. Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy 42 (1): 8-20. https: //
  • Pallant, J., 2010. SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS. 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International, Berkshire, 345p
  • Rivera, W.M., Qamar, M.K. & Van Crowder, L. 2002. Agricultural and Rural Extension Worldwide: Options for Institutional Reform in the Developing Countries. Extension, Education and Communication Services, FAO, Rome, 49 pp.
  • Rodewald, A.D., 2001. Delivery sytems-is the lastest technology the greatest? Journal of Extension, 39 (4): Article 22, https: //
  • Rogers, A., 1993. Third generation extension towards and alternative model. Extension Bulletin, The University of Reading, 3: 14-16.
  • Swanson, B.E. & R. Rajalahti, 2010. Strengthening Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems: Procedures for Assessing, Transforming, and Evaluating Extension Systems. The World Bank Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper 45, Washington, D.C., 187 pp.
  • Swanson, B.E., B.J. Farner & R. Bahal, 1990. “The Current Status of Extension Worldwide, 43-76”. In: Global Consultation on Agricultural Extension (Eds. B.E. Swanson). FAO, Rome, 217 pp
  • TKB, 2004. “II. Tarım Şurası Sonuç Raporu, 9. Komisyon Raporu, 479-515”. Tarımsal Öğretim Eğitim Yayım ve Ar-Ge, (29 Kasım-1 Aralık 2024, Ankara), 607s.
  • TOKB, 1987. Tarımsal Yayım ve Uygulamalı Araştırma Projesi, Ankara, 88 s.
  • UNDP, 2003. ICTs for Development in National Human Development Reports, Draft 2003-01-17, 690 pp.
  • Van den Ban A.W. & H.S. Hawkins, 1985. Agricultural Extension. Longman Scientific & Technical Publications, Newyork, 328 pp.

The public extension in the last quarter century in Manisa Province in Türkiye

Year 2024, , 61 - 72, 18.04.2024


Objective: The objective of this study was to reveal some extension indicators in the province, to contribute to the extension memory of the country, and to develop advice for the extension system by examining the change in the last quarter century.
Material and Methods: The main material of the study consisted of the data from 229 extensionists working in Manisa Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry and some district directorates. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine factors affecting occupational satisfaction of extensionists.
Results: The number of young, female and university educated extensionists has increased. While the time devoted to extension has decreased, the bureaucratic workload has increased. The number of farmers served by an extensionist increased by 43% during the covered period. Extensionists who spend a lot of time on farmer training were found to become satisfied with their work.
Conclusion: The employment policy should be planned in such a way that one extensionist serves 200 farmers. Extension activities should be carried out with project logic by defining criteria such as time, region, targets, budget, opportunities, collaborations, and result indicators.

Project Number

TUBITAK (Project No: 104O130, and Project No: 112O208) & BAP, Project No: 96-ZRF-041


  • Anderson J.R. & G. Feder, 2003., Rural Extension Services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper World Bank Publications 2976, Washington D.C., 37 pp.
  • Anderson, J.R., G. Feder & S. Ganguly, 2006. The Rise and Fall of Training and Visit Extension: An Asian Mini-drama with an African Epilogue. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, World Bank Publications 3928, Washington D.C., 30 pp.
  • Anonymous, 1938. Türk Ziraatine Bir Bakış. Birinci Köy ve Ziraat Kalkınma Kongresi Yayını, Devlet Basımevi, İstanbul, 304 s.
  • Anonymous, 2004. Osmanlıdan Günümüze Tarım ve Tarıma Hizmet Veren Kurumların Teşkilatlanma Süreçleri. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara, 72 s.
  • Asadi, A., F. Fadakar, Z. Khoshnodifar, S.M. Hashemi & G. Hosseininia, 2008. Personal characteristics affecting agricultural extension workers' job satisfaction level. Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (4): 246-250.
  • Ashraf, S. & Z. Yousaf Hassan, 2021. The Challenges Facing Agricultural Extension from the Viewpoint of Agricultural Officers in Pakistan. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 23 (3): 499-513.
  • Axinn, G., 1988. Guide on Alternative Extension Approaches, FAO, Rome, Italy, 148 pp.
  • Boyaci, M. & Ö. Yildiz, 2011. Türkiye’de Tarım Danışmanlığı Modelinin İşleyişi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. E.Ü. Tarımsal Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayım Serisi No: 8, İzmir.Boyaci, M. & Ö. Yildiz, 2015. Türkiye’de farklı kuruluşlardaki yayım elemanlarının iş memnuniyetini etkileyen faktörler. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 52 (2): 123-130.
  • Boyaci, M., 1998. A Study on the Structural Characteristics, Problems and Solution Proposals of Agricultural Information and Technology Flow (Information) System: The Case of Manisa Province. Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics, 10.3100.0000.104 (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, E.Ü. Research Fund, Project No: 96-ZRF-041, 1998, 182 pp.
  • Boyaci, M., 2007. A Research on the Usage and Development of Information and Communication Technologies in Agricultural Extension in Türkiye. TÜBİTAK Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Research Group, Project No: 104O130.
  • Boyaci, M., 2017. A Research on the Development of Agricultural Innovation System: Example of Aegean Region, TÜBİTAK Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Research Group Program Code 1001, Project No: 112O208.
  • Boyaci, M.,1996. Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinde ve Türkiye’de Tarımsal Yayım. E.Ü. Tarımsal Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Yayım Serisi No: 3, E.Ü. Basımevi, Bornova, 21 s.
  • Cawley, A., K. Heanue, R. Hilliard, C. O’Donoghue & M. Sheehan, 2023. How Knowledge Transfer Impact Happens at the Farm Level: Insights from Advisers and Farmers in the Irish Agricultural Sector. Sustainability, 15 (4): 3226. https: // .
  • Chambers, R., 1994. Challenging the Professions, Frontiers for Rural Development. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 143 pp.
  • Cole, G.A., 1993. Personnel Management Theory and Practice. DF. Publications Ltd., London, 558 pp.
  • Contado, T.E., 1990. “Agricultural Extension Approaches: What FAO’s Case Studies Reveal, 77-113”. In: Global Consultation on Agricultural Extension (Eds. B.E. Swanson). FAO, Rome, 217 pp.
  • Davis, K. & S. Franzel, 2018. Extension and Advisory Services in 10 Developing Countries: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. USAID, Feed the Future DLEC Project. https: //, Accessed: May 2023.
  • Dinar, A. & G. Keynan, 2001. Economics of paid extension lessons from Nicaragua, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83 (3): 769-776.
  • Engel, P., 1990. Knowledge management in agriculture, building upon diversity, knowledge in society. The International Journal of Knowledge Transfer, 3 (3): 28-35.
  • Field, A., 2009. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Third Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd., Dubai, 166 pp.
  • Heinemann, J., T. Abate, A. Hilbeck & D. Murray, 2009. International assessment of agricultural knowledge, science, and technology for development (IAASTD): Synthesis Report. Washington, D.C., 95 pp.
  • Manisa İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü, 2023. Bitkisel Üretim ve Hayvancılık Verileri. (Web page:,%20accessed: %20February%209,%202023) (Date accessed: February 2023).
  • Norton G.W. & J. Alwang, 2020. Changes in agricultural extension and implications for farmer adoption of new practices. Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy 42 (1): 8-20. https: //
  • Pallant, J., 2010. SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS. 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International, Berkshire, 345p
  • Rivera, W.M., Qamar, M.K. & Van Crowder, L. 2002. Agricultural and Rural Extension Worldwide: Options for Institutional Reform in the Developing Countries. Extension, Education and Communication Services, FAO, Rome, 49 pp.
  • Rodewald, A.D., 2001. Delivery sytems-is the lastest technology the greatest? Journal of Extension, 39 (4): Article 22, https: //
  • Rogers, A., 1993. Third generation extension towards and alternative model. Extension Bulletin, The University of Reading, 3: 14-16.
  • Swanson, B.E. & R. Rajalahti, 2010. Strengthening Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems: Procedures for Assessing, Transforming, and Evaluating Extension Systems. The World Bank Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper 45, Washington, D.C., 187 pp.
  • Swanson, B.E., B.J. Farner & R. Bahal, 1990. “The Current Status of Extension Worldwide, 43-76”. In: Global Consultation on Agricultural Extension (Eds. B.E. Swanson). FAO, Rome, 217 pp
  • TKB, 2004. “II. Tarım Şurası Sonuç Raporu, 9. Komisyon Raporu, 479-515”. Tarımsal Öğretim Eğitim Yayım ve Ar-Ge, (29 Kasım-1 Aralık 2024, Ankara), 607s.
  • TOKB, 1987. Tarımsal Yayım ve Uygulamalı Araştırma Projesi, Ankara, 88 s.
  • UNDP, 2003. ICTs for Development in National Human Development Reports, Draft 2003-01-17, 690 pp.
  • Van den Ban A.W. & H.S. Hawkins, 1985. Agricultural Extension. Longman Scientific & Technical Publications, Newyork, 328 pp.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Extension and Communication
Journal Section Articles

Murat Boyacı 0000-0002-2225-1017

Ozlem Yıldız 0000-0002-5581-0102

Project Number TUBITAK (Project No: 104O130, and Project No: 112O208) & BAP, Project No: 96-ZRF-041
Early Pub Date April 18, 2024
Publication Date April 18, 2024
Submission Date February 23, 2024
Acceptance Date March 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Boyacı, M., & Yıldız, O. (2024). The public extension in the last quarter century in Manisa Province in Türkiye. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 61(1), 61-72.

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