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Yeşil çatılarda kullanılacak sukulent türlerinin fitocoğrafik bölgelere göre seçimi: Türkiye örneği

Year 2024, , 383 - 399, 18.09.2024


Bu çalışmadaki amaç Türkiye'de 3 fitocoğrafik bölge için tavsiye edilecek yeşil çatılarda kullanılabilecek sukkulent bitki türlerinin belirlenmesidir.
Çalışma materyali olarak Türkiye'deki üç fitocoğrafik bölge ve bu bölgelerin doğal florasında bulunan sukkulent taksonlar seçilmiştir. Çalışmada öncelikle literatür araştırması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra literatürden elde edilen sukulent türlerinin familyası, endemizmi, tüylülüğü, iklimi, rakımı ve habitat durumu belirlendi. Son aşamada elde edilen bilgiler doğrultusunda 3 farklı fitocoğrafik bölgede yeşil çatı için önerilebilecek taksonlar listelenmiştir.
Çalışma sonucunda Saxifraga spp. ve Sempervivum spp. serin iklimlerde Umbilicus spp. ve Rosularia spp sıcak iklime sahip cinsler en fazla takson içeren cinslerdir. Ayrıca hem serin hem de sıcak iklimlerde yer alan Sedum spp. ve Rosularia spp. cinsinin tür zenginliği açısından birinci sırada yer almaktadır.
Bu çalışmanın çıktıları dünya çapında benzer fitocoğrafik bölgelerde bulunan ülkeler için yeşil çatılarda kullanılabilecek doğru sukkulent türlerinin seçimine yardımcı olması açısından önemlidir.


  • Aktürk, E. & K. Güney, 2021. Vegetation Cover Change Analysis of Phytogeographic Regions of Turkey Based on CORINE Land Cover Datasets from 1990 to 2018. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 21 (2): 150-164.
  • Altay, B. & A. O. Uslu, 2022. A Pioneering Approach In Urban Landscape Design Against Global Clımate/Environmental Problems In The Cities Of The Future; Xeriscape. Proceeding Book, 171 pp.
  • Avcı, M., 1993. A geographical approach to Turkey's flora regions and the "Anatolian Diagonal". Turkish Journal of Geography. (28): 225-248.
  • Bilgili, B. C. & F. Karahan, 2011. The effects of global climate change on landscape design: tend to succulent plant species. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1): 31-42.
  • Bousselot, J. M., J. E. Klett & R. D. Koski, 2011. Moisture content of extensive green roof substrate and growth response of 15 temperate plant species during dry down. HortScience, 46 (3): 518-522.
  • Bozyel, D., N. B. Pelt & S. G. Şenol, 2021. A new record from the mediterranean temporary wetland habitats, for Flora of Turkey: Crassula vaillantii. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14 (3): 359-364. DOI: 10.46309/biodicon.2021.763528
  • Carey, D., B. Whipker, I. McCall & W. Buhler, 2009. “Benzyladenine foliar sprays increase offsets in Sempervivum and Echeveria, 19-21”. In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, Asheville, North Carolina, USA, (2-6 August 2009), Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 53 pp.
  • Chell, S., N.Tomson, T. D. H. Kim & R. N. Michael, 2022. Performance of native succulents, forbs, and grasses on an extensive green roof over four years in subtropical Australia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 74: 1-11.
  • CSFN, 2023. Cactus and Succulent Field Number. (Web page: (Date accessed: February 2023).
  • Daşkın, R., O. Yılmaz & G. Kaynak, 2009. Prometheum chrysanthum subsp. uludaghense (Crassulaceae), a new taxon from Turkey. In Annales Botanici Fennici, 46 (5): 456-458.
  • Davis, P. H., 1965-1985. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 1-9. 1965 (1), 1967 (2), 1970 (3). 1972 (4), 1975 (5), 1978 (6), 1982 (7), 1984 (8), 1985 (9), 1988 (Supplement). Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, 5815 pp.
  • Demircan, N., I. Öz, R. Stephenson & F. Karahan, 2006. “Ekoturizm ve botanik turizmi: Türkiye’nin sukkulent bitki çeşitliliğinin turizm potansiyeli, 26-28”. In: GAP V. Mühendislik Kongresi. Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, 26-28 June 2006, 880 pp.
  • Di Miceli, G., N. Lacuzzi, M. Licata, S. La Bella, T. Tuttolomondo & S. Aprile, 2022. Growth and development of succulent mixtures for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate. PlosOne, 17 (6): 1-19.
  • Dvorak, B. & A. Volder, 2010. Green roof vegetation for North American ecoregions: a literature review. Landscape and Urban Planning, 96 (4): 197-213.
  • Dvorak, B. D. & A. Volder, 2012. Plant establishment on unirrigated green roof modules in a subtropical climate. Aob Plants, 5: 1-10.
  • Erzurumlu, G. S., 2021. Evaluation of the sufficiency of urban green spaces: Nigde city example. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58 (2): 181-192.
  • Grace, O. M., 2019. Succulent plant diversity as natural capital. Plants, People, Planet, 1 (4): 336-345. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.25
  • Fernandez-Cañero, R., T. Emilsson, C. Fernandez-Barba & M. Á. H. Machuca, 2013. Green roof systems: A study of public attitudes and preferences in southern Spain. Journal of Environmental Management, 128: 106-115.
  • Farrell, C., R. E. Mitchell, C. Szota, J. P. Rayner & N. S. G. Williams, 2012. Green roofs for hot and dry climates: Interacting effects of plant water use, succulence and substrate. Ecological Engineering, 49: 270-276.
  • Güner, A., S. Aslan, T. Ekim, M. Vural & M.T. Babaç, 2012. [Turkey plant list (Vascular plants)]. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association, 7 pp.
  • IDA, 2023. Izmir Development Agency. (Web page:ırın-Kadım-Uretım-Havzaları.pdf) (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Ismaeil, E. M. & A. E. E. Sobaih, 2022. Assessing xeriscaping as a retrofit sustainable water consumption approach for a desert university campus. Water, 14 (11): 1-30.
  • Jim, C.Y., 2014. Heat-sink effect and indoor warming imposed by tropical extensive green roof. Ecological Engineering, 62: 1-12.
  • Johannessen, B. G., H. M. Hanslin & T. M. Muthanna, 2017. Green roof performance potential in cold and wet regions. Ecological Engineering, 106: 436-447.
  • JSTOR, 2023. Global Plants. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Karahan, F., I. Öz, N. Demircan & R. Stephenson, 2006. Succulent Plant Diversity in Turkey I. Stonecrops (Crassulaceae). Haseltonia, 2006 (12): 41-54.
  • Karahan, F., 2004. Succulent plant Diversity of Turkey: the case study of Sempervivum genus. Pakistan Journal Biological Sciences 7 (6): 977-980.
  • Karahan, F. & İ. Angın, 2008. Yeşil alan uygulamalarında su tüketiminin asgariye indirilmesi için sukkulent bitki türlerinden yararlanma. TMMOB, 2: 291-296.
  • Karahan, F. & H. Yılmaz, 2001. Determination of some alpine plants suitable for landscape planning in Erzurum and surroundings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 25 (4): 225-233.
  • Karaer, F. & F. Celep, 2008. Sempervivum ekimii nom. et stat. nov. for S. minus var. glabrum (Crassulaceae), with an amplified description. In: Annales Botanici Fennici, Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board, 229-232 pp.
  • Karaer, F., F. Celep & G. Kutbay, 2010. Morphological, ecological and palynological studies on Sempervivum sosnowskyi Ter-Chatsch. (Crassulaceae) with a new distribution record from Turkey. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 4 (4): 247-251.
  • KEW, 2023. Royal Botanic Garden, Plants of the World Online. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Kirschner, G. K., T. T. Xiao & I. Blilou, 2021. Rooting in the desert: A developmental overview on desert plants. Genes, 12 (5): 1-12.
  • Klein, P. M. & R. Coffman, 2015. Establishment and performance of an experimental green roof under extreme climatic conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 512: 82-93.
  • Küçük, M. & E. Ertürk, 2013. Biodiversity and protected areas in Turkey. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (10): 1455-1460.
  • Little, L., P. M. Eidesen, E. Müller, K. J. Dickinson & J. M. Lord, 2016. Leaf and floral heating in cold climates: do sub-Antarctic megaherbs resemble tropical alpine giants? Polar Research, 35 (1): 1-11.
  • Minareci, E., K. Yildiz, S. Gucel & M. Kuh, 2012. Rosularia globulariifolia var. pallidiflora comb. et stat. nov.(Crassulaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany, 30 (5): 526-532.
  • Monteiro, M. V., T. Blanuša, A. Verhoef, M. Richardson, P. Hadley & R. W. F. Cameron, 2017. Functional green roofs: Importance of plant choice in maximising summertime environmental cooling and substrate insulation potential. Energy and Buildings, 141: 56-68.
  • Moles, A. T., S. W. Laffan, M. Keighery, R. L. Dalrymple, M. L. Tindall & S. C. Chen, 2020. A hairy situation: Plant species in warm, sunny places are more likely to have pubescent leaves. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (9): 1934-1944. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13870
  • Nagase, A. & N. Dunnett, 2010. Drought tolerance in different vegetation types for extensive green roofs: effects of watering and diversity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97 (4): 318-327.
  • OP, 2023. Our Plants, Plants of Turkey. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Ozhatay, N. & Ş. Kültür, 2006. Check-list of additional taxa to the Supplement Flora of Turkey III. Turkish Journal of Botany, 30 (4): 281-316.
  • Ozhatay, F. N., Ş. Kültür & M. B. Gürdal, 2011. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement Flora of Turkey V. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35 (5): 589-624.DOI 10.3906/bot-1101-20
  • Ozhatay, N., Ş. K. B. Gürdal, N. Ozhatay, Ş. Kültür & B. Gürdal, 2013. Check-list of additional taxa to the Supplement Flora of Turkey VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 43 (1): 33-83.
  • Ozhatay, F. N., Ş. Kültür & B. Gürdal, 2022. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement of flora of Turkey X. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 52 (2): 226-249.
  • Ozturk, M., A. Celik, C. Yarci, A. Aksoy & E. Feoli, 2002. An overview of plant diversity, land use and degradation in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Environmental Management and Health, 13 (5): 442-449. PT, 2023. Plants of Turkey. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Rayner, J. P., C. Farrell, K. J. Raynor, S. M. Murphy & N. S. Williams, 2016. Plant establishment on a green roof under extreme hot and dry conditions: The importance of leaf succulence in plant selection. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 15: 6-14.
  • Razzaghmanesh, M., S. Beecham & F. Kazemi, 2014. The growth and survival of plants in urban green roofs in a dry climate. Science of the Total Environment, 476: 288-297.
  • Rowe, D. B., K. L. Getter & A. K. Durhman, 2012. Effect of green roof media depth on Crassulacean plant succession over seven years. Landscape and Urban Planning, 104 (3-4): 310-319.
  • Scharf, B. & I. Zluwa, 2017. Case study investigation of the building physical properties of seven different green roof systems. Energy and Buildings, 151: 564-573.
  • Suehs, C. M., L. Affre & F. Médail, 2004. Invasion dynamics of two alien Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) taxa on a Mediterranean island: I. Genetic diversity and introgression. Heredity, 92 (1): 31-40. doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800374
  • Stancu D.I. & R. Stancu, 2003. The Fontinal Vegetation In The~ Iosu And Buda Mountains, 77-87 pp.
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  • Şükran, K. & G. Abamor Bahar, 2022. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement of flora of Turkey X. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 52 (2): 226-249. DOI :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2022.1096223
  • Takesh, A., M. Fatahinia &, A. Z. Mahmoudabadi, 2019. In vitro evaluation of antifungal activity of three traditionally used medicinal plants; Umbilicus Intermedius Boiss, Cuminum Cyminum and Zingiber Officinale extracts. International Journal of Medical Laboratory. 6 (4): 266-274.
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  • Van Mechelen, C., T. Dutoit & M. Hermy, 2015. Vegetation development on different extensive green roof types in a Mediterranean and temperate maritime climate. Ecological Engineering, 82: 571-582.
  • Vanuytrecht, E., C. Van Mechelen, K. Van Meerbeek, P. Willems, M. Hermy & D. Raes, 2014. Runoff and vegetation stress of green roofs under different climate change scenarios. Landscape and Urban Planning, 122: 68-77.
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Selection of succulent species to be used on green roofs according to phytogeographic regions: Türkiye example

Year 2024, , 383 - 399, 18.09.2024


The objective of this study was to determine the succulent plant species that can be used on green roofs to be recommended for 3 phytogeographic regions in Türkiye.
Three phytogeographic regions in Türkiye and the succulent taxa found in the natural flora of these regions were chosen as the study material. In the study, firstly, literature search was conducted. Then, family, endemism, hairiness, climate, altitude and habitat status of succulent species obtained from the literature were determined. In line with the information obtained in the last stage, taxa that can be recommended for green roofs in 3 different phytogeographic regions are listed.
As a result of the study, it was determined that Saxifraga spp. and Sempervivum spp. in cool climates, Umbilicus spp. and Rosularia spp hot climates that the genera are the genera with the highest number of taxa. Also, ranked in both cool and warm climates, Sedum spp. and Rosularia spp. first in terms of the species richness of its genera
The findings of this study are of importance in terms of helping the selection of the right succulent species that can be used on green roofs for countries located in similar phytogeographic regions around the world.


  • Aktürk, E. & K. Güney, 2021. Vegetation Cover Change Analysis of Phytogeographic Regions of Turkey Based on CORINE Land Cover Datasets from 1990 to 2018. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 21 (2): 150-164.
  • Altay, B. & A. O. Uslu, 2022. A Pioneering Approach In Urban Landscape Design Against Global Clımate/Environmental Problems In The Cities Of The Future; Xeriscape. Proceeding Book, 171 pp.
  • Avcı, M., 1993. A geographical approach to Turkey's flora regions and the "Anatolian Diagonal". Turkish Journal of Geography. (28): 225-248.
  • Bilgili, B. C. & F. Karahan, 2011. The effects of global climate change on landscape design: tend to succulent plant species. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1): 31-42.
  • Bousselot, J. M., J. E. Klett & R. D. Koski, 2011. Moisture content of extensive green roof substrate and growth response of 15 temperate plant species during dry down. HortScience, 46 (3): 518-522.
  • Bozyel, D., N. B. Pelt & S. G. Şenol, 2021. A new record from the mediterranean temporary wetland habitats, for Flora of Turkey: Crassula vaillantii. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14 (3): 359-364. DOI: 10.46309/biodicon.2021.763528
  • Carey, D., B. Whipker, I. McCall & W. Buhler, 2009. “Benzyladenine foliar sprays increase offsets in Sempervivum and Echeveria, 19-21”. In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, Asheville, North Carolina, USA, (2-6 August 2009), Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 53 pp.
  • Chell, S., N.Tomson, T. D. H. Kim & R. N. Michael, 2022. Performance of native succulents, forbs, and grasses on an extensive green roof over four years in subtropical Australia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 74: 1-11.
  • CSFN, 2023. Cactus and Succulent Field Number. (Web page: (Date accessed: February 2023).
  • Daşkın, R., O. Yılmaz & G. Kaynak, 2009. Prometheum chrysanthum subsp. uludaghense (Crassulaceae), a new taxon from Turkey. In Annales Botanici Fennici, 46 (5): 456-458.
  • Davis, P. H., 1965-1985. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 1-9. 1965 (1), 1967 (2), 1970 (3). 1972 (4), 1975 (5), 1978 (6), 1982 (7), 1984 (8), 1985 (9), 1988 (Supplement). Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, 5815 pp.
  • Demircan, N., I. Öz, R. Stephenson & F. Karahan, 2006. “Ekoturizm ve botanik turizmi: Türkiye’nin sukkulent bitki çeşitliliğinin turizm potansiyeli, 26-28”. In: GAP V. Mühendislik Kongresi. Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, 26-28 June 2006, 880 pp.
  • Di Miceli, G., N. Lacuzzi, M. Licata, S. La Bella, T. Tuttolomondo & S. Aprile, 2022. Growth and development of succulent mixtures for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate. PlosOne, 17 (6): 1-19.
  • Dvorak, B. & A. Volder, 2010. Green roof vegetation for North American ecoregions: a literature review. Landscape and Urban Planning, 96 (4): 197-213.
  • Dvorak, B. D. & A. Volder, 2012. Plant establishment on unirrigated green roof modules in a subtropical climate. Aob Plants, 5: 1-10.
  • Erzurumlu, G. S., 2021. Evaluation of the sufficiency of urban green spaces: Nigde city example. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58 (2): 181-192.
  • Grace, O. M., 2019. Succulent plant diversity as natural capital. Plants, People, Planet, 1 (4): 336-345. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.25
  • Fernandez-Cañero, R., T. Emilsson, C. Fernandez-Barba & M. Á. H. Machuca, 2013. Green roof systems: A study of public attitudes and preferences in southern Spain. Journal of Environmental Management, 128: 106-115.
  • Farrell, C., R. E. Mitchell, C. Szota, J. P. Rayner & N. S. G. Williams, 2012. Green roofs for hot and dry climates: Interacting effects of plant water use, succulence and substrate. Ecological Engineering, 49: 270-276.
  • Güner, A., S. Aslan, T. Ekim, M. Vural & M.T. Babaç, 2012. [Turkey plant list (Vascular plants)]. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association, 7 pp.
  • IDA, 2023. Izmir Development Agency. (Web page:ırın-Kadım-Uretım-Havzaları.pdf) (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Ismaeil, E. M. & A. E. E. Sobaih, 2022. Assessing xeriscaping as a retrofit sustainable water consumption approach for a desert university campus. Water, 14 (11): 1-30.
  • Jim, C.Y., 2014. Heat-sink effect and indoor warming imposed by tropical extensive green roof. Ecological Engineering, 62: 1-12.
  • Johannessen, B. G., H. M. Hanslin & T. M. Muthanna, 2017. Green roof performance potential in cold and wet regions. Ecological Engineering, 106: 436-447.
  • JSTOR, 2023. Global Plants. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Karahan, F., I. Öz, N. Demircan & R. Stephenson, 2006. Succulent Plant Diversity in Turkey I. Stonecrops (Crassulaceae). Haseltonia, 2006 (12): 41-54.
  • Karahan, F., 2004. Succulent plant Diversity of Turkey: the case study of Sempervivum genus. Pakistan Journal Biological Sciences 7 (6): 977-980.
  • Karahan, F. & İ. Angın, 2008. Yeşil alan uygulamalarında su tüketiminin asgariye indirilmesi için sukkulent bitki türlerinden yararlanma. TMMOB, 2: 291-296.
  • Karahan, F. & H. Yılmaz, 2001. Determination of some alpine plants suitable for landscape planning in Erzurum and surroundings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 25 (4): 225-233.
  • Karaer, F. & F. Celep, 2008. Sempervivum ekimii nom. et stat. nov. for S. minus var. glabrum (Crassulaceae), with an amplified description. In: Annales Botanici Fennici, Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board, 229-232 pp.
  • Karaer, F., F. Celep & G. Kutbay, 2010. Morphological, ecological and palynological studies on Sempervivum sosnowskyi Ter-Chatsch. (Crassulaceae) with a new distribution record from Turkey. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 4 (4): 247-251.
  • KEW, 2023. Royal Botanic Garden, Plants of the World Online. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Kirschner, G. K., T. T. Xiao & I. Blilou, 2021. Rooting in the desert: A developmental overview on desert plants. Genes, 12 (5): 1-12.
  • Klein, P. M. & R. Coffman, 2015. Establishment and performance of an experimental green roof under extreme climatic conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 512: 82-93.
  • Küçük, M. & E. Ertürk, 2013. Biodiversity and protected areas in Turkey. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (10): 1455-1460.
  • Little, L., P. M. Eidesen, E. Müller, K. J. Dickinson & J. M. Lord, 2016. Leaf and floral heating in cold climates: do sub-Antarctic megaherbs resemble tropical alpine giants? Polar Research, 35 (1): 1-11.
  • Minareci, E., K. Yildiz, S. Gucel & M. Kuh, 2012. Rosularia globulariifolia var. pallidiflora comb. et stat. nov.(Crassulaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany, 30 (5): 526-532.
  • Monteiro, M. V., T. Blanuša, A. Verhoef, M. Richardson, P. Hadley & R. W. F. Cameron, 2017. Functional green roofs: Importance of plant choice in maximising summertime environmental cooling and substrate insulation potential. Energy and Buildings, 141: 56-68.
  • Moles, A. T., S. W. Laffan, M. Keighery, R. L. Dalrymple, M. L. Tindall & S. C. Chen, 2020. A hairy situation: Plant species in warm, sunny places are more likely to have pubescent leaves. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (9): 1934-1944. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13870
  • Nagase, A. & N. Dunnett, 2010. Drought tolerance in different vegetation types for extensive green roofs: effects of watering and diversity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97 (4): 318-327.
  • OP, 2023. Our Plants, Plants of Turkey. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
  • Ozhatay, N. & Ş. Kültür, 2006. Check-list of additional taxa to the Supplement Flora of Turkey III. Turkish Journal of Botany, 30 (4): 281-316.
  • Ozhatay, F. N., Ş. Kültür & M. B. Gürdal, 2011. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement Flora of Turkey V. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35 (5): 589-624.DOI 10.3906/bot-1101-20
  • Ozhatay, N., Ş. K. B. Gürdal, N. Ozhatay, Ş. Kültür & B. Gürdal, 2013. Check-list of additional taxa to the Supplement Flora of Turkey VI. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 43 (1): 33-83.
  • Ozhatay, F. N., Ş. Kültür & B. Gürdal, 2022. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement of flora of Turkey X. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 52 (2): 226-249.
  • Ozturk, M., A. Celik, C. Yarci, A. Aksoy & E. Feoli, 2002. An overview of plant diversity, land use and degradation in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Environmental Management and Health, 13 (5): 442-449. PT, 2023. Plants of Turkey. (Web page: (Date accessed: Feb 2023).
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Review

Onur Aksoy 0000-0002-8019-3724

Kamil Erken 0000-0003-3492-7683

Early Pub Date September 18, 2024
Publication Date September 18, 2024
Submission Date February 29, 2024
Acceptance Date June 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Aksoy, O., & Erken, K. (2024). Selection of succulent species to be used on green roofs according to phytogeographic regions: Türkiye example. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 61(3), 383-399.

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