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Determination of national policies based on the concept of water-energy-food nexus

Year 2024, , 519 - 532, 16.12.2024


The increase in food prices is recognized as an indicator of the decline in natural resources. With population growth, global demand for natural resources such as water, energy and food are projected to increase. The water-energy-food nexus has emerged in the last decade. The water-energy-food nexus provides a conceptual approach for systematically analyzing the interactions between the natural environment and human activities and for a more coordinated management and use of natural resources across sectors. A major challenge in the study of the water-energy-food nexus is how to represent and monitor the system. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish and monitor country-level indicator values related to the water-energy-food nexus, which emphasizes energy, agri-food and water-related issues. In this study, firstly, basic information about the water-energy-food nexus is given and the relationships between them are analyzed. In the second part of the article, a study on the subject is given and the situation of our country is evaluated. In the last part, the characteristics of the water-energy-food nexus and indicator values are utilized, and suggestions are made regarding the studies to be carried out on a national basis.


  • Alexander, P., C. Brown, A. Arneth, C. Dias, J. Finnigan, D. Moran & M.D. Rounsevell, 2017. Could consumption of insects, cultured meat or imitation meat reduce global agricultural land use? Global Food Security, 15 (1): 22-32.
  • Allouche, J., C. Middleton & D. Gyawali, 2019. The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Power, Politics, and Justice. Routledge, London, 150 pp.
  • Anonymous, 2017. The Energy-Water-Food Nexus: Managing Key Resources for Sustainable Development. Ofi Pamphlet Series 41, Druckerei Odysseus, Himberg, Austria, 100 pp.
  • Anonymous, 2021a. The Energy-Agriculture Nexus. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Anonymous, 2021b. The wef nexus index. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Anonymous, 2023. The wef nexus index. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Bakken, T. H., Å. Killingtveit & K. Alfredsen, 2017. The water footprint of hydropower production-state of the art and methodological challenges. Global Challenges, 1 (5): 1-8.
  • Bell, S. & S. Morse, 2018. Sustainability indicators past and present: what next? Sustainability, 10 (5): 1-15.
  • Ben-Ari, T. & D. Makowski, 2014. Decomposing global crop yield variability. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (11): 1-10.
  • Bizikova, L., D. Roy, D. Swanson, H.D. Venema & M. McCandless, 2013. The water-energy-food security nexus: towards a practical planning and decision-support framework for landscape investment and risk management. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • BP, 2017. Energy outlook 2017. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Carr, J. A., P. D’Odorico, F. Laio & L. Ridolfi, 2013. Recent history and geography of virtual water trade. PLoS One, 8 (2): 1-9.
  • Carson, R., 1962. Silent spring. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • D’Odorico, P., K.F. Davis, L. Rosa, J. A. Carr, D. Chiarelli & J. Dell’Angelo, 2018. The global food-energy-water nexus. Reviews of Geophysics, 56 (3): 456-531.
  • Davis, K.F. & P. D’Odorico, 2015. Livestock intensification and the influence of dietary change: a calorie-based assessment of competition for crop production. Science of the Total Environment, 538: 817-823.
  • Degirmencioglu, A., R.H. Mohtar, B.T. Daher, G. Ozgunaltay-Ertugrul & O. Ertugrul, 2019. Assessing the sustainability of crop production in the Gediz Basin, Turkey: a water, energy, and food nexus approach. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28 (4): 2511-2522.
  • Dizdaroglu, D., 2017. The role of indicator-based sustainability assessment in policy and the decision-making process: a review and outlook. Sustainability, 9 (6): 1-28.
  • Durmuş, İ. & İ. Gücüyeter, 2024. Karbon ayak izi ve yeşil organizasyon kavramlarına yönelik bibliyometrik araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 61 (1): 113-124.
  • Ertuğrul, Ö., 2023. “A Review on The Mechanization Practices for Regenerative Agriculture, 295-309”. In: Advance Concepts on Natural and Agricultural Sciences. 1st Ed. (Eds. A. Kazankaya & M.A. Ateş), Ankara, Türkiye, 309 pp.
  • Ertuğrul, Ö., B. Daher, G. Özgünaltay Ertuğrul & R. Mohtar, 2024. From agricultural waste to energy: assessing the bioenergy potential of south-central texas. Energies, 17 (4): 1-16.
  • Ertuğrul, Ö., G. Özgünaltay-Ertuğrul & A. Değirmencioğlu, 2022. “Su, Enerji ve Gıda Kaynaklarının İlişkisi ve Sürdürülebilir Tarımdaki Yeri, 171-177”. In: Ziraat ve Su Ürünlerinde Kavramsal ve Olgusal Yaklaşımlar. 1st ed. (Eds. Y. Banu & M. T. Tolon), Yenişehir, Ankara, 177 pp.
  • European Union Parliament, 2009. Directive 2009/28/EC. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • ExxonMobil, 2017. The outlook for energy: A view to 2040. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • FAO, 2011. Energy-smart food for people and climate, Issue paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • FAO, 2018. Water-Energy-Food Nexus for the Review of SDG 7. Food and Agriculture Organization. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • FAOSTAT, 2017. Food and Agriculture Organization 2017. FAOSTAT database. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Farinha, F., M. J. Oliveira, E. M. Silva, R. Lança, M. D. Pinheiro & C. Miguel, 2019. Selection process of sustainable indicators for the algarve region-observe project. Sustainability, 11 (2): 1-24.
  • Galaitsi, S., J. Veysey & A. Huber-Lee, 2018. Where is the added value? A review of the waterenergy-food nexus literature. (Web page: ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Gerland, P., A. E. Raftery, H. Sevčíková, N. Li, D. Gu & T. Spoorenberg, 2014. World population stabilization unlikely this century. Science, 346 (6206): 234-237.
  • Godfray, H.C.J., J.R. Beddington, I.R. Crute, L. Haddad, D. Lawrence, J.F. Muir, J. Pretty, S. Robinson, S.M. Thomas & C. Toulmin, 2010. Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science, 327 (5967): 812-818.
  • Hermele, K., 2014. The appropriation of Ecological Space. Routledge, New York. 176 pp.
  • Hoekstra, A.Y., 2017. Water footprint assessment: evolvement of a new research field. Water Resources Management, 31: 3061-3081.
  • Hoff, H.,2011. Understanding the nexus. (Web page: mediamanager/documents/Publications/SEI-Paper-Hoff-UnderstandingTheNexus-2011.pdf ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Hoff, H., S.A. Alrahaife, R. El Hajj, K. Lohr, F.E. Mengoub, N. Farajalla, K. Fritzsche, G. Jobbins, G. Özerol, R. Schultz & A. Ulrich, 2019. A nexus approach for the mena region-from concept to knowledge to action. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7 (48): 1-14.
  • IEA, 2016. International Energy Agency. (Web page: ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Janzen, H., 2004. Carbon cycling in earth systems-a soil science perspective. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 104 (3): 399-417.
  • Kalvani, S.R. & F. Celico. 2024. Analysis of pros and cons in using the water-energy-food nexus approach to assess resource security: a review. Sustainability, 16 (7): 1-18 .
  • King, C.W., A.S. Holman & M.E. Webber, 2008. Thirst for energy. Nature Geoscience, 1 (5): 283-286.
  • McGrane, S.J., M. Acuto, F. Artioli, P.Y. Chen, R. Comber, J. Cottee, G. Farr‐Wharton, N. Green, A. Helfgott & S. Larcom, J. A. McCann, P. O’Reilly, G. Salmoral, M. Scott, L. C. Todman, T. Van Gevelt & X. Yan, 2018. Scaling the nexus: towards integrated frameworks for analysing water, energy and food. The Geographical Journal, 185 (4), 419-431.
  • Mielke, E., L.D. Anadon & V. Narayanamurti, 2010. Water consumption of energy resource extraction, processing, and conversion. (Web page: ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Nhamo, L., T. Mabhaudhi, S. Mpandeli, C. Dickens, C. Nhemachena, A. Senzanje, D. Naidoo, S. Liphadzi & A.T. Modi, 2020. An integrative analytical model for the water-energy-food nexus: South Africa case study. Environmental Science and Policy, 109: 15-24.
  • Pellegrinia, P. & R.J. Fernándeza, 2018. Crop intensification, land use, and on-farm energy-use efficiency during the worldwide spread of the green revolution. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (10): 2335-2340.
  • Porkka, M., J.H., Guillaume, S. Siebert, S. Schaphoff & M. Kummu, 2017. The use of food imports to overcome local limits to growth. Earth’s Future, 5 (4): 393-407.
  • Rasul, G. & B. Sharma, 2016. The nexus approach to water-energy-food security: an option for adaptation to climate change. Climate Policy, 16 (6): 682-702.
  • Ravi, S., D.B. Lobell & C.B. Field, 2014. Tradeoffs and synergies between biofuel production and large solar infrastructure in deserts. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (5): 3021-3030.
  • Richter, B., 2014. Chasing Water: A Guide For Moving From Scarcity To Sustainability. Island Press Washington DC, 192 pp.
  • Rosa, L., K.F. Davis, M.C. Rulli & P. D’Odorico, 2017. Environmental consequences of oil production from oil sands. Earth’s Future, 5 (2): 158-170.
  • Rosa, L., M.C. Rulli, K.F. Davis & P. D’Odorico, 2018. The water-energy nexus of hydraulic fracturing: A global hydrologic analysis for shale oil and gas extraction. Earth’s Future, 6 (5): 745-756.
  • Rulli, M.C., D. Bellomi, A. Cazzoli, G. De Carolis & P. D’Odorico, 2016. The water-land-food nexus of first-generation biofuels. Scientific Reports, 6: 1-10.
  • Schernewski, G., S. Schönwald & M. Kataržytė, 2014. Application and evaluation of an indicator set to measure and promote sustainable development in coastal areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 101 (Part A): 2-13.
  • Shannak, S., D. Mabrey & M. Vittorio, 2018. Moving from theory to practice in the water-energy-food nexus: an evaluation of existing models and frameworks. Water-Energy Nexus, 1 (1): 17-25.
  • Simpson, G. B. & G.P.W. Jewitt, 2019. The water-energy-food nexus in the anthropocene: Moving from ‘nexus thinking’ to ‘nexus action’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 40: 117-123.
  • Simpson, G.B., G.P.W. Jewitt, W. Becker, J. Badenhorst, A.R. Neves, P. Rovira & V. Pascual, 2020. the water-energy-food nexus ındex: a tool for ıntegrated resource management and sustainable development. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Singh, R.K., H.R. Murty, S.K. Gupta & A.K. Dikshit, 2012. An overview of sustainability assessment methodologies. Ecological Indicators, 15: 281-299.
  • Steffen, W., P.J. Crutzen & J.R. McNeill, 2007. The anthropocene: are humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 36 (8): 614-621. (2007)36[614: TAAHNO]2.0.CO;2
  • Topçu, P., Ö. Yavuz & A. Tolunay, 2022. Sürdürülebilir toprak yönetiminde toprak organik karbonunun önemi. Turkish Journal of Forest Science, 6 (2): 604-614.
  • Tubiello, F.N., M. Salvatore, S. Rossi, A. Ferrara, N. Fitton & P. Smith, 2013. The faostat database of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Environmental Research Letters, 8 (1): 1-10.
  • Varis, O., M. Keskinen & M. Kummu, 2017. Four dimensions of water security with a case of the indirect role of water in global food security. Water Security, 1: 36-45.
  • Wong, J.L., 2010. The food-energy-water nexus. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Zarfl, B.R., B.L. Ruddell, P.M. Reed, R.I. Hook, C. Zheng, V.C. Tidwell & S. Siebert, 2017. The food-energy-water nexus: Transforming science for society. Water Resources Research, 53 (5): 3550-3556.
  • Zarfl, C., A.E. Lumsdon, J. Berlekamp, L. Tydecks & K. Tockner, 2015. A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences, 77 (1): 161-170.

Su-enerji-gıda zinciri kavramına dayalı ulusal politikaların belirlenmesi

Year 2024, , 519 - 532, 16.12.2024


Gıda fiyatlarındaki artış, doğal kaynaklardaki azalışın göstergesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Nüfus artışıyla birlikte su, enerji ve gıda gibi doğal kaynaklara yönelik küresel talebin de artacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Son on yıl içerisinde su-enerji-gıda zinciri ortaya çıkmıştır. Su-enerji-gıda zinciri doğal çevre ve insan faaliyetleri arasındaki etkileşimleri sistematik olarak analiz etmek ve sektörler arasında doğal kaynakların daha koordineli bir yönetimi ve kullanımı için kavramsal bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Su-enerji-gıda zinciri ile ilgili çalışmalarda en önemli zorluk, sistemin nasıl temsil edileceği ve izleneceğidir. Bu amaçla enerji, tarım-gıda ve su ile ilgili konuları vurgulayan su-enerji-gıda zinciri ile ilgili ülke düzeyinde gösterge değerlerinin oluşturulması ve bunların izlenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada; ilk olarak su-enerji-gıda zinciri hakkında temel bilgiler verilerek aralarındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Makalenin ikinci bölümünde konuyla ilgili bir çalışmaya yer verilerek ülkemizin durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Son bölümde ise su-enerji-gıda zincirinin özellikleri ve gösterge değerlerinden yararlanılarak Ulusal bazda yapılması gereken çalışmalarla ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Alexander, P., C. Brown, A. Arneth, C. Dias, J. Finnigan, D. Moran & M.D. Rounsevell, 2017. Could consumption of insects, cultured meat or imitation meat reduce global agricultural land use? Global Food Security, 15 (1): 22-32.
  • Allouche, J., C. Middleton & D. Gyawali, 2019. The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Power, Politics, and Justice. Routledge, London, 150 pp.
  • Anonymous, 2017. The Energy-Water-Food Nexus: Managing Key Resources for Sustainable Development. Ofi Pamphlet Series 41, Druckerei Odysseus, Himberg, Austria, 100 pp.
  • Anonymous, 2021a. The Energy-Agriculture Nexus. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Anonymous, 2021b. The wef nexus index. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Anonymous, 2023. The wef nexus index. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Bakken, T. H., Å. Killingtveit & K. Alfredsen, 2017. The water footprint of hydropower production-state of the art and methodological challenges. Global Challenges, 1 (5): 1-8.
  • Bell, S. & S. Morse, 2018. Sustainability indicators past and present: what next? Sustainability, 10 (5): 1-15.
  • Ben-Ari, T. & D. Makowski, 2014. Decomposing global crop yield variability. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (11): 1-10.
  • Bizikova, L., D. Roy, D. Swanson, H.D. Venema & M. McCandless, 2013. The water-energy-food security nexus: towards a practical planning and decision-support framework for landscape investment and risk management. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • BP, 2017. Energy outlook 2017. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Carr, J. A., P. D’Odorico, F. Laio & L. Ridolfi, 2013. Recent history and geography of virtual water trade. PLoS One, 8 (2): 1-9.
  • Carson, R., 1962. Silent spring. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • D’Odorico, P., K.F. Davis, L. Rosa, J. A. Carr, D. Chiarelli & J. Dell’Angelo, 2018. The global food-energy-water nexus. Reviews of Geophysics, 56 (3): 456-531.
  • Davis, K.F. & P. D’Odorico, 2015. Livestock intensification and the influence of dietary change: a calorie-based assessment of competition for crop production. Science of the Total Environment, 538: 817-823.
  • Degirmencioglu, A., R.H. Mohtar, B.T. Daher, G. Ozgunaltay-Ertugrul & O. Ertugrul, 2019. Assessing the sustainability of crop production in the Gediz Basin, Turkey: a water, energy, and food nexus approach. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28 (4): 2511-2522.
  • Dizdaroglu, D., 2017. The role of indicator-based sustainability assessment in policy and the decision-making process: a review and outlook. Sustainability, 9 (6): 1-28.
  • Durmuş, İ. & İ. Gücüyeter, 2024. Karbon ayak izi ve yeşil organizasyon kavramlarına yönelik bibliyometrik araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 61 (1): 113-124.
  • Ertuğrul, Ö., 2023. “A Review on The Mechanization Practices for Regenerative Agriculture, 295-309”. In: Advance Concepts on Natural and Agricultural Sciences. 1st Ed. (Eds. A. Kazankaya & M.A. Ateş), Ankara, Türkiye, 309 pp.
  • Ertuğrul, Ö., B. Daher, G. Özgünaltay Ertuğrul & R. Mohtar, 2024. From agricultural waste to energy: assessing the bioenergy potential of south-central texas. Energies, 17 (4): 1-16.
  • Ertuğrul, Ö., G. Özgünaltay-Ertuğrul & A. Değirmencioğlu, 2022. “Su, Enerji ve Gıda Kaynaklarının İlişkisi ve Sürdürülebilir Tarımdaki Yeri, 171-177”. In: Ziraat ve Su Ürünlerinde Kavramsal ve Olgusal Yaklaşımlar. 1st ed. (Eds. Y. Banu & M. T. Tolon), Yenişehir, Ankara, 177 pp.
  • European Union Parliament, 2009. Directive 2009/28/EC. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • ExxonMobil, 2017. The outlook for energy: A view to 2040. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • FAO, 2011. Energy-smart food for people and climate, Issue paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • FAO, 2018. Water-Energy-Food Nexus for the Review of SDG 7. Food and Agriculture Organization. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • FAOSTAT, 2017. Food and Agriculture Organization 2017. FAOSTAT database. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Farinha, F., M. J. Oliveira, E. M. Silva, R. Lança, M. D. Pinheiro & C. Miguel, 2019. Selection process of sustainable indicators for the algarve region-observe project. Sustainability, 11 (2): 1-24.
  • Galaitsi, S., J. Veysey & A. Huber-Lee, 2018. Where is the added value? A review of the waterenergy-food nexus literature. (Web page: ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Gerland, P., A. E. Raftery, H. Sevčíková, N. Li, D. Gu & T. Spoorenberg, 2014. World population stabilization unlikely this century. Science, 346 (6206): 234-237.
  • Godfray, H.C.J., J.R. Beddington, I.R. Crute, L. Haddad, D. Lawrence, J.F. Muir, J. Pretty, S. Robinson, S.M. Thomas & C. Toulmin, 2010. Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science, 327 (5967): 812-818.
  • Hermele, K., 2014. The appropriation of Ecological Space. Routledge, New York. 176 pp.
  • Hoekstra, A.Y., 2017. Water footprint assessment: evolvement of a new research field. Water Resources Management, 31: 3061-3081.
  • Hoff, H.,2011. Understanding the nexus. (Web page: mediamanager/documents/Publications/SEI-Paper-Hoff-UnderstandingTheNexus-2011.pdf ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Hoff, H., S.A. Alrahaife, R. El Hajj, K. Lohr, F.E. Mengoub, N. Farajalla, K. Fritzsche, G. Jobbins, G. Özerol, R. Schultz & A. Ulrich, 2019. A nexus approach for the mena region-from concept to knowledge to action. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7 (48): 1-14.
  • IEA, 2016. International Energy Agency. (Web page: ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Janzen, H., 2004. Carbon cycling in earth systems-a soil science perspective. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 104 (3): 399-417.
  • Kalvani, S.R. & F. Celico. 2024. Analysis of pros and cons in using the water-energy-food nexus approach to assess resource security: a review. Sustainability, 16 (7): 1-18 .
  • King, C.W., A.S. Holman & M.E. Webber, 2008. Thirst for energy. Nature Geoscience, 1 (5): 283-286.
  • McGrane, S.J., M. Acuto, F. Artioli, P.Y. Chen, R. Comber, J. Cottee, G. Farr‐Wharton, N. Green, A. Helfgott & S. Larcom, J. A. McCann, P. O’Reilly, G. Salmoral, M. Scott, L. C. Todman, T. Van Gevelt & X. Yan, 2018. Scaling the nexus: towards integrated frameworks for analysing water, energy and food. The Geographical Journal, 185 (4), 419-431.
  • Mielke, E., L.D. Anadon & V. Narayanamurti, 2010. Water consumption of energy resource extraction, processing, and conversion. (Web page: ) (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Nhamo, L., T. Mabhaudhi, S. Mpandeli, C. Dickens, C. Nhemachena, A. Senzanje, D. Naidoo, S. Liphadzi & A.T. Modi, 2020. An integrative analytical model for the water-energy-food nexus: South Africa case study. Environmental Science and Policy, 109: 15-24.
  • Pellegrinia, P. & R.J. Fernándeza, 2018. Crop intensification, land use, and on-farm energy-use efficiency during the worldwide spread of the green revolution. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (10): 2335-2340.
  • Porkka, M., J.H., Guillaume, S. Siebert, S. Schaphoff & M. Kummu, 2017. The use of food imports to overcome local limits to growth. Earth’s Future, 5 (4): 393-407.
  • Rasul, G. & B. Sharma, 2016. The nexus approach to water-energy-food security: an option for adaptation to climate change. Climate Policy, 16 (6): 682-702.
  • Ravi, S., D.B. Lobell & C.B. Field, 2014. Tradeoffs and synergies between biofuel production and large solar infrastructure in deserts. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (5): 3021-3030.
  • Richter, B., 2014. Chasing Water: A Guide For Moving From Scarcity To Sustainability. Island Press Washington DC, 192 pp.
  • Rosa, L., K.F. Davis, M.C. Rulli & P. D’Odorico, 2017. Environmental consequences of oil production from oil sands. Earth’s Future, 5 (2): 158-170.
  • Rosa, L., M.C. Rulli, K.F. Davis & P. D’Odorico, 2018. The water-energy nexus of hydraulic fracturing: A global hydrologic analysis for shale oil and gas extraction. Earth’s Future, 6 (5): 745-756.
  • Rulli, M.C., D. Bellomi, A. Cazzoli, G. De Carolis & P. D’Odorico, 2016. The water-land-food nexus of first-generation biofuels. Scientific Reports, 6: 1-10.
  • Schernewski, G., S. Schönwald & M. Kataržytė, 2014. Application and evaluation of an indicator set to measure and promote sustainable development in coastal areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 101 (Part A): 2-13.
  • Shannak, S., D. Mabrey & M. Vittorio, 2018. Moving from theory to practice in the water-energy-food nexus: an evaluation of existing models and frameworks. Water-Energy Nexus, 1 (1): 17-25.
  • Simpson, G. B. & G.P.W. Jewitt, 2019. The water-energy-food nexus in the anthropocene: Moving from ‘nexus thinking’ to ‘nexus action’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 40: 117-123.
  • Simpson, G.B., G.P.W. Jewitt, W. Becker, J. Badenhorst, A.R. Neves, P. Rovira & V. Pascual, 2020. the water-energy-food nexus ındex: a tool for ıntegrated resource management and sustainable development. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Singh, R.K., H.R. Murty, S.K. Gupta & A.K. Dikshit, 2012. An overview of sustainability assessment methodologies. Ecological Indicators, 15: 281-299.
  • Steffen, W., P.J. Crutzen & J.R. McNeill, 2007. The anthropocene: are humans now overwhelming the great forces of nature. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 36 (8): 614-621. (2007)36[614: TAAHNO]2.0.CO;2
  • Topçu, P., Ö. Yavuz & A. Tolunay, 2022. Sürdürülebilir toprak yönetiminde toprak organik karbonunun önemi. Turkish Journal of Forest Science, 6 (2): 604-614.
  • Tubiello, F.N., M. Salvatore, S. Rossi, A. Ferrara, N. Fitton & P. Smith, 2013. The faostat database of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Environmental Research Letters, 8 (1): 1-10.
  • Varis, O., M. Keskinen & M. Kummu, 2017. Four dimensions of water security with a case of the indirect role of water in global food security. Water Security, 1: 36-45.
  • Wong, J.L., 2010. The food-energy-water nexus. (Web page: (Date accessed: April 2024).
  • Zarfl, B.R., B.L. Ruddell, P.M. Reed, R.I. Hook, C. Zheng, V.C. Tidwell & S. Siebert, 2017. The food-energy-water nexus: Transforming science for society. Water Resources Research, 53 (5): 3550-3556.
  • Zarfl, C., A.E. Lumsdon, J. Berlekamp, L. Tydecks & K. Tockner, 2015. A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences, 77 (1): 161-170.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Machines
Journal Section Review

Uğur Yegül 0000-0003-2139-4080

Ayten Onurbaş Avcıoğlu 0000-0002-5491-8875

Early Pub Date December 16, 2024
Publication Date December 16, 2024
Submission Date April 5, 2024
Acceptance Date August 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yegül, U., & Onurbaş Avcıoğlu, A. (2024). Su-enerji-gıda zinciri kavramına dayalı ulusal politikaların belirlenmesi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 61(4), 519-532.

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