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İn ovo Vitamin C ve E Enjeksiyonunun Isı Stresine Maruz Kalan Etlik Piliçlerde Gelişme Performansı ve Oksidatif Stabilite Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2017, , 259 - 266, 28.09.2017



Bu çalışma, in ovo vitamin C ve E
enjeksiyonunun çıkıştan kaynaklanan ok
strese karşı civcivleri koruma olasılığını değerlendirmek ve in ovo vitamin C ve E enjekte edilen
yumurtalardan elde edilen etlik civcivlerde erken dönem ısı stresinin
performans ve oksidatif stabilite üzerine etkilerini belirlemek için
yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla, kontrol grubu dışındaki döllü yumurtalara kuluçkanın
17. gününde
20 IU vitamin E, 3 mg vitamin C ve 20 IU vitamin E+3 mg vitamin C enjekte edilmiştir. Çıkıştan
sonra kontrol grubu civcivleri 2 gruba (kontrol ve ısı stresi) ayrılmış ve her
biri 4 tekerrürlü (18 civciv) 5 grup (kontrol, ısı stresi, ısı stresi+vitamin
C, ısı stresi+vitamin E ve ısı stresi+vitamin C+E) oluşturulmuştur.  Isı stresi uygulanan gruplar 1-7. günler
arasında her gün 4 saat
38±10C sıcaklığa maruz kalmışlardır. Erken
yaşlarda ısı stresi uygulaması etlik piliçlerde 42. gün canlı ağırlığını, yem
tüketimini ve yemden yararlanmayı önemli düzeyde etkilememiştir.  Kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında, in ovo vitamin C ve E enjekte edilen
yumurtalardan çıkan civcivlerde daha düşük malondialdehit (MDA) düzeyi ve daha
yüksek süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) aktivitesi saptanmıştır. Çıkıştan 1 gün sonra,
daha düşük kreatin kinaz (CK) ve MDA düzeyleri ancak daha yüksek trolox eşdeğer
antioksidan kapasite (TEAK) değeri belirlenmiştir.   In ovo
vitamin C ve E enjeksiyonun yeni çıkan civcivleri lipid peroksidasyonundan ve
yaşamın erken döneminde ısı stresinin olumsuz etkilerinden koruyan etkili bir
yöntem olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Altan Ö, A. Pabuçcuoglu, A. Altan, S. Konyalioglu ve H. Bayraktar. 2003. Effect of heat stress on oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and some stress parameters in broilers. British Poultry Science, 44(4): 545-550.
  • Altan, Ö., A. Altan, I. Oğuz, A. Pabuçcuoğlu ve S. Konyalioğlu. 2000. Effects of heat stress on growth, some blood variables and lipid oxidation in broilers exposed to high temperature at an early age. British Poultry Science, 41(4): 489-493.
  • Anonim. 2004. Yem Analiz Metodları (Tebliğ no:2004/33). Resmi Gazete, 02.09.2004, Ankara, Sayı: 25571.
  • Berrong, S.L. and K.W. Washburn. 1998. Effects of genetic variation on total plasma protein, body weight gains, and body temperature responses to heat stress. Poultry Science, 77(3): 379-385.
  • Bulgurlu, Ş. ve M. Ergül. 1978. Yemlerin Fizksel, Kimyasal ve Biyolojik Analiz Metotları, E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No:127.
  • Cahaner, A. and F. Leenstra. 1992. Effects of high temperature on growth and efficiency of male and female broilers from lines selected for high weight gain, favorable feed conversion, and high or low fat content. Poultry Science, 71(8):1237-1250.
  • Cahaner, A., Y. Pinchasov, I. Nir and Z. Nitsan. 1995. Effects of dietary protein under high ambient temperature on body weight, breast meat yield, and abdominal fat deposition of broiler stocks differing in growth rate and fatness. Poultry Science, 74(6): 968-975.
  • Donkoh, A. 1989. Ambient temperature: a factor affecting performance and physiological response of broiler chickens. International Journal Biometeorology, 33(4): 259-265.
  • Draper, H.H. and M. Hadley. 1990. Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid peroxidation. Methods in Enzymology, 186: 421-431.
  • Elibol, O., M. Türkoğlu, M. Akan ve H. Erol. 2001. İnkubasyon sırasında ağır yumurtalara askorbik asit enjeksiyonunun kuluçka özelliklerine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 25 (3): 245-248.
  • Etches, R.J., J.M. Jhon and A.M.V. Gibbins. 1995. Behavioural, physiological, neuroendocrine and molecular responses to heat stress. In Daghir, N.J. (Ed) Poultry Production in Hot Climates, pp.31-65, CAN International.
  • Hajati, H., A. Hassanabadi and M. Rezaei. 2013. The effect of in ovo feeding of nano-multi vitamin on hatchability and performance of broiler chicks during starter period. Ulusal Kuzey İran Hayvancılık Sempozyumu, Sari Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 1748-1752 pp.
  • Halliwell, B., J.M.C. Gutteridge and C.E. Cross. 1992. Free radicals, antioxidants and human disease; Where are we now? Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 119(6): 598-620.
  • Hossain, S.M, S.L. Barreto, A.G. Bertechini, A.M. Rios and C.G. Silva. 1998. Influence of dietary vitamin E level on egg production of broiler breeders, and on the growth and immune response of progeny in comparison with the progeny from eggs injected with vitamin E. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 73: 307-317.
  • İpek, A., Ü. Şahan ve B. Yılmaz. 2004. The effect of in ovo ascorbic acid and glucose injection in broiler breeder eggs on hatchability and chick weight. Archiv fur Geflugelkunde, 68(3): 132-135.
  • Kutlu, H.R. and J.M. Forbes. 1994. Responses of broiler chicks to dietary ascorbic acid and corticosterone. British Poultry Science, 35(1): 184-186.
  • Latour, M.A., A.A. Devitt, R.A. Meunier, J.J. Stewart and B.A. Watkins. 2000. Effects of conjugated linolic acid. 2.Embryonic and neonatal growth and circulating lipids. Poultry Science, 79(6): 822-826.
  • Lin, H., E. Decuypere and J. Buyse. 2006. Acute heat stress induces oxidative stress in broiler chickens. Comperative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A:Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 141(1):11-175.
  • Lin, H., R. Du and Z.Y. Zhang. 2000. The peroxidation in tissues of heat-stressed broilers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13:1373-1376.
  • Lin, Y.F., H.L. Tsai, Y.C. Lee and S.J. Chang. 2005. Maternal vitamin E supplementation affects the antioxidant capability and oxidative status of hatching chicks. The Journal of Nutrition, 135(10): 2457-2461.
  • Mitchell, M.A. and D.A. Sandercock. 1995. Creatine kinase isoenzymeprofiles in the plasma of domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus):effects of acute heat stress. Research in Veterinary Science, 59(1): 30-34.
  • Mitchell, M.A. and P.J. Kettlewell. 1998. Physiological stress and welfare of broiler chickens in transit: Solutions not problems! Poultry Science, 77(12): 1803-1814.
  • Naumann, C. and R. Bassler. 1993. Methodenbuch, Band III. Die Chemische Untersuchung von Futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Niu, Z.Y., V. Liu, Q.L. Yan and W.C. Li. 2009. Effects of different levels of vitamin E on growth performance and immune responses of broilers under heat stress. Poultry Science, 88 (10): 2101-2107.
  • Noble R.C. and M. Cocchi. 1990. Lipid metabolism and the neonatal chicken. Progress in Lipid Research, 29(2): 107-140.
  • Nowaczewski, S., H. Kontecka and S. Krystianiak. 2012. Effect of in-ovo injection of vitamin C during incubation on hatchability of chickens and ducks. Folia Biologica (Krakow), 60(1-2): 93-97.
  • Ohta, Y., M.T. Kidd and T. Ishibashi. 2001. Embryo growth and amino acid concentration profiles of broiler breeder eggs, embryos, and chicks after in-ovo administration of amino acids. Poultry Science, 80 (10): 1430-1436.
  • Puthpongsiriporn, U., S.E. Scheideler, J.L. Sell and M.M. Beck. 2001. Effects of vitamin E and c Supplementation on performance, in vitro lymphocyte proliferation, and antioxidant status of laying hens during heat stress. Poultry Science, 80(8): 1190-1200.
  • Re, R., N. Pellegrini, A. Proteggente, A. Pannala, M. Yang and C. Rice-Evans. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26 (9-10): 1231-1237.
  • Sahin K, N. Sahin, M. Onderci, M.F. Gursu and M. Issi. 2003. Vitamin C and E can alleviate negative effects of heat stress in Japanese Ouail. Food, Agriculture & Environment, 1(2): 244-249.
  • Sahin, K., N. Sahin, M. Onderci, S. Yaralioglu ve O. Kucuk. 2001. Protective role of supplemental vitamin E on lipid peroxidation, vitamins E, A and some mineral concentrations of broilers reared under heat stress. Veterinární medicína, 46: 140–144.
  • Salary, J., F.S. Ala, M. Kalantar and H.R.H. Matim. 2014. In ovo injection of vitamin E on post-hatch immunological parameters and broilers chicken performance. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 4 (2): S616-S619.
  • Sandercock, D.A., R.R. Hunter, G.R. Nute, M.A. Mitchell and P.M. Hocking. 2001. Acute heat stress-induced alterations in blood acid-base status and skeletal muscle membrane integrity in broiler chickens at two ages: implications for meat quality. Poultry Science, 80(4): 418-425.
  • SAS Institute. 1998. PC SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. SAS Inst. Cary.
  • Schaal, T.P. 2008. The effects of in ovo feeding of fatty acids and antioxidants on broiler chicken hatchability and chick tissue lipids. Thesis for degree of Honors Baccalaureate of Science in Animal Sciences. Oregon State University, University Honors College.
  • St-Pierre N.R., B. Cobanov and G. Schnitkey. 2003. Economic losses from heat stress by US livestock industries. Journal of Dairy Science, 86 (E. Suppl.): E52–E77.
  • Surai, P.F. 1999. Tissue-specific changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes during the development of the chicken embryo. Bristish Poultry Science, 40(3): 397-405.
  • Surai, P.F. 2003. Natural antioxidants in avian nutrition and reproduction. Nottingham University, Nottingham.
  • Surai, P.F., R.C. Noble and B.K. Speake. 1996. Tissue-specific differences in antioxidant distribution and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation during development of the chick embryo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Lipids and Lipid Metabolism, 1304 (1):1-10.
  • Tsunekage, T. and R.E Ricklefs. 2015. Increased lipid peroxidation occurs during development in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) embryos. British Poultry Science, 56(2): 262-266.
  • Tullet, S.G. 1990. Science and the art of incubation. Poultry Science, 69 (1): 1-15.
  • Uni, Z., P.R. Ferket, E. Tako and O. Kedar. 2005. In-ovo feding improves energy status of late-term chicken embryos. Poultry Science, 84(5): 764-770.
  • Yu, B.P. 1994. Cellular defences against damage from react oxygen species. Physiological Reviews, 74(1): 139-16, 1994.
  • Zakaria, A.H. and M.A. Al-Anezi. 1996. Effect of ascorbic acid and cooling during egg incubation on hatchability, culling, mortality, and the body weights of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 75(10): 1204-1209.

The Effects of In Ovo Injection of Vitamin C and E on Growth Performance and Oxidative Stability in Broilers Exposed to Heat Stress

Year 2017, , 259 - 266, 28.09.2017


This study was
conducted to evaluate the protection probability of in ovo injection of
vitamin C and E against oxidative stress to chicks due to hatching and to
determine the effects of early age heat stress on performance and oxidative
stability of broilers obtained from in ovo vitamin C and E injected
eggs. For this purpose,
eggs except control group were injected with 20 IU vitamin E, 3 mg vitamin C
and 20 IU vitamin E+3 mg vitamin C
on the 17th day of
. The control chicks
assigned to 2 groups after hatching (control and heat stress) and 5
groups (control, heat stress, heat stress+vitamin C, heat stress+vitamin E and
heat stress+vitamin C+E)
were created each with 4
replicates (18 chicks). H
eat stress groups were exposed to 38±1 0C  for 4 h 
every day at ages of 1 to 7 d.
Exposing chicks to heat stress at an early age did not significantly
affect body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio at 42 d. It was
determined lower malondialdehide (MDA) levels and higher superoxide dismutase
(SOD) activity in chicks hatched from in ovo vitamin C and E injected
eggs compared to the control group. After 1 day, it was observed lower creatine
kinase (CK) and MDA levels but higher trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity
(TEAC) value. It was concluded that in ovo injection of vitamin C and E
is an effective mean of protection from lipid peroxidation in newly hatched
chicks and from adverse effects of heat stress early in life.


  • Altan Ö, A. Pabuçcuoglu, A. Altan, S. Konyalioglu ve H. Bayraktar. 2003. Effect of heat stress on oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and some stress parameters in broilers. British Poultry Science, 44(4): 545-550.
  • Altan, Ö., A. Altan, I. Oğuz, A. Pabuçcuoğlu ve S. Konyalioğlu. 2000. Effects of heat stress on growth, some blood variables and lipid oxidation in broilers exposed to high temperature at an early age. British Poultry Science, 41(4): 489-493.
  • Anonim. 2004. Yem Analiz Metodları (Tebliğ no:2004/33). Resmi Gazete, 02.09.2004, Ankara, Sayı: 25571.
  • Berrong, S.L. and K.W. Washburn. 1998. Effects of genetic variation on total plasma protein, body weight gains, and body temperature responses to heat stress. Poultry Science, 77(3): 379-385.
  • Bulgurlu, Ş. ve M. Ergül. 1978. Yemlerin Fizksel, Kimyasal ve Biyolojik Analiz Metotları, E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No:127.
  • Cahaner, A. and F. Leenstra. 1992. Effects of high temperature on growth and efficiency of male and female broilers from lines selected for high weight gain, favorable feed conversion, and high or low fat content. Poultry Science, 71(8):1237-1250.
  • Cahaner, A., Y. Pinchasov, I. Nir and Z. Nitsan. 1995. Effects of dietary protein under high ambient temperature on body weight, breast meat yield, and abdominal fat deposition of broiler stocks differing in growth rate and fatness. Poultry Science, 74(6): 968-975.
  • Donkoh, A. 1989. Ambient temperature: a factor affecting performance and physiological response of broiler chickens. International Journal Biometeorology, 33(4): 259-265.
  • Draper, H.H. and M. Hadley. 1990. Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid peroxidation. Methods in Enzymology, 186: 421-431.
  • Elibol, O., M. Türkoğlu, M. Akan ve H. Erol. 2001. İnkubasyon sırasında ağır yumurtalara askorbik asit enjeksiyonunun kuluçka özelliklerine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 25 (3): 245-248.
  • Etches, R.J., J.M. Jhon and A.M.V. Gibbins. 1995. Behavioural, physiological, neuroendocrine and molecular responses to heat stress. In Daghir, N.J. (Ed) Poultry Production in Hot Climates, pp.31-65, CAN International.
  • Hajati, H., A. Hassanabadi and M. Rezaei. 2013. The effect of in ovo feeding of nano-multi vitamin on hatchability and performance of broiler chicks during starter period. Ulusal Kuzey İran Hayvancılık Sempozyumu, Sari Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 1748-1752 pp.
  • Halliwell, B., J.M.C. Gutteridge and C.E. Cross. 1992. Free radicals, antioxidants and human disease; Where are we now? Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 119(6): 598-620.
  • Hossain, S.M, S.L. Barreto, A.G. Bertechini, A.M. Rios and C.G. Silva. 1998. Influence of dietary vitamin E level on egg production of broiler breeders, and on the growth and immune response of progeny in comparison with the progeny from eggs injected with vitamin E. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 73: 307-317.
  • İpek, A., Ü. Şahan ve B. Yılmaz. 2004. The effect of in ovo ascorbic acid and glucose injection in broiler breeder eggs on hatchability and chick weight. Archiv fur Geflugelkunde, 68(3): 132-135.
  • Kutlu, H.R. and J.M. Forbes. 1994. Responses of broiler chicks to dietary ascorbic acid and corticosterone. British Poultry Science, 35(1): 184-186.
  • Latour, M.A., A.A. Devitt, R.A. Meunier, J.J. Stewart and B.A. Watkins. 2000. Effects of conjugated linolic acid. 2.Embryonic and neonatal growth and circulating lipids. Poultry Science, 79(6): 822-826.
  • Lin, H., E. Decuypere and J. Buyse. 2006. Acute heat stress induces oxidative stress in broiler chickens. Comperative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A:Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 141(1):11-175.
  • Lin, H., R. Du and Z.Y. Zhang. 2000. The peroxidation in tissues of heat-stressed broilers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13:1373-1376.
  • Lin, Y.F., H.L. Tsai, Y.C. Lee and S.J. Chang. 2005. Maternal vitamin E supplementation affects the antioxidant capability and oxidative status of hatching chicks. The Journal of Nutrition, 135(10): 2457-2461.
  • Mitchell, M.A. and D.A. Sandercock. 1995. Creatine kinase isoenzymeprofiles in the plasma of domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus):effects of acute heat stress. Research in Veterinary Science, 59(1): 30-34.
  • Mitchell, M.A. and P.J. Kettlewell. 1998. Physiological stress and welfare of broiler chickens in transit: Solutions not problems! Poultry Science, 77(12): 1803-1814.
  • Naumann, C. and R. Bassler. 1993. Methodenbuch, Band III. Die Chemische Untersuchung von Futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Niu, Z.Y., V. Liu, Q.L. Yan and W.C. Li. 2009. Effects of different levels of vitamin E on growth performance and immune responses of broilers under heat stress. Poultry Science, 88 (10): 2101-2107.
  • Noble R.C. and M. Cocchi. 1990. Lipid metabolism and the neonatal chicken. Progress in Lipid Research, 29(2): 107-140.
  • Nowaczewski, S., H. Kontecka and S. Krystianiak. 2012. Effect of in-ovo injection of vitamin C during incubation on hatchability of chickens and ducks. Folia Biologica (Krakow), 60(1-2): 93-97.
  • Ohta, Y., M.T. Kidd and T. Ishibashi. 2001. Embryo growth and amino acid concentration profiles of broiler breeder eggs, embryos, and chicks after in-ovo administration of amino acids. Poultry Science, 80 (10): 1430-1436.
  • Puthpongsiriporn, U., S.E. Scheideler, J.L. Sell and M.M. Beck. 2001. Effects of vitamin E and c Supplementation on performance, in vitro lymphocyte proliferation, and antioxidant status of laying hens during heat stress. Poultry Science, 80(8): 1190-1200.
  • Re, R., N. Pellegrini, A. Proteggente, A. Pannala, M. Yang and C. Rice-Evans. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26 (9-10): 1231-1237.
  • Sahin K, N. Sahin, M. Onderci, M.F. Gursu and M. Issi. 2003. Vitamin C and E can alleviate negative effects of heat stress in Japanese Ouail. Food, Agriculture & Environment, 1(2): 244-249.
  • Sahin, K., N. Sahin, M. Onderci, S. Yaralioglu ve O. Kucuk. 2001. Protective role of supplemental vitamin E on lipid peroxidation, vitamins E, A and some mineral concentrations of broilers reared under heat stress. Veterinární medicína, 46: 140–144.
  • Salary, J., F.S. Ala, M. Kalantar and H.R.H. Matim. 2014. In ovo injection of vitamin E on post-hatch immunological parameters and broilers chicken performance. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 4 (2): S616-S619.
  • Sandercock, D.A., R.R. Hunter, G.R. Nute, M.A. Mitchell and P.M. Hocking. 2001. Acute heat stress-induced alterations in blood acid-base status and skeletal muscle membrane integrity in broiler chickens at two ages: implications for meat quality. Poultry Science, 80(4): 418-425.
  • SAS Institute. 1998. PC SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. SAS Inst. Cary.
  • Schaal, T.P. 2008. The effects of in ovo feeding of fatty acids and antioxidants on broiler chicken hatchability and chick tissue lipids. Thesis for degree of Honors Baccalaureate of Science in Animal Sciences. Oregon State University, University Honors College.
  • St-Pierre N.R., B. Cobanov and G. Schnitkey. 2003. Economic losses from heat stress by US livestock industries. Journal of Dairy Science, 86 (E. Suppl.): E52–E77.
  • Surai, P.F. 1999. Tissue-specific changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes during the development of the chicken embryo. Bristish Poultry Science, 40(3): 397-405.
  • Surai, P.F. 2003. Natural antioxidants in avian nutrition and reproduction. Nottingham University, Nottingham.
  • Surai, P.F., R.C. Noble and B.K. Speake. 1996. Tissue-specific differences in antioxidant distribution and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation during development of the chick embryo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Lipids and Lipid Metabolism, 1304 (1):1-10.
  • Tsunekage, T. and R.E Ricklefs. 2015. Increased lipid peroxidation occurs during development in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) embryos. British Poultry Science, 56(2): 262-266.
  • Tullet, S.G. 1990. Science and the art of incubation. Poultry Science, 69 (1): 1-15.
  • Uni, Z., P.R. Ferket, E. Tako and O. Kedar. 2005. In-ovo feding improves energy status of late-term chicken embryos. Poultry Science, 84(5): 764-770.
  • Yu, B.P. 1994. Cellular defences against damage from react oxygen species. Physiological Reviews, 74(1): 139-16, 1994.
  • Zakaria, A.H. and M.A. Al-Anezi. 1996. Effect of ascorbic acid and cooling during egg incubation on hatchability, culling, mortality, and the body weights of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 75(10): 1204-1209.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Özge Altan

Zümrüt Açıkgöz This is me

Özer Hakan Bayraktar This is me

Fadime Aydın Köse This is me

Çiğdem Şeremet Tuğalay This is me

Omid Pourdolati This is me

Publication Date September 28, 2017
Submission Date January 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Altan, Ö., Açıkgöz, Z., Bayraktar, Ö. H., Aydın Köse, F., et al. (2017). İn ovo Vitamin C ve E Enjeksiyonunun Isı Stresine Maruz Kalan Etlik Piliçlerde Gelişme Performansı ve Oksidatif Stabilite Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(3), 259-266.

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