Research Article
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A Study on the Effects of Veejet Nozzles used in Erosion Researches on Rain Intensity and Christiansen’s Uniformity Coefficient

Year 2016, , 195 - 202, 22.06.2016


This study was conducted to compare with rain intensities
and Christiansen’s uniformity coefficients were taken from Veejet spraying
nozzles (80070, 80100 and 80150) by using a laboratory type rain simulator
under different pressures (10, 20, 30 and 40 kPa). Results showed that rain
intensities and Christiansen’s uniformity coefficients increased at Veejet
80070 and 80100 types spraying nozzles, based on increasing pressures. But, it
was found that 30 and 40 kPa pressures effected at Veejet 80150 types spraying
nozzle. Christiansen’s uniformity coefficients were found between 59.85 to
86.68 % in this study.


  • Alves Sobrinho, T., H. Gomez Macpherson and J.A. Gomez. 2008. A portable integrated rainfall and overland plow simulator. Soil Use and Management, 24: 163-170.
  • Anderson, J.U., A.E. Stewart and P.C. Gregory. 1968. A portable rainfall simulator and runoff sampler. New Mexico State University of Agriculture Experiment Station Research, reprinted no: 143.
  • Anonymous, 1999. SPSS 9 for Windows User’s Guide. Copyright 1999 by SPSS Incoorparation SPSS, Chicago, IL.
  • Beasley, D.B., E.J. Monke, E.R. Miller and L.F. Huggins. 1985. Using simulation to assess the impact of conservation tillage on movement of sediment and phosphorus into Lake Erie. Journal of Soil Water Conservation, 40: 233-237.
  • Bubenzer, G.D. and L.D. Meyer. 1965. Simulation of rainfall and soils for laboratory research. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 8: 73-75p.
  • Bubenzer, G.D and B.A. Jones. 1971. Drop size and impact velocity effects on the detachment of soils under rainfall simulation. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 14: 625-628.
  • Christiansen, J.E. 1942. Irrigation by sprinkling. University of California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulltenin No: 670.
  • Corona, R., T. Wilson, L. ProD’Adderio, F. Poncu, N. Montaldo and J. Albertson. 2013. On the estimation of surface runoff through a new plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardinia, Italy. International Conference on Four Decades of Progress in Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in the Soil-Plant- Atmosphere System Location Naples, Italy, June 19-21, 2013, Procedra Environmental Sciences, (Edt: Romaro, N., Durso, G., Severno, G.)19: 875-884.
  • Erpul, G. and M. Çanga. 2000. Toprak erozyon çalışmaları için bir yapay yağmurlama aletinin tasarım prensibleri ve yapay yağış karakteristikleri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1): 75-83.
  • Esteves, M., O. Planchon, J.M. Lapetite, N. Silvera and P. Cadet. 2000. The ”EMIRE” large rainfall simulator: Design and Field Testing. Earth Surface Processes and Landsforms, 25: 681-690.
  • Gabric, O., D. Prodanovic and J. Plavsic. 2015. The effects of oscilating nozzle on Cristiansen’s uniformitiy coefficient. Technical Gazette, 22(6): 1415-1418.
  • Humphry, J.B., T.C. Daniel, D.R. Edwards and A.N. Sharpley. 2002. A portable rainfall simulator for plot-scale runoff studies. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 18(2): 199-204.
  • Iserloh, T., J.B. Ries, J. Arnaez, C. Boix-Fayos, V. Butzen, A. Cerda, M.T. Echeverria, J. Fernandez Galvez, W. Fister, C. Geibler, J.A. Gomez, H. Gomez Macpherson, N.J. Kuhn, R. Lazaro, F.J. Leon, M. Martinez Mena, J.F. Martinez Murillo, M. Marzen, M.D. Mingorance, L. Ortigasa, P. Peters, D. Regües, J.D. Ruiz Sinoga, T. Scholten, M. Seeger, A. Sole Benet, R. Wengel, S. Wirtz. 2000. European small portable rainfall simulators: A comparasion of rainfall characteristics. Catena, 110: 100-112.
  • Iserloh, T., W. Fister, M. Seeger, H. Willger and J.B. Ries. 2012. A small portable rainfall simulator for reproducible experiments on soil erosion. Soil and Tillage, 124: 131-137.
  • Meyer, L.D. and D.L. McCune. 1958. Rainfall simulator for runoff plots, Agriculture Engineering, 39: 644-648.
  • Meyer, L.D. and W.C. Harmon. 1979. Multiple intensity rainfall simulation for erosion research on row side sloppes. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 22: 100-103.
  • Meyer, L.D. 1994. Rainfal Simulators for Soil Erosion Research, Second Edition, Soil Erosion Research Methods, 83-103, USA.
  • Özdamar, K. 2004. Paket Programları İle İstatistiksel Veri Analizi I. Kaan Kitabevi, ISBN 975-6787-09-0, Eskişehir.
  • Pall, R., W.T. Dickinson, D. Beals and R. McGirr. 1983. Development and calibration of a rainfall simulator. Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 25: 181-187.
  • Perez Rodriguez, R., M.J. Marques, L. Jimenez, S. Garcia Ormaechea, R. Brenez. 2004. Testing of rainfall simulator nozzles for suitability within soil erosion plots. Land Degradation and Rehabilition: Dryland Ecosystems. Papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Land Degradation, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 12-17 September 2004, 2009: 191-199.
  • Sangüesa, C., J. Arumi, R. Pizarro and O. Link. 2010. A rainfall simulator for the in situ study of superficial runoff and soil erosion. Chilean Journal of Agriculture Research, 70(1): 178-182.
  • Sausa Junior, S.F. and E.Q. Siqueira. 2011. Development and Calibration of a Rainfall Simulator for Urban Hydrology Research. 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 11-16 September 2011.
  • Swanson, N.P. 1965. A rotating-boom rainfall simulator. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 8: 437-440.
  • Taysun, A. 1985. Doğal ve Yapma Yağışın Karşılaştırılması Yağış Benzeticiler ve Damla Düşme Hızı Tayin Aletleri. T.C. Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Menemen Bölge Topraksu Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Yayın No:119:13, Menemen, İzmir, 55 sayfa.
  • Taysun, A. 1986. Gediz Havzasında Rendzina Tarım Topraklarında Yapay Yağmurlayıcı Yardımıyla Taşlar, Bitki Artıkları ve Polivinilalkolün (PVA) Toprak Özellikleri ile Birlikte Erozyona Etkileri Üzerine Araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 474.
  • Tossell, R.W., W.T. Dickinson, R.P. Rudra and G.J. Wall. 1987. A portable rainfall simulator. Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 29: 155-162.
  • Turner, A.K. 1965. The simulation of rainfalls for studies in overland flow. Journal of Institues of Engineering of Australia, 37: 9-15.
  • Yönter, G. ve H. Uysal. 2014. Farklı Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Özelliklere Sahip Typic Xerofluvent Topraklara Uygulanan Doğal Katkı Maddelerinin Laboratuvar Koşullarında Yüzey Akış, Toprak Kaybı ve İnfiltrasyon Üzerine Etkileri., Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Proje Kesin Raporu, Proje No: 2012-ZRF-017.

Erozyon Araştırmalarında Kullanılan Veejet Tipi Memelerin Yağış Yoğunluğu ve Christiansen Eş Su Dağılım Katsayısına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Year 2016, , 195 - 202, 22.06.2016



Bu çalışma,
laboratuvar tipi yapay yağmurlayıcıda kullanılan Veejet tipi memelerden (80070,
80100 ve 80150) farklı basınçlar altında (10, 20, 30 ve 40 kPa) elde edilen
yağış yoğunluklarını ve Christiansen eş su dağılım katsayılarını kıyaslamak
için yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçları, Veejet 80070 ve 80100 tipi püskürtücü
memelerde basınç artışına bağlı olarak yağış yoğunlukları ve Christiansen eş su
dağılım katsayılarının arttığını göstermiştir. Ancak, Veejet 80150 tipi
püskürtücü memede 30 ve 40 kPa basınçlar etkili olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Christiansen
eş su dağılım katsayıları % 59.85-86.68 arasında bulunmuştur.


  • Alves Sobrinho, T., H. Gomez Macpherson and J.A. Gomez. 2008. A portable integrated rainfall and overland plow simulator. Soil Use and Management, 24: 163-170.
  • Anderson, J.U., A.E. Stewart and P.C. Gregory. 1968. A portable rainfall simulator and runoff sampler. New Mexico State University of Agriculture Experiment Station Research, reprinted no: 143.
  • Anonymous, 1999. SPSS 9 for Windows User’s Guide. Copyright 1999 by SPSS Incoorparation SPSS, Chicago, IL.
  • Beasley, D.B., E.J. Monke, E.R. Miller and L.F. Huggins. 1985. Using simulation to assess the impact of conservation tillage on movement of sediment and phosphorus into Lake Erie. Journal of Soil Water Conservation, 40: 233-237.
  • Bubenzer, G.D. and L.D. Meyer. 1965. Simulation of rainfall and soils for laboratory research. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 8: 73-75p.
  • Bubenzer, G.D and B.A. Jones. 1971. Drop size and impact velocity effects on the detachment of soils under rainfall simulation. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 14: 625-628.
  • Christiansen, J.E. 1942. Irrigation by sprinkling. University of California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulltenin No: 670.
  • Corona, R., T. Wilson, L. ProD’Adderio, F. Poncu, N. Montaldo and J. Albertson. 2013. On the estimation of surface runoff through a new plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardinia, Italy. International Conference on Four Decades of Progress in Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in the Soil-Plant- Atmosphere System Location Naples, Italy, June 19-21, 2013, Procedra Environmental Sciences, (Edt: Romaro, N., Durso, G., Severno, G.)19: 875-884.
  • Erpul, G. and M. Çanga. 2000. Toprak erozyon çalışmaları için bir yapay yağmurlama aletinin tasarım prensibleri ve yapay yağış karakteristikleri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1): 75-83.
  • Esteves, M., O. Planchon, J.M. Lapetite, N. Silvera and P. Cadet. 2000. The ”EMIRE” large rainfall simulator: Design and Field Testing. Earth Surface Processes and Landsforms, 25: 681-690.
  • Gabric, O., D. Prodanovic and J. Plavsic. 2015. The effects of oscilating nozzle on Cristiansen’s uniformitiy coefficient. Technical Gazette, 22(6): 1415-1418.
  • Humphry, J.B., T.C. Daniel, D.R. Edwards and A.N. Sharpley. 2002. A portable rainfall simulator for plot-scale runoff studies. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 18(2): 199-204.
  • Iserloh, T., J.B. Ries, J. Arnaez, C. Boix-Fayos, V. Butzen, A. Cerda, M.T. Echeverria, J. Fernandez Galvez, W. Fister, C. Geibler, J.A. Gomez, H. Gomez Macpherson, N.J. Kuhn, R. Lazaro, F.J. Leon, M. Martinez Mena, J.F. Martinez Murillo, M. Marzen, M.D. Mingorance, L. Ortigasa, P. Peters, D. Regües, J.D. Ruiz Sinoga, T. Scholten, M. Seeger, A. Sole Benet, R. Wengel, S. Wirtz. 2000. European small portable rainfall simulators: A comparasion of rainfall characteristics. Catena, 110: 100-112.
  • Iserloh, T., W. Fister, M. Seeger, H. Willger and J.B. Ries. 2012. A small portable rainfall simulator for reproducible experiments on soil erosion. Soil and Tillage, 124: 131-137.
  • Meyer, L.D. and D.L. McCune. 1958. Rainfall simulator for runoff plots, Agriculture Engineering, 39: 644-648.
  • Meyer, L.D. and W.C. Harmon. 1979. Multiple intensity rainfall simulation for erosion research on row side sloppes. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 22: 100-103.
  • Meyer, L.D. 1994. Rainfal Simulators for Soil Erosion Research, Second Edition, Soil Erosion Research Methods, 83-103, USA.
  • Özdamar, K. 2004. Paket Programları İle İstatistiksel Veri Analizi I. Kaan Kitabevi, ISBN 975-6787-09-0, Eskişehir.
  • Pall, R., W.T. Dickinson, D. Beals and R. McGirr. 1983. Development and calibration of a rainfall simulator. Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 25: 181-187.
  • Perez Rodriguez, R., M.J. Marques, L. Jimenez, S. Garcia Ormaechea, R. Brenez. 2004. Testing of rainfall simulator nozzles for suitability within soil erosion plots. Land Degradation and Rehabilition: Dryland Ecosystems. Papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Land Degradation, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 12-17 September 2004, 2009: 191-199.
  • Sangüesa, C., J. Arumi, R. Pizarro and O. Link. 2010. A rainfall simulator for the in situ study of superficial runoff and soil erosion. Chilean Journal of Agriculture Research, 70(1): 178-182.
  • Sausa Junior, S.F. and E.Q. Siqueira. 2011. Development and Calibration of a Rainfall Simulator for Urban Hydrology Research. 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 11-16 September 2011.
  • Swanson, N.P. 1965. A rotating-boom rainfall simulator. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 8: 437-440.
  • Taysun, A. 1985. Doğal ve Yapma Yağışın Karşılaştırılması Yağış Benzeticiler ve Damla Düşme Hızı Tayin Aletleri. T.C. Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Menemen Bölge Topraksu Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Yayın No:119:13, Menemen, İzmir, 55 sayfa.
  • Taysun, A. 1986. Gediz Havzasında Rendzina Tarım Topraklarında Yapay Yağmurlayıcı Yardımıyla Taşlar, Bitki Artıkları ve Polivinilalkolün (PVA) Toprak Özellikleri ile Birlikte Erozyona Etkileri Üzerine Araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 474.
  • Tossell, R.W., W.T. Dickinson, R.P. Rudra and G.J. Wall. 1987. A portable rainfall simulator. Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 29: 155-162.
  • Turner, A.K. 1965. The simulation of rainfalls for studies in overland flow. Journal of Institues of Engineering of Australia, 37: 9-15.
  • Yönter, G. ve H. Uysal. 2014. Farklı Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Özelliklere Sahip Typic Xerofluvent Topraklara Uygulanan Doğal Katkı Maddelerinin Laboratuvar Koşullarında Yüzey Akış, Toprak Kaybı ve İnfiltrasyon Üzerine Etkileri., Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Proje Kesin Raporu, Proje No: 2012-ZRF-017.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Gökçen Yönter

Publication Date June 22, 2016
Submission Date January 18, 2016
Acceptance Date April 4, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Yönter, G. (2016). Erozyon Araştırmalarında Kullanılan Veejet Tipi Memelerin Yağış Yoğunluğu ve Christiansen Eş Su Dağılım Katsayısına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 53(2), 195-202.

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