Türkiye’de Yetişen Dianthus carmelitarum Reut. ex Boiss ve Dianthus calocephalus Boiss. Bitkilerinin Uçucu Bileşenlerinin GC/MS Analizleri ve Antimikrobiyal Aktiviteleri
Dianthus carmelitarum Reut. ex Boiss. ve Dianthus calocephalus Boiss.
bitkilerinin uçucu yağlarının kimyasal bileşimleri GC-FID ve GC-MS ile
aydınlatılmıştır. Taze bitkilerin uçucu yağları Clevenger tip destilasyon ile
elde edilmiştir. Bitkilere ait uçucu yağ analizinde 40 ve 35 bileşik aydınlatılmış
olup, bitkilerin toplam uçucu yağlarının sırasıyla %86.58 ve %76.45 kısmı
aydınlatılmıştır. D. carmelitarum .
bitkisinin ana bileşikleri, heneikosan (%11.69), dokosan (%10.52), tetrakosan (%9.20)
ve Fitol (%4.62) olarak bulunmuştur. D.
calocephalus bitkisinin ana bileşenleri ise; (4,4)-dimetil-2-penten (%17.65),
fitol (%15.47), pentakosan (%4.38) ve hekzahidrofarnesil aseton (%3.08) bileşikleri
bulundu. Elde edilen uçucu yağların dokuz adet gram pozitif, gram negatif
bakteriler ve mayalara karşı antimikrobial aktivite tayinleri yapılmıştır. D. carmelitarum ve D. calocephalus bitkilerinin uçucu yağlarının Candida albicans bakterisine karşı antimikotik aktivite değerleri
MIK olarak sırasıyla 668 µg/mL ve 1041µg/mL
gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
Adams, R.P. 2004. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass Spectrometry. 4th Ed., Allured publishing Corp., Carol Stream, Illinois. 1-698.
Ali, A., A. Humera, N. Shagufta, R. Mamoona and I. Javed. 2008. An Efficient Protocol for In Vitro Propagation of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 40(1): 111-121.
Azadi, B., E. Nouri and S. Khaef. 2016a. Essential oil composition Dianthus jacobsii. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2(2): 336-337.
Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu, H., P. Özdemir ve E.Esin Hameş-Kocabaş. 2011. Chemical Compositions and Antibacterial Activity of The Essential Oils from Some Plant Species. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 48(1): 11-8.
Bayram, E., Ç. Sönmez, S. Ekren, Ö. Tatar, A. Gürel, Ş. Hayta, A. Edreva, A. Vitkova, A. Konakchiev. 2013a. Achillea Millefolium L. Grubuna Ait Türlerde Verim, Uçucu Yağ ve Chamazulene İçeriğinin Belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (1): 87-96.
Bonjar, G.H. S. 2004. Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Iranian Medicinal-Plants against Micrococcus luteus, Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumonia and Bordetalla bronchoseptica. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 3(1):82-86.
Cansu, T. B., B. Yaylı, T. Özdemir, N. Batan, Ş. Karaoğlu-Alpay, N. Yaylı. 2013. Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oil mosses Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. and Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwagr. Grown in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 37: 213-219.
Chopra. R. N., S. L. Nayar. and I. C. Chopra. 1986. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, p.330.
Chevallier, A., 1996. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley, London, p.336.
Cristea, V., M. Palada, L. Jarda and A. Butiuc-Keul. 2013a. Ex Situ in Vitro Conservation of Dianthus spiculifolius Endangered and Endemic Plants Species. Studia Ubb Biologia, LVIII: 57-69.
Cristea, V., A.T. Brummer, L. Jarda and M. Michauş. 2010b. In vitro culture initation and phytohormonal influence on Dianthus henteri- a Romanian endemic species. Romanian Biotecnological Letters, 15(1):25-33.
Davis, PH, R. R. Mill and K. Tan. 1988. Dianthus L. In: Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. 10st ed. (Eds: Davis, P.H. , R. R. Mill and K. Tan), Edinburgh, pp 71-72.
Durucasu, I., K. Mutlu, L. Sik, I. Yasa, N. Arda, S. Kirmizigul. 2009. Apolar constituents of some biologically active Dianthus Species from Western Anatolia, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 45(6): 782-785.
El-Ghorab, A.H., M.H. Mahgoub & M. Bekheta. 2006. Effect of Some Bioregulators on the Chemical Composition of Essential Oil and its Antioxidant Activity of Egyptian Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 9(3): 214-222.
Erst, A.A., A.S. Erst and D. N. Shaulo. 2014. In vitro Propagation of Dianthus mainensis, an Endemic Plant from the West Sayan(North Asia). Taiwania, 59(2):106-110.
Hamzaoğlu, E., M. Koç and A. Aksoy. 2015a. Dianthus aticii, a new species from Turkey (Caryophyllaceae). PhotoKeys, 48: 21-28.
Hamzaoğlu, E.. 2012b. Dianthus L., In: Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler), Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmalar Derneği Yayını, ed: A. Güner, S. Aslan, T. Ekin, M. Vural, M.T. Babaç, İstanbul, pp 333-337.
Hazar, D. and İ. Baktir. 2012. Effects of Temperatures, Growing Media and Seed Age on Germination of Dianthus calocephalus Boiss. Seeds. Acta Horticulturae, 937: 421-425.
Hsieh, P.W., F.R. Chang, C.C. Wu, K.Y. Wu, C.M. Li, S.L. Chen and Y.C. Wu. 2004. New cytotoxic cyclic peptides and dianthramide from Dianthus superbus. Journal of Natural Products, 67: 1522-1527.
Ibrahim, M. E. 2016. Agrochemical Studies on Dianthus caryophyllus L. Grown in Egypt. International Journal of Pharm.Tech. Research, 9(4): 113-117.
İlçim, A., L. Behçet and M. Mükemre. 2013. Dianthus vanensis (Caryophyllaceae), a New species from Turkey, Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 219-224.
Jurgens, A., T. Witt, G. Gottsberger. 2003. Flower scent composition in Dianthus and Saponaria Species (Caryophyllaceae) and its relevance for pollination biology and taxonomy, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 31(4): 345-357.
Kirillov, V., T. Stikhareva, Y. Suleimen, M. Serafimovich, S. Kabanova and B. Mukanov. 2017. Chemical composition of the essential oil from carnation coniferous (Dianthus acicularis Fisch. ex Ledeb) growing wild in Northern Kazakhstan. Natural Product Research, 31(1): 117-123.
Kishimoto, K., M. Yagi, T. Onozaki, H. Yamaguchi, M. Nakayama, N. Oyama-Okubo. 2013. Analysis of scents emitted from flowers of interspecific hybrids between carnation and fragrant wild Dianthus Species, Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 82(2): 145-153.
Menemen, Y. and E. Hamzaoğlu. 2000. A New species of Dianthus (Caryophyllacea) from Salt Lake, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici, 37: 285-289.
Mohammed, J.M. and F. A. Al-Bayati. 2009. Isolation and identification of antibacterial compounds from Thymus kotschyanus aerial parts and Dianthus caryophyllus flower buds. Phytomedicine, 16: 632-637.
Pirbalouti, G.A., M. Momeni and M. Bahmani. 2013. Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Kurd Tribe in Dehloran and Abdanan Districts, Ilam Provınce, Iran. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 10(2): 368-385
Reeve, H. 1967. Dianthus L., In: Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Second ed. (Eds: PH Davis), Edinburgh, pp 99–131.
Shaulo, N. D. and A. S. Erst. 2011. A new species of Dianthus L.(Caryophyllaceae) from the West Sayan, Altai-Sayan Mountains, Russia. Feddes Repertorium, 122: (5-6): 344-350.
Tel, A. Z. 2012. Bazı Endemik Bitkilerin Kütahya’daki (Türkiye) Yayılış Alanları ve Yeni IUCN Tehlike Kategorilerine Göre Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1): 88-108.
Tisserand, R. and R. Young. 2014. Essential Oil Safety. 2nd rev. Ed. A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Limited Published, Edinburgh, p. 233.
Turan, İ. 2015a. Dianthus carmelitarum’un farklı kanser hücre serileri üzerindeki antikanser etkinliğinin ve etki mekanizmalarının araştırılması", BAP 2015, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 15.F5119.02.02.
Turan, İ., S. Demir, R. Aliyazıcıoğlu, S. Mısır ve Y. Aliyazıcıoğlu. 2017b. Dianthus carmelitarum Ekstraktının Antioksidan ve Sitotoksik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1): 41-50.
Yılmaz, Ö., G. Kaynak, R. Daşkın & A. Meriçlioğlu. 2011. Dianthus goekayi (Caryophyllaceae), A new species from Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici, 48: 74–78.
Uzun, A. and S. Terzioğlu. 2008. Vascular Flora of Forest Vegetation in Altindere Valley (Maçka-Trabzon). Turkish Journal of Botany, 32: 135-153.
Ünlü, H. B. ve R. Erkek. 2013b. Kekik ve Sarımsak Uçucu Yağının Buzağı Performans ve Bazı Kan Parametrelerine Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (3): 299-310.
Vural, C.. 2008. A new species of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) from Mount Erciyes, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 158: 55–61.
Woods, G.L., B.A. Brown-Elliott, E.P. Desmond, G.S. Hall, L. Heifets, G.E. Pfyffer, J.C. Ridderhof, R.J.J.r Wallace, N.C. Warren. 2003. CLSI. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, Susceptibility testing of mycobacteria, nocardiae, and other aerobic actinomycetes; Approved Standard. Second rev. Ed. Witebsky, 24-A, 23 (18).
Yücel, T. B., Ş. Karaoğlu-Alpay and N. Yaylı. 2017. Antimicrobial Activity and Composition of Rindera lanata (LAM.) Bunge var. canescens (A.D.C.) Kosn. Essential oil Obtained by Hydrodistillation and Microwave Assisted Distillation. Records of Natural Product, 11(3): 328-333.
GC/MS Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of The Volatile Compounds From Dianthus carmelitarum Reut. ex Boiss and Dianthus calocephalus Boiss. Grown in Turkey
The chemical
composition of the essential oils of Dianthus
carmelitarum Reut. ex Boiss. and Dianthus
calocephalus Boiss. were identified by GC-FID and GC-MS. Essential oilsof D.
carmelitarum and D. calocephalus were obtained from the
whole part of fresh plant by
Clevenger-type distillation. Analyses of the essential oils gave 40 and 35 compounds,
constituting over 86.58% and 76.45% in the total, respectively. Main components
in D. carmelitarum were heneicosane (11.69%),
docosane (10.52%), tetracosane (9.20%) and pyhtol (4.62%). Whereas, 4,4-dimethyl-2-pentene
(17.65%), phytol (15.47%), pentacosane (4.38%) and hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (3.08%)
were the major constituents in D.
calocephalus. Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils obtained from D. carmelitarum and D.
calocephalus were evaluated against nine
gram positive, gram negative bacteria and the yeast-like fungi using disc diffusion and broth microdilution
methods. The essential oils of D.
carmelitarum and D. calocephalus
showed good antimycotic activity against Candida
albicans having the MIC values of 668 µg/mL and 1041 µg/mL, respectively.
Adams, R.P. 2004. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass Spectrometry. 4th Ed., Allured publishing Corp., Carol Stream, Illinois. 1-698.
Ali, A., A. Humera, N. Shagufta, R. Mamoona and I. Javed. 2008. An Efficient Protocol for In Vitro Propagation of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 40(1): 111-121.
Azadi, B., E. Nouri and S. Khaef. 2016a. Essential oil composition Dianthus jacobsii. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2(2): 336-337.
Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu, H., P. Özdemir ve E.Esin Hameş-Kocabaş. 2011. Chemical Compositions and Antibacterial Activity of The Essential Oils from Some Plant Species. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 48(1): 11-8.
Bayram, E., Ç. Sönmez, S. Ekren, Ö. Tatar, A. Gürel, Ş. Hayta, A. Edreva, A. Vitkova, A. Konakchiev. 2013a. Achillea Millefolium L. Grubuna Ait Türlerde Verim, Uçucu Yağ ve Chamazulene İçeriğinin Belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (1): 87-96.
Bonjar, G.H. S. 2004. Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Iranian Medicinal-Plants against Micrococcus luteus, Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumonia and Bordetalla bronchoseptica. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 3(1):82-86.
Cansu, T. B., B. Yaylı, T. Özdemir, N. Batan, Ş. Karaoğlu-Alpay, N. Yaylı. 2013. Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oil mosses Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. and Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwagr. Grown in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 37: 213-219.
Chopra. R. N., S. L. Nayar. and I. C. Chopra. 1986. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, p.330.
Chevallier, A., 1996. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley, London, p.336.
Cristea, V., M. Palada, L. Jarda and A. Butiuc-Keul. 2013a. Ex Situ in Vitro Conservation of Dianthus spiculifolius Endangered and Endemic Plants Species. Studia Ubb Biologia, LVIII: 57-69.
Cristea, V., A.T. Brummer, L. Jarda and M. Michauş. 2010b. In vitro culture initation and phytohormonal influence on Dianthus henteri- a Romanian endemic species. Romanian Biotecnological Letters, 15(1):25-33.
Davis, PH, R. R. Mill and K. Tan. 1988. Dianthus L. In: Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. 10st ed. (Eds: Davis, P.H. , R. R. Mill and K. Tan), Edinburgh, pp 71-72.
Durucasu, I., K. Mutlu, L. Sik, I. Yasa, N. Arda, S. Kirmizigul. 2009. Apolar constituents of some biologically active Dianthus Species from Western Anatolia, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 45(6): 782-785.
El-Ghorab, A.H., M.H. Mahgoub & M. Bekheta. 2006. Effect of Some Bioregulators on the Chemical Composition of Essential Oil and its Antioxidant Activity of Egyptian Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 9(3): 214-222.
Erst, A.A., A.S. Erst and D. N. Shaulo. 2014. In vitro Propagation of Dianthus mainensis, an Endemic Plant from the West Sayan(North Asia). Taiwania, 59(2):106-110.
Hamzaoğlu, E., M. Koç and A. Aksoy. 2015a. Dianthus aticii, a new species from Turkey (Caryophyllaceae). PhotoKeys, 48: 21-28.
Hamzaoğlu, E.. 2012b. Dianthus L., In: Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler), Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmalar Derneği Yayını, ed: A. Güner, S. Aslan, T. Ekin, M. Vural, M.T. Babaç, İstanbul, pp 333-337.
Hazar, D. and İ. Baktir. 2012. Effects of Temperatures, Growing Media and Seed Age on Germination of Dianthus calocephalus Boiss. Seeds. Acta Horticulturae, 937: 421-425.
Hsieh, P.W., F.R. Chang, C.C. Wu, K.Y. Wu, C.M. Li, S.L. Chen and Y.C. Wu. 2004. New cytotoxic cyclic peptides and dianthramide from Dianthus superbus. Journal of Natural Products, 67: 1522-1527.
Ibrahim, M. E. 2016. Agrochemical Studies on Dianthus caryophyllus L. Grown in Egypt. International Journal of Pharm.Tech. Research, 9(4): 113-117.
İlçim, A., L. Behçet and M. Mükemre. 2013. Dianthus vanensis (Caryophyllaceae), a New species from Turkey, Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 219-224.
Jurgens, A., T. Witt, G. Gottsberger. 2003. Flower scent composition in Dianthus and Saponaria Species (Caryophyllaceae) and its relevance for pollination biology and taxonomy, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 31(4): 345-357.
Kirillov, V., T. Stikhareva, Y. Suleimen, M. Serafimovich, S. Kabanova and B. Mukanov. 2017. Chemical composition of the essential oil from carnation coniferous (Dianthus acicularis Fisch. ex Ledeb) growing wild in Northern Kazakhstan. Natural Product Research, 31(1): 117-123.
Kishimoto, K., M. Yagi, T. Onozaki, H. Yamaguchi, M. Nakayama, N. Oyama-Okubo. 2013. Analysis of scents emitted from flowers of interspecific hybrids between carnation and fragrant wild Dianthus Species, Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 82(2): 145-153.
Menemen, Y. and E. Hamzaoğlu. 2000. A New species of Dianthus (Caryophyllacea) from Salt Lake, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici, 37: 285-289.
Mohammed, J.M. and F. A. Al-Bayati. 2009. Isolation and identification of antibacterial compounds from Thymus kotschyanus aerial parts and Dianthus caryophyllus flower buds. Phytomedicine, 16: 632-637.
Pirbalouti, G.A., M. Momeni and M. Bahmani. 2013. Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Kurd Tribe in Dehloran and Abdanan Districts, Ilam Provınce, Iran. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 10(2): 368-385
Reeve, H. 1967. Dianthus L., In: Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Second ed. (Eds: PH Davis), Edinburgh, pp 99–131.
Shaulo, N. D. and A. S. Erst. 2011. A new species of Dianthus L.(Caryophyllaceae) from the West Sayan, Altai-Sayan Mountains, Russia. Feddes Repertorium, 122: (5-6): 344-350.
Tel, A. Z. 2012. Bazı Endemik Bitkilerin Kütahya’daki (Türkiye) Yayılış Alanları ve Yeni IUCN Tehlike Kategorilerine Göre Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1): 88-108.
Tisserand, R. and R. Young. 2014. Essential Oil Safety. 2nd rev. Ed. A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Limited Published, Edinburgh, p. 233.
Turan, İ. 2015a. Dianthus carmelitarum’un farklı kanser hücre serileri üzerindeki antikanser etkinliğinin ve etki mekanizmalarının araştırılması", BAP 2015, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 15.F5119.02.02.
Turan, İ., S. Demir, R. Aliyazıcıoğlu, S. Mısır ve Y. Aliyazıcıoğlu. 2017b. Dianthus carmelitarum Ekstraktının Antioksidan ve Sitotoksik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1): 41-50.
Yılmaz, Ö., G. Kaynak, R. Daşkın & A. Meriçlioğlu. 2011. Dianthus goekayi (Caryophyllaceae), A new species from Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici, 48: 74–78.
Uzun, A. and S. Terzioğlu. 2008. Vascular Flora of Forest Vegetation in Altindere Valley (Maçka-Trabzon). Turkish Journal of Botany, 32: 135-153.
Ünlü, H. B. ve R. Erkek. 2013b. Kekik ve Sarımsak Uçucu Yağının Buzağı Performans ve Bazı Kan Parametrelerine Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 50 (3): 299-310.
Vural, C.. 2008. A new species of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) from Mount Erciyes, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 158: 55–61.
Woods, G.L., B.A. Brown-Elliott, E.P. Desmond, G.S. Hall, L. Heifets, G.E. Pfyffer, J.C. Ridderhof, R.J.J.r Wallace, N.C. Warren. 2003. CLSI. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, Susceptibility testing of mycobacteria, nocardiae, and other aerobic actinomycetes; Approved Standard. Second rev. Ed. Witebsky, 24-A, 23 (18).
Yücel, T. B., Ş. Karaoğlu-Alpay and N. Yaylı. 2017. Antimicrobial Activity and Composition of Rindera lanata (LAM.) Bunge var. canescens (A.D.C.) Kosn. Essential oil Obtained by Hydrodistillation and Microwave Assisted Distillation. Records of Natural Product, 11(3): 328-333.
Yücel, T. B., & Yaylı, N. (2018). GC/MS Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of The Volatile Compounds From Dianthus carmelitarum Reut. ex Boiss and Dianthus calocephalus Boiss. Grown in Turkey. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 55(1), 89-94. https://doi.org/10.20289/zfdergi.391005