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Monokromatik Aydınlatmanın Etlik Piliç Performansı, Kesim Özellikleri ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, , 141 - 150, 27.03.2019


Monokromatik aydınlatmanın etlik piliç performansı, karkas özellikleri ve bazı kan parametreleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacı ile yürütülen bu çalışmada toplam 504 adet günlük erkek civciv (Ross-308) kullanılmıştır. Dört tekerrürlü (42 civciv) olarak, üç farklı muamele grubunda kompakt floresan (KF)- kontrol, mavi led (ML)-470 nm ve yeşil led (YL)-570 nm gerçekleştirilen deneme boyunca hayvanlara 23 s aydınlık ve 1 s karanlık (23A:1K) aydınlatma programı uygulanmıştır. Tüm gruplar ışık geçirmez bölmelerde barındırılmıştır ve aynı başlatma (0-21. günler) ve bitirme (22-45. günler) yemleri ile beslenmişlerdir. Yem ve su ad-libitum tüketime sunulmuştur. Denemenin 21. gününde ML grubunun canlı ağırlığı KF ve YL gruplarına oranla önemli düzeyde azalmış, en yüksek kesim yaşı canlı ağırlığına YL grubu ulaşmıştır. Monokromatik aydınlatma 0-21. günler arasında yemden yararlanmayı olumsuz yönde etkilemiş, ML grubunun yemde yararlanma önemli düzeyde gerilemiştir. Kolesterol düzeyi hariç, muamele grupları arasında kan parametreleri ve kesim özellikleri bakımından önemli bir fark belirlenmemiştir. Monokromatik YL uygulamasının etlik piliç üretiminde performansı iyileştirdiği ve bu amaçla kullanılabileceği saptanmıştır.


  • Bates, P., L.F. Chew and D.J. Millward. 1987. Effects of th anabolic steroid stanozolol on Growth and protein metabolism in the rat. International Journal of Endocrinology, 114:373-381. Cao, J. , W. Liu, Z. Wang, D. Xie, L. Jia and Y. Chen. 2008. Green and blue monochromatic lights promote growth and development of broilers via stimulating testesterone secretion and myofiber growth. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 17:21-218. Classen, H.L. 2003. Barn of the future lighting programs. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Government of Ontario, Canada. Crowley, M. A. and K.S. Matt. 1996. Hormonal regulation of skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats: the testosteron cortisol ratio. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 73:66-72. Halevy, O., I. Biran, and I. Rozenboim. 1998. Various light source treatments affect body and skeletal muscle growth by affecting skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in broilers. Comperative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A. Moleculer and Integrative Physiology, 120:317-323. Halevy, O., S. Yahav and I. Rozenboim. 2006. Enchancement of meat production by environmental manipulations in embryo and young broilers. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 62:485-497. Karakaya, M., S.S. Parlat, M.T. Yılmaz, I. Yıldırım and B. Özalp. 2009. Growth performance and quality properties of meat from broiler chickens reared under different monochromatic light sources. British Poultry Science, 50(1):76-82 Ke, Y.Y., W.J. Liu, Z. X. Wang, and Y. X Chen. 2011. Effects of monochromatic light on quality properties and antioxidation of meat in broilers. Poultry Science, 90:2632- 2637. Kuenzel,W.J. Kang, S.W. and Zhou, Z.J., 2015. Exploring avian deep-brain photoreceptors and their role in activating the neuroendocrine regulation of gonadal development, Poultry Science 94:786–798 Kumar, S., R.K. Gupta, A. Sharma, Y. Singh, N. Mehta and N. Kashyap. 2017. Performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens reared under light emitting diyodes(leds) light vis-a-vis incandestent light supplemental lighting programme. Journal of Animal Research, 7(3):1157-1163. Leigh, M.B., T.B. McFadden, L. Schumacher, and J.D. Firman. 2017. Efficiency of various wavelenghts of monochromatic light emitting diyote illumination on growth and performance of broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 16: 475- 480. Lewis, P. D. and T. R. Morris. 1998. Responses of domestic poultry to various light sources. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 54:7-25. Lewis, P. D. and T. R. Morris. 2000. Poultry and coloured light. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 56:189-207. Mohamed, R.A., S. Z. El-Kholya, M. Shukry, S. El-Kassas and N.R. El-Saidy. 2017. Manipulation of broiler growth performance, physiological and fear responses using three monochromatic led lights. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 53:57- 62. Naumann C. and R. Bassler. 1993. Methodenbuch, Band III. Die chemische untersuchung von futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany. Prayitno, D., C. Phillips and H. Omed. 1997. The effects of color of lighting on the behavior and production of meat chickens. Poultry Science, 76:452- 457. Prescott, N. B. and C.M. Wathes. 1999a. Reflective properties of domestic fowl (Gallus g. domesticus), the fabric of their housing and the characteristics of the light environment in environmentally controlled poultry houses. British Poultry Science, 40:185-193. Prescott, N. B. and C.M. Wathes. 1999b. Spectral sensivity of domestic fowl (Gallus g. domesticus). British Poultry Science, 40:332-339. Rozenboim, I., I. Biran, Z. Uni, B. Robinzon and O. Halevy. 1999. The effect of monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poultry Science, 78:135-138. Rozenboim, I., I. Biran, Y. Chaiseha, S. Yahav, A. Rosenstrauch, D. Sklan and O. Halevy. 2004. The effect of gren and blue monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poultry Science, 83: 842- 845. SAS Institute, 1999. SAS User’s Guide: Version 7. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC. Seo, H., M. Kang, R. Yoon, J. Roh, B. Wei, K.S. Ryu, S. Cha and H. Jang. 2016. Effects of various led light colors on growth and immune response in broilers. Japan Poultry Science, 53:76-81. TSE, 1991. Hayvan yemleri – Metabolik (çevrilebilir) enerji tayini kimyasal metot, TS 9610, Ankara. Xie, D., Z. X. Wang, Y.L. Dong, J. Cao, J.F. Wang, J.L. Chen and Y.X. Chen. 2008. Effects of monochromatic light on immune response of broilers. Poultry Science, 87:1535-1539. Yang, Y., Y. Yu, J. Pan, Y. Ying and H. Zhou. 2016. A new method to manipulate broiler chicken growth and metabolism: response to mixed led light system. Scientific Reports, 6: 25972, DOI: 10.1038/srep25972. Zhang, Z., J. Cao, Z. Wang, Y. Dong, Y. Chen. 2014. Effect of a combination of gren and blue monochromatic light on broiler immune response. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 138: 118 – 123.
Year 2019, , 141 - 150, 27.03.2019



  • Bates, P., L.F. Chew and D.J. Millward. 1987. Effects of th anabolic steroid stanozolol on Growth and protein metabolism in the rat. International Journal of Endocrinology, 114:373-381. Cao, J. , W. Liu, Z. Wang, D. Xie, L. Jia and Y. Chen. 2008. Green and blue monochromatic lights promote growth and development of broilers via stimulating testesterone secretion and myofiber growth. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 17:21-218. Classen, H.L. 2003. Barn of the future lighting programs. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Government of Ontario, Canada. Crowley, M. A. and K.S. Matt. 1996. Hormonal regulation of skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats: the testosteron cortisol ratio. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 73:66-72. Halevy, O., I. Biran, and I. Rozenboim. 1998. Various light source treatments affect body and skeletal muscle growth by affecting skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in broilers. Comperative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A. Moleculer and Integrative Physiology, 120:317-323. Halevy, O., S. Yahav and I. Rozenboim. 2006. Enchancement of meat production by environmental manipulations in embryo and young broilers. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 62:485-497. Karakaya, M., S.S. Parlat, M.T. Yılmaz, I. Yıldırım and B. Özalp. 2009. Growth performance and quality properties of meat from broiler chickens reared under different monochromatic light sources. British Poultry Science, 50(1):76-82 Ke, Y.Y., W.J. Liu, Z. X. Wang, and Y. X Chen. 2011. Effects of monochromatic light on quality properties and antioxidation of meat in broilers. Poultry Science, 90:2632- 2637. Kuenzel,W.J. Kang, S.W. and Zhou, Z.J., 2015. Exploring avian deep-brain photoreceptors and their role in activating the neuroendocrine regulation of gonadal development, Poultry Science 94:786–798 Kumar, S., R.K. Gupta, A. Sharma, Y. Singh, N. Mehta and N. Kashyap. 2017. Performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens reared under light emitting diyodes(leds) light vis-a-vis incandestent light supplemental lighting programme. Journal of Animal Research, 7(3):1157-1163. Leigh, M.B., T.B. McFadden, L. Schumacher, and J.D. Firman. 2017. Efficiency of various wavelenghts of monochromatic light emitting diyote illumination on growth and performance of broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 16: 475- 480. Lewis, P. D. and T. R. Morris. 1998. Responses of domestic poultry to various light sources. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 54:7-25. Lewis, P. D. and T. R. Morris. 2000. Poultry and coloured light. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 56:189-207. Mohamed, R.A., S. Z. El-Kholya, M. Shukry, S. El-Kassas and N.R. El-Saidy. 2017. Manipulation of broiler growth performance, physiological and fear responses using three monochromatic led lights. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 53:57- 62. Naumann C. and R. Bassler. 1993. Methodenbuch, Band III. Die chemische untersuchung von futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany. Prayitno, D., C. Phillips and H. Omed. 1997. The effects of color of lighting on the behavior and production of meat chickens. Poultry Science, 76:452- 457. Prescott, N. B. and C.M. Wathes. 1999a. Reflective properties of domestic fowl (Gallus g. domesticus), the fabric of their housing and the characteristics of the light environment in environmentally controlled poultry houses. British Poultry Science, 40:185-193. Prescott, N. B. and C.M. Wathes. 1999b. Spectral sensivity of domestic fowl (Gallus g. domesticus). British Poultry Science, 40:332-339. Rozenboim, I., I. Biran, Z. Uni, B. Robinzon and O. Halevy. 1999. The effect of monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poultry Science, 78:135-138. Rozenboim, I., I. Biran, Y. Chaiseha, S. Yahav, A. Rosenstrauch, D. Sklan and O. Halevy. 2004. The effect of gren and blue monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poultry Science, 83: 842- 845. SAS Institute, 1999. SAS User’s Guide: Version 7. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC. Seo, H., M. Kang, R. Yoon, J. Roh, B. Wei, K.S. Ryu, S. Cha and H. Jang. 2016. Effects of various led light colors on growth and immune response in broilers. Japan Poultry Science, 53:76-81. TSE, 1991. Hayvan yemleri – Metabolik (çevrilebilir) enerji tayini kimyasal metot, TS 9610, Ankara. Xie, D., Z. X. Wang, Y.L. Dong, J. Cao, J.F. Wang, J.L. Chen and Y.X. Chen. 2008. Effects of monochromatic light on immune response of broilers. Poultry Science, 87:1535-1539. Yang, Y., Y. Yu, J. Pan, Y. Ying and H. Zhou. 2016. A new method to manipulate broiler chicken growth and metabolism: response to mixed led light system. Scientific Reports, 6: 25972, DOI: 10.1038/srep25972. Zhang, Z., J. Cao, Z. Wang, Y. Dong, Y. Chen. 2014. Effect of a combination of gren and blue monochromatic light on broiler immune response. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 138: 118 – 123.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Bayraktar

Zümrüt Açıkgöz This is me

Özge Altan

Figen Kırkpınar

Publication Date March 27, 2019
Submission Date April 10, 2018
Acceptance Date November 7, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Bayraktar, H., Açıkgöz, Z., Altan, Ö., Kırkpınar, F. (2019). Monokromatik Aydınlatmanın Etlik Piliç Performansı, Kesim Özellikleri ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 56(1), 141-150.

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