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A Study on the Problem of Flea and Struggle Methods in Small Ruminats: The Case of Sirvan District in Siirt Province

Year 2019, , 195 - 204, 27.06.2019


Objective: The objectives of the study was to determine the importance of flea in sheep and goat breeding enterprises of the Şirvan district of the Siirt province and to contribute struggle methods against flea.

Material and Methods: The research material consisted of 165 small ruminant farms selected by the sampling method from the records of Şirvan district Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock.

Results: In the study, the prevalance rate of fleas in family type enterprises was found to be 35.6%, whereas it was 44.4% in commercial enterprises. The difference between the rates of fleas in terms of farm types was statistically significant not important. The most typical symptom in animals with fleas in family type enterprises was itching (46.6%), while in commercial enterprises more than one symptom (61.1%) was observed. Fleas were the most common in young animal for the family-type farms (46.6%) and the least common in dairy animals (4.8%), whereas in the commercial enterprises the most common in adult animals (38.9%) were found to be the least in pregnant animals (5.6%). While fleas were the most common in arm-pit and in the ear (48.6%) and (22.6%), consequently in family farm type, the most common part was body area in commercial enterprises (38.9%). In commercial livestock enterprises, the rate of fleas in other parts of the body was 22.2%. The most commonly used method in the struggle method for fleas was application of liquid medicines in family type enterprises (45.2%) and powder methods (33.3%) in commercial enterprises. The prevalence of fleas for dogs in family and commercial enterprises was; 47.9% and 33.3%, respectively. The subject should not be limited to fleas, but rather to determine the incidence of tick, lice, and other external parasites, rather than their direct or indirect effects on their hosts.

Conclusion: In Şirvan district of Siirt province, the importance of flea damage in terms of small ruminant breeders should be emphasized and struggle methods to minimize animal deaths or economic losses caused by fleas should be determined.


  • Awal Riabi, H.R., Atarodi, A. 2015. A Survey on Fauna of Fleas (Order: Siphonaptera) of Cow and Sheep in Southern Khorasan-e-Razavi Province, Iran. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2015 June; 17(6):e998.
  • Abdullahi, U.S., Egbo, M.I., and Musau, B.S.2000. A survey of ectoparasites and ectoparasitic condition of small ruminants in Bauchi metropolis and its environs. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Michael Okpara University, Umudike, March 19 – 23, 2000. pp. 280 – 281.
  • Araujo FR, Silva MP, Lopes AA, Riberio OC, Pires PP, Carvalho CM, Balbuena CB, Villas AA, Ramos JK, 1998. Severe Cat Flea Infestation of Dairy Calves in Brazil. Vet Parasitol, 80(1): 83-86.
  • Ashwini MS, Puttalakshmamma GC, Mamatha GS, Chandra Naik BM and Thimmareddy PM 2017. In-vitro studies on biology of Ctenocephalides orientis fleas infesting sheep and goat. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2017; 5(2): 339-342.
  • Aydeniz, M., Köse M. 1997. Konya Yöresi Köpeklerinde Ekto-Parazitlerin Yayılışı. T Parazitol Derg, 21(3): 321-325.
  • Berriatua, E., French, N.P., Wall, R., Morgan, K.L. 1999. Within-flock transmission of sheep scab in naive sheep housed with single infested sheep. Veterinary Parasitology. 83(3-4):277-289.
  • Burgu A, Tınar R, Doğanay A, Toparlak M, 1985. Ankara’da Sokak Kedilerinin Ekto ve Endo Parazitleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. A. Ü. Vet Fak Derg, 32(2): 288-300.
  • Davis S, Makundi RH, Machang'u RS, Leirs H. 2006. Demographic and spatio-temporal variation in human plague at a persistent focus in Tanzania. Acta Trop. 100(1-2):133–41.
  • Dipeolu, O.O. 1975. Survey of blood parasite in domestic animals in northern Nigeria. Historical review (1923 – 1966). Trop Anim Hlth Prod 2: 49 – 52, 1975. 7. Dobler G, Pfeffer M. 2011. Fleas as parasites of the family canidae. Parasit Vectors. 4: 139. 2.
  • Dryden MW, Broce AB, Moore WE 1993. Severe flea infestation of dairy calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 203:1448–1452.
  • Durden LA, Hinkle NC. 2009. Fleas (Siphonaptera). In: Mullen GR, Durden LA. Medical and veterinary entomology. 2nd ed. San Diego, USA: Academic Press; 115-136.
  • Ertuğrul, M., Savaş, T., Dellal, G., Taşkın, T., Koyuncu, M., Cengiz, F., Dağ, B., Koncagül, S., Pehlivan, E. 2010. Türkiye Küçükbaş Hayvancılığının İyileştirilmesi. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler, 11-15 Ocak s: 667-685, Ankara.
  • Ethiopian Sheep and Goats Productivity Improvement Program (ESGPIP), 2009. “Common defects of sheep and goats skin in Ethiopia and their causes,” Technical Bulletin no. 19.
  • Fagbemi, B.O. 1982. Effect of Ctenocephalides felis and Strongylus infestation on the performance of West African Dwarf goats and sheep. Vet Qtly 4: 92 – 95, 1982.
  • Güneş, T. ve Arıkan, R. 1988. Tarım Ekonomisi İstatistiği, Ankara Üniv.Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 1049, Ankara.
  • Gross, T.L., P.J. Ihrke, E.J. Walder and V.K. Affolter, 2005. Skin Disease of the Dog and the Cat: Clinical and Histopathologic Diagnosis. Blackwell Publishing Company, UK, pp: 11-555
  • Hoskins I.D., Cupp E.W. 1991. Ticks and veterinary importance part I. The ixodidae family, identification, behavior and associated disease, Compend. Contin. ESUC, 1991. 2, 16-37.
  • Joseph, SA. 1981. Studies on the bionomics of Ctenocephalides felis orientis. Cherion. 1981; 10(6):275-280.
  • Kandemir, Ç.Alkan, İ., Yılmaz, H.İ., Ünal, H.B., Taşkın, T., Koşum, N., Alçiçek, A. 2015. İzmir Yöresinde Küçükbaş Hayvancılık İşletmelerinin Coğrafik Konumlarına Göre Genel Durumu ve Geliştirilme Olanakları. Hayvansal Üretim 56(1): 1-17.
  • Keskin A., Hastriter M.W., Beaucournu, J.C. 2018. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of Turkey: species composition, geographical distribution and host associations. Zootaxa. 4420 (2):211-228.
  • Khayatnouri, M.H., Garedaghi, Y. 2012. Efficacy of Ivermectin Pour-on Administration Against Natural Ancylostoma caninum Infestation in Native Dogs of East-Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(4):526-530.
  • Koyuncu, E., Pala, A., Savaş, T., Konyalı, A., Ataşoğlu, C., Daş, G., Ersoy, İ.E., Uğur, F., Yurtman, İ.Y., Yurt, H.H. 2006. Çanakkale Koyun ve Keçi Yetiştiricileri Birliği Üyesi Keçicilik İşletmelerinde Teknik Sorunların Belirlenmesi Üzerine bir Araştırma. Hayvansal Üretim 47(1): 21-27.
  • Kusiluka, L., Kambarage, D. 1996. Diseases of Small Ruminants: “Common of Sheep and Goats in Sub-Saharan Africa” A Handbook. Scotland.
  • Lawrence AL, Brown GK, Peters B, Spielman DS, Morin-adeline V, Slapeta J. 2014. High phylogenetic diversity of the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) at two mitochondrial DNA markers. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2014; 28:330-336.
  • Lehman J.1993. Ectoparasite: Direct impact on host fitness. Vet. Parasitol. 9 (1): 8-12.
  • Madeira, N.G., Amarante, A.F.T., Padovani, C.R., 2000. Diversity of ectoparasites in sheep flocks in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 32:225.232.
  • Makelesh TB. 2010. Survey on ectoparasite of small ruminant in different agro-ecological zones of Tigray region. DVM Thesis, Hawassa University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
  • Mazlum, Z. 1971. Ticks of domestic animals in Iran: geographical distribution, host relation, and seasonal activity. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Tehran 27, 1-5 (in Persian).
  • McCrindle CM, Green ED, Bryson NR, 1999. A Primary Animal Health Care Approach and Control of Flea (Ctenocephalides felis) Infestation in Indigenous Goats Kept on Communal Grazing. J S. Afr Vet Assoc, 70(1): 21-24.
  • Merdivenci, A. 1965. Türkiye’nin entomolojik coğrafyası. In: Unat EK, Yaşarol Ş, Merdivenci A, editors. Türkiye’nin Parazitolojik Coğrafyası. İzmir, Turkey: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları; pp. 114-154 (in Turkish).
  • Ogbe, P.O. 1998. Factors affecting the presence and spread of ectoparasitism in sheep and goats in Agbowo area of Ibadan. J Anim Prod 5: 23 – 29. 9.
  • Otake O, Maehara K, Imai S 1997. Massive infestation of fleas in dairy rearing calves. J Japan Vet Med Assoc 50:92–94
  • Pegram RG, Tatchel RJ, Castro JJ, Chizyuka MGB, Greek MJ, McCosker PG, Mora NMC, Nigrura G (2004). Tick control: New concepts. Available at:
  • Radostits, O.M., Gay, C., Hinchcliff, K.W., Constable, P.D. 2007. A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep and horses, 10th ed. Saunders, Ediburgh, London. Pp.1585-1612.
  • Rahbari, S. 1995. Studies on some ecological aspects of tick fauna of West Azerbaijan, Iran. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 7, 189-194.
  • Rust, M., Dryden, M 1997. The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea. Annual Review of Entomology Vol. 42:451-473.
  • Sertse T, Wessone, A. 2007. A study on ectoparasite of sheep and goat in Eastern part of Amhara regions, North East Ethiopia. Small Rumin. Res. 69:62-67.
  • Shiferaw, S. 2018. An Overview of Ectoparasites on Domestic Animals in Ethiopia. J Veter Sci Med January 2018 Volume 6 Issue 1.
  • Soulsby, EJL. 1982. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. 7th Ed. The English Language Book Society and Bailliere Tindal, London. p.378-384.
  • SPSS, 1999. Version 10.0. SPSS Inc., Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Steinbrink, H. 1989. Flea Infestation Establishment in the East German District of Rastock. Angew Parasitol, 30(1): 47-50.
  • Taşkin, T.; Koşum, N.; Engindeniz, S.; Savran, A.F.; Aktürk, D.; Kesenkaş, H.; Uzmay, A.; Gökmen, M. 2017. İzmir, Çanakkale ve Balıkesir İlleri Keçi İşletmelerinde Sürü Yönetim Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 54 (3):341-349.
  • Tavasoli, M., S. Rahbari 1998. Seroepidemiological survey of Babesia ovis in sheep of different geographical regions of Iran. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Tehran 53, 55-59 (in Persian).
  • Taylor MA, Coop RL, Wall RL. 2007. Veterinary Parasitology. Eds 3, Blackwell, 715-725. 2.
  • Tesfaye, D., Assefa, M., Demissie, T., Taye, M. 2012. “Ectoparasites of small ruminants presented at Bahir Dar Veterinary Clinic, Northwest Ethiopia,” African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 7, no. 33, pp. 4669–4674.
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Küçükbaş Hayvanlarda Pire Sorunu ve Mücadele Yöntemleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Siirt İli Şirvan İlçesi Örneği

Year 2019, , 195 - 204, 27.06.2019


Amaç: Siirt ili Şirvan ilçesine bağlı merkez ve çevre köylerindeki koyun ve keçi yetiştiriciliği yapan işletmelerde pirenin önemi ve mücadele yöntemleri konusunda bir durum tespiti yapmaktır.

Materyal ve Metot: Araştırma materyalini, Şirvan ilçe Tarım ve Hayvancılık İl Müdürlüğü kayıtlarından gayeli örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 165 küçükbaş işletmesi oluşturmuştur.

Bulgular: Çalışmada, pire sorununun aile tipi işletmelerde görülme oranı % 35.6 iken bu oran ticari işletmelerde % 44.4 dür. İşletme tipleri bakımından pire görülme oranları arasında belirlenen fark istatistiki olarak önemli değildir. Aile tipi işletmelerde pire görülen hayvanlarda en tipik belirti kaşıntı (% 46.6) iken, ticari işletmelerdeki hayvanlarda birden fazla belirti (% 61.1) gözlenmiştir. Pire, aile tipi işletmelerde en çok yavrularda (% 46.6) en az sağmal hayvanlarda (% 4.8) gözlenirken, ticari işletmelerde ise en çok ergin hayvanlarda (% 38.9), en az ise gebe hayvanlarda (% 5.6) saptanmıştır. Pire, aile tipi hayvancılık işletmelerinde en çok koltuk altında (% 48.6) ve kulakta (% 22.6) gözlenirken, ticari işletmelerde kulak (% 38.9) pirenin en çok görülen vücut bölgesi olmuştur. Ticari hayvancılık işletmelerinde vücudun diğer bölgelerinde pire görülme oranı ise % 22.2 dir. Pireyle mücadelede en fazla kullanılan yöntem, aile tipi işletmelerde sıvı ilaç iken (% 45.2) ticari işletmelerde toz yöntem (% 33.3) olmuştur. Aile ve ticari işletmelerde bulunan köpeklerde pire sorunu görülme oranı sırasıyla; % 47.9 ve % 33.3 dür.

Sonuç: Siirt ili Şirvan ilçesinde küçükbaş hayvan yetiştiricileri açısından pire zararının önemi vurgulanarak pireden kaynaklanan hayvan ölümleri ya da oluşan ekonomik kayıpları en aza indirecek mücadele yöntemleri belirlenmelidir.


  • Awal Riabi, H.R., Atarodi, A. 2015. A Survey on Fauna of Fleas (Order: Siphonaptera) of Cow and Sheep in Southern Khorasan-e-Razavi Province, Iran. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2015 June; 17(6):e998.
  • Abdullahi, U.S., Egbo, M.I., and Musau, B.S.2000. A survey of ectoparasites and ectoparasitic condition of small ruminants in Bauchi metropolis and its environs. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Michael Okpara University, Umudike, March 19 – 23, 2000. pp. 280 – 281.
  • Araujo FR, Silva MP, Lopes AA, Riberio OC, Pires PP, Carvalho CM, Balbuena CB, Villas AA, Ramos JK, 1998. Severe Cat Flea Infestation of Dairy Calves in Brazil. Vet Parasitol, 80(1): 83-86.
  • Ashwini MS, Puttalakshmamma GC, Mamatha GS, Chandra Naik BM and Thimmareddy PM 2017. In-vitro studies on biology of Ctenocephalides orientis fleas infesting sheep and goat. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2017; 5(2): 339-342.
  • Aydeniz, M., Köse M. 1997. Konya Yöresi Köpeklerinde Ekto-Parazitlerin Yayılışı. T Parazitol Derg, 21(3): 321-325.
  • Berriatua, E., French, N.P., Wall, R., Morgan, K.L. 1999. Within-flock transmission of sheep scab in naive sheep housed with single infested sheep. Veterinary Parasitology. 83(3-4):277-289.
  • Burgu A, Tınar R, Doğanay A, Toparlak M, 1985. Ankara’da Sokak Kedilerinin Ekto ve Endo Parazitleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. A. Ü. Vet Fak Derg, 32(2): 288-300.
  • Davis S, Makundi RH, Machang'u RS, Leirs H. 2006. Demographic and spatio-temporal variation in human plague at a persistent focus in Tanzania. Acta Trop. 100(1-2):133–41.
  • Dipeolu, O.O. 1975. Survey of blood parasite in domestic animals in northern Nigeria. Historical review (1923 – 1966). Trop Anim Hlth Prod 2: 49 – 52, 1975. 7. Dobler G, Pfeffer M. 2011. Fleas as parasites of the family canidae. Parasit Vectors. 4: 139. 2.
  • Dryden MW, Broce AB, Moore WE 1993. Severe flea infestation of dairy calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 203:1448–1452.
  • Durden LA, Hinkle NC. 2009. Fleas (Siphonaptera). In: Mullen GR, Durden LA. Medical and veterinary entomology. 2nd ed. San Diego, USA: Academic Press; 115-136.
  • Ertuğrul, M., Savaş, T., Dellal, G., Taşkın, T., Koyuncu, M., Cengiz, F., Dağ, B., Koncagül, S., Pehlivan, E. 2010. Türkiye Küçükbaş Hayvancılığının İyileştirilmesi. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler, 11-15 Ocak s: 667-685, Ankara.
  • Ethiopian Sheep and Goats Productivity Improvement Program (ESGPIP), 2009. “Common defects of sheep and goats skin in Ethiopia and their causes,” Technical Bulletin no. 19.
  • Fagbemi, B.O. 1982. Effect of Ctenocephalides felis and Strongylus infestation on the performance of West African Dwarf goats and sheep. Vet Qtly 4: 92 – 95, 1982.
  • Güneş, T. ve Arıkan, R. 1988. Tarım Ekonomisi İstatistiği, Ankara Üniv.Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 1049, Ankara.
  • Gross, T.L., P.J. Ihrke, E.J. Walder and V.K. Affolter, 2005. Skin Disease of the Dog and the Cat: Clinical and Histopathologic Diagnosis. Blackwell Publishing Company, UK, pp: 11-555
  • Hoskins I.D., Cupp E.W. 1991. Ticks and veterinary importance part I. The ixodidae family, identification, behavior and associated disease, Compend. Contin. ESUC, 1991. 2, 16-37.
  • Joseph, SA. 1981. Studies on the bionomics of Ctenocephalides felis orientis. Cherion. 1981; 10(6):275-280.
  • Kandemir, Ç.Alkan, İ., Yılmaz, H.İ., Ünal, H.B., Taşkın, T., Koşum, N., Alçiçek, A. 2015. İzmir Yöresinde Küçükbaş Hayvancılık İşletmelerinin Coğrafik Konumlarına Göre Genel Durumu ve Geliştirilme Olanakları. Hayvansal Üretim 56(1): 1-17.
  • Keskin A., Hastriter M.W., Beaucournu, J.C. 2018. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of Turkey: species composition, geographical distribution and host associations. Zootaxa. 4420 (2):211-228.
  • Khayatnouri, M.H., Garedaghi, Y. 2012. Efficacy of Ivermectin Pour-on Administration Against Natural Ancylostoma caninum Infestation in Native Dogs of East-Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(4):526-530.
  • Koyuncu, E., Pala, A., Savaş, T., Konyalı, A., Ataşoğlu, C., Daş, G., Ersoy, İ.E., Uğur, F., Yurtman, İ.Y., Yurt, H.H. 2006. Çanakkale Koyun ve Keçi Yetiştiricileri Birliği Üyesi Keçicilik İşletmelerinde Teknik Sorunların Belirlenmesi Üzerine bir Araştırma. Hayvansal Üretim 47(1): 21-27.
  • Kusiluka, L., Kambarage, D. 1996. Diseases of Small Ruminants: “Common of Sheep and Goats in Sub-Saharan Africa” A Handbook. Scotland.
  • Lawrence AL, Brown GK, Peters B, Spielman DS, Morin-adeline V, Slapeta J. 2014. High phylogenetic diversity of the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) at two mitochondrial DNA markers. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2014; 28:330-336.
  • Lehman J.1993. Ectoparasite: Direct impact on host fitness. Vet. Parasitol. 9 (1): 8-12.
  • Madeira, N.G., Amarante, A.F.T., Padovani, C.R., 2000. Diversity of ectoparasites in sheep flocks in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 32:225.232.
  • Makelesh TB. 2010. Survey on ectoparasite of small ruminant in different agro-ecological zones of Tigray region. DVM Thesis, Hawassa University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
  • Mazlum, Z. 1971. Ticks of domestic animals in Iran: geographical distribution, host relation, and seasonal activity. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Tehran 27, 1-5 (in Persian).
  • McCrindle CM, Green ED, Bryson NR, 1999. A Primary Animal Health Care Approach and Control of Flea (Ctenocephalides felis) Infestation in Indigenous Goats Kept on Communal Grazing. J S. Afr Vet Assoc, 70(1): 21-24.
  • Merdivenci, A. 1965. Türkiye’nin entomolojik coğrafyası. In: Unat EK, Yaşarol Ş, Merdivenci A, editors. Türkiye’nin Parazitolojik Coğrafyası. İzmir, Turkey: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları; pp. 114-154 (in Turkish).
  • Ogbe, P.O. 1998. Factors affecting the presence and spread of ectoparasitism in sheep and goats in Agbowo area of Ibadan. J Anim Prod 5: 23 – 29. 9.
  • Otake O, Maehara K, Imai S 1997. Massive infestation of fleas in dairy rearing calves. J Japan Vet Med Assoc 50:92–94
  • Pegram RG, Tatchel RJ, Castro JJ, Chizyuka MGB, Greek MJ, McCosker PG, Mora NMC, Nigrura G (2004). Tick control: New concepts. Available at:
  • Radostits, O.M., Gay, C., Hinchcliff, K.W., Constable, P.D. 2007. A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep and horses, 10th ed. Saunders, Ediburgh, London. Pp.1585-1612.
  • Rahbari, S. 1995. Studies on some ecological aspects of tick fauna of West Azerbaijan, Iran. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 7, 189-194.
  • Rust, M., Dryden, M 1997. The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea. Annual Review of Entomology Vol. 42:451-473.
  • Sertse T, Wessone, A. 2007. A study on ectoparasite of sheep and goat in Eastern part of Amhara regions, North East Ethiopia. Small Rumin. Res. 69:62-67.
  • Shiferaw, S. 2018. An Overview of Ectoparasites on Domestic Animals in Ethiopia. J Veter Sci Med January 2018 Volume 6 Issue 1.
  • Soulsby, EJL. 1982. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. 7th Ed. The English Language Book Society and Bailliere Tindal, London. p.378-384.
  • SPSS, 1999. Version 10.0. SPSS Inc., Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Steinbrink, H. 1989. Flea Infestation Establishment in the East German District of Rastock. Angew Parasitol, 30(1): 47-50.
  • Taşkin, T.; Koşum, N.; Engindeniz, S.; Savran, A.F.; Aktürk, D.; Kesenkaş, H.; Uzmay, A.; Gökmen, M. 2017. İzmir, Çanakkale ve Balıkesir İlleri Keçi İşletmelerinde Sürü Yönetim Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 54 (3):341-349.
  • Tavasoli, M., S. Rahbari 1998. Seroepidemiological survey of Babesia ovis in sheep of different geographical regions of Iran. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Tehran 53, 55-59 (in Persian).
  • Taylor MA, Coop RL, Wall RL. 2007. Veterinary Parasitology. Eds 3, Blackwell, 715-725. 2.
  • Tesfaye, D., Assefa, M., Demissie, T., Taye, M. 2012. “Ectoparasites of small ruminants presented at Bahir Dar Veterinary Clinic, Northwest Ethiopia,” African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 7, no. 33, pp. 4669–4674.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Turgay Taşkın 0000-0001-8528-9760

Gülşah Akgül 0000-0003-4804-6502

Ebru Karakaya Bilen This is me 0000-0003-4804-6502

Cemal Ün This is me 0000-0002-4248-9671

Çağrı Kandemir 0000-0001-7378-6962

Publication Date June 27, 2019
Submission Date November 1, 2018
Acceptance Date November 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Taşkın, T., Akgül, G., Karakaya Bilen, E., Ün, C., et al. (2019). Küçükbaş Hayvanlarda Pire Sorunu ve Mücadele Yöntemleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Siirt İli Şirvan İlçesi Örneği. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 56(2), 195-204.

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