Research Article
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Evaluation of Effectiveness of Seed Treatment Fungicides for Controlling Cotton Damping-Off in The Aegean and Mediterranean Regions

Year 2019, , 545 - 552, 31.12.2019


Objective: The goals of the research were to determine prevalence of pathogens cause cotton damping-off disease and to evaluate of efficacies of different seed fungicides during 2008-2009 growing seasons in Mediterranean (Hatay) and Aegean (Söke) regions where cotton were cultivated extensively.

Material and Methods: Seeds of fiber max cotton variety, fungicides with different active ingredients and the cotton fields naturally contaminated with damping off pathogens were the materials of the studies. Fungicides were applied separately in the seed treatment equipment and the seeds were sowed under farmer conditions in the both locations. The data were statistically evaluated by counting both healthy and dead plants on the 10th and 20th days after emerging. Field trials were carried out in randomized block design with four replications.

Results: In this research, seed treatments with (metalaxyl-M 25 g/L+fludioxonil 10 g/L) in Hatay and with (carboxin 205,9 g/L+thiram 205,9 g/L) at the dose of 600 g/100 kg of seeds in Söke/Aydın had the best results to control of the damping-off disease according to their prevalence of the potential pathogenic fungi in the locations.

Conclusion: Promising results were obtained from seed treatments with (metalaxyl-M 25 g/L+fludioxonil 10 g/L) and (carboxin 205,9 g/L+thiram 205,9 g/L) at the dose of 600 g/100 kg of seeds on the field trials.


  • Referans1 Agrios, G.N. 1988. Plant Pathology. Third Edition, Academic Pres İnc., XVI + 803 pp., San Diego.Referans2 Akpınar, M. Ö. 2008. Pamukta Fide Kök Çürüklüğü Etmenlerine Karşı Bazı Biyolojik Preparatların Etkinliğinin Saptanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 78s. Aydın.Referans3 Alagesaboopathi, C. 1994. Biological control of damping off disease of cotton seedling. Current Sciense. 66:11, 865-868 (Cab Abstracts 1995). Referans4 Anonim, 1999. Ruhsatlı Zirai Mücadele İlaçları, Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, 279 s. Referans5 Anonim. 2000. Pamukta Entegre Mücadele Teknik Talimatı, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, TAGEM, Bitki Sağlığı Araş. Daire Bşk. Sayfa: 14-16, Ankara. Referans6 Anonim. 2002. Bitki Koruma Ürünleri. TİSİT Yayınları, İstanbul. Referans7 Anonim. 2007. S.S. Tariş Pamuk ve Yağlı Tohumlar Tarım Satış Kooperatifleri Birliği 2006/2007 Faaliyet Raporu, İzmir. Referans8 Anonymous, 2008. Foreign Agricultural Service/ USDA Office of Global Analysis.Referans9 Asaka, O., and Shoda, M., 1996. Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of tomato with Bacillus subtilis RB14. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:4081-4085. Referans10 Awadalla, O.A. and El-Refai, I.M. 1994. Efect of herbicides on the toxicity of fungicides against Rhizoctonia solani causing damping-off of cotton. Journal of Phythopathlogy., 140:3, 187-192. Referans11 Bora, T. 1977. İn vitro and in vivo investigations on the effect of some antogonisticfungi against the damping-off disease of eggplant. J. Turkish Phytpath. Vol. 6, No:1, 17-23. Referans12 Bradow, J.M. 1991. Cotton growth in presence of a seedling-disese-complex biocontrol and sub-optimal tempertures. Proceedings-Beltwide Cotton Production Conference. Vol:2, 820-824, 11 ref. Brown, H. B., 1958. Cotton. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.Referans13 Brubaker, C. L., F. M. Bourland, and J. E. Wendel. 1999. The origin and domestication of cotton. In: C. W. Smith and J. T. Cothren (Eds.). Cotton: Origin, History, Technology, and Production. 3-31 p., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.Referans14 Caceres J.G., Lawrence, W., and Lawrence, K.S. 2006. Evaluation of selected seed treatments for control of the cotton seedling disease complex in Mississippi, Plant Diseases Management Reports ST-019, [http:/www.]. Referans15 Cronn, R., and J. E. Wendel, 2003. Cryptic trysts, genomic mergers, and plant speciation. New Phytologist, 161: 133-142.Referans16 Çubukçu, N. 2007. Pamuklarda Verticillium Solgunluğu (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)’na Karşı Endofitik Bakterilerle Biyolojik Mücadele Olanakları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Yayınlanmamış). Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 59s. Aydın. Referans17 Davis, R.M., Nunez, J.J., and Subbarao, K.V. 1996. Assessment of benefits of cotton seed dressing from the cont rol of seedling diseases in relation to inoculum densities of Pythium and Rhizoctonia. 9-12 Jan. 1996, Memphis, U.S.A. National Cotton Council, Vol: 1, 267-268; 2 ref. Referans18 Davis, R.M., Nunez, J.J., and Subbarao, K.V. 1997. Benefits of cotton seed treatments for control of seedling disaeses in relation to inoculum densities of Pythium species and Rhizoctonia solani. Plant Disease, 81:7, 766-768; 13 ref. Referans19 Demir, G., Karcılıoğlu, A., ve Onan, E. 1999. Protection of cotton plants againts damping-off disease with rhizobacteria. J. Turkish. Phytopath., 28(3), 111- 118. Referans20 Derviş, S., 2003. Pamuk Alanlarındaki Verticillium dahliae Klebahn Yoğunluğu, Solgunluk çıkışı ve Etmen İzolatlarının Konukçuya Özelleşmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Doktora Tezi, 135 s., Adana.Referans21 DeVay, J. E., R. H. Garber, and D. Matheron. 1982. Role of Pythium species in the seedling disease complex of cotton in California. Plant Dis. 66: 151-54.Referans 22 DeVay, J. E., R. H. Garber, and R. J. Wakeman. 1980. Cotton seedlingresponses in greenhouse tests to combinations of chemical seed treatments for control of Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, and Thielaviopsis basicola. In: J. M. Brown (ed.) Proc. Beltwide Cotton Prod. Conf., St. Louis. Mo., Jan. 6-10. 1980. pp. 19-21. Memphis, Tenn.: National Cotton Council of America.Referans23 Endrizzi, J. E., E. L. Turcotte, and R. J. Kohel. 1985. Genetics, Cytogenetics, and evolitiın of Gossypium. Advances in Genetics, 23: 271-375.Referans24 FAO, 2007. FAO Statical A revised taxonomic interpretation of Gossypium L. (Malvaceae). Rheedea, 2: 108-165.Referans25 Garber, R. H., J.E. DeVay, A. R. Weinhold, and D.Matheron. 1979. Relationship of pathogeninoculum to cotton seedling disease control with fungucides. Plant Dis. Rep. 63: 246-50.Referans26 Garber, R. H., J.E. DeVay, A. R. Weinhold, and R. J. Wakeman. 1980. Pathogen inoculum a key factor in fungucide seed treatment efficiency. In J. M. Brown (ed.), Proc. Beltwide Cotton Prod. Res. Conf., St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 6-10, 1980, p. 19. Memphis, Tenn.: National Cotton Council of America.Referans27 Garber, R. H., J.E. DeVay, P.B. Goodell, and P.A. Roberts, 1996. Cotton disease and nematodes. In: S.J. Hake, T.A. Kerby, and K.D. Hake (Eds.), Cotton Production Manual, p. 150-174. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, Publication No: 3352, Oakland, California, USA.Referans28 Goulart, A.C.P. 1999. Influence of graphite additions to soybean and cotton seeds in the efficiency of treatment with fungicidies. Boletim de Pesquisa Emprapa Agropecuaria Oeste, No:8, 27 pp.; 23 ref. Referans29 Grimes, D.W., and K.M. El-Zik. 1990. Cotton. In: Stewart, B.A., Dr. Nielsen (Eds.), Irrigation of Agricultural Crops-Agronomy Monograph, No: 30, p.741-748. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711, USA.Referans30 Hageborn, C., Gould, W. D., and Bardinelli, T. R. 1989. Rhizobacteria of cotton and their repression of seedling disease pathogens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:2793-2797. Referans31 Heale, J. B. 1997, Diversification and speciation in Verticillium-an overview. (E. J. Tjamos, R. C. Rowe, J. B. Heale, and D. R. Fravel eds.) Advances in Verticillium Research and Disease Management. APS Press, St. Paul, Mn, p. 1-14.Referans32 Heydari, Y., and Misaghi, I.J. 1998. The impact of herbicidies on the incidence and development of Rhizoctonia solani, induced cotton seedling damping-off. Plant Disease, 82, 110-113. Referans33 Hill, D.S., Stein, J.I., Torkewitz, N.R., Morse, A.M., Howell, C.R., Pachlatko, J.P., Becker, J.O., and, Lgon, J.M. 1994. Cloning of Genes Involved in the Synthesis of Pyrrolnitrin Pseudomonas fluorescens and Role of Pyrrolnitrin Synthesis in Biological Control of Plant Disease. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60(1):78-85. Referans34 Hillocks, R. J. 1997. Cotton and Tropical Fibres in Soilborne Diseases of Tropical Crops eds R. J. Hillocks and J.M. Waller, CAB International, 303-329. Referans35 Howell, C.R. 1991. Biological control of Pythium damping-off of cotton with seedcoating preparations of Gliocladium virens. Phytopathology 81:738–741. Referans36 Howell, C.R., and Stipanovic, R.D., 1995. Mechanisms in the biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani-induced cotton seedling disease by Gliocladium virens: Antibiosis. Phytopathology 85: 469-472. Referans37Howell, C.R., J.E. DeVay, R.H. Garber, and W.E. Batson. 1997. Field control of cotton seedling diseases with Trichoderma virens in combination with fungicide seed treatments. J. Cotton Sci. 1:15-20. Referans38 Hutchinson, J.B., R.A. Silow, and S. G. Stephens. 1947. The evolution of Gossypium and the differentiation of the cultivated cottons. Geoffrey Cumberlege/Oxford University Press, London, UK.Referans39 Iqbal, M. J., O. U.K. Reddy, K.M. El-Zik, and A.E. Pepper. 2001. A genetics bottleneck in the ‘evolution under domestication’ of upland cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. Examined using fingerprinting. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 103: 547-554.Referans40 İyriboz, N. Ş., 1941. Mahsul Hastalıkları, Ziraat Vekaleti Neşriyat Umum No:237. James, D.W. and Gutterson, N.I. 1986. Multiple antibiotics produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens HV37a and their differintial regulation by glucose. App. Environ. Microbiology, 52: 1183-1189. Referans41 Kabaluk T. And, Gazdik, K., 2005. Directory of Microbial Pesticides for Agricultural Crops in OECD Countries, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 242 pp. Referans42 Karaca, İ., 1984. Sistemik Bitki Hastalıkları. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. No:217 ,272 s., İzmir. Referans43 Karcılıoğlu, A. 1976. Gediz Havzasında Pamuklarda Çökerten Yapan Fungal Etmenler, Zarar Derecesi ve Patojenisteleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Doktora Tezi (Basılmamış), 76 s., İzmir. Referans44 Kirkpatrick, T.L., Rothrock, C.S. 2001. Compedium of Cotton Diseases. 2 nd edition. The American Phythopathological Society, Minesota, U.S.A. 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Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgesinde Pamuk Çökerten Hastalığının Kontrolünde Tohuma Uygulanan Bazı Fungisitlerin Etkililiklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, , 545 - 552, 31.12.2019


Amaç: Bu
araştırmanın amacı 2008-2009 yılları arasında pamuk üretiminin yoğun yapıldığı
Akdeniz (Hatay) ve Ege (Söke/Aydın) Bölgelerindeki fide kök çürüklüğü
(çökerten) hastalık etmenlerinin yaygınlık oranlarını saptamak ve bu hastalığa
karşı denenen 4 farklı kimyasal preparatın hastalık üzerindeki etki oranlarını

Materyal ve Metot: Araştırmanın materyalini
Bayer firmasının
Hatay ve Söke/Aydın’da saptadığı Rhizoctonia,
, Fusarium ile bulaşık
fidelerin bulunduğu alanlar,
Carboxin+thiram (Vitavax 200 FF),
Azoxystrobin+Metalaxyl – M+Fludioxonil FS (Dynasty CST 125 FS) 75+37,5+12,5
g/l, Metalaxyl – M+Fludioxonil (Maxim XL 
035 FS) aktif maddeli ilaçlar ve Fiber Max
çeşitlerine ait pamuk tohumları oluşturmaktadır.
Çalışma tesadüf blokları
deneme desenine göre dört tekerrürlü olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Çalışma bulgularına baktığımızda tarla
denemelerinde fide kök çürüklüğü hastalığına karşı etkinlik açısından Hatay’da
en iyi sonuç
Abbott’a göre % 84.37 ile
MAXIM XL FS 035 ile ilaçlanan tohumlardan oluşturulan parsellerde ve
Söke/Aydın’da en iyi sonuç Abbott’a göre % 61.02 ile VITAVAX 200 FF 600 ile
ilaçlanmış tohumlardan oluşturulan parsellerde olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca en
fazla sağlıklı bitki çıkışı yine bu ilaçların kullanıldığı parsellerde

Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile denemede kullanılan MAXIM
XL FS 035 ve VITAVAX 200 FF 600
ile hastalıkla mücadele açısından ümitvar
sonuçlar elde edilmiştir.






  • Referans1 Agrios, G.N. 1988. Plant Pathology. Third Edition, Academic Pres İnc., XVI + 803 pp., San Diego.Referans2 Akpınar, M. Ö. 2008. Pamukta Fide Kök Çürüklüğü Etmenlerine Karşı Bazı Biyolojik Preparatların Etkinliğinin Saptanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 78s. Aydın.Referans3 Alagesaboopathi, C. 1994. Biological control of damping off disease of cotton seedling. Current Sciense. 66:11, 865-868 (Cab Abstracts 1995). Referans4 Anonim, 1999. Ruhsatlı Zirai Mücadele İlaçları, Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, 279 s. Referans5 Anonim. 2000. Pamukta Entegre Mücadele Teknik Talimatı, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, TAGEM, Bitki Sağlığı Araş. Daire Bşk. Sayfa: 14-16, Ankara. Referans6 Anonim. 2002. Bitki Koruma Ürünleri. TİSİT Yayınları, İstanbul. Referans7 Anonim. 2007. S.S. Tariş Pamuk ve Yağlı Tohumlar Tarım Satış Kooperatifleri Birliği 2006/2007 Faaliyet Raporu, İzmir. Referans8 Anonymous, 2008. Foreign Agricultural Service/ USDA Office of Global Analysis.Referans9 Asaka, O., and Shoda, M., 1996. Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of tomato with Bacillus subtilis RB14. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:4081-4085. Referans10 Awadalla, O.A. and El-Refai, I.M. 1994. Efect of herbicides on the toxicity of fungicides against Rhizoctonia solani causing damping-off of cotton. Journal of Phythopathlogy., 140:3, 187-192. Referans11 Bora, T. 1977. İn vitro and in vivo investigations on the effect of some antogonisticfungi against the damping-off disease of eggplant. J. Turkish Phytpath. Vol. 6, No:1, 17-23. Referans12 Bradow, J.M. 1991. Cotton growth in presence of a seedling-disese-complex biocontrol and sub-optimal tempertures. Proceedings-Beltwide Cotton Production Conference. Vol:2, 820-824, 11 ref. Brown, H. B., 1958. Cotton. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.Referans13 Brubaker, C. L., F. M. Bourland, and J. E. Wendel. 1999. The origin and domestication of cotton. In: C. W. Smith and J. T. Cothren (Eds.). Cotton: Origin, History, Technology, and Production. 3-31 p., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.Referans14 Caceres J.G., Lawrence, W., and Lawrence, K.S. 2006. Evaluation of selected seed treatments for control of the cotton seedling disease complex in Mississippi, Plant Diseases Management Reports ST-019, [http:/www.]. Referans15 Cronn, R., and J. E. Wendel, 2003. Cryptic trysts, genomic mergers, and plant speciation. New Phytologist, 161: 133-142.Referans16 Çubukçu, N. 2007. Pamuklarda Verticillium Solgunluğu (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)’na Karşı Endofitik Bakterilerle Biyolojik Mücadele Olanakları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Yayınlanmamış). Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 59s. Aydın. Referans17 Davis, R.M., Nunez, J.J., and Subbarao, K.V. 1996. Assessment of benefits of cotton seed dressing from the cont rol of seedling diseases in relation to inoculum densities of Pythium and Rhizoctonia. 9-12 Jan. 1996, Memphis, U.S.A. National Cotton Council, Vol: 1, 267-268; 2 ref. Referans18 Davis, R.M., Nunez, J.J., and Subbarao, K.V. 1997. Benefits of cotton seed treatments for control of seedling disaeses in relation to inoculum densities of Pythium species and Rhizoctonia solani. Plant Disease, 81:7, 766-768; 13 ref. Referans19 Demir, G., Karcılıoğlu, A., ve Onan, E. 1999. Protection of cotton plants againts damping-off disease with rhizobacteria. J. Turkish. Phytopath., 28(3), 111- 118. Referans20 Derviş, S., 2003. Pamuk Alanlarındaki Verticillium dahliae Klebahn Yoğunluğu, Solgunluk çıkışı ve Etmen İzolatlarının Konukçuya Özelleşmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Doktora Tezi, 135 s., Adana.Referans21 DeVay, J. E., R. H. Garber, and D. Matheron. 1982. Role of Pythium species in the seedling disease complex of cotton in California. Plant Dis. 66: 151-54.Referans 22 DeVay, J. E., R. H. Garber, and R. J. Wakeman. 1980. Cotton seedlingresponses in greenhouse tests to combinations of chemical seed treatments for control of Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, and Thielaviopsis basicola. In: J. M. Brown (ed.) Proc. Beltwide Cotton Prod. Conf., St. Louis. Mo., Jan. 6-10. 1980. pp. 19-21. Memphis, Tenn.: National Cotton Council of America.Referans23 Endrizzi, J. E., E. L. Turcotte, and R. J. Kohel. 1985. Genetics, Cytogenetics, and evolitiın of Gossypium. Advances in Genetics, 23: 271-375.Referans24 FAO, 2007. FAO Statical A revised taxonomic interpretation of Gossypium L. (Malvaceae). Rheedea, 2: 108-165.Referans25 Garber, R. H., J.E. DeVay, A. R. Weinhold, and D.Matheron. 1979. Relationship of pathogeninoculum to cotton seedling disease control with fungucides. Plant Dis. Rep. 63: 246-50.Referans26 Garber, R. H., J.E. DeVay, A. R. Weinhold, and R. J. Wakeman. 1980. Pathogen inoculum a key factor in fungucide seed treatment efficiency. In J. M. Brown (ed.), Proc. Beltwide Cotton Prod. Res. Conf., St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 6-10, 1980, p. 19. Memphis, Tenn.: National Cotton Council of America.Referans27 Garber, R. H., J.E. DeVay, P.B. Goodell, and P.A. Roberts, 1996. Cotton disease and nematodes. In: S.J. Hake, T.A. Kerby, and K.D. Hake (Eds.), Cotton Production Manual, p. 150-174. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, Publication No: 3352, Oakland, California, USA.Referans28 Goulart, A.C.P. 1999. Influence of graphite additions to soybean and cotton seeds in the efficiency of treatment with fungicidies. Boletim de Pesquisa Emprapa Agropecuaria Oeste, No:8, 27 pp.; 23 ref. Referans29 Grimes, D.W., and K.M. El-Zik. 1990. Cotton. In: Stewart, B.A., Dr. Nielsen (Eds.), Irrigation of Agricultural Crops-Agronomy Monograph, No: 30, p.741-748. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711, USA.Referans30 Hageborn, C., Gould, W. D., and Bardinelli, T. R. 1989. Rhizobacteria of cotton and their repression of seedling disease pathogens. Appl. 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Biological control of Pythium damping-off of cotton with seedcoating preparations of Gliocladium virens. Phytopathology 81:738–741. Referans36 Howell, C.R., and Stipanovic, R.D., 1995. Mechanisms in the biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani-induced cotton seedling disease by Gliocladium virens: Antibiosis. Phytopathology 85: 469-472. Referans37Howell, C.R., J.E. DeVay, R.H. Garber, and W.E. Batson. 1997. Field control of cotton seedling diseases with Trichoderma virens in combination with fungicide seed treatments. J. Cotton Sci. 1:15-20. Referans38 Hutchinson, J.B., R.A. Silow, and S. G. Stephens. 1947. The evolution of Gossypium and the differentiation of the cultivated cottons. Geoffrey Cumberlege/Oxford University Press, London, UK.Referans39 Iqbal, M. J., O. U.K. Reddy, K.M. El-Zik, and A.E. Pepper. 2001. A genetics bottleneck in the ‘evolution under domestication’ of upland cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. Examined using fingerprinting. 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Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Necip Tosun 0000-0001-5804-5760

Önder Yılmaz This is me 0000-0001-5609-8498

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date March 15, 2019
Acceptance Date October 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Tosun, N., & Yılmaz, Ö. (2019). Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgesinde Pamuk Çökerten Hastalığının Kontrolünde Tohuma Uygulanan Bazı Fungisitlerin Etkililiklerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 56(4), 545-552.

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