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Bazı Kantaron Ekstraktlarının Gerberanın Vazo Ömrü Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2020, , 425 - 432, 30.09.2020


Amaç: Gerbera dünyada üretimi ve
ticareti yapılan en önemli kesme çiçek türlerinden biridir. Ancak petallerde
solma ve boyun bükme nedeniyle vazo ömrü kısalmaktadır. Kesme çiçeklerde en
önemli ticari kalite kriterlerinden biri olan vazo ömrü, vazo solüsyonuna ilave
edilen koruyucu maddelerle artırılabilmektedir. İnsan sağlığına zararlı olmayan
ve çevre dostu olarak bilinen bitki ekstraktları da kesme çiçeklerde hasat
sonrası ömrü arttırmada alternatif olmaya aday maddelerdir. Bu çalışma ile bazı
kantaron türlerinden elde edilen bitki ekstraktlarının gerbera çiçeklerinin
vazo ömrü üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmada bitkisel materyal
olarak Gerbera jamesonii Bolus türüne
ait kırmızı çiçekli 'Yeliz' çeşidi; vazo solüsyonu olarak üç farklı kantaron
türüne (H. heterophyllum, H. perforatum,
H. scabrum
) ait çiçeklerden elde edilmiş üç farklı dozdaki (50, 100, 150
mg/L) bitki ekstraktı ile saf su (kontrol) kullanılmıştır. Çiçeklerde; vazo
ömrü, oransal taze ağırlık, günlük ve toplam vazo solüsyon alımları incelenmiştir.

Bulgular: Kantaron ekstraktlarının gerbera
çiçeklerinin vazo ömrünü önemli derecede etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Uygulamalar
arasında en uzun vazo ömrü (14.00 gün) kontrole göre vazo ömrünü 4.00 güne
kadar uzatan 100 mg/L H. perforatum
ekstraktı içeren uygulamadan elde edilmiştir.

Sonuç: Çalışma, kantaron türlerine ait
bitki ekstraktlarının vazo ömrünü arttırmada etkili oldukları sonucuna


  • Amini, S., M. Jafarpour and K. Asgari. 2014. Effect of temporary and permanent treatments of extracts of thyme and stevia on postharvest quality of gerbera cut flowers. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(8):93-98.
  • Amini, S., M. Arab, M. Rahemi, A.R. Rahimi and A.D. Garmakhany 2016. Effect of thyme essential oil on vase life of two carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus l.) cultivars. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 19(3): 734-742.
  • Aran, M., M. Kazemi and S. Zamani 2011. Effect of succinic acid and glutamin on acc-oxidase activity, microbe population and senescence of carnation cut flowers. World Applied Sciences Journal, 12(9): 1616-1620.
  • Aros, D., C. Silva, C. Char, L. Prat and Escalona, V. 2016. Role of flower preservative solutions during postharvest of Hydrangea macrophylla cv. Bela. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria, 43(3):418-428.
  • Ayan, A.K. and C. Çırak. 2008. Hypericin and pseudohypericin contents in some hypericum species growing in Turkey. Pharmaceutical Biology, 46:4, 288-291, DOI: 10.1080/13880200701741211.
  • Ayan, A.K., J. Radušienė, C. Çırak, L. Ivanauskas and V. Janulis. 2009. Secondary metabolites of hypericum scabrum and hypericum bupleuroides. Pharmaceutical Biology, 47(9):847-853, DOI: 10.1080/13880200902942436.
  • Balas, J., P.A.G. Coronado, J.A. Teixeira da Silva and M.P. Jayatilleke. 2006. Supporting Post-harvest Performance of Cut Flowers Using Fresh-Flower-Refreshments and Other Vase Water-Additives. In: Teixeira da Silva JA (Ed) Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edn, Vol IV), Global Science Books, Isleworth, UK, pp 612-629.
  • Basiri Y., H. Zarei, K. Mashayekhy and M.H. Pahlavany. 2011. Effect of rosemary extract on vase life and some qualitative characteristics of cut carnation flowers (Dianthus caryophyllus cv. ‘white librity’). Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research, 2(14):261-265.
  • Bayram, E., O. Arabacı ve H.E., Çakmak. 2002. Bornova ekolojik koşullarında Hypericum perforatum L. klonlarının agronomik özelliklerinin ve hypericin oranlarının belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 39 (3): 41-48.
  • Bazaz, A.M. and A. Tehranifar. 2011. Effect of ethanol, methanol and essential oils as novel agents to improve vase-life of alstroemeria flowers. Journal of Biology and Environmental Siciences, 5(14): 41-46.
  • Çırak, C. and D. Kurt. 2014. Önemli tıbbi bitkiler olarak hypericum türleri ve kullanım alanları. Anadolu Journal of the Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, 24(1):38-52.
  • Damunupola, J.W. and D.C. Joyce. 2008. When is a vase solution biocide not, or not only, antimicrobial? Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 77(3):211-228.
  • Danaee, E., Y. Mostofi and P. Moradi. 2011. Effect of GA and BA on postharvest quality and vase life of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii. cv. Good Timing) cut flowers. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 52(2):140-144.
  • Elhindi, K.M. 2012. Effects of postharvest pretreatments and preservative solutions on vase life longevity and flower quality of sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus L.). Photosynthetica, 50(3),371-379.
  • Faydalıoğlu, E. and M.S. Sürücüoğlu. 2013. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin antimikrobiyal, antioksidan aktiviteleri ve kullanım olanakları. Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2):233-265.
  • Floraholland, 2017. Annual report, Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • Geraspolus, D. and B. Chebli. 1999. Effects of pre and postharvest calcium applications on the vase life of cut gerberas. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 74: 78-81.
  • Geshnizjany, N., A. Ramezanian and M. Khosh-khui. 2014. Postharvest life of cut gerbera (gerbera jamesonii) as affected by nano-silver particles and calcium chloride. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology, 1(2):171-180.
  • Hassan, F.A.S. and M.I. Fetouh. 2019. Does moringa leaf extract have preservative effect improving the longevity and postharvest quality of gladiolus cut spikes?. Scientia Horticulturae, 250: 287-293.
  • He, S., D.C. Joyce, D.E. Irving and J.D. Faragher. 2006. Stem end blockage in cut grevillea ‘crimson yul-lo’ ınflorescences. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41, 78–84.
  • Khan, P., H., Mehraj, T., Taufique, I.J., Shiam and A.F.M. Jamal Uddin. 2015. Chemical preservatives for increasing shelf life of gerbera. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 5(01): 30-36.
  • Khenizy, S.A.M., A.M., Abd El-Moneim and H. Abdel- Fattah. 2014. Effect of natural extracts on vase life of gypsophıla cut flowers. Scientific J. Flowers & Ornamental Plants, 1(1):1-16.
  • Koç, E. and A.S. Üstün. 2008. Patojenlere karşı bitkilerde savunma ve antioksidanlar. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24(1-2), 82-100.
  • Mengüç, A., M., Zencirkıran and E. Usta. 1991. Kesme çiçeklerde vazo ömrünün uzatılması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 8, 211-225.
  • Minerva, G. and S. Kumar. 2013. Micropropagation of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus). Methods in molecular biology, 11013: 305-16. doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-074-8_24.
  • Mohamed, T.A.D, S.A.M., Khenizy, S.S., Helme and H.A. El Sayed. 2018. Improving the quality of gerbera flowers after harvesting. Middle East Journal of Agriculture, 7(3): 915-931.
  • Onozaki, T., H., Ikeda and T. Yamaguchi. 2001. Genetic ımprovement of vase life of carnation flowers by crossing and selection. Scientia Horticulturae, 87:107-120.
  • Patel, D.K., S.L., Chawla and G.N. Vithu 2018. Effect of botanicals on vase life of cut flowers: a review. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 8(1): 01-08.
  • Rashmi, R., C., Aswath, M.V., Dhananjaya and S.R. Patil. 2018. Commercial multiplication of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hooker F.) from young capitulum explants. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7(11): 2524-2537.
  • Reid, M.S. 2009. Handling of cut flowers for export. Erişim: Ağustos, 2019.
  • Smelcerovic, A. and M. Spiteller. 2006. Phytochemical analysis of nine Hypericum L. species from Serbia and the F.Y.R. Macedonia. Pharmazie, 61(3):251-252.
  • Safa, Z., D., Hashemabadi, B., Kaviani, N., Nikchi and M. Zar-chini. 2015. Studies on quality and vase life of cut Gerbera jamesonii cv. 'Balance' flowers by silver nanoparticles and chlorophenol. Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(2):425-31.•
  • Salehi Salmi, M.R., M., Falehi Hoseini, M., Heidari and M.H. Daneshvar. 2018. Extending vase life of cut rose (Rosa hybrida L.) cv. Bacara by essential oils. Advances in Horticultural Science, 32(1): 61-69.
  • Sharma, V., G., Kamra, R., Thakur and R. Kaur. 2018. Extending post harvest life and keeping quality of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) using 8-HQS and calcium chloride with sucrose. International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(04):21-29.
  • Tuik, 2018. Türkiye istatistik kurumu. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • Tuna, S. 2012. Kesme gül ve gerbera çiçeklerinin vazo ömrünü artırmak için bazı uçucu yağlar ve ana bileşenlerinin kullanım olanakları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta.
  • Uçar. Y. and S. Kazaz. 2016. Farklı sulama programlarının krizantemin kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(2016): 385-397.

The Effects of Some Hypericum Extracts on the Vase Life of Gerbera

Year 2020, , 425 - 432, 30.09.2020


Objective: Gerbera is one of the most
important cut flower species produced and traded in the world. However, the
vase life is shortened due to wilting of petals and bent neck. Vase life which
is one of the most important quality criteria in cut flowers can be increased
with preservatives substances added to the vase solution. Natural plant
extracts, which are not harmful to human health and known as environmentally
friendly, are also candidates to be an alternative in increasing the
post-harvest life of cut flowers. The aim of this study was to determine the
effects of plant extracts obtained from some hypericum  species on the vase life of gerbera flowers.

Material and Methods: In the study, Gerbera jamesonii 'Yeliz' was used as a
plant material and 3 different doses (50, 100, 150 mg / L) of 3 different
centaury extracts (H. heterophyllum, H.
perforatum, H. scabrum
) and distilled water (control) were used as vase
solution. Vase life, relative fresh weight, solution uptake were measured.

Results: Hypericum extracts were
significantly found effective on vase life of cut gerbera flowers. The highest
vase life (14.00 days) was recorded in 100 mg/L H. perforatum extract which increased the vase life up to 4.00 days
compared to the control.

Conclusion: The study concluded that hypericum
extracts were effective to increase the vase life.


  • Amini, S., M. Jafarpour and K. Asgari. 2014. Effect of temporary and permanent treatments of extracts of thyme and stevia on postharvest quality of gerbera cut flowers. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(8):93-98.
  • Amini, S., M. Arab, M. Rahemi, A.R. Rahimi and A.D. Garmakhany 2016. Effect of thyme essential oil on vase life of two carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus l.) cultivars. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 19(3): 734-742.
  • Aran, M., M. Kazemi and S. Zamani 2011. Effect of succinic acid and glutamin on acc-oxidase activity, microbe population and senescence of carnation cut flowers. World Applied Sciences Journal, 12(9): 1616-1620.
  • Aros, D., C. Silva, C. Char, L. Prat and Escalona, V. 2016. Role of flower preservative solutions during postharvest of Hydrangea macrophylla cv. Bela. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria, 43(3):418-428.
  • Ayan, A.K. and C. Çırak. 2008. Hypericin and pseudohypericin contents in some hypericum species growing in Turkey. Pharmaceutical Biology, 46:4, 288-291, DOI: 10.1080/13880200701741211.
  • Ayan, A.K., J. Radušienė, C. Çırak, L. Ivanauskas and V. Janulis. 2009. Secondary metabolites of hypericum scabrum and hypericum bupleuroides. Pharmaceutical Biology, 47(9):847-853, DOI: 10.1080/13880200902942436.
  • Balas, J., P.A.G. Coronado, J.A. Teixeira da Silva and M.P. Jayatilleke. 2006. Supporting Post-harvest Performance of Cut Flowers Using Fresh-Flower-Refreshments and Other Vase Water-Additives. In: Teixeira da Silva JA (Ed) Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edn, Vol IV), Global Science Books, Isleworth, UK, pp 612-629.
  • Basiri Y., H. Zarei, K. Mashayekhy and M.H. Pahlavany. 2011. Effect of rosemary extract on vase life and some qualitative characteristics of cut carnation flowers (Dianthus caryophyllus cv. ‘white librity’). Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research, 2(14):261-265.
  • Bayram, E., O. Arabacı ve H.E., Çakmak. 2002. Bornova ekolojik koşullarında Hypericum perforatum L. klonlarının agronomik özelliklerinin ve hypericin oranlarının belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 39 (3): 41-48.
  • Bazaz, A.M. and A. Tehranifar. 2011. Effect of ethanol, methanol and essential oils as novel agents to improve vase-life of alstroemeria flowers. Journal of Biology and Environmental Siciences, 5(14): 41-46.
  • Çırak, C. and D. Kurt. 2014. Önemli tıbbi bitkiler olarak hypericum türleri ve kullanım alanları. Anadolu Journal of the Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, 24(1):38-52.
  • Damunupola, J.W. and D.C. Joyce. 2008. When is a vase solution biocide not, or not only, antimicrobial? Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 77(3):211-228.
  • Danaee, E., Y. Mostofi and P. Moradi. 2011. Effect of GA and BA on postharvest quality and vase life of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii. cv. Good Timing) cut flowers. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 52(2):140-144.
  • Elhindi, K.M. 2012. Effects of postharvest pretreatments and preservative solutions on vase life longevity and flower quality of sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus L.). Photosynthetica, 50(3),371-379.
  • Faydalıoğlu, E. and M.S. Sürücüoğlu. 2013. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin antimikrobiyal, antioksidan aktiviteleri ve kullanım olanakları. Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2):233-265.
  • Floraholland, 2017. Annual report, Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • Geraspolus, D. and B. Chebli. 1999. Effects of pre and postharvest calcium applications on the vase life of cut gerberas. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 74: 78-81.
  • Geshnizjany, N., A. Ramezanian and M. Khosh-khui. 2014. Postharvest life of cut gerbera (gerbera jamesonii) as affected by nano-silver particles and calcium chloride. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology, 1(2):171-180.
  • Hassan, F.A.S. and M.I. Fetouh. 2019. Does moringa leaf extract have preservative effect improving the longevity and postharvest quality of gladiolus cut spikes?. Scientia Horticulturae, 250: 287-293.
  • He, S., D.C. Joyce, D.E. Irving and J.D. Faragher. 2006. Stem end blockage in cut grevillea ‘crimson yul-lo’ ınflorescences. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41, 78–84.
  • Khan, P., H., Mehraj, T., Taufique, I.J., Shiam and A.F.M. Jamal Uddin. 2015. Chemical preservatives for increasing shelf life of gerbera. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 5(01): 30-36.
  • Khenizy, S.A.M., A.M., Abd El-Moneim and H. Abdel- Fattah. 2014. Effect of natural extracts on vase life of gypsophıla cut flowers. Scientific J. Flowers & Ornamental Plants, 1(1):1-16.
  • Koç, E. and A.S. Üstün. 2008. Patojenlere karşı bitkilerde savunma ve antioksidanlar. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24(1-2), 82-100.
  • Mengüç, A., M., Zencirkıran and E. Usta. 1991. Kesme çiçeklerde vazo ömrünün uzatılması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 8, 211-225.
  • Minerva, G. and S. Kumar. 2013. Micropropagation of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus). Methods in molecular biology, 11013: 305-16. doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-074-8_24.
  • Mohamed, T.A.D, S.A.M., Khenizy, S.S., Helme and H.A. El Sayed. 2018. Improving the quality of gerbera flowers after harvesting. Middle East Journal of Agriculture, 7(3): 915-931.
  • Onozaki, T., H., Ikeda and T. Yamaguchi. 2001. Genetic ımprovement of vase life of carnation flowers by crossing and selection. Scientia Horticulturae, 87:107-120.
  • Patel, D.K., S.L., Chawla and G.N. Vithu 2018. Effect of botanicals on vase life of cut flowers: a review. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 8(1): 01-08.
  • Rashmi, R., C., Aswath, M.V., Dhananjaya and S.R. Patil. 2018. Commercial multiplication of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hooker F.) from young capitulum explants. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7(11): 2524-2537.
  • Reid, M.S. 2009. Handling of cut flowers for export. Erişim: Ağustos, 2019.
  • Smelcerovic, A. and M. Spiteller. 2006. Phytochemical analysis of nine Hypericum L. species from Serbia and the F.Y.R. Macedonia. Pharmazie, 61(3):251-252.
  • Safa, Z., D., Hashemabadi, B., Kaviani, N., Nikchi and M. Zar-chini. 2015. Studies on quality and vase life of cut Gerbera jamesonii cv. 'Balance' flowers by silver nanoparticles and chlorophenol. Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(2):425-31.•
  • Salehi Salmi, M.R., M., Falehi Hoseini, M., Heidari and M.H. Daneshvar. 2018. Extending vase life of cut rose (Rosa hybrida L.) cv. Bacara by essential oils. Advances in Horticultural Science, 32(1): 61-69.
  • Sharma, V., G., Kamra, R., Thakur and R. Kaur. 2018. Extending post harvest life and keeping quality of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) using 8-HQS and calcium chloride with sucrose. International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(04):21-29.
  • Tuik, 2018. Türkiye istatistik kurumu. Erişim: Ağustos 2019.
  • Tuna, S. 2012. Kesme gül ve gerbera çiçeklerinin vazo ömrünü artırmak için bazı uçucu yağlar ve ana bileşenlerinin kullanım olanakları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta.
  • Uçar. Y. and S. Kazaz. 2016. Farklı sulama programlarının krizantemin kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(2016): 385-397.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Tuğba Kılıç 0000-0002-0528-7552

Cennet Yaman 0000-0002-2364-8171

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date November 11, 2019
Acceptance Date January 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kılıç, T., & Yaman, C. (2020). Bazı Kantaron Ekstraktlarının Gerberanın Vazo Ömrü Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 57(3), 425-432.

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