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Biyokütle bazlı biyoyakıt üretiminin modellenmesi ve Türkiye'de tarım sektörü için referans enerji sisteminin geliştirilmesi

Year 2021, , 171 - 180, 30.06.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada Türkiye'nin tarım sektörü için biyokütle bazlı biyoyakıt üretimi modellenmiş ve referans enerji sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Böylece, tarımsal biyokütle kullanılarak tarım sektörünün tüm enerji gereksiniminin karşılanması amaçlanmıştır.
Material ve Yöntem: Geliştirilen modelde, yurt içinde üretilen şeker pancarı ve kanola bitkileri enerji temin edilecek biyokaynaklar olarak belirlenmiştir. Pazar tahsisi modeli ise, ANSWER yazılımı aracılığıyla tüm girdi ve çıktıların birleştirilmesiyle oluşturulmuştur.
Araştırma Bulguları: Referans enerji sistemi, enerji kaynakları ve talepler de dâhil olmak üzere altı sütun halinde geliştirildi. Yerli kaynakların kullanımı sonucu enerjide dışa bağımlılık azaltılacak ve bu sektörde yeni bir istihdam kaynağı oluşturulacaktır. Ayrıca, biyoyakıtların üretimi ve tüketimi, fosil yakıtlara kıyasla hem maliyet açısından hem de sera gazı salınımı açısından daha uygundur.
Sonuç: Tarım arazisinin bir kısmı kullanılarak üretilen yerli biyo-kaynaklardan sağlanan enerji ile tüm tarım sektörü için gerekli enerji talepleri karşılanmaktadır.


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  • Bayrakci Ozdingis, A.G., Kocar, G., 2018. Current and future aspects of bioethanol production and utilization in Turkey. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 81, 2196–2203.
  • Dupont, J., White, P.J., Johnston, K.M., Alexander Heggtveit, D.H., McDonald, B.E., Grundy, S.M., Bonanome, A., 1989. Food Safety and Health Effects of Canola Oil. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 8, 360–375.
  • Eryilmaz, T., Yesilyurt, M.K., Cesur, C., Gokdogan, O., 2016. Biodiesel production potential from oil seeds in Turkey. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev.
  • Green Econometrics Analysis [WWW Document], 2008. . Inf. Anal. Econ. Sol. Altern. energies. URL (accessed 10.18.19).
  • Halleux, H., Lassaux, S., Renzoni, R., Germain, A., 2008. Comparative life cycle assessment of two biofuels: Ethanol from sugar beet and rapeseed methyl ester. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 13, 184–190.
  • Hansdah, D., Murugan, S., 2016. Comparative studies of a bioethanol fuelled DI diesel engine with a cetane improver. Int. J. Oil, Gas Coal Technol. 11, 429–450.
  • Hou, W., Sun, J., Fu, L., Liu, L., 2010. Urban energy system analysis by markal model in China, in: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). pp. 211–217.
  • IEA-ETSAP [WWW Document], 2019. . Energy Syst. Anal. URL (accessed 10.18.19).
  • Karatas, M., Sulukan, E., Karacan, I., 2018. Assessment of Turkey’s energy management performance via a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making methodology. Energy.
  • Ma, X., Chai, M., Luo, L., Luo, Y., He, W., Li, G., 2015. An assessment on Shanghai’s energy and environment impacts of using MARKAL model. J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 7.
  • Remme Uwe, 2012. Capacity Building through Energy Modelling and Systems Analysis - PDF.
  • Sayin, C., Nisa Mencet, M., Ozkan, B., 2005. Assessing of energy policies based on Turkish agriculture: Current status and some implications. Energy Policy 33, 2361–2373.
  • Spearrin, R.M., Triolo, R., 2014. Natural gas-based transportation in the USA: Economic evaluation and policy implications based on MARKAL modeling. Int. J. Energy Res. 38, 1879–1888.
  • Sulukan, E., Sağlam, M., Uyar, T.S., 2017a. Energy–Economy–Ecology–Engineering (4E) Integrated Approach for GHG Inventories.
  • Sulukan, E., Sağlam, M., Uyar, T.S., 2017b. Technical Efficiency Improvement Scenario Analysis for Conversion Technologies in Turkey.
  • Tsai, M.S., Chang, S.L., 2015. Taiwan’s 2050 low carbon development roadmap: An evaluation with the MARKAL model. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 49, 178–191.
  • Yuksel, Y.E., Ozturk, M., 2017. Energy and exergy analysis of renewable energy sources-based integrated system for multi-generation application. Int. J. Exergy 22, 250–278.

Modeling biomass-based biofuel production and developing a reference energy system for the agricultural sector in Turkey

Year 2021, , 171 - 180, 30.06.2021


Objective: In this study, a reference energy system was developed, and biomass-based biofuel production was modeled for the agricultural sector in Turkey. This was aimed at supplying the entire energy requirement of the agricultural sector using agricultural biomass.
Material and Methods: In the generated model, domestically produced sugar beet, and canola plants were selected as the energy-producing resources. A market allocation model was generated by interfacing the ANSWER software with all of the relevant import and export components.
Results: The reference energy system was developed in six columns, including energy resources and demands. As a result of the use of domestic resources, the dependence on energy to foreign countries will be reduced and a new source of employment will be generated in this sector. Furthermore, the production and consumption of biofuels are more appropriate both in terms of cost and in terms of greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels.
Conclusion: The energy demand for the entire agricultural sector is met by the energy supplied from domestic bio-sources produced using part of the agricultural land.


  • Balat, M., Balat, H., Öz, C., 2008. Progress in bioethanol processing. Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 34, 551–573.
  • Bayrakci Ozdingis, A.G., Kocar, G., 2018. Current and future aspects of bioethanol production and utilization in Turkey. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 81, 2196–2203.
  • Dupont, J., White, P.J., Johnston, K.M., Alexander Heggtveit, D.H., McDonald, B.E., Grundy, S.M., Bonanome, A., 1989. Food Safety and Health Effects of Canola Oil. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 8, 360–375.
  • Eryilmaz, T., Yesilyurt, M.K., Cesur, C., Gokdogan, O., 2016. Biodiesel production potential from oil seeds in Turkey. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev.
  • Green Econometrics Analysis [WWW Document], 2008. . Inf. Anal. Econ. Sol. Altern. energies. URL (accessed 10.18.19).
  • Halleux, H., Lassaux, S., Renzoni, R., Germain, A., 2008. Comparative life cycle assessment of two biofuels: Ethanol from sugar beet and rapeseed methyl ester. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 13, 184–190.
  • Hansdah, D., Murugan, S., 2016. Comparative studies of a bioethanol fuelled DI diesel engine with a cetane improver. Int. J. Oil, Gas Coal Technol. 11, 429–450.
  • Hou, W., Sun, J., Fu, L., Liu, L., 2010. Urban energy system analysis by markal model in China, in: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). pp. 211–217.
  • IEA-ETSAP [WWW Document], 2019. . Energy Syst. Anal. URL (accessed 10.18.19).
  • Karatas, M., Sulukan, E., Karacan, I., 2018. Assessment of Turkey’s energy management performance via a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making methodology. Energy.
  • Ma, X., Chai, M., Luo, L., Luo, Y., He, W., Li, G., 2015. An assessment on Shanghai’s energy and environment impacts of using MARKAL model. J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 7.
  • Remme Uwe, 2012. Capacity Building through Energy Modelling and Systems Analysis - PDF.
  • Sayin, C., Nisa Mencet, M., Ozkan, B., 2005. Assessing of energy policies based on Turkish agriculture: Current status and some implications. Energy Policy 33, 2361–2373.
  • Spearrin, R.M., Triolo, R., 2014. Natural gas-based transportation in the USA: Economic evaluation and policy implications based on MARKAL modeling. Int. J. Energy Res. 38, 1879–1888.
  • Sulukan, E., Sağlam, M., Uyar, T.S., 2017a. Energy–Economy–Ecology–Engineering (4E) Integrated Approach for GHG Inventories.
  • Sulukan, E., Sağlam, M., Uyar, T.S., 2017b. Technical Efficiency Improvement Scenario Analysis for Conversion Technologies in Turkey.
  • Tsai, M.S., Chang, S.L., 2015. Taiwan’s 2050 low carbon development roadmap: An evaluation with the MARKAL model. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 49, 178–191.
  • Yuksel, Y.E., Ozturk, M., 2017. Energy and exergy analysis of renewable energy sources-based integrated system for multi-generation application. Int. J. Exergy 22, 250–278.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Şahbaz 0000-0001-6379-8345

Egemen Sulukan 0000-0003-1138-2465

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date May 3, 2020
Acceptance Date July 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Şahbaz, M., & Sulukan, E. (2021). Modeling biomass-based biofuel production and developing a reference energy system for the agricultural sector in Turkey. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 58(2), 171-180.

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