Research Article
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The effects of different harvest maturity and methods on fruit and oil quality of olive (Olea europea L. cv. Ayvalık Yağlık)

Year 2021, , 503 - 512, 21.12.2021


Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effects of harvest time and method on fruit and oil characteristics of ‘Ayvalık Yağlık’, a major olive cultivar in Turkey.
Material and Methods: Early, optimum and late harvests were made by hitting with a wood stick (control), pneumatic beater, and branch shaker in a conventional olive grove located in Edremit district of Balıkesir province in western Turkey. Harvested olive fruits were stored at 18-20°C for 3 days, and physical, biochemical attributes, free acidity, and fatty acid composition, and mechanical damage caused by tested harvest methods were evaluated.
Results: Mechanical damage index and free fatty acidity were lower in olive fruits harvested by branch shakers compared to those dropped down by stick. Fruit weight, maturity index, oil content and linoleic acid content increased with the progress of harvest date, while color, moisture content, free fatty acids, total phenolics, and palmitic, stearic, and linolenic acid ratio decreased at the last harvest date.
Conclusion: The results showed that significant changes in some physical and chemical properties of the olive fruit occur with the progression of maturity, and using branch shakers and harvesting on the 2nd and 3rd harvest dates are recommended for Ayvalık variety under the experimental site conditions.

Supporting Institution

Ege Üniversitesi BAP Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number



Halil Esen


  • Al-Maaitah, M.I., K.M. Al-Absi & A. Al-Rawashdeh, 2009. Oil quality and quantity of three olive cultivars as influenced by harvesting date in the middle and southern parts of Jordan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 11: 266-272.
  • Ahmad, R. & S. Ayoub, 2014. A Comparative study of hand-held harvesting machine with traditional methods used for olive harvesting in Jordan. Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. Olivebioteq 2014.
  • Alowaiesh, B., Z. Singh & S.G. Kailis, 2016. Harvesting time influences fruit removal force, moisture, oil content, free fatty acids and peroxide in the oil of Frantoio and Manzanilla olive cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10: 1662-1668.
  • Amirante, P., A. Tamborrino & A. Leone, 2012. Olive harvesting mechanization systems in high-density orchards. Acta Horticulturae, 949: 351-358.
  • Anonymous, 1973. Yemeklik Zeytinyağı Muayene Metodları. TS.342 Türk Standartları. Necatibey Cad. 112, Bakanlıklar, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 1987. Standard methods for the analysis of oils, fats, and derivates. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 7th., Blackwell Scientific Publications., UIPAC Method 2.301.
  • Anonymous, 2000. Yağlı tohumlar - Yağ muhtevasının tayini, TS 973 EN ISO 659.
  • Anonymous, 2001. Yaglı tohumlar - Rutubet ve Uçucu Madde Muhtevasının Tayini. TSE 1632.
  • Aygun, İ., E. Urkan, F.N. Alayunt, H. Yalçın & A.B. Tekin, 2019. İzmir ilinde zeytin hasadında kullanılan yerli ve ithal çırpıcı tip makinaların hasat performanslarının değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Uludag Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(2): 265-271.
  • Ayton J., R.J. Mailer, A. Haigh, D. Tronson & D. Conlan, 2007. Quality and oxidative stability of Australian olive oil according to harvest date and irrigation. Journal of Horticultural Science, 69(1): 67-73.
  • Baccouri, O., M. Guerfel, B. Baccouri, L. Cerretani, A. Bendini, G. Lercker, M. Zarrouk & D.D. Ben Miled, 2008. Chemical composition and oxidative stability of Tunisian monovarietal virgin olive oils with regard to fruit ripening. Food Chemistry, 109(4): 743-754.
  • Beltran, G., C. Del Rio, S. Sanchez & L. Martinez, 2004. Influence of harvest date and crop yield on the fatty acid composition of virgin olive oils from cv. Picual. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 3434-3440. Benzie, I.F.F. & J.J. Strain, 1996. The Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) as a measure of ‘Antioxidant Power’: the FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 239: 70-76.
  • Brescia, M.A., T. Pugliese, E. Hardy & A. Sacco, 2007. Compositional and structural ınvestigations of ripening of table olives, Bella Della Daunia, by means of traditional and magnetic resonance ımaging analyses. Food Chemistry, 105: 400-404.
  • Boskou, D, 1996. Olive oil chemistry and technology. history and characteristics of the olive tree. AOCS Press, Champaign, İllinois : 1 - 6. Civantos, L. 1986. Obtencion del aceite de oliva. Editorial Agricola Espanola, Madrid, Spain, pp. 279.
  • Dag, A., Z. Kerem, N. Yogev, I. Zipori, S. Lavee & E. Ben-David, 2011. Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Scientia Horticulturae, 127: 358–366.
  • Dıraman, H. & H. Dibeklioğlu, 2009. Characterization of Turkish virgin olive oils produced from early harvest olives. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 86:663–674.
  • Famiani, F., D. Farinelli, S. Rollo, S. Camposeo, C.D. Vaio & P. Inglese, 2014. Evaluation of different mechanical fruit harvesting systems and oil quality in very large size olive trees. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 12: 960-972.
  • Garcia, J. M., S. Seller & M.C. Perez, 1996. Influence of fruit ripening on olive oil quality. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44: 3516-3520.
  • Garcia, J.M. & K. Yousfi, 2005. Non-destructive and objective methods for the evaluation of the maturation level of olive fruit. European Food Research and Technology, 221: 538-541.
  • Gertsis, A., D. Fountas, I. Arpasanu & M. Michaloudis, 2013. Precision agriculture applications in a high density olive grove adapted for mechanical harvesting in Greece. Procedia Technology, 8:152-156.
  • Gómez-Rico, A., M.D. Salvador, M.L. Greca & G. Fregapane, 2006. Phenolic and volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil (Olea europaea L. cv. Cornicabra) with regard to fruit ripening and irrigation management. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 7130-7136.
  • Harwood, J.L. & P. Yaqoob, 2002. Nutritional and health aspects of olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 104: 685-697.
  • Karaçalı, İ., 2016. Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafazası ve Pazarlaması. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 494, Bornova, İzmir, 486 s.
  • Kutlu, E. & F. Şen, 2011. Farklı hasat zamanlarının Gemlik zeytin (Olea europea L.) çeşidinde meyve ve zeytinyağı kalitesine etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi 48(2): 85-92.
  • McGuire, R.G., 1992. Reporting of objective color measurements. Hort Science, 27(12): 1254-1255.
  • Mele, M.A., M.Z. Islam, H.M. Kang & A.M. Giuffre, 2018. Pre-and post-harvest factors and their impact on oil composition and quality of olive fruit. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 30(7): 592-603.
  • Menz, G. & F. Vriesekoop, 2010. Physical and chemical changes during the maturation of Gordal Sevillana olives (Olea europaea L., cv. Gordal Sevillana). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58: 4934–4938.
  • Morello, J.R., M.J. Motilva, M.J. Tovar & M.P. Romero, 2004. Changes in commercial virgin olive oil during storage, with special emphasis on the phenolic fraction. Food Chemistry, 85: 357–364.
  • Nergiz, C. & Y. Engez. 2000. Compositional variation of olive fruit during ripening. Food Chemistry, 69: 55-59.
  • Romero, M.P., M.J. Tovar, J. Girona & M.J. Motilva, 2002.Changes in the HPLC phenolic profile of virgin olive oil from young trees (Olea europaea L. Cv. Arbequina) grown under different deficit ırrigation strategies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(19): 5349–5354.
  • Salvador, M.D., F. Aranda & G. Fregapane, 2001. Influence of fruit ripening on Cornicabra virgin olive oil quality: A study of four successive crop seasons. Food Chemistry, 73: 45-53.
  • Scaramuzzi, F. & G. Roselli, 1986. Olive Genetic Improvement. Olea, 17: 21-25.
  • Ünal, K. & C. Nergiz, 2003. The Effect of table olive preparing methods and storage on composition and nutritive value of olives. Grasas y Aceites, 54: 71-76.
  • Vieri, M. & R. Gucci, 2008. Tutte le tecnologie per risparmiare sui costi: Speciale Strategie e Tecniche di potature dell’olivo. Olive & Olio, 1: 34-41.
  • Yousfi, K., M.R. Cert & M.J. Garcia, 2006. Changes in quality and phenolic compounds of virgin olive pils during objectively described fruit maturation. European Food Research and Technology, 223: 117-124.
  • Wills, R., B. McGlasson, D. Graham & D. Joyce, 1998. Postharvest an Introduction to the Physiology & Handling of Fruit, Vegetables & Ornamentals, 4th Edition, UNSW Press, Sydney, Australia, p. 262.
  • Zheng, W. & S.Y. Wang, 2001. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in selected herbs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49: 5165-5170.

Farklı hasat olgunluğu ve yönteminin zeytinin (Olea europaea L. cv. Ayvalık Yağlık) meyve ve zeytinyağı kalitesine etkilerinin belirlenmesi

Year 2021, , 503 - 512, 21.12.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışma, farklı hasat zamanı ve yönteminin ülkemizin önemli zeytin çeşitlerinden ‘Ayvalık Yağlık’ meyvelerine ve zeytinyağının kalitesine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür.
Materyal ve Metot: Balıkesir ili Edremit ilçesinde tesis edilmiş zeytin bahçesinden erken, optimum ve geç dönemde odun sırıkla silkerek (kontrol), pnömatik çırpıcı ve dal sarsıcılar ile zeytin meyveleri hasat edilmiştir. Hasat edilen zeytin meyveleri 3 gün 18-20°C’de tutulduktan sonra bazı fiziksel ve biyokimyasal özellikleri, zeytinyağında serbest yağ asitliği, yağ asidi bileşimi ile mekanik zararlanma belirlenmiştir.
Bulgular: Dal sarsıcıları ile hasat edilen zeytin meyvelerinde sırık ile hasat edilenlere göre mekanik zararlanma indeksi ve serbest yağ asitliği daha düşük bulunmştur. Zeytin meyvelerinde hasat zamanın ilerlemesiyle ağırlık, olgunluk indeksi, yağ miktarı ve linoleik asit miktarında artış, son hasatta ise renk değerleri, nem, serbest yağ asidi, toplam fenol miktarı, palmitik, stearik ve linolenik asit oranında azalış görülmüştür.
Sonuç: Sonuçlar, olgunluk ilerlemesiyle zeytin meyvesinin bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinde önemli değişimlerin olduğunu gözlenirken, uygulamada Edremit koşullarında Ayvalık çeşidinde 2. ve 3. hasat tarihlerinin uygun olduğu ve hasatta dal sarsıcıların kullanılması önerilmektedir.

Project Number



  • Al-Maaitah, M.I., K.M. Al-Absi & A. Al-Rawashdeh, 2009. Oil quality and quantity of three olive cultivars as influenced by harvesting date in the middle and southern parts of Jordan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 11: 266-272.
  • Ahmad, R. & S. Ayoub, 2014. A Comparative study of hand-held harvesting machine with traditional methods used for olive harvesting in Jordan. Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. Olivebioteq 2014.
  • Alowaiesh, B., Z. Singh & S.G. Kailis, 2016. Harvesting time influences fruit removal force, moisture, oil content, free fatty acids and peroxide in the oil of Frantoio and Manzanilla olive cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10: 1662-1668.
  • Amirante, P., A. Tamborrino & A. Leone, 2012. Olive harvesting mechanization systems in high-density orchards. Acta Horticulturae, 949: 351-358.
  • Anonymous, 1973. Yemeklik Zeytinyağı Muayene Metodları. TS.342 Türk Standartları. Necatibey Cad. 112, Bakanlıklar, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 1987. Standard methods for the analysis of oils, fats, and derivates. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 7th., Blackwell Scientific Publications., UIPAC Method 2.301.
  • Anonymous, 2000. Yağlı tohumlar - Yağ muhtevasının tayini, TS 973 EN ISO 659.
  • Anonymous, 2001. Yaglı tohumlar - Rutubet ve Uçucu Madde Muhtevasının Tayini. TSE 1632.
  • Aygun, İ., E. Urkan, F.N. Alayunt, H. Yalçın & A.B. Tekin, 2019. İzmir ilinde zeytin hasadında kullanılan yerli ve ithal çırpıcı tip makinaların hasat performanslarının değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Uludag Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(2): 265-271.
  • Ayton J., R.J. Mailer, A. Haigh, D. Tronson & D. Conlan, 2007. Quality and oxidative stability of Australian olive oil according to harvest date and irrigation. Journal of Horticultural Science, 69(1): 67-73.
  • Baccouri, O., M. Guerfel, B. Baccouri, L. Cerretani, A. Bendini, G. Lercker, M. Zarrouk & D.D. Ben Miled, 2008. Chemical composition and oxidative stability of Tunisian monovarietal virgin olive oils with regard to fruit ripening. Food Chemistry, 109(4): 743-754.
  • Beltran, G., C. Del Rio, S. Sanchez & L. Martinez, 2004. Influence of harvest date and crop yield on the fatty acid composition of virgin olive oils from cv. Picual. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 3434-3440. Benzie, I.F.F. & J.J. Strain, 1996. The Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) as a measure of ‘Antioxidant Power’: the FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 239: 70-76.
  • Brescia, M.A., T. Pugliese, E. Hardy & A. Sacco, 2007. Compositional and structural ınvestigations of ripening of table olives, Bella Della Daunia, by means of traditional and magnetic resonance ımaging analyses. Food Chemistry, 105: 400-404.
  • Boskou, D, 1996. Olive oil chemistry and technology. history and characteristics of the olive tree. AOCS Press, Champaign, İllinois : 1 - 6. Civantos, L. 1986. Obtencion del aceite de oliva. Editorial Agricola Espanola, Madrid, Spain, pp. 279.
  • Dag, A., Z. Kerem, N. Yogev, I. Zipori, S. Lavee & E. Ben-David, 2011. Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Scientia Horticulturae, 127: 358–366.
  • Dıraman, H. & H. Dibeklioğlu, 2009. Characterization of Turkish virgin olive oils produced from early harvest olives. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 86:663–674.
  • Famiani, F., D. Farinelli, S. Rollo, S. Camposeo, C.D. Vaio & P. Inglese, 2014. Evaluation of different mechanical fruit harvesting systems and oil quality in very large size olive trees. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 12: 960-972.
  • Garcia, J. M., S. Seller & M.C. Perez, 1996. Influence of fruit ripening on olive oil quality. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44: 3516-3520.
  • Garcia, J.M. & K. Yousfi, 2005. Non-destructive and objective methods for the evaluation of the maturation level of olive fruit. European Food Research and Technology, 221: 538-541.
  • Gertsis, A., D. Fountas, I. Arpasanu & M. Michaloudis, 2013. Precision agriculture applications in a high density olive grove adapted for mechanical harvesting in Greece. Procedia Technology, 8:152-156.
  • Gómez-Rico, A., M.D. Salvador, M.L. Greca & G. Fregapane, 2006. Phenolic and volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil (Olea europaea L. cv. Cornicabra) with regard to fruit ripening and irrigation management. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 7130-7136.
  • Harwood, J.L. & P. Yaqoob, 2002. Nutritional and health aspects of olive oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 104: 685-697.
  • Karaçalı, İ., 2016. Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafazası ve Pazarlaması. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 494, Bornova, İzmir, 486 s.
  • Kutlu, E. & F. Şen, 2011. Farklı hasat zamanlarının Gemlik zeytin (Olea europea L.) çeşidinde meyve ve zeytinyağı kalitesine etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi 48(2): 85-92.
  • McGuire, R.G., 1992. Reporting of objective color measurements. Hort Science, 27(12): 1254-1255.
  • Mele, M.A., M.Z. Islam, H.M. Kang & A.M. Giuffre, 2018. Pre-and post-harvest factors and their impact on oil composition and quality of olive fruit. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 30(7): 592-603.
  • Menz, G. & F. Vriesekoop, 2010. Physical and chemical changes during the maturation of Gordal Sevillana olives (Olea europaea L., cv. Gordal Sevillana). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58: 4934–4938.
  • Morello, J.R., M.J. Motilva, M.J. Tovar & M.P. Romero, 2004. Changes in commercial virgin olive oil during storage, with special emphasis on the phenolic fraction. Food Chemistry, 85: 357–364.
  • Nergiz, C. & Y. Engez. 2000. Compositional variation of olive fruit during ripening. Food Chemistry, 69: 55-59.
  • Romero, M.P., M.J. Tovar, J. Girona & M.J. Motilva, 2002.Changes in the HPLC phenolic profile of virgin olive oil from young trees (Olea europaea L. Cv. Arbequina) grown under different deficit ırrigation strategies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(19): 5349–5354.
  • Salvador, M.D., F. Aranda & G. Fregapane, 2001. Influence of fruit ripening on Cornicabra virgin olive oil quality: A study of four successive crop seasons. Food Chemistry, 73: 45-53.
  • Scaramuzzi, F. & G. Roselli, 1986. Olive Genetic Improvement. Olea, 17: 21-25.
  • Ünal, K. & C. Nergiz, 2003. The Effect of table olive preparing methods and storage on composition and nutritive value of olives. Grasas y Aceites, 54: 71-76.
  • Vieri, M. & R. Gucci, 2008. Tutte le tecnologie per risparmiare sui costi: Speciale Strategie e Tecniche di potature dell’olivo. Olive & Olio, 1: 34-41.
  • Yousfi, K., M.R. Cert & M.J. Garcia, 2006. Changes in quality and phenolic compounds of virgin olive pils during objectively described fruit maturation. European Food Research and Technology, 223: 117-124.
  • Wills, R., B. McGlasson, D. Graham & D. Joyce, 1998. Postharvest an Introduction to the Physiology & Handling of Fruit, Vegetables & Ornamentals, 4th Edition, UNSW Press, Sydney, Australia, p. 262.
  • Zheng, W. & S.Y. Wang, 2001. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in selected herbs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49: 5165-5170.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Şen 0000-0001-7286-2863

Ayça Esen This is me 0000-0001-5348-2902

Project Number 16-ZRF-045
Publication Date December 21, 2021
Submission Date March 23, 2021
Acceptance Date May 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Şen, F., & Esen, A. (2021). The effects of different harvest maturity and methods on fruit and oil quality of olive (Olea europea L. cv. Ayvalık Yağlık). Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 58(4), 503-512.

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