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Kuluçka sırasında sıcağa alıştırma ve fotoperiyodik aydınlatmanın kuluçka performansı, kuluçka süresi, civciv kalitesi ve organ gelişimi üzerindeki etkisi

Year 2022, , 17 - 31, 30.03.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, kuluçka sırasında sıcağa alıştırma ve fotoperiyodik aydınlatmanın kuluçka performansı, kuluçka süresi, civciv kalitesi ve organ büyümesi üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışma birbirini takip eden iki denemeden oluşmuştur. Birinci denemede, kuluçka optimal kabuk sıcaklığı (37.8ºC, Kontrol) veya kuluçkanın 11-16. günleri arasında günde 6 saat optimumdan 1ºC daha yüksek kabuğu sıcaklığı (38.8ºC) kullanılarak sıcağa alıştırma yapılmıştır. İkinci denemede, yumurtalara 16 saat aydınlık 8 saat karanlık (16A: 8K) aydınlatma altında optimum sıcaklık veya aydınlatma ile birlikte sıcağa alıştırma (38.8ºC) uygulanmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Sıcağa alıştırma kuluçka perfromansını etkilememiş ancak kuluçkadan çıkışı hızlandırmış, civciv kalitesi, bursa ve tibia ağırlıklarını geriletirken kalp ve sternum ağırlıklarını artırmıştır. İkinci denemede sıcağa alıştırma ile birlikte 16A: 8K aydınlatma uygulanması civciv uzunluğu ve karaciğer ağırlığını artırmıştır.
Sonuç: Kuluçkanın 11-16. günleri arasında sıcağa alıştırma (38.8ºC) civciv kalitesini olumsuz etkilemiştir. Ancak, çıkışta artan civciv uzunluğu ve karaciğer oranı değerleri dikkate alındığında sıcağa alıştırma ile birlikte 16A: 8K aydınlatma civciv kalitesi ve kuluçka sonrası performansın iyileştirilmesinde olumlu bir yaklaşım olabilir.


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  • Al-Zghoul, M. B., & S. M. El-Bahr, 2019. Thermal manipulation of the broilers embryos: Expression of muscle markers genes and weights of body and internal organs during embryonic and post-hatch days. BMC Vet. Res. 15: 1-10.
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  • Costa, B. T. A., T. S. B. Lopes, M. A. Mesquita, L. J. C. Lara, & I. C. S. Araújo, 2020. Thermal manipulations of birds during embryogenesis. Worlds. Poult. Sci. J. 76: 843-851.
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  • Deeb, N., & A. Cahaner, 2002. Genotype-by-environment interaction with broiler genotypes differing in growth rate. 3. Growth rate and water consumption of broiler progeny from weight-selected versus nonselected parents under normal and high ambient temperatures. Poult. Sci. 81: 293-301.
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Effects of thermal manipulation and photoperiodic lighting during incubation on hatching performance, hatching time, chick quality and organ growth

Year 2022, , 17 - 31, 30.03.2022


Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of thermal manipulation (TM) and photoperiodic lighting during the incubation on hatching performance, hatching time, chick quality and organ growth.
Material and Methods: The study was composed of two consecutive experiments. The 1st experiment was application of TM, 1ºC higher eggshell temperature (EST, 38.8ºC ) for 6 h/day from 11 to 16 embryonic day, or optimal EST of 37.8ºC (Control) during the incubation. In second experiment, eggs were exposed to a photoperiodic lighting of 16h light and 8h darkness (16L: 8D) along with optimal EST (Light-Control) or TM (Light-Heated).
Results: Thermal manipulation accelerated hatching time, reduced chick quality score, decreased relative bursa and tibia weights while heart and sternum weights increased with no effect on hatching performance. However, 16L: 8D photoperiodic lighting schedule along with TM significantly improved chick length at hatch indicating improved chick quality while other traits were not affected except for higher relative liver weight.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that TM alone had negative effects on chick quality. However, photoperiodic lighting along with TM can be a positive approach towards better chick quality and post hatch performance as indicated by increased chick length and liver weight.


  • Al-Rukibat, R. K., M. B. Al-Zghoul, W. M. Hananeh, M. Q. Al-Natour, & E. A. Abu-Basha, 2017. Thermal manipulation during late embryogenesis: Effect on body weight and temperature, thyroid hormones, and differential white blood cell counts in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 96: 234-240.
  • Al-Zghoul, M. B., & S. M. El-Bahr, 2019. Thermal manipulation of the broilers embryos: Expression of muscle markers genes and weights of body and internal organs during embryonic and post-hatch days. BMC Vet. Res. 15: 1-10.
  • Al-Zghoul, M. B., Z. B. Ismail, A. E. S. Dalab, A. Al-Ramadan, T. A. Althnaian, S. Y. Al-ramadan, A. M. Ali, I. F. Albokhadaim, K. A. Al Busadah, A. Eljarah, K. I. Jawasreh, & K. M. Hannon, 2015. Hsp90, Hsp60 and HSF-1 genes expression in muscle, heart and brain of thermally manipulated broiler chicken. Res. Vet. Sci. 99: 105-111.
  • Aminoroaya, K., A. A. Sadeghi, Z. Ansari-pirsaraei, & N. Kashan, 2016. Effect of cyclical cold stress during embryonic development on aspects of physiological responses and HSP70 gene expression of chicks. J. Therm. Biol. 61: 50-54.
  • Amjadian, T., & M. H. Shahir, 2020. Effects of repeated thermal manipulation of broiler embryos on hatchability, chick quality, and post-hatch performance. Int. J. Biometeorol. 64: 2177-2183.
  • Archer, G., 2016. Spectrum of White Light During Incubation: Warm vs Cool White LED Lighting. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 15: 343-348.
  • Archer, G. S., 2017. Exposing broiler eggs to green, red and white light during incubation. Animal 11: 1203-1209.
  • Archer, G. S., D. Jeffrey, & Z. Tucker, 2017. Effect of the combination of white and red LED lighting during incubation on layer, broiler, and Pekin duck hatchability. Poult. Sci. 96: 2670-2675.
  • Archer, G. S., & J. A. Mench, 2014. Natural incubation patterns and the effects of exposing eggs to light at various times during incubation on post-hatch fear and stress responses in broiler (meat) chickens. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 152: 44-51.
  • Archer, G. S., & J. A. Mench, 2017. Exposing avian embryos to light affects post-hatch anti-predator fear responses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 186: 80-84.
  • Boleli, I., V. Morita, J. Matos Jr, M. Thimotheo, & V. Almeida, 2016. Poultry Egg Incubation: Integrating and Optimizing Production Efficiency. Rev. Bras. Ciência Avícola 18: 1-16.
  • Careghi, C., K. Tona, O. Onagbesan, J. Buyse, E. Decuypere, & V. Bruggeman, 2005. The effects of the spread of hatch and interaction with delayed feed access after hatch on broiler performance until seven days of age. Poult. Sci. 84: 1314-1320.
  • Chiandetti, C., J. Galliussi, R. J. Andrew, & G. Vallortigara, 2013. Early-light embryonic stimulation suggests a second route, via gene activation, to cerebral lateralization in vertebrates. Sci. Rep. 3: 17-19.
  • Christensen, V. L., W. E. Donaldson, & K. E. Nestor, 1999. Length of the plateau and pipping stages of incubation affects the physiology and survival of turkeys. Br. Poult. Sci. 40: 297-303.
  • Collin, A., C. Berri, S. Tesseraud, F. E. Requena Rodón, S. Skiba-Cassy, S. Crochet, M. J. Duclos, N. Rideau, K. Tona, J. Buyse, V. Bruggeman, E. Decuypere, M. Picard, & S. Yahav, 2007. Effects of thermal manipulation during early and late embryogenesis on thermotolerance and breast muscle characteristics in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 86: 795-800.
  • Costa, B. T. A., T. S. B. Lopes, M. A. Mesquita, L. J. C. Lara, & I. C. S. Araújo, 2020. Thermal manipulations of birds during embryogenesis. Worlds. Poult. Sci. J. 76: 843-851.
  • Decuypere, E., & V. Bruggeman, 2007. The Endocrine Interface of Environmental and Egg Factors Affecting Chick Quality. Poult. Sci. 86: 1037-1042.
  • Deeb, N., & A. Cahaner, 2001. Genotype-by-environment interaction with broiler genotypes differing in growth rate. 1. The effects of high ambient temperature and naked-neck genotype on lines differing in genetic background. Poult. Sci. 80: 695-702.
  • Deeb, N., & A. Cahaner, 2002. Genotype-by-environment interaction with broiler genotypes differing in growth rate. 3. Growth rate and water consumption of broiler progeny from weight-selected versus nonselected parents under normal and high ambient temperatures. Poult. Sci. 81: 293-301.
  • Flores, F., I. Nääs, R. Garcia, W. Quinteiro, & L. Souza, 2016. Effect of Embryo Thermal Stimulation on the Serum Levels of Immunoglobulins and Corticosterone, and Organ Histopathology of 1 day-old Broilers. Rev. Bras. Ciência Avícola 18: 71-78.
  • French, N. A., 1994. Effect of incubation temperature on the gross pathology of turkey embryos. Br. Poult. Sci. 35: 363-371.
  • Gabriel, J. E., J. A. Ferro, R. M. P. Stefani, M. I. T. Ferro, S. L. Gomes, & M. Macari, 1996. Effect of acute heat stress on heat shock protein 70 messenger RNA and on heat shock protein expression in the liver of broilers. Br. Poult. Sci. 37: 443-449.
  • Gong, W. E. I., & X. ZHONG, 2009. The Influence of Dexamethasone on Main Immune Organs and Antibody Titers in ND Immune Chicken [J]. Livestock and Poultry Industry, 8.
  • Halevy, O., S. Yahav, & I. Rozenboim, 2006. Enhancement of meat production by environmental manipulations in embryo and young broilers. Worlds. Poult. Sci. J. 62: 485-497.
  • Halle, I., & B. Tzschentke, 2011. Influence of temperature manipulation during the last 4 days of incubation on hatching results, post-hatching performance and adaptability to warm growing conditions in broiler chickens. J. Poult. Sci. 48: 97-105.
  • Hamburger, V., & H. L. Hamilton, 1992. A series of normal stages in the development of the chick embryo. Dev. Dyn. 195: 231-272.
  • Huth, J. C., & G. S. Archer, 2015. Effects of LED lighting during incubation on layer and broiler hatchability, chick quality, stress susceptibility and post-hatch growth. Poult. Sci. 94: 3052-3058.
  • Ipek, A., U. Sahan, & A. Sozcu, 2015. The effects of different eggshell temperatures between embryonic day 10 and 18 on broiler performance and susceptibility to ascites. Rev. Bras. Cienc. Avic. 17: 387-394.
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There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Tahir Shah 0000-0002-4748-2364

Sezen Özkan 0000-0002-9637-882X

Publication Date March 30, 2022
Submission Date May 21, 2021
Acceptance Date June 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Shah, T., & Özkan, S. (2022). Effects of thermal manipulation and photoperiodic lighting during incubation on hatching performance, hatching time, chick quality and organ growth. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 59(1), 17-31.

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