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Protected Cultivation in Mediterranean Region: Trends and Needs

Year 2009, Volume: 46 Issue: 3, 215 - 223, 01.09.2009



  • Abou-Hadid, A.F., 2003. Protected cultivation in Egypt. 5th Coor. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 19-33. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Abou-Hadid, A.F., U.A. El-Behairy, N. Metwally, M.S. Ally, 2004. Current situation of soilless culture in Egypt. Reg. Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 16-24. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Abou-Hadid, A.F., 2006. Protected cultivation in Egypt. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 19-33. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Anac D., N. Eryuce, 2003. Nutrient management in protected cropping in Turkey. The International Fertiliser Society, Proceedings 522: 19-34.
  • Attard, L., K. Debono, 2004. Soilless culture technologies in Malta. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 34-38. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Baille, A., Greenhouse structure and equipment for improving crop production in mild winter climates. Acta Hort. 491:37-37.
  • Baille, A., 2001. Trends in greenhouse technology for improved climate control in mild winter climates. Acta Hort.
  • Baudoin, W.O., 1999. Protected cultivation in the Mediterranean Region. Acta Hort. 491:23-30.
  • Baudoin, W.O., 2004. FAO’s soilless culture information system (SCIS). Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 63-65. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Ben Kafu, A.A., 2006. Protected cultivation in Libya. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 34-36. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Benuzzi, M., A. Minuto, M.L. Gullino, 2004. Biological control agents for the control of soil-borne pathogens. Int. workshop on “La produzione in serra dopo l’era del bromuro di metile. 1-3 April, Comiso, Ragusa/Italy.
  • Borg, C., 2003. Country report for Malta. 5th Coordinating Meeting of Regional WG Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 77-80. 10-14 Nov., Cyprus.
  • Burrage, S.W., 1999. The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) for Crop Production in the Mediterranean Region. Acta Hort. 486:301-305.
  • Castilla, N., 2000. Improved irrigation management of greenhouse vegetables. FAO. Rome. 44 pp.
  • Castilla, N, J. Hernandez, A.F. Abou-Hadid, 2004. Strategic crop and greenhouse management in mild winter climate areas. Acta Hort. 633:183-196.
  • Castilla, N., J. Hernandez, 2005. The plastic greenhouse industry of Spain. Chronica Horticulturae Vol. 45, No 3:1520.
  • Chemali, G., S. Gerges, 2004. Lebanon country report. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 26-30. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • FAO, 1990. Protected Cultivation in the Mediterranean Climate. FAO Plant Production and Protection paper 90. 313p.
  • Greco, N, M. Di Vito, 2004. Alternatives to methyl Bromide of nematode control in vegetable crops. Int. workshop on “La produzione in serra dopo l’era del bromuro di metile. 1-3 April, Comiso, Ragusa/Italy.
  • Goncharova, N., A. Van der Vlist, J.A.A.M. Verstegen, 2004. Changes in horticulture sector in the Nethetlands. Acta Hort. 655:319-331.
  • Hanafi, A., A. Papasolomontos, 1999. Integrated production and protection under protected cultivation in the Mediterranean Region. Biotech. Advances 17:183-203.
  • Hanafi, A., J. Merzouk, 2004. Status of greenhouse soilless culture in Morocco. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 39-41. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Hanafi, A., 2006. Protected cultivation in Morocco. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region.. 34-36. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Jouet, J.P, 2003. Situation de la Plasticulture Dans le Monde. CIPA. France.
  • Kouki, K., 2003. Actual situation and perspectives of protected cultivation in Tunisia. 5th Coord. Meeting of Regional WG Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 77-80. 10-14 Nov., Cyprus.
  • Kouki, K., M. Said, A. Mougou, 2004. Actual Situation and Perspectives of Soilless Culture in Tunisia. Reg. Training on Soilless Culture Technologies. 49-57. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • La Malfa G., G. Noto, F. Branca, C. Leonardi, D. Romano, 1996. Optimisation of protected cultivation by introducing new crops or by modifying some growing techniques. Relazione finale relativa al EEC Research Project 8001- CT90-0015.
  • La Malfa, G., C. Leonardi, 2001. Crop practices and techniques: Trends and needs. Acta Hort. 559:31-42.
  • Leonardi C., D. Romano, 2004. Recent issues on vegetable grafting. Acta Horticulturae n. 631: 163-174.
  • Montero, J.I., C. Stanghellini, N. Castilla, 2008. Greenhouse Technology for Sustainable Production in Mild Winter Climate Areas: Trends and Needs. ISHS Symposium on Strategies Towards Sustainability of Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climate. 7-10 April. Antalya.
  • Oda, M., 1999. Grafting of vegetables to improve greenhouse production. abstract/eb480.html (Erişim tarihi: 05.02.2003)
  • Olympios, C.M., Protected cultivation in Greece. 2nd Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the SEE Countries. 27-44. 7-11 April., Antalya.
  • Pardossi, A., F. Tognoni, L. Incrocci, 2004. Mediterranean greenhouse technology. Cronica Horticulture Vol. 44, No 2:28-34.
  • Rafeh, N., 2003. Greenhouse crop production and protection in Syria. 5th Coord. Meeting of Reg. WG Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 71-76. 10-14 Nov., Cyprus.
  • Qaryouti, M., 2006. Protected cultivation in Jordan. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region.. 41-48. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Sevgican A., Y. Tüzel, A. Gul, R.Z. Eltez, 2000. Protected cultivation in Turkey. Technical Congress of Turkish Agric. Eng. Chamber, Vol. II: 679-707, Ankara.
  • Stanghellini, C. 1992. Evapotranspiration in greenhouses with special reference to Mediterranean conditions. Acta Hort. 335:295–304.
  • Stanghellini, C., F.L.K. Kempkes, P. Knies, 2003. Enhancing environmental quality in agricultural systems. Acta Hort.
  • Tüzel, Y., R.Z. Eltez, 1997. Protected cultivation in Turkey. A Contribution towards a database for protected cultivation in the Mediterranean region (ed. By A.F. Abou-Hadid). 201-237.
  • Tüzel, Y., A. Gul, I.H. Tüzel, 2004. Different Soilless Culture Systems. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 69-85. 3-5 March, Izmir, Turkey.
  • Tüzel, Y., A. Gul, G.B. Oztekin, 2008. Recent develeopments in protected cultivation in Turkey. 2nd Coordinating Meeting of the Regional FAO Working Group on Greenhouse Crop Production in the SEE Countries. 11 April, Antalya. 107 p.
  • Van der Velden, N.J.A., J. Janse, R.C. Kaarsemaker, R.H.M. Maaswinkel, 2004. Sustainability of greenhouse fruit vegetables: Spain versus the Netherlands; development of a monitoring system. Acta Hort. 655:275-281.
  • Van Uffelen, R.L.M., A.A. van der Mass, P.C.M. Vermeulen, J.C.J. Ammerlaan, 2000. T.Q.M. applied to the Dutch glasshouse industry: State of the art in 2000. Acta Hort. 536: 679-686.
  • Vassiliou, L., D. Chimonidou, 2006. Protected cultivation in Cyprus. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region.. 9-18. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Verhaegh, A.P., N.S.P. de Groot, 2000. Chain production costs of fruits vegetables: A comparison between Spain and the Netherlands. Acta Hort. 524:177-180
  • Waaijenberg, D. 2006. Design, construction and maintenance of greenhouse structures. Acta Hort. 710:31-42.

Akdeniz havzasında örtüaltı tarımı: eğilimler ve gereksinimler

Year 2009, Volume: 46 Issue: 3, 215 - 223, 01.09.2009


Ö Ö maliyetlerinin artışına neden olan petrol fiyatlarının yükseldiği 1970’li yıllarda da maliyetlerinin artışına neden olan petrol fiyatlarının yükseldiği 1970’li yıllarda da devam ederek hızla yayılmaktadır. Ilıman iklim koşulları ve böylelikle basit devam ederek hızla yayılmaktadır. Ilıman iklim koşulları ve böylelikle basit koruyucu yapıların adapte edilebilme olanağı sayesinde bugün dünyanın en önemli koruyucu yapıların adapte edilebilme olanağı sayesinde bugün dünyanın en önemli alanlarından birini temsil eden Akdeniz Havzası giderek önem kazanmıştır. alanlarından birini temsil eden Akdeniz Havzası giderek önem kazanmıştır. Örtüaltı tarımı bu bölgede yaygınlaşmaya başladığında temel amaç, iklimin uygun Örtüaltı tarımı bu bölgede yaygınlaşmaya başladığında temel amaç, iklimin uygun olmadığı koşullarda aktif iklim kontrolu yapılamadığından bitkinin sera olmadığı koşullarda aktif iklim kontrolu yapılamadığından bitkinin sera koşullarına adaptasyonunu geliştirmekti. Günümüzde ise gerek çevre ile ilgili koşullarına adaptasyonunu geliştirmekti. Günümüzde ise gerek çevre ile ilgili konular, gerekse de ticaretini yapan ve tüketiciler tarafından kaliteli ve güvenli konular, gerekse de ticaretini yapan ve tüketiciler tarafından kaliteli ve güvenli ürünlere duyulan talep önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu makalede, Akdeniz ürünlere duyulan talep önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu makalede, Akdeniz Havzasında örtüaltı tarımı ile ilgili bilgi verildikten sonra, üretim işlemini Havzasında örtüaltı tarımı ile ilgili bilgi verildikten sonra, üretim işlemini sürdürülebilir kılabilecek ana stratejiler tartışılacaktır. sürdürülebilir kılabilecek ana stratejiler tartışılacaktır


  • Abou-Hadid, A.F., 2003. Protected cultivation in Egypt. 5th Coor. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 19-33. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Abou-Hadid, A.F., U.A. El-Behairy, N. Metwally, M.S. Ally, 2004. Current situation of soilless culture in Egypt. Reg. Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 16-24. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Abou-Hadid, A.F., 2006. Protected cultivation in Egypt. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 19-33. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Anac D., N. Eryuce, 2003. Nutrient management in protected cropping in Turkey. The International Fertiliser Society, Proceedings 522: 19-34.
  • Attard, L., K. Debono, 2004. Soilless culture technologies in Malta. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 34-38. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Baille, A., Greenhouse structure and equipment for improving crop production in mild winter climates. Acta Hort. 491:37-37.
  • Baille, A., 2001. Trends in greenhouse technology for improved climate control in mild winter climates. Acta Hort.
  • Baudoin, W.O., 1999. Protected cultivation in the Mediterranean Region. Acta Hort. 491:23-30.
  • Baudoin, W.O., 2004. FAO’s soilless culture information system (SCIS). Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 63-65. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Ben Kafu, A.A., 2006. Protected cultivation in Libya. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 34-36. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Benuzzi, M., A. Minuto, M.L. Gullino, 2004. Biological control agents for the control of soil-borne pathogens. Int. workshop on “La produzione in serra dopo l’era del bromuro di metile. 1-3 April, Comiso, Ragusa/Italy.
  • Borg, C., 2003. Country report for Malta. 5th Coordinating Meeting of Regional WG Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 77-80. 10-14 Nov., Cyprus.
  • Burrage, S.W., 1999. The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) for Crop Production in the Mediterranean Region. Acta Hort. 486:301-305.
  • Castilla, N., 2000. Improved irrigation management of greenhouse vegetables. FAO. Rome. 44 pp.
  • Castilla, N, J. Hernandez, A.F. Abou-Hadid, 2004. Strategic crop and greenhouse management in mild winter climate areas. Acta Hort. 633:183-196.
  • Castilla, N., J. Hernandez, 2005. The plastic greenhouse industry of Spain. Chronica Horticulturae Vol. 45, No 3:1520.
  • Chemali, G., S. Gerges, 2004. Lebanon country report. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 26-30. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • FAO, 1990. Protected Cultivation in the Mediterranean Climate. FAO Plant Production and Protection paper 90. 313p.
  • Greco, N, M. Di Vito, 2004. Alternatives to methyl Bromide of nematode control in vegetable crops. Int. workshop on “La produzione in serra dopo l’era del bromuro di metile. 1-3 April, Comiso, Ragusa/Italy.
  • Goncharova, N., A. Van der Vlist, J.A.A.M. Verstegen, 2004. Changes in horticulture sector in the Nethetlands. Acta Hort. 655:319-331.
  • Hanafi, A., A. Papasolomontos, 1999. Integrated production and protection under protected cultivation in the Mediterranean Region. Biotech. Advances 17:183-203.
  • Hanafi, A., J. Merzouk, 2004. Status of greenhouse soilless culture in Morocco. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 39-41. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • Hanafi, A., 2006. Protected cultivation in Morocco. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region.. 34-36. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Jouet, J.P, 2003. Situation de la Plasticulture Dans le Monde. CIPA. France.
  • Kouki, K., 2003. Actual situation and perspectives of protected cultivation in Tunisia. 5th Coord. Meeting of Regional WG Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 77-80. 10-14 Nov., Cyprus.
  • Kouki, K., M. Said, A. Mougou, 2004. Actual Situation and Perspectives of Soilless Culture in Tunisia. Reg. Training on Soilless Culture Technologies. 49-57. 3-5 March, Izmir.
  • La Malfa G., G. Noto, F. Branca, C. Leonardi, D. Romano, 1996. Optimisation of protected cultivation by introducing new crops or by modifying some growing techniques. Relazione finale relativa al EEC Research Project 8001- CT90-0015.
  • La Malfa, G., C. Leonardi, 2001. Crop practices and techniques: Trends and needs. Acta Hort. 559:31-42.
  • Leonardi C., D. Romano, 2004. Recent issues on vegetable grafting. Acta Horticulturae n. 631: 163-174.
  • Montero, J.I., C. Stanghellini, N. Castilla, 2008. Greenhouse Technology for Sustainable Production in Mild Winter Climate Areas: Trends and Needs. ISHS Symposium on Strategies Towards Sustainability of Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climate. 7-10 April. Antalya.
  • Oda, M., 1999. Grafting of vegetables to improve greenhouse production. abstract/eb480.html (Erişim tarihi: 05.02.2003)
  • Olympios, C.M., Protected cultivation in Greece. 2nd Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the SEE Countries. 27-44. 7-11 April., Antalya.
  • Pardossi, A., F. Tognoni, L. Incrocci, 2004. Mediterranean greenhouse technology. Cronica Horticulture Vol. 44, No 2:28-34.
  • Rafeh, N., 2003. Greenhouse crop production and protection in Syria. 5th Coord. Meeting of Reg. WG Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region. 71-76. 10-14 Nov., Cyprus.
  • Qaryouti, M., 2006. Protected cultivation in Jordan. 6th Coord. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region.. 41-48. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Sevgican A., Y. Tüzel, A. Gul, R.Z. Eltez, 2000. Protected cultivation in Turkey. Technical Congress of Turkish Agric. Eng. Chamber, Vol. II: 679-707, Ankara.
  • Stanghellini, C. 1992. Evapotranspiration in greenhouses with special reference to Mediterranean conditions. Acta Hort. 335:295–304.
  • Stanghellini, C., F.L.K. Kempkes, P. Knies, 2003. Enhancing environmental quality in agricultural systems. Acta Hort.
  • Tüzel, Y., R.Z. Eltez, 1997. Protected cultivation in Turkey. A Contribution towards a database for protected cultivation in the Mediterranean region (ed. By A.F. Abou-Hadid). 201-237.
  • Tüzel, Y., A. Gul, I.H. Tüzel, 2004. Different Soilless Culture Systems. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. 69-85. 3-5 March, Izmir, Turkey.
  • Tüzel, Y., A. Gul, G.B. Oztekin, 2008. Recent develeopments in protected cultivation in Turkey. 2nd Coordinating Meeting of the Regional FAO Working Group on Greenhouse Crop Production in the SEE Countries. 11 April, Antalya. 107 p.
  • Van der Velden, N.J.A., J. Janse, R.C. Kaarsemaker, R.H.M. Maaswinkel, 2004. Sustainability of greenhouse fruit vegetables: Spain versus the Netherlands; development of a monitoring system. Acta Hort. 655:275-281.
  • Van Uffelen, R.L.M., A.A. van der Mass, P.C.M. Vermeulen, J.C.J. Ammerlaan, 2000. T.Q.M. applied to the Dutch glasshouse industry: State of the art in 2000. Acta Hort. 536: 679-686.
  • Vassiliou, L., D. Chimonidou, 2006. Protected cultivation in Cyprus. Meeting of WG on Greenhouse Crop Production in the Med. Region.. 9-18. 17-20 Dec., Amman.
  • Verhaegh, A.P., N.S.P. de Groot, 2000. Chain production costs of fruits vegetables: A comparison between Spain and the Netherlands. Acta Hort. 524:177-180
  • Waaijenberg, D. 2006. Design, construction and maintenance of greenhouse structures. Acta Hort. 710:31-42.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yüksel Tüzel This is me

Cherubino Leonardı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2009
Submission Date November 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 46 Issue: 3


APA Tüzel, Y., & Leonardı, C. (2009). Akdeniz havzasında örtüaltı tarımı: eğilimler ve gereksinimler. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 46(3), 215-223.

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