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Effect of mycorrhiza treatment on the yield and some physiological characteristics of Cyprus vetch (Lathyrus ochrus) under different salt (NaCl) concentrations

Year 2011, Volume: 48 Issue: 1, 31 - 37, 01.03.2011



  • Açıkgöz, N., E. İlker ve A. Gökçöl 2004. Biyolojik araştırmalarına bilgisayarda değerlendirilmeleri, EÜ TOTEM Yay.No:2, İzmir.
  • Al-Karaki and N.Ghazi 2000. Growth of mycorrhizal tomato and mineral acquisition under salt stress. Mycorrhiza 10:51-54.
  • Arnon, D.I 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroploasts polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris, Plant Physiology, 24:1-5.
  • Asghari, H. R 2008. Vesicular–Arbuscular (VA) Mycorrhizae improve salinity tolerance in pre-inoculation subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) seedlings. International Journal of Plant Production, 2(3):243-256.
  • Avcıoğlu, R., H. Geren ve Y. T. Kavut 2009. Yembitkileri, “Baklagil Yembitkileri”, Bölüm 15.3.2, Kıbrıs Mürdümüğü (Lathyrus ochrus Candalle), TC Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, TÜGEM, Cilt 2, s:480-484.
  • Avcıoğlu,R., G.Demiroğlu, M.A.Khalvati ve H.Geren 2003. Ozmotik basıncın bazı kültür bitkilerinin erken gelişme dönemindeki etkileri II- Prolin, Klorofil birikimi ve zar dayanıklılığı. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 40(2):9-16.
  • Başaran, U., Z. Acar, Ö. Ö. Aşçı, H. Mut ve İ. Ayan 2007. Mürdümük (Lathyrus sp.) türlerinin önemi, tarımda kullanım olanakları ve zararlı madde içerikleri, OMÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1):139-148.
  • Bates, L.S., R.P.Waldern and I.D.Teare 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies, Plant and Soil, 39:205-207.
  • Bowen, G.D 1980. Mycorrhizal roles in tropical plants and ecosystems. In “Tropical Mycorrhiza Research” (Ed Mikola), Clarendon Press, Oxford, p:165-190.
  • Bulgurlu, Ş. ve M.Ergül 1978. Yemlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik analiz metodları, Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No:127:58-76.
  • Fitter, A. H 1988. Water relations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) as affected by VA mycorrhizal infection and phosphorus supply before and during drought. J.Exp. Bot. 39:595-603.
  • Gharineh, M. H., H. Nadian, G. Fathi, A. Siadat, and B. Maadi 2009. Role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in development of salt–tolerance of Trifolium alexandrinum plants under salinity stress. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 7(3-4):432-437.
  • Gildon, A. and P.B.Tinker, 1983. Interaction of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza infection and heavy metals in plants. I. The effect of heavy metals on the development of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizas. New Phytol., 95:247-261.
  • Güneş,A., A.İnal, M.Alpaslan and M.Aktaş 1995. Effect of salinity stres on stomotal resistance, proline, chlophyll and mineral composition of potato (Solanum tuberasum L.) soil fertility and fertilizer fanagement, 9th International Symp.of CIEC. 25-30 September, Kuşadası, Türkiye.
  • Hadjipanayiotau, M. and S.Economides 2001. Chemical composition in situ degreadability and aminoacid composition of protein supplements fed to livestock and poultry in Cyprus. Agricultural Research Ins. Cyprus.
  • Kaya, C., M. Asraf, O. Sönmez, S. Aydemir, A. L. Tuna ve M. A. Cullu 2009. The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on key growth parameters and fruit yield of pepper plants grown at high salinity. Scientia Horticulturae, 121:1-6.
  • Khalvati,M.A., 2005. Quantification of water uptake of hyphae contributing to barley subjected to drought conditions, Technische Universitat München. 83p. (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi)
  • Linderman,R.G., 1988. VA (Vesicular- Arbuscular) Mycorrhizal symbiosis. ISI Atlas of Science , Animal and Plant Sciences Section, 1:183-188.
  • Murkute, A. A., S.Sharma and S.K.Singh 2006. Studies on salt stress tolerance of Citrus rootstock genotypes with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Horticultural Science 33:70-76.
  • Munns, R 2005. Genes and salt tolerance: Bringing them together. New Phytol. 167:645-663.
  • Nye, P. H. and P. B. Tinker 1977. Solute movement in the soil-root system. University of California Press. Berkeley.
  • Polijakoff-Mayber, A. and J.Gale, 1975. Plants in Saline Environments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Rao,G.G. and G.R.Rao, 1981. Pigment composition and chlorophyllase activity in pigeonpea (Cajanus indicum spreng) an gingelly (Sesamum indicum L.) under NaCl salinity. Indian J. Exp. Biol.19:768-770.
  • Ruiz-Lozano, J. M., R. Azcón and M. Gòmez 1996. Alleviation of salt stress by arbuscular-mycorrhizal Glomus species in Lactuca sativa plants. Physiol. Plant., 98:767–772.
  • Schellenbaum, L. S., J. Muller, T. Boller, A. Wiemken ve H.Schuepp 1998. Effects of drought on mycorrhizal maize changes in the pools of non-structural carbohydrates, New Phytology. 138:66-69.
  • Shokri, S. and B.Maadi 2009. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on the mineral nutrition and yield of Trifolium alexandrinum plants under salinity stress. Journal of Agron., 8(2):79-83.
  • Soldatini, G.F. and A.Giannini, 1985. The effect of water and salt stress on the fixation of 14CO2 and on amino acid metabolism in seedlings of Zea mays L. Agrochimica:29,74.
  • Turan, M.A., A.Hassan, A.Elkarim, N.Taban and S.Taban 2009. Effect of salt stress on growth, stomatal resistance, proline and chlorophyll concentrations on maize plant. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(9):893-897.
  • Yamato,M., S.Ikeda and K.Iwase 2008. Community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in coastal vegetation on Okinawa Island and effect of the isolated fungi on growth of sorghum under salt-treated conditions. Mycorrhiza 18:241-249.
  • Yücel, C. ve T.Yağbasanlar 2007. Buğday ve yabani türlerinin beslenme ve verim yönünden mikorizaya bağımlılığının araştırılması. Çukurova Üniv. Fen Bil.Enst. (Basılmamış Dr. Tezi). 164s. Adana.

Mikorizanın Farklı Tuz (NaCl) Konsantrasyonlarında Kıbrıs Mürdümüğü(Lathyrus ochrus)'nün Verim ve Bazı Fizyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2011, Volume: 48 Issue: 1, 31 - 37, 01.03.2011



  • Açıkgöz, N., E. İlker ve A. Gökçöl 2004. Biyolojik araştırmalarına bilgisayarda değerlendirilmeleri, EÜ TOTEM Yay.No:2, İzmir.
  • Al-Karaki and N.Ghazi 2000. Growth of mycorrhizal tomato and mineral acquisition under salt stress. Mycorrhiza 10:51-54.
  • Arnon, D.I 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroploasts polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris, Plant Physiology, 24:1-5.
  • Asghari, H. R 2008. Vesicular–Arbuscular (VA) Mycorrhizae improve salinity tolerance in pre-inoculation subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) seedlings. International Journal of Plant Production, 2(3):243-256.
  • Avcıoğlu, R., H. Geren ve Y. T. Kavut 2009. Yembitkileri, “Baklagil Yembitkileri”, Bölüm 15.3.2, Kıbrıs Mürdümüğü (Lathyrus ochrus Candalle), TC Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, TÜGEM, Cilt 2, s:480-484.
  • Avcıoğlu,R., G.Demiroğlu, M.A.Khalvati ve H.Geren 2003. Ozmotik basıncın bazı kültür bitkilerinin erken gelişme dönemindeki etkileri II- Prolin, Klorofil birikimi ve zar dayanıklılığı. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 40(2):9-16.
  • Başaran, U., Z. Acar, Ö. Ö. Aşçı, H. Mut ve İ. Ayan 2007. Mürdümük (Lathyrus sp.) türlerinin önemi, tarımda kullanım olanakları ve zararlı madde içerikleri, OMÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1):139-148.
  • Bates, L.S., R.P.Waldern and I.D.Teare 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies, Plant and Soil, 39:205-207.
  • Bowen, G.D 1980. Mycorrhizal roles in tropical plants and ecosystems. In “Tropical Mycorrhiza Research” (Ed Mikola), Clarendon Press, Oxford, p:165-190.
  • Bulgurlu, Ş. ve M.Ergül 1978. Yemlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik analiz metodları, Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yay. No:127:58-76.
  • Fitter, A. H 1988. Water relations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) as affected by VA mycorrhizal infection and phosphorus supply before and during drought. J.Exp. Bot. 39:595-603.
  • Gharineh, M. H., H. Nadian, G. Fathi, A. Siadat, and B. Maadi 2009. Role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in development of salt–tolerance of Trifolium alexandrinum plants under salinity stress. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 7(3-4):432-437.
  • Gildon, A. and P.B.Tinker, 1983. Interaction of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza infection and heavy metals in plants. I. The effect of heavy metals on the development of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizas. New Phytol., 95:247-261.
  • Güneş,A., A.İnal, M.Alpaslan and M.Aktaş 1995. Effect of salinity stres on stomotal resistance, proline, chlophyll and mineral composition of potato (Solanum tuberasum L.) soil fertility and fertilizer fanagement, 9th International Symp.of CIEC. 25-30 September, Kuşadası, Türkiye.
  • Hadjipanayiotau, M. and S.Economides 2001. Chemical composition in situ degreadability and aminoacid composition of protein supplements fed to livestock and poultry in Cyprus. Agricultural Research Ins. Cyprus.
  • Kaya, C., M. Asraf, O. Sönmez, S. Aydemir, A. L. Tuna ve M. A. Cullu 2009. The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on key growth parameters and fruit yield of pepper plants grown at high salinity. Scientia Horticulturae, 121:1-6.
  • Khalvati,M.A., 2005. Quantification of water uptake of hyphae contributing to barley subjected to drought conditions, Technische Universitat München. 83p. (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi)
  • Linderman,R.G., 1988. VA (Vesicular- Arbuscular) Mycorrhizal symbiosis. ISI Atlas of Science , Animal and Plant Sciences Section, 1:183-188.
  • Murkute, A. A., S.Sharma and S.K.Singh 2006. Studies on salt stress tolerance of Citrus rootstock genotypes with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Horticultural Science 33:70-76.
  • Munns, R 2005. Genes and salt tolerance: Bringing them together. New Phytol. 167:645-663.
  • Nye, P. H. and P. B. Tinker 1977. Solute movement in the soil-root system. University of California Press. Berkeley.
  • Polijakoff-Mayber, A. and J.Gale, 1975. Plants in Saline Environments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Rao,G.G. and G.R.Rao, 1981. Pigment composition and chlorophyllase activity in pigeonpea (Cajanus indicum spreng) an gingelly (Sesamum indicum L.) under NaCl salinity. Indian J. Exp. Biol.19:768-770.
  • Ruiz-Lozano, J. M., R. Azcón and M. Gòmez 1996. Alleviation of salt stress by arbuscular-mycorrhizal Glomus species in Lactuca sativa plants. Physiol. Plant., 98:767–772.
  • Schellenbaum, L. S., J. Muller, T. Boller, A. Wiemken ve H.Schuepp 1998. Effects of drought on mycorrhizal maize changes in the pools of non-structural carbohydrates, New Phytology. 138:66-69.
  • Shokri, S. and B.Maadi 2009. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on the mineral nutrition and yield of Trifolium alexandrinum plants under salinity stress. Journal of Agron., 8(2):79-83.
  • Soldatini, G.F. and A.Giannini, 1985. The effect of water and salt stress on the fixation of 14CO2 and on amino acid metabolism in seedlings of Zea mays L. Agrochimica:29,74.
  • Turan, M.A., A.Hassan, A.Elkarim, N.Taban and S.Taban 2009. Effect of salt stress on growth, stomatal resistance, proline and chlorophyll concentrations on maize plant. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(9):893-897.
  • Yamato,M., S.Ikeda and K.Iwase 2008. Community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in coastal vegetation on Okinawa Island and effect of the isolated fungi on growth of sorghum under salt-treated conditions. Mycorrhiza 18:241-249.
  • Yücel, C. ve T.Yağbasanlar 2007. Buğday ve yabani türlerinin beslenme ve verim yönünden mikorizaya bağımlılığının araştırılması. Çukurova Üniv. Fen Bil.Enst. (Basılmamış Dr. Tezi). 164s. Adana.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Geren This is me

Hülya Okkaoğlu This is me

Rıza Avcıoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Submission Date November 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 48 Issue: 1


APA Geren, H., Okkaoğlu, H., & Avcıoğlu, R. (2011). Mikorizanın Farklı Tuz (NaCl) Konsantrasyonlarında Kıbrıs Mürdümüğü(Lathyrus ochrus)’nün Verim ve Bazı Fizyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 48(1), 31-37.

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