ifferent products are being developed based on dried fig fruit, a traditional export commodity in Turkey. A kind of Turkish delight, fig delight or locum, is D
Aksoy, U. and M. Dokuzoguz, 1984. Effect of storage conditions on fruit quality. TUBITAK Publ, No: 578, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 250-264.
Aksoy, U., H..Z. Can, K.B. Meyvaci and F. Sen, 2007. Dried fig. In: Turkish Sultans, (Ed U. Aksoy). Can Digital Publ. Center, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 51-85.
Amerine, M. A., R. M. Pangborn and E. B. Roessler, 1965. Principles of sensory evaluation of food. Academic Press, New York. p. 602.
Anonymous. 2014. Aegean Exporters Union. https://www.egebirlik.org.tr. Erişim 17 Kasım 2014.
AOAC. 1990. Official method of analysis 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.
AOCS. 1998a. AOCS Official method Ca 5a-40: Free fatty acids, in Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, AOCS Press, Champaign, USA.
AOCS. 1998b. AOCS Official method Cd 8-53: Peroxide Value Acetic Acid-Chloroform Method, in Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, AOCS Press, Champaign, USA.
Cemeroglu, B. and M. Ozkan, 2009. Drying technology. In: Fruit and vegetable processing technology, (Ed B. Cemeroglu,) Vol 2, Bizim Grup Basımevi, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 479-626.
Cemeroglu, B., A. Yemenicioglu and M. Ozkan, 2009. Fruits and vegetables composition. In: Fruit and vegetable processing technology, (Ed, B. Cemeroglu) Vol 1, Bizim Grup Basımevi, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 1-236.
Gabas, A. L., F.C., Menegalli, F. Ferrari and J. Telis-Romero, 2002. Influence of drying conditions on the rheological properties of prunes. Dry. technol., 20: 1485-1502.
Javanmard, M. 2010. Occurrence of mould counts and Aspergillus species in Iranian dried figs at different stages of production and processing. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 12: 331-338.
IUPAC, 1990 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Kader, A. A., E. J. Mictham and C. H. Crisosto 2002. Dried fruits and nuts. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/PFfruits/DriedFruitsNuts. Erişim: 26 Aralık 2014.
Kader, A. A. and J. F. Thompson, 2002. Postharvest handling systems: tree nuts. In: Postharvest technology of horticultural crops, (Ed A. A. Kader) University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, Pub., 3311, USA, pp. 399-406.
Karacali, I. 2002. Fruit and vegetable processing. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Pub., İzmir, Turkey, pp. 298.
Miller, H.E., F. Rigelhof, L. Marquart, A. Prakash and M. Kanter, 2000. Antioxidant content of whole grain breakfast cereals, fruits and vegetables. J. Am. Col. Nutr., 19: 312-319.
Olsen, W. H., M. Labavitch, C. Martin and R.H. Beede, 1998. Maturation, harvesting, and nut quality. In: Walnut Production Manual, (Ed D.E. Ramos) University of California, Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publ 3373, Oakland, California, USA, pp. 273-276.
Sen, F., K. B. Meyvaci, U. Aksoy and M. Cakir, 2008. Studies to optimize pre-treatments for high moisture dried figs. Acta Hort. 798: 293-297.
Vinson, A. J. 1999. The functional food properties of figs. Cereal Foods World, 44: 82-87.
Changes in Quality of Dried Fig (Ficus carica L.) Delight in Different Packages under Cold and Ambient Storage
Year 2015,
Volume: 52 Issue: 2, 235 - 242, 25.11.2015
ürkiye’nin geleneksel ihracat ürünlerinden olan kuru incire dayalı olarak son yıllarda birçok farklı ürün geliştirilmektedir. Bir çeşit lokum olan incir lokumu da sadece kuru incir kullanılarak veya sert kabuklu meyvelerle karıştırılarak
Aksoy, U. and M. Dokuzoguz, 1984. Effect of storage conditions on fruit quality. TUBITAK Publ, No: 578, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 250-264.
Aksoy, U., H..Z. Can, K.B. Meyvaci and F. Sen, 2007. Dried fig. In: Turkish Sultans, (Ed U. Aksoy). Can Digital Publ. Center, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 51-85.
Amerine, M. A., R. M. Pangborn and E. B. Roessler, 1965. Principles of sensory evaluation of food. Academic Press, New York. p. 602.
Anonymous. 2014. Aegean Exporters Union. https://www.egebirlik.org.tr. Erişim 17 Kasım 2014.
AOAC. 1990. Official method of analysis 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.
AOCS. 1998a. AOCS Official method Ca 5a-40: Free fatty acids, in Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, AOCS Press, Champaign, USA.
AOCS. 1998b. AOCS Official method Cd 8-53: Peroxide Value Acetic Acid-Chloroform Method, in Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, AOCS Press, Champaign, USA.
Cemeroglu, B. and M. Ozkan, 2009. Drying technology. In: Fruit and vegetable processing technology, (Ed B. Cemeroglu,) Vol 2, Bizim Grup Basımevi, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 479-626.
Cemeroglu, B., A. Yemenicioglu and M. Ozkan, 2009. Fruits and vegetables composition. In: Fruit and vegetable processing technology, (Ed, B. Cemeroglu) Vol 1, Bizim Grup Basımevi, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 1-236.
Gabas, A. L., F.C., Menegalli, F. Ferrari and J. Telis-Romero, 2002. Influence of drying conditions on the rheological properties of prunes. Dry. technol., 20: 1485-1502.
Javanmard, M. 2010. Occurrence of mould counts and Aspergillus species in Iranian dried figs at different stages of production and processing. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 12: 331-338.
IUPAC, 1990 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Kader, A. A., E. J. Mictham and C. H. Crisosto 2002. Dried fruits and nuts. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/PFfruits/DriedFruitsNuts. Erişim: 26 Aralık 2014.
Kader, A. A. and J. F. Thompson, 2002. Postharvest handling systems: tree nuts. In: Postharvest technology of horticultural crops, (Ed A. A. Kader) University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, Pub., 3311, USA, pp. 399-406.
Karacali, I. 2002. Fruit and vegetable processing. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Pub., İzmir, Turkey, pp. 298.
Miller, H.E., F. Rigelhof, L. Marquart, A. Prakash and M. Kanter, 2000. Antioxidant content of whole grain breakfast cereals, fruits and vegetables. J. Am. Col. Nutr., 19: 312-319.
Olsen, W. H., M. Labavitch, C. Martin and R.H. Beede, 1998. Maturation, harvesting, and nut quality. In: Walnut Production Manual, (Ed D.E. Ramos) University of California, Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publ 3373, Oakland, California, USA, pp. 273-276.
Sen, F., K. B. Meyvaci, U. Aksoy and M. Cakir, 2008. Studies to optimize pre-treatments for high moisture dried figs. Acta Hort. 798: 293-297.
Vinson, A. J. 1999. The functional food properties of figs. Cereal Foods World, 44: 82-87.
Şen, F., Özer, K. B., Aksoy, U., Güler, S. K. (2015). Changes in Quality of Dried Fig (Ficus carica L.) Delight in Different Packages under Cold and Ambient Storage. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 52(2), 235-242. https://doi.org/10.20289/euzfd.72940