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Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu

Year 2009, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 81 - 91, 01.04.2009



  • Acharya, M.R. and V.V. Mistry. 2004. Comparison of Effect of Vacuum-Condensed and Ultrafiltered Milk on Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 87 (12): 4004- 4012.
  • Agarwal, S., M. Costello and S. Clark. 2005. Gas-Flushed Packaging Contributes to Calcium Lactate Crystals in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 88 (11): 3773-3783.
  • Alais, C. and G. Linden, 1991. Food Biochemistry. Ellis Horwood, London, 222 pp.
  • Atkinson, S. 2003. Membrane Filtration Aids Cheese making Process. Membrane Technology. Vol. 12: 9.
  • Brans, G., C.G.P.H. Schroën, R.G.M. Van der Sman and R.M. Boom. 2004. Membrane Fractionation of Milk: State of the Art and Challenges. Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 243: 263-272.
  • Brooker, B. E., D. G. Hobbs, and A. Turvey. 1975. Observations on the Microscopic Crystalline Inclusions in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Research. Vol. 42: 341-348.
  • Cheryan, M. 1997. Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook. Technomic Publishing Company, 527 pp.
  • Chou, Y.E., C.G. Edwards, L.O. Luedecke, M. P. Bates and S. Clark. 2003. Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria and Aging Temperature Affect Calcium Lactate Crystallization in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 86 (8):2516-2524.
  • Dybing, S.T., S.A. Brudvig, J.A. Wiegand, and E.A. Huang. 1986. A Simple Method for Estimating the Extent of Surface Crystal Development on Colored Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Food Protection. Vol. 49 (6):421-422.
  • Dybing, S.T., J.A. Wiegand, S.A. Brudvig, E.A. Huang and R.C. Chandan. 1988. Effect of Processing Variables on the Formation of Calcium Lactate Crystals on Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 71 (7):1701-1710.
  • Ernstrom, C.A. 1980. Cheese Base for Processing. A High Yield Product from Whole Milk by Ultrafiltration. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 63 (2):228-234.
  • Fox, P.F. 1993. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Vol. 1 General Aspects, 2nd Ed., 601 pp.
  • Fox, P.F. and P.L.H. McSweeney, 1998. Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry. Blackie Academie and Professional, London, 478 pp.
  • Fox, P.F., P.L.H. Mcsweeney, T.M. Cogan and T.P. Guinee, 2000. Fundamentals of Cheese Science. Aspen Publishers, Gaithersburg, 587 pp.
  • Hinrichs, J. 2001. Incorporation of Whey Proteins in Cheese. International Dairy Journal. Vol. 11:495-503.
  • Holsinger, V.H. 1992. Physical and Chemical Properties of Lactose. p. 1-31. 2nd edition (ed. P.F. Fox). Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 3, Lactose, water, salts and vitamins, Chapman ve Hall, London.
  • Johnson, M. E., B. A. Riesterer, C. Chen, B. Tricomi and N. F. Olson. 1990a. Effect of Packaging and Storage Conditions on Calcium Lactate Crystallization on the Surface of Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 73 (11):3033–3041.
  • Johnson, M.E., B.A. Riesterer and N.F. Olson. 1990b. Influence of Nonstarter Bacteria on Calcium Lactate Crystallization on the Surface of Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 73 (5):1145-1149.
  • Johnson, M. 2004. Revisiting Calcium Lactate Crystals in Cheese. Dairy Pipeline. Vol. 16 (1):1-11.
  • Kalab, M. 1980. Decayed Lactic Bacteria - A Possible Source of Crystallization Nuclei in Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 63 (2 ):301-304.
  • Kessler, H.G. 2002. Food and Bioprocess Engineering: Dairy Technology. p. 56-96. 5th ed., Verlag A. Kessler, Ed., München.
  • Khalid, N.M. and H.E. Marth. 1990. Lactobacilli - Their Enzymes and Role in Ripening and Spoilage of Cheese: A Review. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 73 (10): 2669-2684.
  • Kubantseva, N., R.W. Hartel and P.A. Swearingen. 2004. Factors Affecting Solubility of Calcium Lactate in Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 87 (4):863-867.
  • Kurdal, E., T. Özcan ve L. Yılmaz. 2008. Süt Teknolojisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Yayınları: 99, Ders Notu: 240, Bursa.
  • Lawrence, R.C. 1993. Incorporation of Whey Proteins in Cheese. p. 79-87. In Factors Affecting the Yield of Cheese. S. I. No. 9301, Brussels: IDF.
  • McDowall, F.H. and A.K.R. McDowell. 1939. The White Particles in Mature Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Research. Vol. 10:118–119.
  • Mulder, M. 1996. Basic Principles of Membrane Technology. Enschede, The Netherlands, 564 p.
  • Olson, N. F. 1983. Minimizing Salt Crystal Formation. Dairy Field. 16654.
  • Oysun, G. 1987. Süt Kimyası ve Biyokimyası. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Yayınları: 18, Ders Kitabı: 194, Samsun.
  • Pearce, K.N., L.K. Creamer and J. Gilles. 1973. Calcium Lactate Deposits on Rindless Cheddar Cheese. N.Z. Journal of Dairy Science Technology. Vol. 8:3–7.
  • Rajbhandari, P. and P.S. Kindstedt. 2005a. Compositional Factors Associated with Calcium Lactate Crystallization in Smoked Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 88 (11): 3737-3744.
  • Rajbhandari, P. and P.S. Kindstedt. 2005b. Development and Application of Image Analysis to Quantify Calcium Lactate Crystals on the Surface of Smoked Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 88 (12):4157-4164.
  • Severn. D. J.. M. E. Johnson. and N. F. Olson. 1986. Determination of Lactic Acid in Cheddar Cheese and Calcium Lactate Crystals. Journal of Dairy Science.Vol. 69:2027.
  • Shakeel- Ur-Rehman, N.Y. Farkye, T. Considine, A. Schaffner and M.A. Drake. 2003. Effects of Standardization of Whole Milk with Dry Milk Protein Concentrate on the Yield and Ripening of Reduced-Fat Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 86 (5):1608-1615.
  • Somers, E.B., M.E. Johnson and A.C.L. Wong. 2001. Biofilm Formation and Contamination of Cheese by Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Dairy Environment. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 84 (9):1926-1936.
  • Strathmann, H. 1981. Membrane Separation Process. Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 9 (1-2):121-189.
  • Swearingen, P.A., D.E. Adams and T.L. Lensmire. 2004. Factors Affecting Calcium Lactate and Liquid Expulsion Defects in Cheddar Cheese. Journal Dairy Science Vol. 87:574-582.
  • Trägårdh, G. 1991. Membrane Applications in the Food Industry. Polymer Journal. Vol. 23: 521-529.
  • Thomas, T.D. and Crow, V.L. 1983. Mechanism of D(–) Lactic Acid Formation in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 18:131-141.
  • Turner, K. W. and T. D. Thomas. 1980. Lactose Fermentation in Cheddar Cheese and the Effect of Salt. Journal of Dairy Science Technology. Vol. 15:265-276.
  • Üçüncü, M. 2004. A’dan Z’ye Peynir Teknolojisi 1. Meta Basım. 542, İzmir.
  • Walstra, P., J.T.M. Wouters and T.J. Geurts, 2006. Dairy Science and Technology, 2nd Ed., 782 pp.
  • Williams, A.G., S.E. Withers and J.M. Banks. 2000. Energy Sourcesof Non Starter Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Cheddar Cheese. International Dairy Journal. Vol. 10:17- 23.
  • Yim, B., N.Y. Farkye, Shakeel-Ur-Rehman and E.R. Vedamuthu. 2000. An Examination of the Bacterial Population and Their Lactate Dehydrogenase Activities in Cheddar Cheese with Calcium Lactate Crystal Defect. Abs. Dairy Products Technology Center. California. USA.
  • Zeman, L.J. and A.L. Zydney, 1996. Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration: Principles and Applications. 618 pp.

Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu

Year 2009, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 81 - 91, 01.04.2009


Sert ve yarı sert peynirlerin üretiminde önemli problemlerden birisi kalsiyum laktat kristalizasyonudur. Kalsiyum laktat kristalleri, kalsiyum ve laktat iyonlarının doygunluk seviyesini aşması sonucu, bu yapının kompleks hale gelmesiyle oluşmaktadır. Sütün bileşimi,peynir üretim yöntemi, starter olmayan laktik asit bakterileri, olgunlaştırma şartları ve paketleme kalsiyum laktat kristallerinin oluşumunda etkili faktörlerdir. Bunun sonucunda meydana gelen kristalizasyon üreticiler için önemli maddi zararlara neden olmaktadır. Peynirdeki laktik asit konsantrasyonunun azaltılması, vakumla paketleme ve depolama sıcaklığının kontrolü kalsiyum laktat kristalizasyonunu önlemektedir


  • Acharya, M.R. and V.V. Mistry. 2004. Comparison of Effect of Vacuum-Condensed and Ultrafiltered Milk on Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 87 (12): 4004- 4012.
  • Agarwal, S., M. Costello and S. Clark. 2005. Gas-Flushed Packaging Contributes to Calcium Lactate Crystals in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 88 (11): 3773-3783.
  • Alais, C. and G. Linden, 1991. Food Biochemistry. Ellis Horwood, London, 222 pp.
  • Atkinson, S. 2003. Membrane Filtration Aids Cheese making Process. Membrane Technology. Vol. 12: 9.
  • Brans, G., C.G.P.H. Schroën, R.G.M. Van der Sman and R.M. Boom. 2004. Membrane Fractionation of Milk: State of the Art and Challenges. Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 243: 263-272.
  • Brooker, B. E., D. G. Hobbs, and A. Turvey. 1975. Observations on the Microscopic Crystalline Inclusions in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Research. Vol. 42: 341-348.
  • Cheryan, M. 1997. Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook. Technomic Publishing Company, 527 pp.
  • Chou, Y.E., C.G. Edwards, L.O. Luedecke, M. P. Bates and S. Clark. 2003. Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria and Aging Temperature Affect Calcium Lactate Crystallization in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 86 (8):2516-2524.
  • Dybing, S.T., S.A. Brudvig, J.A. Wiegand, and E.A. Huang. 1986. A Simple Method for Estimating the Extent of Surface Crystal Development on Colored Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Food Protection. Vol. 49 (6):421-422.
  • Dybing, S.T., J.A. Wiegand, S.A. Brudvig, E.A. Huang and R.C. Chandan. 1988. Effect of Processing Variables on the Formation of Calcium Lactate Crystals on Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 71 (7):1701-1710.
  • Ernstrom, C.A. 1980. Cheese Base for Processing. A High Yield Product from Whole Milk by Ultrafiltration. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 63 (2):228-234.
  • Fox, P.F. 1993. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Vol. 1 General Aspects, 2nd Ed., 601 pp.
  • Fox, P.F. and P.L.H. McSweeney, 1998. Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry. Blackie Academie and Professional, London, 478 pp.
  • Fox, P.F., P.L.H. Mcsweeney, T.M. Cogan and T.P. Guinee, 2000. Fundamentals of Cheese Science. Aspen Publishers, Gaithersburg, 587 pp.
  • Hinrichs, J. 2001. Incorporation of Whey Proteins in Cheese. International Dairy Journal. Vol. 11:495-503.
  • Holsinger, V.H. 1992. Physical and Chemical Properties of Lactose. p. 1-31. 2nd edition (ed. P.F. Fox). Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 3, Lactose, water, salts and vitamins, Chapman ve Hall, London.
  • Johnson, M. E., B. A. Riesterer, C. Chen, B. Tricomi and N. F. Olson. 1990a. Effect of Packaging and Storage Conditions on Calcium Lactate Crystallization on the Surface of Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 73 (11):3033–3041.
  • Johnson, M.E., B.A. Riesterer and N.F. Olson. 1990b. Influence of Nonstarter Bacteria on Calcium Lactate Crystallization on the Surface of Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 73 (5):1145-1149.
  • Johnson, M. 2004. Revisiting Calcium Lactate Crystals in Cheese. Dairy Pipeline. Vol. 16 (1):1-11.
  • Kalab, M. 1980. Decayed Lactic Bacteria - A Possible Source of Crystallization Nuclei in Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 63 (2 ):301-304.
  • Kessler, H.G. 2002. Food and Bioprocess Engineering: Dairy Technology. p. 56-96. 5th ed., Verlag A. Kessler, Ed., München.
  • Khalid, N.M. and H.E. Marth. 1990. Lactobacilli - Their Enzymes and Role in Ripening and Spoilage of Cheese: A Review. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 73 (10): 2669-2684.
  • Kubantseva, N., R.W. Hartel and P.A. Swearingen. 2004. Factors Affecting Solubility of Calcium Lactate in Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 87 (4):863-867.
  • Kurdal, E., T. Özcan ve L. Yılmaz. 2008. Süt Teknolojisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Yayınları: 99, Ders Notu: 240, Bursa.
  • Lawrence, R.C. 1993. Incorporation of Whey Proteins in Cheese. p. 79-87. In Factors Affecting the Yield of Cheese. S. I. No. 9301, Brussels: IDF.
  • McDowall, F.H. and A.K.R. McDowell. 1939. The White Particles in Mature Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Research. Vol. 10:118–119.
  • Mulder, M. 1996. Basic Principles of Membrane Technology. Enschede, The Netherlands, 564 p.
  • Olson, N. F. 1983. Minimizing Salt Crystal Formation. Dairy Field. 16654.
  • Oysun, G. 1987. Süt Kimyası ve Biyokimyası. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Yayınları: 18, Ders Kitabı: 194, Samsun.
  • Pearce, K.N., L.K. Creamer and J. Gilles. 1973. Calcium Lactate Deposits on Rindless Cheddar Cheese. N.Z. Journal of Dairy Science Technology. Vol. 8:3–7.
  • Rajbhandari, P. and P.S. Kindstedt. 2005a. Compositional Factors Associated with Calcium Lactate Crystallization in Smoked Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 88 (11): 3737-3744.
  • Rajbhandari, P. and P.S. Kindstedt. 2005b. Development and Application of Image Analysis to Quantify Calcium Lactate Crystals on the Surface of Smoked Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 88 (12):4157-4164.
  • Severn. D. J.. M. E. Johnson. and N. F. Olson. 1986. Determination of Lactic Acid in Cheddar Cheese and Calcium Lactate Crystals. Journal of Dairy Science.Vol. 69:2027.
  • Shakeel- Ur-Rehman, N.Y. Farkye, T. Considine, A. Schaffner and M.A. Drake. 2003. Effects of Standardization of Whole Milk with Dry Milk Protein Concentrate on the Yield and Ripening of Reduced-Fat Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 86 (5):1608-1615.
  • Somers, E.B., M.E. Johnson and A.C.L. Wong. 2001. Biofilm Formation and Contamination of Cheese by Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Dairy Environment. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 84 (9):1926-1936.
  • Strathmann, H. 1981. Membrane Separation Process. Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 9 (1-2):121-189.
  • Swearingen, P.A., D.E. Adams and T.L. Lensmire. 2004. Factors Affecting Calcium Lactate and Liquid Expulsion Defects in Cheddar Cheese. Journal Dairy Science Vol. 87:574-582.
  • Trägårdh, G. 1991. Membrane Applications in the Food Industry. Polymer Journal. Vol. 23: 521-529.
  • Thomas, T.D. and Crow, V.L. 1983. Mechanism of D(–) Lactic Acid Formation in Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 18:131-141.
  • Turner, K. W. and T. D. Thomas. 1980. Lactose Fermentation in Cheddar Cheese and the Effect of Salt. Journal of Dairy Science Technology. Vol. 15:265-276.
  • Üçüncü, M. 2004. A’dan Z’ye Peynir Teknolojisi 1. Meta Basım. 542, İzmir.
  • Walstra, P., J.T.M. Wouters and T.J. Geurts, 2006. Dairy Science and Technology, 2nd Ed., 782 pp.
  • Williams, A.G., S.E. Withers and J.M. Banks. 2000. Energy Sourcesof Non Starter Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Cheddar Cheese. International Dairy Journal. Vol. 10:17- 23.
  • Yim, B., N.Y. Farkye, Shakeel-Ur-Rehman and E.R. Vedamuthu. 2000. An Examination of the Bacterial Population and Their Lactate Dehydrogenase Activities in Cheddar Cheese with Calcium Lactate Crystal Defect. Abs. Dairy Products Technology Center. California. USA.
  • Zeman, L.J. and A.L. Zydney, 1996. Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration: Principles and Applications. 618 pp.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Pınar Aydınol This is me

Tülay Özcan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Aydınol, P., & Özcan, T. (2009). Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), 81-91.
AMA Aydınol P, Özcan T. Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu. Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. April 2009;23(1):81-91.
Chicago Aydınol, Pınar, and Tülay Özcan. “Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 23, no. 1 (April 2009): 81-91.
EndNote Aydınol P, Özcan T (April 1, 2009) Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 23 1 81–91.
IEEE P. Aydınol and T. Özcan, “Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu”, Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 81–91, 2009.
ISNAD Aydınol, Pınar - Özcan, Tülay. “Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 23/1 (April 2009), 81-91.
JAMA Aydınol P, Özcan T. Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu. Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 2009;23:81–91.
MLA Aydınol, Pınar and Tülay Özcan. “Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1, 2009, pp. 81-91.
Vancouver Aydınol P, Özcan T. Peynirlerde Kalsiyum Laktat (Ca-Laktat) Kristalizasyonu. Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 2009;23(1):81-9.