Current management and transfusion products during pregnancy
Year 2006,
Volume: 37 Issue: 3, 61 - 65, 01.04.2006
Gökhan Kılıç
Mehmet Asım Bilen
Bilgin Gürateş
Transfusion guidelines in the obstetric patient are difficult to define and even more difficult to standardize. Both maternal and fetal factors need to be evaluated. It is estimated that between 0.4 to 1.6% of pregnancies result in transfusion. The practice of obstetrics and transfusion medicine has advanced lately. This article focuses on the unique aspects of current transfusion practice in obstetrics.
- Combs CA, Murphy EL, Laros RK. Cost-
benefitanalysis of autologous blood donation
in obstetrics. Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:661-664
Klapholz H. Blood transfusion in
contemparary obstetric practice. Obstet
Gynecol 1990 ;75:940-943
Ross A, Malkoutzis E. Blood transfusion
practice in obstetric and gynecological
anaesthesia. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
1995 ;23:645-646
Petersen LA, Lindner DS, Kleiber CM,
Zimmerman MB,Hinton AT, Yankowitz J
- Factors that predict low hematocrit levels in
the postpartum patient after vaginal delivery
- Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 186:737-4
- Ekeroma AJ, Ansari A, Stirrat GM.Blood
transfusion in obstetrics and gynecology. British
J Obstet Gynecol 1997-,104:278-284
Sirchia G, Giovanetti AM, McClelland DBL,
Fracchia GN, editörler. Safe and Good Use of
Blood in Surgery (SANGUIS). Europian
Commission, 1994
- Sherman SJ, Greenspoon JS, Nelson JM,
Paul RH. Obstetric hemorrage and blood
utilization. J Reprod Med 1993;38:929-934
Petz Swisher editör. Clinical Practice of
Transfusion Medicine. Üçüncü baskısı
- Churchill Livingstone. Bölüm yazarı Boy d ME
- Transfusion Therapy in Obstetrics and
Gynecology 1996;583-593
Duthie SJ, Ven D, Yung GL. Discrepency
between laboratory determination and visual
estimation of blood loss during normal delivery
- Eur J Obstet Gynecol Redrod Biol 1991 ;38:119-
Westphal RG. Transfusion Medicine. Üçüncü baskı, American Red Cross. 1996;99-101
Alving B, Alcorn K. How to improve transfusion medicine. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1999 ;39:1227-1234
Kirkland HE, Mohler DN, Horwitz DA. Inhibition of suppressor lymphocyte function. N Eng J Med 1980;302:825-832
George JN, Nurden AT, Philips DR. Molecular defects in interaction of platelets with the vessel wall. N Eng J Med 1984,-311:1084-1095
Figueroa M, Gehlsen J, Haammond D. Combination chemotherapy in immune trombocytopenic pur pur a. N Eng J Med 1993-,328:1226-1229
Rudolph R, Boyd CR. Massive transfusion South Med J 1990;83:1065-1070
Kruskall MS, Mintz PD, Bergin JJ. Transfusion therapy in emergency medicine. Ann Emerg Med 1988;17-.327:335
Beutler F. Platelet transfusion. Blood 1993;81:1411-1413
Rock GA, Shumak KH, Buskard NH. Comparison of plasma Exchange with plasma infusion in the treatment of trombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. N Eng J Med 1991 ;325:393-397
Harkness DR, Byrness JJ, Lion ECY. Hazard of platelet transfusion in trombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. JAMA 1981,-246:1931-1933
McCrae KR, Samuels P, Schriber AD. Pregnancy associated thrombocytopenia. Blood 1992,-80:2697-2714
Petha JC. Clinical studies with solvent detergent-treated products. Transfusion Med Rev 1996;10:303-311
Perpvia A. Cost effectiveness of transfusing virus-inactivated plasma instead of standart plasma. Transfusion. 1999;39:479-487
Williamson LM, Llewelyn CA, Fisher NC. A randomized trial of solvent/deter gant treated and standart fresh-forzen plasma in the coagulopathy of liver disease and liver transplantation. Transfusion 1999:39:1227-1234
Mast AE, Standanlick JE, Lockett JM, Kietzen DJ. Solvent/detergent treated plasma has decreased antitrypsin activity and absent antiplasmin activity. Blood 1999 ;94:3922-3927
Jacson BR, AuBuchon JP, Birkmeyer JD. Update of cost-effectiveness analysis for soolvet-detergent-treated plasma. JAMA 1999:282:329
Sacks G, Sargent I, Redman C. An innate view of human pregnancy. Immunol Today 1999:20:144-118
Alexender TS, Lee J, Yen-Lieberman B. Incidence of HIV antibody in a prenatal population ata community hospital. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 1999:6:140-141
Kruskall MS. The safety and utility of autologous donations by pregnant patients. Pro Transfusion 1990 ;30-1 68-171
Sandler SG, Beyth Y, Laufer N, Levene C. Autologous blood transfusion and pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1979;53(Suppl):62S-66S
Kruskall MS, Leonard S, Klapholz H. Autologous blood donation during pregnancy: analysis of safety and blood use. Obstet Gynecol 1987:70:938-41
- McShane PM, Heyl PS, Epstein MF. Maternal and perinatal mortality resulting from plecenta previa. Obstet Gynecol 1985 ;65:176-177
Druzin ML, Wolf CFW, Edersheim TG, Hotson JM, KogutJM, Salomon JLN. Donation of blood by the pregnant patient for autologous transfusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988:159:1023-1027
Herbert WNP, Owen HG, Collins ML. Autologous blood storage in obstetrics. Obstet Gynecol 1988:72:166-170
Gebelikte kullanılan transfüzyon ürünleri ve son gelişmeler
Year 2006,
Volume: 37 Issue: 3, 61 - 65, 01.04.2006
Gökhan Kılıç
Mehmet Asım Bilen
Bilgin Gürateş
Gebelikte transfüzyon metotlarını standardize etmek güçtür ve hem annenin hem de fetüsun değerlendirilmesi şarttır. Gebelikte ve doğum sırasında transfüzyon oranı %0.4 %1.6 arasında gerçekleşmektedir. Bu konuda son yıllarda gelişmeler yaşanmıştır. Bu yazıda doğum ve transfüzyon ile ilgili bu gelişmelerin yanı sıra özellikli bazı konulara değinilmiştir.
- Combs CA, Murphy EL, Laros RK. Cost-
benefitanalysis of autologous blood donation
in obstetrics. Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:661-664
Klapholz H. Blood transfusion in
contemparary obstetric practice. Obstet
Gynecol 1990 ;75:940-943
Ross A, Malkoutzis E. Blood transfusion
practice in obstetric and gynecological
anaesthesia. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
1995 ;23:645-646
Petersen LA, Lindner DS, Kleiber CM,
Zimmerman MB,Hinton AT, Yankowitz J
- Factors that predict low hematocrit levels in
the postpartum patient after vaginal delivery
- Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 186:737-4
- Ekeroma AJ, Ansari A, Stirrat GM.Blood
transfusion in obstetrics and gynecology. British
J Obstet Gynecol 1997-,104:278-284
Sirchia G, Giovanetti AM, McClelland DBL,
Fracchia GN, editörler. Safe and Good Use of
Blood in Surgery (SANGUIS). Europian
Commission, 1994
- Sherman SJ, Greenspoon JS, Nelson JM,
Paul RH. Obstetric hemorrage and blood
utilization. J Reprod Med 1993;38:929-934
Petz Swisher editör. Clinical Practice of
Transfusion Medicine. Üçüncü baskısı
- Churchill Livingstone. Bölüm yazarı Boy d ME
- Transfusion Therapy in Obstetrics and
Gynecology 1996;583-593
Duthie SJ, Ven D, Yung GL. Discrepency
between laboratory determination and visual
estimation of blood loss during normal delivery
- Eur J Obstet Gynecol Redrod Biol 1991 ;38:119-
Westphal RG. Transfusion Medicine. Üçüncü baskı, American Red Cross. 1996;99-101
Alving B, Alcorn K. How to improve transfusion medicine. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1999 ;39:1227-1234
Kirkland HE, Mohler DN, Horwitz DA. Inhibition of suppressor lymphocyte function. N Eng J Med 1980;302:825-832
George JN, Nurden AT, Philips DR. Molecular defects in interaction of platelets with the vessel wall. N Eng J Med 1984,-311:1084-1095
Figueroa M, Gehlsen J, Haammond D. Combination chemotherapy in immune trombocytopenic pur pur a. N Eng J Med 1993-,328:1226-1229
Rudolph R, Boyd CR. Massive transfusion South Med J 1990;83:1065-1070
Kruskall MS, Mintz PD, Bergin JJ. Transfusion therapy in emergency medicine. Ann Emerg Med 1988;17-.327:335
Beutler F. Platelet transfusion. Blood 1993;81:1411-1413
Rock GA, Shumak KH, Buskard NH. Comparison of plasma Exchange with plasma infusion in the treatment of trombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. N Eng J Med 1991 ;325:393-397
Harkness DR, Byrness JJ, Lion ECY. Hazard of platelet transfusion in trombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. JAMA 1981,-246:1931-1933
McCrae KR, Samuels P, Schriber AD. Pregnancy associated thrombocytopenia. Blood 1992,-80:2697-2714
Petha JC. Clinical studies with solvent detergent-treated products. Transfusion Med Rev 1996;10:303-311
Perpvia A. Cost effectiveness of transfusing virus-inactivated plasma instead of standart plasma. Transfusion. 1999;39:479-487
Williamson LM, Llewelyn CA, Fisher NC. A randomized trial of solvent/deter gant treated and standart fresh-forzen plasma in the coagulopathy of liver disease and liver transplantation. Transfusion 1999:39:1227-1234
Mast AE, Standanlick JE, Lockett JM, Kietzen DJ. Solvent/detergent treated plasma has decreased antitrypsin activity and absent antiplasmin activity. Blood 1999 ;94:3922-3927
Jacson BR, AuBuchon JP, Birkmeyer JD. Update of cost-effectiveness analysis for soolvet-detergent-treated plasma. JAMA 1999:282:329
Sacks G, Sargent I, Redman C. An innate view of human pregnancy. Immunol Today 1999:20:144-118
Alexender TS, Lee J, Yen-Lieberman B. Incidence of HIV antibody in a prenatal population ata community hospital. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 1999:6:140-141
Kruskall MS. The safety and utility of autologous donations by pregnant patients. Pro Transfusion 1990 ;30-1 68-171
Sandler SG, Beyth Y, Laufer N, Levene C. Autologous blood transfusion and pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1979;53(Suppl):62S-66S
Kruskall MS, Leonard S, Klapholz H. Autologous blood donation during pregnancy: analysis of safety and blood use. Obstet Gynecol 1987:70:938-41
- McShane PM, Heyl PS, Epstein MF. Maternal and perinatal mortality resulting from plecenta previa. Obstet Gynecol 1985 ;65:176-177
Druzin ML, Wolf CFW, Edersheim TG, Hotson JM, KogutJM, Salomon JLN. Donation of blood by the pregnant patient for autologous transfusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988:159:1023-1027
Herbert WNP, Owen HG, Collins ML. Autologous blood storage in obstetrics. Obstet Gynecol 1988:72:166-170