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Total antioxidant status in hyperprolactinemia: effects of bromocriptine therapy

Year 2008, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 5 - 9, 01.02.2008


Objective: The aims of the study were to evaluate i) total antioxidant status (TAS) in women with hyperprolactinemia ii) whether bromocriptine had an antioxidant property in that group of patients. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four hyperprolactinemic women and 20 healthy control group were enrolled in the study. Blood samples were collected from the study and control groups during the folucular phase. Blood samples were collected again from hyperprolactinemic women on bromocriptine therapy after 8 weeks. FSH, LH, estradiol (E2), prolactin and TAS were measured. Results: Serum LH, E2 and TAS levels were significantly lower and prolactin was significantly higher in hiperprolactinemic women than in controls. Serum FSH levels did not differ between the groups. There were no significant differences in FSH, LH andE2 levels after bromocriptine use in hyperprolactinemic women. However, after treatment with bromocriptine the patients demonstrated significant increase in TAS and significant decrease in prolactin levels. Discussion: In this study, we demonstrated that TAS levels were significantly lower in patients with hyperprolactinemia and bromocriptine had protective effect with its antioxidant capacity. It is not only a very effective agent for lowering prolactin levels in hyperprolactinemic patients, but also increases antioxidant activity in that group of patients.


  • 1. Crosignani PG . Current treatment issues in female hyperprolactinaemia. EurJObstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2006; 125:152-64
  • 2. Sikka SC. Relative impact of oxidative stress on male reproductive function. Curr Med Chem 2001,-8:851-62
  • 3. Peake JM, Suzuki K, Coombes JS . The influence of antioxidant supplementation on markers of inflammation and the relationship to oxidative stress after exercise J Nutr Biochem
  • 2007;18:357-71 4. Salvemini D, Doyle TM, Cuzzocrea S
  • Superoxide, peroxynitrite and oxidative/nitrative stress in inflammation. Biochem Soc Trans 2006:34:965-70
  • 5. Şerri O, LiL, MamputuJC, et al. The influences of hyperprolactinemia and obesity on cardiovascular risk markers: effects ofcabergoline therapy. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2006:64:366-70
  • 6. Bankowski BJ, Zacur HA. Dopamine agonist therapy for hyperprolactinemia. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2003,46:349-62
  • 7. Touraine P, Plu-Bureau G, Beji C, et al. Long term follow-up of246 hyperprolactinemic patients
  • Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001:80:162-8
  • 8. Di Sarno A, Landi ML, Cappabianca P, et al
  • Resistance to cabergoline as compared with bromocriptine in hyperprolactinemia: prevalence, clinical definition, and therapeutic strategy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001:86:5256-61
  • 9. Kitamura Y, Taniguchi T, Shimohoma S, et al
  • Neuroprotective mechanisms of antiparkinsoniandopamine D2-receptor subfamily agonists.Neurochem Res 2003 ;28:1035-40
  • 10. Erel O. A novel automated direct measurement method for total antioxidant capacity using a new generation, more stable ABTS radical cation
  • Clin Biochem 2004;37 277-85
  • 11. Brand JM, Frohn C, Cziupka K, et al
  • Prolactin triggers pro-inflammatory immune responses in peripheral immune cells. Eur Cytokine Netw 2004;15:99-104
  • 12. Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Akpinar I, et al
  • Endothelial function? insulin sensitivity and inflammatory markers in hyperprolactinemic pre menopausal women. Eur J Endocrinol 2003;149:187-93
  • 13. Davis LM, Pel Z, Trush MA, et al
  • Bromocriptine reduces steatosis in obese rodent models. J Hepatol 2006;45:439-44
  • 14. Yoshikawa T, Minamiyama Y, Naito Y, etal
  • Antioxidant properties of bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist. J Neurochem 1994; 62:1034-8
  • 15. Nishibayashi S, AsanumaM, Kohno M, et al
  • Scavenging effects of dopamine agonists on nitric oxide radicals. J Neurochem 1996; 67:2208-11
  • 16. Muralikrishnan D, Mohanakumar KP
  • Neuroprotection by bromocriptine against 1- methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine- induced neurotoxicity in mice. FASEB J 1998 ;12:905-12
  • 17. Hirakawa T, Minegishi T, Tano M, et al. Effect of prolactin on the expression of luteinizing hormone receptors during cell differentiation in cultured rat granulosa cells. Endocrinology 1999;140:3444-51
  • 18. Kostal M, TosnerJ. The influence of latent hyperprolactinaemia on the levels ofLH, FSH, E2 and T in the midfollicular phase of the cycle
  • Arc h Gynecol Obste t 1997;259:65-8
  • 19. Smith MS, Bartke A. Effects of hyperprolactinemia on the control of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone secretion in the male rat. Biol Reprod 1987;36:138-47
  • 20. Kauppila A, Kirkinen P, Orava M, et al. Effects ofmetoclopramide induced hyperprolactinaemiaduring early follicular development on human ovarian function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1984; 59:875-81 21. Cutie RE, Andino NA. Prolactin inhibits the steroidogenesis in mid-folucular phase human granulosa cells cultured in a chemically defined medium. Fertil Steril 1988;49:632 22. Strauch G, Valcke JC, Mahoudeau JA, et al
  • Hormonal changes induced by bromocriptine (CB- 154) at the early stage of treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977;44:588-90
  • 23. Semple CG, Beastall GH, Teasdale G, et al
  • Hypothyroidism presenting with hyperprolactinaemia. BrMedJ 1983; 286:1200-1
  • 24. Oliv e KE, Hennessey JV. Marked hyperprolactinemia in subclinical hypothyroidism
  • Arch lnt Med 1988;148:2278-9
  • 25. Tenorio-Velazquez VM, BarreraD, Franco M, et al.Hypothyroidism attenuates protein tyrosine nitration, oxidative stress and renal damage induced by ischemia and reperfusion: effect unrelated to antioxidant enzymes activities. BMC Nephrol 2005 ;6:12
  • 26. Venditti P, Balestrieri M, Di Meo S, et al. Effect of thyroid state on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant defences, and susceptibility to J eg Endorcinol oxidative stress in rat tissues. 1997; 155:151-7

Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri

Year 2008, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 5 - 9, 01.02.2008


Amaç: Çalışmanın amaçları i) hiperprolaktinemik kadınlarda total antioksidan düzeyini(TAD) ii) bromokriptinin bu grupta antioksidan etkisinin olup olmadığını araştırmaktı. Materyal ve Metod: Yirmi-dört hiperprolaktinemik kadın ve 20 sağlıklı kontrol grubu Çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Kari örnekleri çalışma vekontrol'gruplarında folliküler fazda toplandı. Bromokriptin tedavisi alan hiperprolaktinemik kadınlarda 8 hafta sonra kan örnekleri tekrar alındı. FSH, LH, östradiol (E2), prolaktin ve total antioksidan düzeyi ölçüldü. Sonuçlar: Serum LH, E2 ve TAS düzeyleri hiperprolaktinemik kadınlarda kontrollere kıyasla anlamlı derecede düşük ve prolaktin ise anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Serum FSH düzeyleri gruplar arasında değişiklik göstermemekteydi. Hiperprolaktinemik kadınlarda bromokriptin kullanımından sonra FSH, LHve E2 düzeylerinde anlamlı bir değişiklik yoktu. Fakat bromokriptin tedavisinden sonra hastalar TAS da anlamlı bir yükselme ve prolaktin düzeylerinde anlamlı bir düşme gösterdi. Tartışma: Çalışmamızda, TAS düzeylerinin hiperprolaktinemik hastalarda anlamlı düzeyde düşük olduğunu ve bromokriptinin antioksidan kapasitesiyle koruyucu etkisinin olduğunu gösterdik. O, sadece hiperprolaktinemik hastalarda prolaktin düzeyini düşürmede çok etkili bir ajan değil, fakat aynı zamanda bu grup hastalarda antioksidan aktiviteyi artıran bir ajandır.


  • 1. Crosignani PG . Current treatment issues in female hyperprolactinaemia. EurJObstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2006; 125:152-64
  • 2. Sikka SC. Relative impact of oxidative stress on male reproductive function. Curr Med Chem 2001,-8:851-62
  • 3. Peake JM, Suzuki K, Coombes JS . The influence of antioxidant supplementation on markers of inflammation and the relationship to oxidative stress after exercise J Nutr Biochem
  • 2007;18:357-71 4. Salvemini D, Doyle TM, Cuzzocrea S
  • Superoxide, peroxynitrite and oxidative/nitrative stress in inflammation. Biochem Soc Trans 2006:34:965-70
  • 5. Şerri O, LiL, MamputuJC, et al. The influences of hyperprolactinemia and obesity on cardiovascular risk markers: effects ofcabergoline therapy. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2006:64:366-70
  • 6. Bankowski BJ, Zacur HA. Dopamine agonist therapy for hyperprolactinemia. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2003,46:349-62
  • 7. Touraine P, Plu-Bureau G, Beji C, et al. Long term follow-up of246 hyperprolactinemic patients
  • Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001:80:162-8
  • 8. Di Sarno A, Landi ML, Cappabianca P, et al
  • Resistance to cabergoline as compared with bromocriptine in hyperprolactinemia: prevalence, clinical definition, and therapeutic strategy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001:86:5256-61
  • 9. Kitamura Y, Taniguchi T, Shimohoma S, et al
  • Neuroprotective mechanisms of antiparkinsoniandopamine D2-receptor subfamily agonists.Neurochem Res 2003 ;28:1035-40
  • 10. Erel O. A novel automated direct measurement method for total antioxidant capacity using a new generation, more stable ABTS radical cation
  • Clin Biochem 2004;37 277-85
  • 11. Brand JM, Frohn C, Cziupka K, et al
  • Prolactin triggers pro-inflammatory immune responses in peripheral immune cells. Eur Cytokine Netw 2004;15:99-104
  • 12. Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Akpinar I, et al
  • Endothelial function? insulin sensitivity and inflammatory markers in hyperprolactinemic pre menopausal women. Eur J Endocrinol 2003;149:187-93
  • 13. Davis LM, Pel Z, Trush MA, et al
  • Bromocriptine reduces steatosis in obese rodent models. J Hepatol 2006;45:439-44
  • 14. Yoshikawa T, Minamiyama Y, Naito Y, etal
  • Antioxidant properties of bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist. J Neurochem 1994; 62:1034-8
  • 15. Nishibayashi S, AsanumaM, Kohno M, et al
  • Scavenging effects of dopamine agonists on nitric oxide radicals. J Neurochem 1996; 67:2208-11
  • 16. Muralikrishnan D, Mohanakumar KP
  • Neuroprotection by bromocriptine against 1- methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine- induced neurotoxicity in mice. FASEB J 1998 ;12:905-12
  • 17. Hirakawa T, Minegishi T, Tano M, et al. Effect of prolactin on the expression of luteinizing hormone receptors during cell differentiation in cultured rat granulosa cells. Endocrinology 1999;140:3444-51
  • 18. Kostal M, TosnerJ. The influence of latent hyperprolactinaemia on the levels ofLH, FSH, E2 and T in the midfollicular phase of the cycle
  • Arc h Gynecol Obste t 1997;259:65-8
  • 19. Smith MS, Bartke A. Effects of hyperprolactinemia on the control of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone secretion in the male rat. Biol Reprod 1987;36:138-47
  • 20. Kauppila A, Kirkinen P, Orava M, et al. Effects ofmetoclopramide induced hyperprolactinaemiaduring early follicular development on human ovarian function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1984; 59:875-81 21. Cutie RE, Andino NA. Prolactin inhibits the steroidogenesis in mid-folucular phase human granulosa cells cultured in a chemically defined medium. Fertil Steril 1988;49:632 22. Strauch G, Valcke JC, Mahoudeau JA, et al
  • Hormonal changes induced by bromocriptine (CB- 154) at the early stage of treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977;44:588-90
  • 23. Semple CG, Beastall GH, Teasdale G, et al
  • Hypothyroidism presenting with hyperprolactinaemia. BrMedJ 1983; 286:1200-1
  • 24. Oliv e KE, Hennessey JV. Marked hyperprolactinemia in subclinical hypothyroidism
  • Arch lnt Med 1988;148:2278-9
  • 25. Tenorio-Velazquez VM, BarreraD, Franco M, et al.Hypothyroidism attenuates protein tyrosine nitration, oxidative stress and renal damage induced by ischemia and reperfusion: effect unrelated to antioxidant enzymes activities. BMC Nephrol 2005 ;6:12
  • 26. Venditti P, Balestrieri M, Di Meo S, et al. Effect of thyroid state on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant defences, and susceptibility to J eg Endorcinol oxidative stress in rat tissues. 1997; 155:151-7
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Fatma Ferda Verit This is me

Özcan Erel This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 39 Issue: 1


APA Verit, F. F., & Erel, Ö. (2008). Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, 39(1), 5-9.
AMA Verit FF, Erel Ö. Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. February 2008;39(1):5-9. doi:10.16948/zktb.23432
Chicago Verit, Fatma Ferda, and Özcan Erel. “Hiperprolaktinemide Total Antioksidan düzey: Bromokriptin Tedavisinin Etkileri”. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 39, no. 1 (February 2008): 5-9.
EndNote Verit FF, Erel Ö (February 1, 2008) Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 39 1 5–9.
IEEE F. F. Verit and Ö. Erel, “Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri”, Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 5–9, 2008, doi: 10.16948/zktb.23432.
ISNAD Verit, Fatma Ferda - Erel, Özcan. “Hiperprolaktinemide Total Antioksidan düzey: Bromokriptin Tedavisinin Etkileri”. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 39/1 (February 2008), 5-9.
JAMA Verit FF, Erel Ö. Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2008;39:5–9.
MLA Verit, Fatma Ferda and Özcan Erel. “Hiperprolaktinemide Total Antioksidan düzey: Bromokriptin Tedavisinin Etkileri”. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni, vol. 39, no. 1, 2008, pp. 5-9, doi:10.16948/zktb.23432.
Vancouver Verit FF, Erel Ö. Hiperprolaktinemide total antioksidan düzey: bromokriptin tedavisinin etkileri. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2008;39(1):5-9.