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Investigation of the Effect of Pesticide Characteristics and Usage Amount on the Groundwater Pollution

Yıl 2019, , 46 - 52, 31.12.2019


The residual pesticides in groundwater in our country and the fate of leachable chemicals in the environment are among the important environmental problems in recent years. The conditions that determine the pesticide leaching to groundwater are the volumetric density of the soil, water and organic carbon contents, excessive irrigation and precipitation rate, and the adsorption rate of pesticides. The aim of this study is to examine the infiltration, adsorption and degradation tendency of pesticides that commonly used in our country taking into consideration their characteristics and quantities and to discuss the environmental contamination by taking into account the wrong practices in the agriculture of the region. In this context, five pesticide species named Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl, Dichlorvos, Diflubenzuron, Ethalfluralin and Fenbutatin oxide were investigated and the contamination risks on groundwater were discussed. It was concluded that excessive irrigation, unnecessary pesticide usage and pesticide and soil properties are highly effective on the groundwater pollution.


  • Balkaya N 2000. Pestisitlerin Canlılar Üzerindeki Toksik Etkileri. GAP-Çevre Kongresi, 16-18 Ekim, Cilt I, Şanlıurfa, s.529-538.
  • Boada LD, Sangil M, Álvarez-León EE, Hernández-Rodríguez G, Henríquez-Hernández LA, Camacho M, Luzardo OP 2014. Consumption of foods of animal origin as determinant of contamination by organochlorine pesticides and polychlorobiphenyls: results from a population-based study in Spain. Chemosphere, 114: 121–128.
  • Chen N, Valdes D, Marlin C, Blanchoud H, Guerin R, Rouelle M, Ribstein P 2019. Water, nitrate and atrazine transfer through the unsaturated zone of the Chalk aquifer in northern France. Science of the Total Environment, 652: 927–938.
  • Çullu MA 1998. GAP’ta Tuzlulaşma ve Harran Ovası’nın Sorunları. TEMA Toprak Tuzlulaşması Workshop, 07 Ekim 1998.
  • EFSA2019.
  • EPA2019.
  • Fantin V, Buscaroli A, Dijkman T, Zamagni A, Garavini G, Bonoli A, Righi S 2019. PestLCI 2.0 sensitivity to soil variations for the evaluation of pesticide distribution in Life Cycle Assessment studies. Science of the Total Environment, 656: 1021–1031.
  • Gama AF, Cavalcante RM, Duavi WC, Silva VPA 2017. Nascimento, R.F., Occurrence, distribution, and fate of pesticides in an intensive farming region in the Brazilian semi-arid tropics (Jaguaribe River, Ceará). J Soils Sediments, 17: 1160–1169.
  • Golfinopoulos SK, Nikolaou AD, Kostopoulou MN, Xilourgidis NK, Vagi MC, Lekkas DT 2003. Organochlorine Pesticides in the Surface Waters of Northern Greece. Chemosphere, 50: 507-516.
  • Gray A, Dutton AJ, Eadsforth CV 1995. Fenbutatin oxide, fate in soil after extensive commercial use in Italy and Spain. Pest Management Science, 43 (4): 295-302.
  • Hsiao Y-L, Ho W-A, Yen J-H 2013. Vertical distribution in soil column and dissipation in soil of benzoylurea insecticides diflubenzuron, flufenoxuron and novaluron and effect on the bacterial community. Chemosphere, 90: 380–386.
  • Ismail M, Sayed M, Khan HM, Cooper WJ 2014. Analysis of pesticides in water samples and removal of monocrotophos by γ-irradiation. J Anal Bioanal Tech, 5 (1), 181: 1-10.
  • Jaipieam S, Visuthismajarn P, Sutheravut P, Siriwong W, Thoumsang S, Borjan M, Robson M 2009. Organophosphate pesticide residues in drinking water from artesian wells and health risk assessment of Agricultural Communities, Thailand. Hum Ecol Risk Assess, 15: 1304-1316.
  • Kırımhan S 1997. Sürdürülebilir Tarım ve Uygulamaları. Türkiye’nin Tarım Politikası ve Çevre. 9-10 Ekim (Türkiye Çevre V. Yayını), Ankara, s.33-43.
  • Kunduracı HP 2013. Çevresel Kalite Standartlarının Belirlenmesi, Kıyı suları, Yeraltı Suları ve Yüzeysel Suların Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi ve Yönetimi Hizmet İçi Eğitim Programı. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, SYGM.
  • Neelum A, Kalsoom SK, Ihsanullah R, Muhammad S 2018. Human Health Risk Assessment Through Consumption of Organophosphate Pesticide Contaminated Water of Peshawar Basin, Pakistan. Expo Health, 10: 259–272.
  • Nemeth-Konda L, Füleky G, Morovjan G, Csokan, P 2002. Sorption Behaviour of Acetochlor, Atrazine, Carbendazim, Diazinon, Imidacloprid and Isoproturan on Hungarian Agricultural Soil. Chemosphere, 48: 545-552.
  • Pierzynski G, Sims JT, Vance GF 1994. Soils and Environmental Quality. Lewis Publishers, USA, 192-193.
  • Porter SN, Humphries MS, Buah-Kwofie A, Schleyer MH 2018. Accumulation of organochlorine pesticides in reef organisms from marginal coral reefs in South Africa and links with coastal groundwater. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 137: 295–305.
  • Samuelsen OB 2016. Persistence and Stability of Teflubenzuron and Diflubenzuron When Associated to Organic Particles in Marine Sediment. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 9: 224–228.
  • Sun K, Gao B, Ro KS, Novak JM, Wang Z, Herbert S, Xing B 2012. Assessment of herbicide sorption by biochars and organic matter associated with soil and sediment. Environ Pollut, 163: 167–173.
  • Tanık A, Gürel M, Toröz İ, Gönenç İE 2000. Tarım İlaçlarının Çevreye Etkileri ve Yönetim Yaklaşımları. GAP-Çevre Kongresi, 16-18 Ekim, Cilt I, Şanlıurfa, s.11-20.
  • Thomas KV, Hurst MR, Matthiessen P, Sheahan D, Williams RJ 2001. Toxicity Characterisation of Organic Contaminants in Stormwaters from an Agricultural Headwater Stream in South East England. Water Research, 35(10): 2411-2416.
  • Tucca F, Moya H, Pozo K, Borghini F, Focardi S, Barra R 2017. Occurrence of antiparasitic pesticides in sediments near salmon farms in the northern Chilean Patagonia. Marine Poll Bull, 115: 465–468.
  • Uygun N, Sengonca C, Ulusoy MR, Kersting U 1994. Toxicity of some pesticides to Eretmocerus debachi (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), an important parasitoid of Parabemisia myricae (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 84: 119-122.
  • Wang Y, Gao Z, Shen F, Li Y, Zhang S, Ren X, Hu S 2015. Physicochemical Characteristics and Slow Release Performances of Chlorpyrifos Encapsulated by Poly(butyl acrylate-co-styrene) with the Cross-Linker Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate, J. Agric. Food Chem, 63 (21): 5196–5204.


Yıl 2019, , 46 - 52, 31.12.2019


Ülkemizde son yıllarda yeraltı sularında (YAS) pestisit kalıntılarına rastlanması ve yeraltı suyuna ulaşan türlerin çevresel ortamlardaki akıbeti, önem taşıyan çevre sorunları arasındadır. Pestisitlerin yer altı sularına ulaşmasını belirleyen temel şartlar, toprağın hacimsel yoğunluğu, su ve organik karbon içerikleri, aşırı sulama ve yağış miktarı ve pestisitin adsorpsiyon oranı gibi durumlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ülkemizde yaygın kullanılan ve yeraltı sularında rastlanan belirli pestisit türlerinin özelliklerini, kullanım alanlarını ve miktarlarını göz önünde bulundurarak; sızma, adsorbe olma, degradasyon eğilimlerini irdelemek ve özellikle bölge tarımında yapılan yanlış uygulamaları da dikkate alarak oluşabilecek çevresel kirlilikleri tartışmaktır. Bu bağlamda, Chlorpyrıfos-Etil, Dichlorvos, Diflubenzuron, Ethalfluralin ve Fenbutatin oxide isimli beş pestisit türü incelenmiş ve yeraltı suyuna ulaşma riskleri tartışılmıştır. Aşırı sulama, gereksiz pestisit kullanımı ve pestisit ve toprak özelliklerinin YAS kirliliğinde oldukça etkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Balkaya N 2000. Pestisitlerin Canlılar Üzerindeki Toksik Etkileri. GAP-Çevre Kongresi, 16-18 Ekim, Cilt I, Şanlıurfa, s.529-538.
  • Boada LD, Sangil M, Álvarez-León EE, Hernández-Rodríguez G, Henríquez-Hernández LA, Camacho M, Luzardo OP 2014. Consumption of foods of animal origin as determinant of contamination by organochlorine pesticides and polychlorobiphenyls: results from a population-based study in Spain. Chemosphere, 114: 121–128.
  • Chen N, Valdes D, Marlin C, Blanchoud H, Guerin R, Rouelle M, Ribstein P 2019. Water, nitrate and atrazine transfer through the unsaturated zone of the Chalk aquifer in northern France. Science of the Total Environment, 652: 927–938.
  • Çullu MA 1998. GAP’ta Tuzlulaşma ve Harran Ovası’nın Sorunları. TEMA Toprak Tuzlulaşması Workshop, 07 Ekim 1998.
  • EFSA2019.
  • EPA2019.
  • Fantin V, Buscaroli A, Dijkman T, Zamagni A, Garavini G, Bonoli A, Righi S 2019. PestLCI 2.0 sensitivity to soil variations for the evaluation of pesticide distribution in Life Cycle Assessment studies. Science of the Total Environment, 656: 1021–1031.
  • Gama AF, Cavalcante RM, Duavi WC, Silva VPA 2017. Nascimento, R.F., Occurrence, distribution, and fate of pesticides in an intensive farming region in the Brazilian semi-arid tropics (Jaguaribe River, Ceará). J Soils Sediments, 17: 1160–1169.
  • Golfinopoulos SK, Nikolaou AD, Kostopoulou MN, Xilourgidis NK, Vagi MC, Lekkas DT 2003. Organochlorine Pesticides in the Surface Waters of Northern Greece. Chemosphere, 50: 507-516.
  • Gray A, Dutton AJ, Eadsforth CV 1995. Fenbutatin oxide, fate in soil after extensive commercial use in Italy and Spain. Pest Management Science, 43 (4): 295-302.
  • Hsiao Y-L, Ho W-A, Yen J-H 2013. Vertical distribution in soil column and dissipation in soil of benzoylurea insecticides diflubenzuron, flufenoxuron and novaluron and effect on the bacterial community. Chemosphere, 90: 380–386.
  • Ismail M, Sayed M, Khan HM, Cooper WJ 2014. Analysis of pesticides in water samples and removal of monocrotophos by γ-irradiation. J Anal Bioanal Tech, 5 (1), 181: 1-10.
  • Jaipieam S, Visuthismajarn P, Sutheravut P, Siriwong W, Thoumsang S, Borjan M, Robson M 2009. Organophosphate pesticide residues in drinking water from artesian wells and health risk assessment of Agricultural Communities, Thailand. Hum Ecol Risk Assess, 15: 1304-1316.
  • Kırımhan S 1997. Sürdürülebilir Tarım ve Uygulamaları. Türkiye’nin Tarım Politikası ve Çevre. 9-10 Ekim (Türkiye Çevre V. Yayını), Ankara, s.33-43.
  • Kunduracı HP 2013. Çevresel Kalite Standartlarının Belirlenmesi, Kıyı suları, Yeraltı Suları ve Yüzeysel Suların Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi ve Yönetimi Hizmet İçi Eğitim Programı. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, SYGM.
  • Neelum A, Kalsoom SK, Ihsanullah R, Muhammad S 2018. Human Health Risk Assessment Through Consumption of Organophosphate Pesticide Contaminated Water of Peshawar Basin, Pakistan. Expo Health, 10: 259–272.
  • Nemeth-Konda L, Füleky G, Morovjan G, Csokan, P 2002. Sorption Behaviour of Acetochlor, Atrazine, Carbendazim, Diazinon, Imidacloprid and Isoproturan on Hungarian Agricultural Soil. Chemosphere, 48: 545-552.
  • Pierzynski G, Sims JT, Vance GF 1994. Soils and Environmental Quality. Lewis Publishers, USA, 192-193.
  • Porter SN, Humphries MS, Buah-Kwofie A, Schleyer MH 2018. Accumulation of organochlorine pesticides in reef organisms from marginal coral reefs in South Africa and links with coastal groundwater. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 137: 295–305.
  • Samuelsen OB 2016. Persistence and Stability of Teflubenzuron and Diflubenzuron When Associated to Organic Particles in Marine Sediment. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 9: 224–228.
  • Sun K, Gao B, Ro KS, Novak JM, Wang Z, Herbert S, Xing B 2012. Assessment of herbicide sorption by biochars and organic matter associated with soil and sediment. Environ Pollut, 163: 167–173.
  • Tanık A, Gürel M, Toröz İ, Gönenç İE 2000. Tarım İlaçlarının Çevreye Etkileri ve Yönetim Yaklaşımları. GAP-Çevre Kongresi, 16-18 Ekim, Cilt I, Şanlıurfa, s.11-20.
  • Thomas KV, Hurst MR, Matthiessen P, Sheahan D, Williams RJ 2001. Toxicity Characterisation of Organic Contaminants in Stormwaters from an Agricultural Headwater Stream in South East England. Water Research, 35(10): 2411-2416.
  • Tucca F, Moya H, Pozo K, Borghini F, Focardi S, Barra R 2017. Occurrence of antiparasitic pesticides in sediments near salmon farms in the northern Chilean Patagonia. Marine Poll Bull, 115: 465–468.
  • Uygun N, Sengonca C, Ulusoy MR, Kersting U 1994. Toxicity of some pesticides to Eretmocerus debachi (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), an important parasitoid of Parabemisia myricae (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 84: 119-122.
  • Wang Y, Gao Z, Shen F, Li Y, Zhang S, Ren X, Hu S 2015. Physicochemical Characteristics and Slow Release Performances of Chlorpyrifos Encapsulated by Poly(butyl acrylate-co-styrene) with the Cross-Linker Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate, J. Agric. Food Chem, 63 (21): 5196–5204.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ayşe Atasoy Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8689-7300

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Eylül 2019
Kabul Tarihi 27 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster