Instructions for Authors
International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal (IAREJ) is founded as a double blind peer-reviewed and publicly available online journal. IAREJ aims to provide a research source for researchers working on engineering. The editor in chief of IAREJ invites high quality manuscripts that cover theoretical and/or applied researches on engineering and related science.
The publication language of the Journal is English. All of the Writing Rules are given in the journal template is below:
Author must submit 2 files as (docx) and (pdf) format. Full text of your manuscript must be uploaded in Office Word (docx) format. Also authors must upload their full text without author names and affiliation in PDF format for double-blind peer review process.
Articles submitted for publication are checked by the iThenticate. Article similarity index must be lower than 25%.
In order to increase acceptance possibility of your scientific and academic studies, and increase their readability and citation possibility, proofreading is strongly advised. Therefore, to provide contribution for our authors and those requesting academically writing support, we present Translation and Proofreading Service.
The online open-access journal will be supported by an editorial board consisting of experts in engineering disciplines from different countries. We publish original papers that are research papers and technical review papers. We aim that publications by IAREJ will be indexed by leading international and TR indexes.
Our publication, which is open access, is free of charge. There is no article processing charges (APCs). There is no article submission charges.
IAREJ have iTenticate screening for plagiarism by Editorial Board.
A wet signed copyright transfer form must be submitted for each paper. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
Review Process for Papers is Double Blind Peer Review.
Authors are responsible for the Ethical Standards.
*ORCID informations of all authors must be given from 2019.
Authors can submit their manuscript by IAREJ submission tool developed by Dergipark.
Article Evaluation and Publication Period
The pre-evaluation process of the articles uploaded to the system is completed within 5 days. At this stage, missing information and documents are checked. Subsequently, the article is taken into the double-blind peer review evaluation process. More than 2 independent reviewer (from different institutes) who are expert in their field, assigned for the each article. Two or more reviewer comments are received for each article. This reviewer process takes an average of 4 weeks. If the comments of reviewers and editors are positive, Revision period is started with the authors according to comments (if any, according to the requested corrections). Articles completed within the period are published in the first or second issue after acceptance. Before the publication stage, the online press version of the study is sent to the authors and the Proof process is completed with the authors.