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Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 95 - 120, 14.05.2018


Hâlihazırda AB’nin siyasi sisteminin önde gelen bir öğesi olan “farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon” kavramına yönelik analizler ve tartışmalar, özellikle geçtiğimiz on sene içerisinde AB’nin hala içinde bulunduğu çok katmanlı kriz dönemi ışığında artmıştır. İlgili çalışmaların çoğu, AB içerisinde vuku bulan farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon ile ilgilenirken, bu kavramın “dış boyutu” olarak nitelendirilen ve üçüncü ülkelerin AB’nin karar alma süreçlerine dahil olmadan AB müktesebatının farklı bölümleri ile farklı derecelerde uyum yakalamaları aracılığıyla meydana gelen “harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon” konusunda gerçekleştirilmiş çalışmalar son derece sınırlıdır. Bu çalışma, AB ve üçüncü ülkeler arasında harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon modellerinin geliştirilmesini neoliberal kuramın temel varsayımları temelinde açıklamayı ve bu kuramsal çerçevede AB ve üçüncü ülkeler arasında hâlihazırda gerçekleştirilen üç harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon modelini (Avrupa Ekonomik Alanı, Avrupa Komşuluk Politikası ve Stratejik Ortaklık) incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, aynı zamanda, neoliberalizmin odaklandığı “karşılıklı bağımlılık” kavramı ışığında Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde ve AB katılım müzakereleri sürecinde son dönemde yaşanan gelişmeleri analiz etmektedir ve yakın geçmişte iki taraf arasında hayata geçirilen ikili diyalog mekanizmalarını dikkate alarak Türkiye ile AB arasında üyelik çerçevesinin dışında bir harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyon modeli oluşturulması ihtimaline değinmektedir. Anahtar 


  • Ashton, C. (2010, July 8). Europe and the World. Speech/10/378, Athens. Retrieved from http://
  • Avery, G. (2012, March 19). The European Economic Area Revisited. EPC Policy Brief. Retrieved from
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S., & Tocci, N. (2015). Turkey and the European Union. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • BBC. (2017, December 26). Brexit: German minister sees model for Turkey and Ukraine. Retrieved from
  • BBC. (2018, January 5). Macron tells Erdogan: No chance of Turkey joining EU. Retrieved from
  • Bozdağlıoğlu, Y. ve Özen, Ç. (2004). Liberalizmden neoliberalizme güç olgusu ve sistemik bağımlılık. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 1(14), 59–79.
  • Cirlig, C. (2012, September 26). EU Strategic Partnerships with third countries (European Parliament Library Briefing).
  • Council of the European Union. (2005). The India-EU Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan (11984/05). Retrieved from
  • de Smijter, E. (2001). The external relations of a differentiated European community. In B. de Witte, D. Hanf, & Ellen Vos (Eds.), The many faces of differentiation in EU law (pp. 269–298). Antwerpen: Intersentia.
  • de Vasconcelos, A. (2008). “Multilateralising” multipolarity. In G. Grevi & A.
  • de Vasconcelos (Eds.), Partnerships for effective multilateralism: EU relations with Brazil, China, India and Russia (pp. 11–32). Paris, France: Institute for Security Studies.
  • Demir, G. (2011). Post Neoliberalizm? Kriz ve sonrası üzerine. Marmara Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1(1), 1–20. pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Deutsche Welle. (2013, December 4). Yeni fasıl açılıyor. Retrieved from yeni-fas%C4%B1la%C3%A7%C4%B1l%C4%B1yor/a-17202718
  • Deutsche Welle. (2017, August 29). Merkel’in Gümrük Birliği blokajı sürecek. Retrieved from
  • EEA Review Committee. (2012). Outside and inside: Norway’s agreements with the European Union (Report by the EEA Review Committee, appointed on 7 January 2010, submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 17 January 2012).
  • Ermağan, İ. & Karcı, A. (2017). Neorealizm ve neoliberalizm kuramlarının güvenlik yaklaşımları ve Arap devrimlerinde Suriye politikaları. S. Turan ve N. Özkural Köroğlu (Ed.), Uluslararası ilişkilerde güvenlik kuramları ve sorunlarına temel yaklaşımlar içinde (s. 133–153). London, UK: Transnational Press London.
  • EurActiv. (2017, August 30). Merkel backs Macron’s call for multi-speed EU, ‘small’ Eurozone budget. Retrieved from
  • European Commission. (2003a). Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with Our Eastern and Southern Neighbours. COM(2003) 104 final, Brussels, 11 March 2003.
  • European Commission. (2003b). A Secure Europe in a Better World – European Security Strategy. Brussels, 12 December 2003.
  • European Commission. (2004a). Communication from the Commission: European Neighbourhood Policy Strategy Paper. COM(2004) 373 final, Brussels, 12 May 2004.
  • European Commission. (2004b). Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee: An EU-India Strategic Partnership. COM(2004) 430 final, Brussels, 16 June 2004.
  • European Commission. (2007). Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Towards an EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership. COM(2007) 281, 30 May 2007.
  • European Commission. (2015). Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy. JOIN(2015) 50 final, 18 November 2015, Brussels.
  • European Commission. (2017a). European Union, Trade in Goods with Norway. 16 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017b). European Union, Trade in Goods with Iceland. 16 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017c). Countries and Regions: Norway. Retrieved from http://ec.europa. eu/trade/policy/countries-and-regions/countries/norway/
  • European Commission. (2017d). European Union, Trade in Goods with Ukraine. Retrieved from
  • European Commission. (2017e). European Union, Trade in Goods with Tunisia. 16 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017f). Client and Supplier Countries of the EU28 in Merchandise Trade (value %). 23 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017g). European Union, Trade in goods with Turkey. Retrieved from
  • European Council. (2015). Meeting of Heads of State or Government with Turkey – EU-Turkey Statement. 29 November 2015. Retrieved from
  • European Council. (2016a). The annual ECOFIN-EFTA meeting focused on economic growth and investments. Retrieved from
  • European Council. (2016b). EU-Turkey Statement. 18 March 2016. Retrieved from http://www.
  • European External Action Service. (2016). Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe. A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy. June 2016. Retrieved from
  • European Free Trade Association. (1994). Agreement on the European Economic Area (Updated 1.8.2016, OJ No L 1, 03.01.1994).
  • European Parliament. (2006). European Parliament resolution on an EU-South Africa Strategic Partnership (2006/2234(INI)). 3 October 2006, Strasbourg. Retrieved from http://www.
  • European Parliament. (2015). Flexibility Mechanisms in the Lisbon Treaty. Directorate General for Internal Policies Study PE 536.474. Retrieved from RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/536474/IPOL_STU(2015)536474_EN.pdf
  • European Parliament. (2016). European Parliament resolution of 14 April 2016 on the 2015 report on Turkey. (2015/2898(RSP)). Retrieved from do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P8-TA-2016-0133+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN.
  • Gotev, G. (2017, April 25). Commission urges ‚different type of relations with Turkey. EurActiv. Retrieved from
  • Grevi, G. (2011). Strategic partnerships: Smart grid or talking shops? In G. Grevi & G. Khandekar (Eds.), Mapping EU strategic partnerships (pp. 4–7). Madrid: FRIDE.
  • Gstöhl, S. (2015). Models of external differentiation in the EU’s neighbourhood: An expanding economic community? Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 854–870. 080/13501763.2015.1020834
  • Gstöhl, S. (2016, September 14). ‘Brexit’ lessons from third countries’ differentiated integration with the EU’s internal market (College of Europe Policy Brief). Retrieved from http://aei.pitt. edu/93089/1/gstohl_cepob_14-16_final.pdf
  • Hess, M. N. (2012). EU relations with “Emerging” Strategic Partners: Brazil, India and South Africa. GIGA Focus, 4. Retrieved from
  • Hogenauer, A., & Friedel, M. (2008). The EU and Russia: Strategic or short-sighted partnership? In D. Mahncke & S. Gstöhl (Eds.), Europe’s near abroad. Promises and prospects of the EU’s neighbourhood policy (pp. 257–276). Brussels: PIE Peter Lang.
  • Kelley, J. (2006). New wine in old wineskins: Promoting political reforms through the new European neighbourhood policy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(1), 29–55. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1468-5965.2006.00613.x
  • Keohane, O. R., & Nye, S. J. (1987). Power and interdependence revisited. International Organization, 41(4), 725–753.
  • Keohane, O. R., & Nye, S. J. (1989). Power and interdependence: World politics in transition (2nd ed.). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman and Co.
  • Kölliker, A. (2010). The functional dimension. In K. Dyson & A. Sepos (Eds.), Which Europe? The politics of differentiated integration (pp. 39–53). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • König, N. (2016). EU security policy and crisis management: A quest for coherence. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Kux, S., & Sverdrup, U. (2000). Fuzzy borders and adaptive outsiders: Norway, Switzerland and the EU. Journal of European Integration, 22(3), 237–270.
  • Lavenex, S. (2014). The power of functionalist extension: How EU rules travel. Journal of European Public Policy, 21(6), 885–903.
  • Lavenex, S. (2015). The external face of differentiated integration: Third country participation in EU sectoral bodies. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 836–853. 0/13501763.2015.1020836
  • Müftüler Baç, M. (2017). Turkey’s future with the European Union: an alternative model of differentiated integration. Turkish Studies, 18(3), 416–439.
  • Official Journal of the European Union. (2012). Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union. C 326/13. 26.10.2012. Retrieved from html?uri=cellar:2bf140bf-a3f8-4ab2-b506-fd71826e6da6.0023.02/DOC_1&format=PDF
  • Oye, A. K. (1985). Explaining cooperation under anarchy: Hypotheses and strategies. World Politics, 38(1), 1–24.
  • Prodi, R. (2002, December 5-6). A wider Europe – A proximity policy as the key to stability. Paper presented at the Peace, Security and Stability – International Dialogue and the Role of the EU, Panel conducted at the Sixth ECSA-World Conference, Brussels.
  • Reuters. (2016, August 7). Austria threatens to block acceleration of Turkish EU talks. Retrieved from
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Leuffen, D., & Rittberger, B. (2015). The European Union as a system of differentiated integration: Interdependence, politicization and differentiation. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 764–782.
  • TEPAV/EPRİ Dış Politika Etütleri Programı Avrupa Birliği Çalışma Grubu. (2005, Ekim). Türkiye’nin tam üyelik perspektifinin incelenmesi: EFTA-EEA ve Avrupa Birliği. http://www. adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Turhan, E. (2017a). Thinking out of the accession box: The potential and limitations of internal and external differentiated integration between Turkey and the EU. CIFE Policy Paper, 58, July 2017. Retrieved from Policy_Paper_58_Thinking_out_of_The_Accession_Box_EU_Turkey_Ebru_Turhan_2017_1.pdf
  • Turhan, E. (2017b). External differentiated integration with the EU: Causes, policy areas and future outlook. Proceedings of the MIRDEC 6th International Academic Conference Proceedings 31(55), 69–76.
  • Turhan, E. (2017c). Mülteci krizinin AB-Türkiye ilişkilerine etkileri: AB’ye üyelik sürecinden bir “stratejik ortaklığa” doğru mu? İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(31), 631–646.
  • Turhan, E. ve Yalçın, E. (2015). Çok vitesli Avrupa’ya uyum sürecinde Gümrük Birliği’nin rolü. TÜSİAD Görüş Dergisi, 86, 60–63.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanlığı. (2017). Uluslararası doğrudan yatırımlar 2016 yılı raporu. adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Yıldız, A. G. (2016). The European Union’s immigration policy: Managing migration in Turkey and Morocco. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Models of Differentiated Integration between the European Union and Third Countries and the Future of Turkey–EU Relations: A Neoliberal Approach

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 95 - 120, 14.05.2018


Studies and debates on the concept of “differentiated integration,” which has been a key feature of the political system of the EU for many decades, have come into prominence in the last decade in view of the multiple crises the EU has been facing. Whereas most of these studies dealt with internal differentiated integration within the EU, only a few studies focused on the “external” dimension of differentiated integration, which could be described as third countries’ differentiated levels of alignment with various parts of the EU’s acquis communautaire without participating in the EU’s central decision-making bodies. This study seeks to examine the development of different models of external differentiated integration between the EU and third countries based on the key premises and assumptions of neoliberalism and by focusing on the following three already established modes of external differentiated integration between the EU and third countries: European Economic Area, European neighborhood Policy, and Strategic Partnership. It further evaluates the latest developments in EU–Turkey relations and Turkey’s EU accession process in light of neoliberalism’s concept of “interdependence” and touches upon the possibility of the formation of a model of external differentiated integration between Turkey and the EU, outside the framework of the accession process by taking into account the recently established bilateral dialog mechanisms. 


  • Ashton, C. (2010, July 8). Europe and the World. Speech/10/378, Athens. Retrieved from http://
  • Avery, G. (2012, March 19). The European Economic Area Revisited. EPC Policy Brief. Retrieved from
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S., & Tocci, N. (2015). Turkey and the European Union. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • BBC. (2017, December 26). Brexit: German minister sees model for Turkey and Ukraine. Retrieved from
  • BBC. (2018, January 5). Macron tells Erdogan: No chance of Turkey joining EU. Retrieved from
  • Bozdağlıoğlu, Y. ve Özen, Ç. (2004). Liberalizmden neoliberalizme güç olgusu ve sistemik bağımlılık. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 1(14), 59–79.
  • Cirlig, C. (2012, September 26). EU Strategic Partnerships with third countries (European Parliament Library Briefing).
  • Council of the European Union. (2005). The India-EU Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan (11984/05). Retrieved from
  • de Smijter, E. (2001). The external relations of a differentiated European community. In B. de Witte, D. Hanf, & Ellen Vos (Eds.), The many faces of differentiation in EU law (pp. 269–298). Antwerpen: Intersentia.
  • de Vasconcelos, A. (2008). “Multilateralising” multipolarity. In G. Grevi & A.
  • de Vasconcelos (Eds.), Partnerships for effective multilateralism: EU relations with Brazil, China, India and Russia (pp. 11–32). Paris, France: Institute for Security Studies.
  • Demir, G. (2011). Post Neoliberalizm? Kriz ve sonrası üzerine. Marmara Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1(1), 1–20. pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Deutsche Welle. (2013, December 4). Yeni fasıl açılıyor. Retrieved from yeni-fas%C4%B1la%C3%A7%C4%B1l%C4%B1yor/a-17202718
  • Deutsche Welle. (2017, August 29). Merkel’in Gümrük Birliği blokajı sürecek. Retrieved from
  • EEA Review Committee. (2012). Outside and inside: Norway’s agreements with the European Union (Report by the EEA Review Committee, appointed on 7 January 2010, submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 17 January 2012).
  • Ermağan, İ. & Karcı, A. (2017). Neorealizm ve neoliberalizm kuramlarının güvenlik yaklaşımları ve Arap devrimlerinde Suriye politikaları. S. Turan ve N. Özkural Köroğlu (Ed.), Uluslararası ilişkilerde güvenlik kuramları ve sorunlarına temel yaklaşımlar içinde (s. 133–153). London, UK: Transnational Press London.
  • EurActiv. (2017, August 30). Merkel backs Macron’s call for multi-speed EU, ‘small’ Eurozone budget. Retrieved from
  • European Commission. (2003a). Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with Our Eastern and Southern Neighbours. COM(2003) 104 final, Brussels, 11 March 2003.
  • European Commission. (2003b). A Secure Europe in a Better World – European Security Strategy. Brussels, 12 December 2003.
  • European Commission. (2004a). Communication from the Commission: European Neighbourhood Policy Strategy Paper. COM(2004) 373 final, Brussels, 12 May 2004.
  • European Commission. (2004b). Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee: An EU-India Strategic Partnership. COM(2004) 430 final, Brussels, 16 June 2004.
  • European Commission. (2007). Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Towards an EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership. COM(2007) 281, 30 May 2007.
  • European Commission. (2015). Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy. JOIN(2015) 50 final, 18 November 2015, Brussels.
  • European Commission. (2017a). European Union, Trade in Goods with Norway. 16 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017b). European Union, Trade in Goods with Iceland. 16 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017c). Countries and Regions: Norway. Retrieved from http://ec.europa. eu/trade/policy/countries-and-regions/countries/norway/
  • European Commission. (2017d). European Union, Trade in Goods with Ukraine. Retrieved from
  • European Commission. (2017e). European Union, Trade in Goods with Tunisia. 16 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017f). Client and Supplier Countries of the EU28 in Merchandise Trade (value %). 23 November 2017.
  • European Commission. (2017g). European Union, Trade in goods with Turkey. Retrieved from
  • European Council. (2015). Meeting of Heads of State or Government with Turkey – EU-Turkey Statement. 29 November 2015. Retrieved from
  • European Council. (2016a). The annual ECOFIN-EFTA meeting focused on economic growth and investments. Retrieved from
  • European Council. (2016b). EU-Turkey Statement. 18 March 2016. Retrieved from http://www.
  • European External Action Service. (2016). Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe. A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy. June 2016. Retrieved from
  • European Free Trade Association. (1994). Agreement on the European Economic Area (Updated 1.8.2016, OJ No L 1, 03.01.1994).
  • European Parliament. (2006). European Parliament resolution on an EU-South Africa Strategic Partnership (2006/2234(INI)). 3 October 2006, Strasbourg. Retrieved from http://www.
  • European Parliament. (2015). Flexibility Mechanisms in the Lisbon Treaty. Directorate General for Internal Policies Study PE 536.474. Retrieved from RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/536474/IPOL_STU(2015)536474_EN.pdf
  • European Parliament. (2016). European Parliament resolution of 14 April 2016 on the 2015 report on Turkey. (2015/2898(RSP)). Retrieved from do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P8-TA-2016-0133+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN.
  • Gotev, G. (2017, April 25). Commission urges ‚different type of relations with Turkey. EurActiv. Retrieved from
  • Grevi, G. (2011). Strategic partnerships: Smart grid or talking shops? In G. Grevi & G. Khandekar (Eds.), Mapping EU strategic partnerships (pp. 4–7). Madrid: FRIDE.
  • Gstöhl, S. (2015). Models of external differentiation in the EU’s neighbourhood: An expanding economic community? Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 854–870. 080/13501763.2015.1020834
  • Gstöhl, S. (2016, September 14). ‘Brexit’ lessons from third countries’ differentiated integration with the EU’s internal market (College of Europe Policy Brief). Retrieved from http://aei.pitt. edu/93089/1/gstohl_cepob_14-16_final.pdf
  • Hess, M. N. (2012). EU relations with “Emerging” Strategic Partners: Brazil, India and South Africa. GIGA Focus, 4. Retrieved from
  • Hogenauer, A., & Friedel, M. (2008). The EU and Russia: Strategic or short-sighted partnership? In D. Mahncke & S. Gstöhl (Eds.), Europe’s near abroad. Promises and prospects of the EU’s neighbourhood policy (pp. 257–276). Brussels: PIE Peter Lang.
  • Kelley, J. (2006). New wine in old wineskins: Promoting political reforms through the new European neighbourhood policy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(1), 29–55. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1468-5965.2006.00613.x
  • Keohane, O. R., & Nye, S. J. (1987). Power and interdependence revisited. International Organization, 41(4), 725–753.
  • Keohane, O. R., & Nye, S. J. (1989). Power and interdependence: World politics in transition (2nd ed.). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman and Co.
  • Kölliker, A. (2010). The functional dimension. In K. Dyson & A. Sepos (Eds.), Which Europe? The politics of differentiated integration (pp. 39–53). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • König, N. (2016). EU security policy and crisis management: A quest for coherence. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Kux, S., & Sverdrup, U. (2000). Fuzzy borders and adaptive outsiders: Norway, Switzerland and the EU. Journal of European Integration, 22(3), 237–270.
  • Lavenex, S. (2014). The power of functionalist extension: How EU rules travel. Journal of European Public Policy, 21(6), 885–903.
  • Lavenex, S. (2015). The external face of differentiated integration: Third country participation in EU sectoral bodies. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 836–853. 0/13501763.2015.1020836
  • Müftüler Baç, M. (2017). Turkey’s future with the European Union: an alternative model of differentiated integration. Turkish Studies, 18(3), 416–439.
  • Official Journal of the European Union. (2012). Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union. C 326/13. 26.10.2012. Retrieved from html?uri=cellar:2bf140bf-a3f8-4ab2-b506-fd71826e6da6.0023.02/DOC_1&format=PDF
  • Oye, A. K. (1985). Explaining cooperation under anarchy: Hypotheses and strategies. World Politics, 38(1), 1–24.
  • Prodi, R. (2002, December 5-6). A wider Europe – A proximity policy as the key to stability. Paper presented at the Peace, Security and Stability – International Dialogue and the Role of the EU, Panel conducted at the Sixth ECSA-World Conference, Brussels.
  • Reuters. (2016, August 7). Austria threatens to block acceleration of Turkish EU talks. Retrieved from
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Leuffen, D., & Rittberger, B. (2015). The European Union as a system of differentiated integration: Interdependence, politicization and differentiation. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 764–782.
  • TEPAV/EPRİ Dış Politika Etütleri Programı Avrupa Birliği Çalışma Grubu. (2005, Ekim). Türkiye’nin tam üyelik perspektifinin incelenmesi: EFTA-EEA ve Avrupa Birliği. http://www. adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Turhan, E. (2017a). Thinking out of the accession box: The potential and limitations of internal and external differentiated integration between Turkey and the EU. CIFE Policy Paper, 58, July 2017. Retrieved from Policy_Paper_58_Thinking_out_of_The_Accession_Box_EU_Turkey_Ebru_Turhan_2017_1.pdf
  • Turhan, E. (2017b). External differentiated integration with the EU: Causes, policy areas and future outlook. Proceedings of the MIRDEC 6th International Academic Conference Proceedings 31(55), 69–76.
  • Turhan, E. (2017c). Mülteci krizinin AB-Türkiye ilişkilerine etkileri: AB’ye üyelik sürecinden bir “stratejik ortaklığa” doğru mu? İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(31), 631–646.
  • Turhan, E. ve Yalçın, E. (2015). Çok vitesli Avrupa’ya uyum sürecinde Gümrük Birliği’nin rolü. TÜSİAD Görüş Dergisi, 86, 60–63.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanlığı. (2017). Uluslararası doğrudan yatırımlar 2016 yılı raporu. adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Yıldız, A. G. (2016). The European Union’s immigration policy: Managing migration in Turkey and Morocco. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ebru Turhan 0000-0002-8064-4927

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Turhan, E. (2018). Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 95-120.
AMA Turhan E. Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. Mayıs 2018;27(1):95-120.
Chicago Turhan, Ebru. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri Ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 27, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2018): 95-120.
EndNote Turhan E (01 Mayıs 2018) Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 27 1 95–120.
IEEE E. Turhan, “Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 1, ss. 95–120, 2018.
ISNAD Turhan, Ebru. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri Ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 27/1 (Mayıs 2018), 95-120.
JAMA Turhan E. Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2018;27:95–120.
MLA Turhan, Ebru. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri Ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 95-120.
Vancouver Turhan E. Avrupa Birliği’nin Üçüncü Ülkelerle Harici Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon Modelleri ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği: Neoliberal Bir Yaklaşım. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2018;27(1):95-120.