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Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 0 - 0, 16.05.2017


Klonlama teknolojisi; erişkin bir hücre çekirdeğinin yumurta hücresi içerisine konulup geriye programlanarak embriyonal döneme geri döndürülmesi prensibine dayanmaktadır. Ancak bu geri programlamayı etkileyen faktörler tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu nedenle elde edilen klonlar ve klonların yavrularının daha detaylı bir şekilde tanımlanması ile klonlama teknolojisi daha anlaşılır ve kontrol edilebilir hale getirilebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da bir ırkın bireylerinin farklı bir ırka ait yumurta kaynağı kullanılarak klonlanması sonucu elde edilen klonların normal bir ırk populasyonu oluşturmasının mümkün olup olmadığını ortaya koymak adına klon ve jenerasyonlarını moleküler olarak karakterize etmek ve böylece ileride bu teknolojinin nesli tükenmiş bir ırkın geriye getirilmesindeki muhtemel potansiyelini daha iyi anlamaya çalışmaktır. Bu amaçla çalışmada daha önce TÜBİTAK- TOVAG-104O360- projesi ile üretilmiş 5 klon boz sığır (1 erkek, 4 dişi) ve bu klonların yavruları (2 erkek, 4 dişi) materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle klonlar, onların yavruları ve klonların üretilmesinde kullanılan verici hücreden elde edilen genomik DNA’larda 10 mikrosatellit belirteç kullanılarak klonların genomik DNA açısından verici hücrelerin birebir kopyası olduğu ve yavrularında bu klonlara ait olduğu teyit edilmiş ve mtDNA D-loop bölgesi dizi analizi ile de klonların mtDNA’larının yumurta kaynaklı olduğu ve dolayısıyla verici hücreden farklı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu farklı mtDNA varlığı klonların yavrularında da izlenmiştir.  


  • Arat, S. 2010. “Hayvan Klonlama Teknolojileri”, “Modern Biyoteknoloji ve Uygulamaları” Editör: Dündar M, Bağış H, Erciyes Üniversitesi Matbaası, 56-98.
  • Arat, S., A. Çaputcu, T. Akkoç, S. Pabuccuoğlu , H. Sağırkaya, U. Cirit, Y. Nak, E. Koban, H. Bağış, K. Demir, D. Nak, A. Senunver, R. Kılıçaslan, B. Tuna, G. Çetinkaya, M. Denizci, Ö. Aslan, 2011. Using cell banks as a tool in conservation programmes of native domestic breeds: the production of the first cloned Anatolian Grey cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 23: 1012-1023.
  • Baguisi, A., E.Behboodi, D.T. Melican, J.S. Pollock, M.M. Destrempes, C.Cammuso, J.L. Williams, S.D. Nims, C.A. Porter, P. Midura, M.J. Palacios, S.L. Ayres, R.S. Denniston, M.L. Hayes, C.A. Ziomek, H.M. Meade, R.A. Godke, W.G. Gavin, E.W. Overstrom, Y. Echelard, 1999. Production of goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nat. Biotechnol. 17:456–461.
  • Burgstaller, J.P., P. Schinogl, A. Dinnyes, M. Müller and R. Steinborn, 2007. Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in ovine fetuses and sheep cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer. BMC Developmental Biology. 7:14.
  • Chesne´, P., P.G. Adenot, C. Viglietta, M. Baratte, L. Boulanger, J.P. Renard, 2002. Cloned rabbits production by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells. Nat. Biotechnol. 20(4):366-9.
  • Cibelli, J.B., S.L. Stice, P.J. Golueke, J.J. Kane, J.Jerry, C. Blackwell, F.A. Ponce de Leon, J.M. Robl, 1998. Cloned transgenic calves from nonquiescent fetal fibroblasts. Science. 280:1256–1258.
  • Evans, M.J., C. Gurer, J.D. Loike, I. Wilmut, A.E. Schnieke, E.A. Schon, 1999. Mitochondrial DNA genotypes in nuclear transfer-derived cloned sheep, Nat Genet. 23:90-93.
  • FAO 2011. Molecular genetic characterization of animal genetic resources. FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines. No. 9. Rome
  • Galli, C., I. Lagutina, G. Crotti, S. Colleoni, P. Turini, N. Ponderato, R. Duchi, G.A. Lazzari, 2003. Cloned horse born to its dam twin. Nature. 424:635.
  • Hiendleder, S and E. Wolf, 2003. The mitochondrial genome in embryo Technologies. Reprod Domest Anim. 38:290-304.
  • Hiendleder, S., 2007. Mitochondrial DNA Inheritance after SCNT, Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, Ed: P. Sutovsky, Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+Business Media, 103-116.
  • Hoffmann, I., P.A. Marsan, J.S.F. Barker, E.G. Cothran, O. Hanotte, J.A. Lenstra, D. Milan, S. Weigend, H. Simianer, 2004. New MoDAD marker sets to be used in diversity studies for the major farm animal species: Recommendations of a joint ISAG/FAO working group. 29th ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics) Congress, Tokyo.
  • Kato, Y., T. Tani, Y. Sotomaru, K. Kurosawa, J.Y. Kato, H. Doguchi, H. Yasue and Y. Tsunoda, 1998. Eight calves cloned from somatic cells of a single adult. Science. 282:2095–2098.
  • Kato, Y., T. Tani, Y. Tsunoda, 2000. Cloning of calves from various somatic cell types of male and female adult, newborn and fetal cows. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 120:231-237.
  • Lee, B.C., M.K. Kim, G. Jang, H.J. Oh, F. Yuda, H.J. Kim, M.H. Shamim, J.J. Kim, S.K. Kang, G. Schatten and W.S. Hwang, 2005. Dogs cloned from somatic cells. Nature. 436:641.
  • Li, M.H., T. Adamowicz, M. Switonski, I. Ammosov, Z. Ivanova, T. Kiselyova, R. Popov, J. Kantanen, 2006. Analysis of population differentiation in North Eurasian cattle (Bos taurus) using single nucleotide polymorphisms in three genes associated with production traits. Anim Genet. 37(4):390–392.
  • Meirelles, F.V., V. Bordignon, Y. Watanabe, M. Watanabe, A.Dayan, R.B. Lobo, J.M. Garcia and L.C. Smith, 2001. Complete Replacement of the Mitochondrial Genotype in a Bos indicus Calf Reconstructed by Nuclear Transfer to a Bos taurus Oocyte. Genetics. 158:351–356.
  • Mello, M.R.B., H.V.A. Caetano, M.G. Marques, J.F Garcia, M.P Milazzotto, C.M. Mendes, V.P Oliveira, J.A. Visintin, 2003. Production of a cloned calf from a fetal fibroblast cell line . Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 36:1485-1489.
  • Onishi, A., M. Iwamoto, T. Akita, S. Mikawa, K. Takeda, T. Awata, H. Hanada and A.C.F. Perry, 2000. Pig cloning by microinjection of fetal fibroblast nuclei. Science. 289:1188–1190.
  • Plante, Y., S.M. Schmuts, K.D.M. Lang, 1992. Restriction fragment lenght polymorphism in the mitochondrial DNA of cloned cattle. Theriogenology, 38: 897-904.
  • Polejaeva, I.A., S.H. Chen, T.D. Vaught, R.L. Page, J. Mullins, S. Ball, Y. Dai, J. Boone, S. Walker, D.L. Ayares, A. Colman and K.H.S. Campbell, 2000. Cloned pigs produced by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells. Nature. 407:86–90.
  • Sambrook, J., E.F. Fritsch and T. Maniatis, 1989. Molecular cloning:A laboratory manual (2nd ed.), 3 vol, Cold-Spring Harbor, New York.
  • Sevim Tüten, E. 2016. Nükleer Transfer ile Elde Edilen Klon Sığır ve Yavrularının mtDNA ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 80 s.
  • Shi, D., F. Lu, Y. Wei, K. Cui, S. Yang, J. Wei and Q. Liu, 2007. Buffalos (Bubalus bubalis) cloned by nuclear transfer of somatic cells. Biol. Reprod. 77:285–291.
  • Shin, T., D. Kraemer, J. Pryor, L. Liu, J. Rugila, L. Howe, S. Buck, K. Murphy, L. Lyons and M. Westhusin, 2002. A cat cloned by nuclear transplantation. Nature. 415:859.
  • Steinborn, R., P. Schinogl, V. Zakhartchenko, 2000. Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in cloned cattle produced by fetal and adult cell cloning. Nat Genet. 25:255-257.
  • Tae Do, J., J.W. Lee, B.Y. Lee, S.B. Kim, Z.Y. Ryoo, H.T. Lee, K.S. Chung, 2002. Fate of Donor Mitochondrial DNA in Cloned Bovine Embryos Produced by Microenjection of Cumulus Cells. Biology of Reproduction. 67: 555-560.
  • Takeda, K., K. Kaneyama, M. Tasai, S. Akagi, S. Takahashi, M. Yonai, T. Kojima, A. Onishi, T. Tagami, K. Nirasawa, H. Hanada, 2008. Characterization of a donor mitochondrial DNA transmission bottleneck in nuclear transfer derived cow lineages. Mol Reprod Dev. 75(5):759-65.
  • Theoret, C.L., M. Dore, P. Mulon, A. Desrochers, F. Viramontes, F. Filion, L.C. Smith, 2006. Short-and long-term skin graft survival in cattle clones with different mitochondrial haplotypes. Theriogenology. 65:1465-1479.
  • Vignon, X., P. Chesne, D. Le Bourhis, J.E. Flechon, Y. Heyman and J.P. Renard, 1998. Developmental potential of bovine embryos reconstructed from enucleated matured oocytes fused with cultured somatic cells. C. R. Acad. Sci, III 321:735–745.
  • Wakayama, T., A.C.F. Perry, M. Zuccotti, K.R. Johnson and R. Yanagimachi, 1998. Full-term development of mice from enucleated oocytes injected with cumulus cell nuclei. Nature. 394:369–374.
  • Wani, N.A., U. Wernery, F.A.H. Hassan, R. Wernery and J.A. Skidmore, 2010. Production of the first cloned camel by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Biol. Reprod. 82:373–379.
  • Wilmut, I., A.E. Schnieke, J. McWhir, A.J. Kind and K.H. Campbell, 1997. Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. Nature. 385:810–813.
  • Woods, G.L., K.L. White, D.K. Vanderwall, G.P. Li, K.I. Aston, T.D. Bunch, L.N. Meerdo and B.J. Pate, 2003. A mule cloned from fetal cells by nuclear transfer. Science. 301:1063.
  • Yang, B., S. Lee, S. Hwang, H. Lee, G. Im, D. Kim, D. Lee, K. Lee, I. Jeon, S. Oh, S. Park, 2012. Phenotypic characterization of Hanwoo (native Korean cattle) cloned from somatic cells of a single adult BMB reports. 45(1):38-43.
  • Zakhartchenko, V., G. Durcova-Hills, M. Stojkovic, W. Schernthaner, K. Prelle, R. Steinborn, M. Müller, G. Brem, E. Wolf, 1999. Effects of serum starvation and re-cloning on the efficiency of nuclear transfer using bovine fetal fibroblasts Journal of Reproduction dn Fertility. 115:325-331.
  • Zhou, Q., J.P. Renard, G. Le Friec, V. Brochard, N. Beaujean, Y. Cherifi, A. Fraichard and J. Cozzi, 2003. Generation of fertile cloned rates by regulating oocyte activation. Science. 302:1179.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 0 - 0, 16.05.2017



  • Arat, S. 2010. “Hayvan Klonlama Teknolojileri”, “Modern Biyoteknoloji ve Uygulamaları” Editör: Dündar M, Bağış H, Erciyes Üniversitesi Matbaası, 56-98.
  • Arat, S., A. Çaputcu, T. Akkoç, S. Pabuccuoğlu , H. Sağırkaya, U. Cirit, Y. Nak, E. Koban, H. Bağış, K. Demir, D. Nak, A. Senunver, R. Kılıçaslan, B. Tuna, G. Çetinkaya, M. Denizci, Ö. Aslan, 2011. Using cell banks as a tool in conservation programmes of native domestic breeds: the production of the first cloned Anatolian Grey cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 23: 1012-1023.
  • Baguisi, A., E.Behboodi, D.T. Melican, J.S. Pollock, M.M. Destrempes, C.Cammuso, J.L. Williams, S.D. Nims, C.A. Porter, P. Midura, M.J. Palacios, S.L. Ayres, R.S. Denniston, M.L. Hayes, C.A. Ziomek, H.M. Meade, R.A. Godke, W.G. Gavin, E.W. Overstrom, Y. Echelard, 1999. Production of goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nat. Biotechnol. 17:456–461.
  • Burgstaller, J.P., P. Schinogl, A. Dinnyes, M. Müller and R. Steinborn, 2007. Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in ovine fetuses and sheep cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer. BMC Developmental Biology. 7:14.
  • Chesne´, P., P.G. Adenot, C. Viglietta, M. Baratte, L. Boulanger, J.P. Renard, 2002. Cloned rabbits production by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells. Nat. Biotechnol. 20(4):366-9.
  • Cibelli, J.B., S.L. Stice, P.J. Golueke, J.J. Kane, J.Jerry, C. Blackwell, F.A. Ponce de Leon, J.M. Robl, 1998. Cloned transgenic calves from nonquiescent fetal fibroblasts. Science. 280:1256–1258.
  • Evans, M.J., C. Gurer, J.D. Loike, I. Wilmut, A.E. Schnieke, E.A. Schon, 1999. Mitochondrial DNA genotypes in nuclear transfer-derived cloned sheep, Nat Genet. 23:90-93.
  • FAO 2011. Molecular genetic characterization of animal genetic resources. FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines. No. 9. Rome
  • Galli, C., I. Lagutina, G. Crotti, S. Colleoni, P. Turini, N. Ponderato, R. Duchi, G.A. Lazzari, 2003. Cloned horse born to its dam twin. Nature. 424:635.
  • Hiendleder, S and E. Wolf, 2003. The mitochondrial genome in embryo Technologies. Reprod Domest Anim. 38:290-304.
  • Hiendleder, S., 2007. Mitochondrial DNA Inheritance after SCNT, Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, Ed: P. Sutovsky, Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+Business Media, 103-116.
  • Hoffmann, I., P.A. Marsan, J.S.F. Barker, E.G. Cothran, O. Hanotte, J.A. Lenstra, D. Milan, S. Weigend, H. Simianer, 2004. New MoDAD marker sets to be used in diversity studies for the major farm animal species: Recommendations of a joint ISAG/FAO working group. 29th ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics) Congress, Tokyo.
  • Kato, Y., T. Tani, Y. Sotomaru, K. Kurosawa, J.Y. Kato, H. Doguchi, H. Yasue and Y. Tsunoda, 1998. Eight calves cloned from somatic cells of a single adult. Science. 282:2095–2098.
  • Kato, Y., T. Tani, Y. Tsunoda, 2000. Cloning of calves from various somatic cell types of male and female adult, newborn and fetal cows. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 120:231-237.
  • Lee, B.C., M.K. Kim, G. Jang, H.J. Oh, F. Yuda, H.J. Kim, M.H. Shamim, J.J. Kim, S.K. Kang, G. Schatten and W.S. Hwang, 2005. Dogs cloned from somatic cells. Nature. 436:641.
  • Li, M.H., T. Adamowicz, M. Switonski, I. Ammosov, Z. Ivanova, T. Kiselyova, R. Popov, J. Kantanen, 2006. Analysis of population differentiation in North Eurasian cattle (Bos taurus) using single nucleotide polymorphisms in three genes associated with production traits. Anim Genet. 37(4):390–392.
  • Meirelles, F.V., V. Bordignon, Y. Watanabe, M. Watanabe, A.Dayan, R.B. Lobo, J.M. Garcia and L.C. Smith, 2001. Complete Replacement of the Mitochondrial Genotype in a Bos indicus Calf Reconstructed by Nuclear Transfer to a Bos taurus Oocyte. Genetics. 158:351–356.
  • Mello, M.R.B., H.V.A. Caetano, M.G. Marques, J.F Garcia, M.P Milazzotto, C.M. Mendes, V.P Oliveira, J.A. Visintin, 2003. Production of a cloned calf from a fetal fibroblast cell line . Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 36:1485-1489.
  • Onishi, A., M. Iwamoto, T. Akita, S. Mikawa, K. Takeda, T. Awata, H. Hanada and A.C.F. Perry, 2000. Pig cloning by microinjection of fetal fibroblast nuclei. Science. 289:1188–1190.
  • Plante, Y., S.M. Schmuts, K.D.M. Lang, 1992. Restriction fragment lenght polymorphism in the mitochondrial DNA of cloned cattle. Theriogenology, 38: 897-904.
  • Polejaeva, I.A., S.H. Chen, T.D. Vaught, R.L. Page, J. Mullins, S. Ball, Y. Dai, J. Boone, S. Walker, D.L. Ayares, A. Colman and K.H.S. Campbell, 2000. Cloned pigs produced by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells. Nature. 407:86–90.
  • Sambrook, J., E.F. Fritsch and T. Maniatis, 1989. Molecular cloning:A laboratory manual (2nd ed.), 3 vol, Cold-Spring Harbor, New York.
  • Sevim Tüten, E. 2016. Nükleer Transfer ile Elde Edilen Klon Sığır ve Yavrularının mtDNA ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 80 s.
  • Shi, D., F. Lu, Y. Wei, K. Cui, S. Yang, J. Wei and Q. Liu, 2007. Buffalos (Bubalus bubalis) cloned by nuclear transfer of somatic cells. Biol. Reprod. 77:285–291.
  • Shin, T., D. Kraemer, J. Pryor, L. Liu, J. Rugila, L. Howe, S. Buck, K. Murphy, L. Lyons and M. Westhusin, 2002. A cat cloned by nuclear transplantation. Nature. 415:859.
  • Steinborn, R., P. Schinogl, V. Zakhartchenko, 2000. Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in cloned cattle produced by fetal and adult cell cloning. Nat Genet. 25:255-257.
  • Tae Do, J., J.W. Lee, B.Y. Lee, S.B. Kim, Z.Y. Ryoo, H.T. Lee, K.S. Chung, 2002. Fate of Donor Mitochondrial DNA in Cloned Bovine Embryos Produced by Microenjection of Cumulus Cells. Biology of Reproduction. 67: 555-560.
  • Takeda, K., K. Kaneyama, M. Tasai, S. Akagi, S. Takahashi, M. Yonai, T. Kojima, A. Onishi, T. Tagami, K. Nirasawa, H. Hanada, 2008. Characterization of a donor mitochondrial DNA transmission bottleneck in nuclear transfer derived cow lineages. Mol Reprod Dev. 75(5):759-65.
  • Theoret, C.L., M. Dore, P. Mulon, A. Desrochers, F. Viramontes, F. Filion, L.C. Smith, 2006. Short-and long-term skin graft survival in cattle clones with different mitochondrial haplotypes. Theriogenology. 65:1465-1479.
  • Vignon, X., P. Chesne, D. Le Bourhis, J.E. Flechon, Y. Heyman and J.P. Renard, 1998. Developmental potential of bovine embryos reconstructed from enucleated matured oocytes fused with cultured somatic cells. C. R. Acad. Sci, III 321:735–745.
  • Wakayama, T., A.C.F. Perry, M. Zuccotti, K.R. Johnson and R. Yanagimachi, 1998. Full-term development of mice from enucleated oocytes injected with cumulus cell nuclei. Nature. 394:369–374.
  • Wani, N.A., U. Wernery, F.A.H. Hassan, R. Wernery and J.A. Skidmore, 2010. Production of the first cloned camel by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Biol. Reprod. 82:373–379.
  • Wilmut, I., A.E. Schnieke, J. McWhir, A.J. Kind and K.H. Campbell, 1997. Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. Nature. 385:810–813.
  • Woods, G.L., K.L. White, D.K. Vanderwall, G.P. Li, K.I. Aston, T.D. Bunch, L.N. Meerdo and B.J. Pate, 2003. A mule cloned from fetal cells by nuclear transfer. Science. 301:1063.
  • Yang, B., S. Lee, S. Hwang, H. Lee, G. Im, D. Kim, D. Lee, K. Lee, I. Jeon, S. Oh, S. Park, 2012. Phenotypic characterization of Hanwoo (native Korean cattle) cloned from somatic cells of a single adult BMB reports. 45(1):38-43.
  • Zakhartchenko, V., G. Durcova-Hills, M. Stojkovic, W. Schernthaner, K. Prelle, R. Steinborn, M. Müller, G. Brem, E. Wolf, 1999. Effects of serum starvation and re-cloning on the efficiency of nuclear transfer using bovine fetal fibroblasts Journal of Reproduction dn Fertility. 115:325-331.
  • Zhou, Q., J.P. Renard, G. Le Friec, V. Brochard, N. Beaujean, Y. Cherifi, A. Fraichard and J. Cozzi, 2003. Generation of fertile cloned rates by regulating oocyte activation. Science. 302:1179.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Sezen Arat

Emel Tüten Sevim

Fulya Özdil

Emel Özkan Ünal

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Eylül 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Arat, S., Tüten Sevim, E., Özdil, F., Özkan Ünal, E. (2017). Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2).
AMA Arat S, Tüten Sevim E, Özdil F, Özkan Ünal E. Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. JOTAF. Mayıs 2017;14(2).
Chicago Arat, Sezen, Emel Tüten Sevim, Fulya Özdil, ve Emel Özkan Ünal. “Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının MtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 14, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2017).
EndNote Arat S, Tüten Sevim E, Özdil F, Özkan Ünal E (01 Mayıs 2017) Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 14 2
IEEE S. Arat, E. Tüten Sevim, F. Özdil, ve E. Özkan Ünal, “Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu”, JOTAF, c. 14, sy. 2, 2017.
ISNAD Arat, Sezen vd. “Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının MtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 14/2 (Mayıs 2017).
JAMA Arat S, Tüten Sevim E, Özdil F, Özkan Ünal E. Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. JOTAF. 2017;14.
MLA Arat, Sezen vd. “Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının MtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 2, 2017.
Vancouver Arat S, Tüten Sevim E, Özdil F, Özkan Ünal E. Nükleer Transfer İle Elde Edilen Klon Sığır Ve Yavrularının mtDNA Ve Mikrosatellit Belirteçlerle Karakterizasyonu. JOTAF. 2017;14(2).