Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 3.06.2018

Yıl: 2018

Global Education

Curriculum & Instruction


3. Organizing blended learning for students on the basis of learning roadmaps


5. Coaching Method in Teaching History of Visual Arts to Students

Democracy and Human Rights Education

History Education

Technology Integrated Social Studies Education


11. The adoption of e-learning technology at the faculty of distance learning of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


13. The Professional Competency Teachers Mediate the Influence of Teacher Innovation and Emotional Intelligence on School Security

International and Comparative Social Studies Education


24. School Supervision Practices in the Indonesian Education System; Perspectives and Challenges

Gifted & Talented in Social Studies Education


16. Preparation of the future teacher for work with gifted children

Values Education


17. Pedagogical Potential of Muslim Religious Sources in Overcoming Physical and Mental and Psychological Trials


19. Ethical Discussions in the National Literature as a Form of Moral Education of the Students


22. Pedagogical technology for identifying the level of patriotism formation in senior school students within actualisation of social commitment and initiative

Media Literacy and Social Studies