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The Role of Psychodrama in Developing Healthy Romantic Relationships: A Case Study

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 37, 49 - 60, 27.05.2012


The aim of this case study was to assess the qualitative gains of a young psychodrama participant during group psychodrama sessions organized with the aim of fostering healthy romantic relationship habits among young adults. The case that is a 23-year old woman living with her family in Ankara, is a graduate student and has been engaged for four-and-a-half years. The group psychotherapy protocol lasted for three months and consisted of 12 two-hour long sessions. The sessions were planned to assist participants in increasing their self-awareness, in developing their empathy skills to adopt the view point of those with whom they are in close contact, and in establishing healthier bonding styles while becoming aware of their current styles of establishing relationships with the opposite sex. Each session included the stages of warm-up, play/action and sharing. At the beginning of the first session, Case expressed her aims as “to be able to resolve the problems she has in her romantic relationship, coping with her sense of loneliness, and overcoming her lack of self-confidence”. In the group sessions, case gained awareness about herself and her romantic relationship. It was concluded that in the case psychodrama training was an effective method in developing healthy romantic relationships and potentially helpful for other young adults.


  • Amatruda, M-J. (2006). Conflict resolution and social skill development with children. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, 58(4), 168-181.
  • Bartholomew, K. ve Horowitz, L. M. (1991). Attachement style among young adults: A test of four- category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61(2), 226- 244.
  • Blatner, H. A. (1996). Psikodrama ile iletişim dünyamıza adımlar: Acting-in. (Çev. G Akçay ve ark). Ankara: Grup Psikoterapileri Derneği Yayını.
  • Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books Inc.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Attachment and loss: Vol. 2. Separation: Anxiety and anger. New York: Basic Books Inc.
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Attachment and loss: Vol. 3. Loss. New York: Basic Books Inc.
  • Cohen, H. J. S. (1988). The Diagnostic drawing series: A systematic approach to art therapy evualation and research. The Arts of Psychotherapy, 15:11-21.
  • Costa, J., ve Walsh, S. (1992). Psychodrama group for health workers. Nursing Standart (Royal College of Nursing), 6(34), 30-33.
  • Creasey, G., Kershaw, K., ve Boston, A. (1999). Conflict management with friends and romantic partners: The role of attachment and negative mood regulation expectancies. Journal of Youth and Adolescent, 28, 523–543.
  • Çanakçı, M. (2000). The relationship between dating and self-esteem. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ODTÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Çelik, Ş. (2004). Attachment-oriented–psychoeducational- group-training-program for preoccupied attached adults. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ODTÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Demirbaş, H. ve Doğan, Y. B. (2002). Yatan alkol bağımlılarında projektif grup çalışması. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 3(2), 103-107.
  • Dietch, J. (1978). Love, sex roles, and psychological health. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42(6), 626–634.
  • Doğan, T. (2007). 1997-2007 yılları arasında Başkent Üniversitesi Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Merkezi’ne bireysel psikolojik danışma almak üzere başvuran öğrencilerin profili. IX. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi bildiri özetleri. İzmir.
  • Dreikurs, R. R. (1953). Fundamentals of Adlerian psychology. Chicago: Alfred Adler Institute.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: Norton.
  • Fong, J. (2006). Psychodrama as a preventive measure: Teenage girls confronting violence. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry (59)3, 99-108.
  • Furman W. ve Shaffer L. (2003). The role of romantic relationships in adolescent development. (Ed: P. Florsheim) Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior: theory, research, and practical implications. (3–22) Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Ge, Y., He, H., ve Dai, L. (2011). Study on group intervention regarding interpersonal trust among college students with campus psychodrama. Health, 3, 462-466.
  • Hazan, C., ve Shaver, P. R. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 511–52.
  • Hendrich, S. ve Hendrich, C. C. (2002). Part VI: Love. Handbook of Positive Psychology, CR Snyder, SJ Lopez (Ed), New York. Oxford University Press, 472-484.
  • Holmes, P. (1993). The roots of enactment. The process in psychodrama, family therapy and psychoanalysis. Journal of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and Sociometry, 45, 149-163.
  • Johnson, S. M., ve Talitman, E. (1997). Predictors of success in emotionally focused marital therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 23(2), 135–152.
  • Jung, C. G. (1964). İnsan ve sembolleri (Çev. A. N. Babaoğlu). İstanbul, Okuyanus Yayınları, 2007.
  • Kalkan-Oğuzhanoğlu, N., ve Özdel, O. (2005). The elderly, nursing homes and life voyages: A psychodrama group study. Turkish Psychiatry Journal, 16(2), 124-132.
  • Kipper, D. (2005). Introduction to the special issue on the treatment of couples and families with psychodrama and action methods: The case of generic psychodrama. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and Sociometry, 51-54.
  • Kohut, S. J. (1976). Psychodrama techniques for inservice teacher. College Student journal, 10(2), 114-115.
  • Maslow, A. (1968). İnsan olmanın psikolojisi (Çev. O. Gündüz). İstanbul, Kuraldışı Yayıncılık,. 2001.
  • Myers, J. E., Sweeney, T. J., ve Witmer, J. M. (2000). The wheel of wellness counseling for wellness: A holistic model for treatment planning. Journal of Counseling and Development, 78(3), 251–266.
  • Pistole, M. C. (1997). Attachment theory: Contributions to group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 22, 7–21.
  • Pistole, M. C. ve Clark, E. M. (1995). Love relationships: Attachment style and the investment model. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17(2), 199–209.
  • Paul, E. L., ve White, K.M. (1990). The development of intimate relationships in late adolescence. Adolescence, 25 (98), 375–400.
  • Remer, R. (1990). Family therapy inside out. Journal of Group Psycho-therapy and Psychodrama and Sociometry, 43, 70-82.
  • Özbek, A. ve Leutz, G. (1987). Psikodrama: Grup psikoterapilerinde sahnesel etkileşim. Ankara: Has- Soy Matbaası.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological Review, 93, 119–135.
  • Schützenberger-Ancelin, A. (1995). Psikodrama: Yöntemlerin özet bir sunumu. Yayın No. 4 (Çev. A Özbek). Ankara, Grup Psikoterapileri Derneği.
  • Yalom, I. D. (1995). Grup Psikoterapilerinin Teori ve Pratiği. (Çev. A Tangör ve Ö Karacam). New York: Basic Books.
  • of adaptation in preschool: The roots of maladaptation and
  • competence. Minesota Symposium in Child Psychology,
  • M Perlmutter (Ed.), Hillsdale NJ. Erlbaum Associates.

Sağlıklı Duygusal İlişkiler Geliştirmede Psikodramanın Rolü: Bir Olgu Sunumu

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 37, 49 - 60, 27.05.2012


Bu çalışmanın amacı, genç yetişkinlerin karşı cinsle daha sağlıklı romantik ilişkiler yaşamalarını sağlamak amacıyla uygulanan psikodrama grubuna katılan olgunun, bu uygulamadan ne tür niteliksel kazanımlar sağladığını değerlendirmektir. Olgu 23 yaşında, kadın, ailesiyle birlikte Ankara’da yaşayan, yüksek lisans programına kayıtlı, dört buçuk yıldır nişanlıdır. Psikodrama grup uygulaması ikişer saatlik 12 oturum olmak üzere üç aylık bir sürede gerçekleştirilmiştir. Oturumlar üyelerin kendileri hakkında farkındalıklarını artırmak, olaylara yakın ilişkide bulunduğu kişinin bakış açısıyla bakabilmeleri için empati becerilerini geliştirmek ve karşı cinsle kurdukları ilişki/ bağlanma biçimlerini fark ederek daha sağlıklı olan güvenli bağlanma biçimini geliştirmelerini sağlamak amacıyla planlanmıştır. Her oturum ısınma, oyun/eylem ve paylaşım aşamalarından oluşmuştur. Grup sürecinin başında, olgu amacını, “duygusal ilişkisinde yaşadığı sorunları çözebilmek; yalnızlık duygusunu ve kendine olan güven eksikliğini yenebilmek” olarak belirtmiştir. Süreç boyunca, olgu kendisine ve romantik ilişkisine ilişkin önemli farkındalıklar sağlamıştır. Bulgular ışığında, olgunun bu çalışmadan birçok kazanımının olduğu ve dolayısıyla psikodrama uygulamasının genç yetişkinlerin karşı cinsle sağlıklı ilişkiler yaşamalarını sağlama yönünde etkili bir yöntem olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Amatruda, M-J. (2006). Conflict resolution and social skill development with children. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, 58(4), 168-181.
  • Bartholomew, K. ve Horowitz, L. M. (1991). Attachement style among young adults: A test of four- category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61(2), 226- 244.
  • Blatner, H. A. (1996). Psikodrama ile iletişim dünyamıza adımlar: Acting-in. (Çev. G Akçay ve ark). Ankara: Grup Psikoterapileri Derneği Yayını.
  • Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books Inc.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Attachment and loss: Vol. 2. Separation: Anxiety and anger. New York: Basic Books Inc.
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Attachment and loss: Vol. 3. Loss. New York: Basic Books Inc.
  • Cohen, H. J. S. (1988). The Diagnostic drawing series: A systematic approach to art therapy evualation and research. The Arts of Psychotherapy, 15:11-21.
  • Costa, J., ve Walsh, S. (1992). Psychodrama group for health workers. Nursing Standart (Royal College of Nursing), 6(34), 30-33.
  • Creasey, G., Kershaw, K., ve Boston, A. (1999). Conflict management with friends and romantic partners: The role of attachment and negative mood regulation expectancies. Journal of Youth and Adolescent, 28, 523–543.
  • Çanakçı, M. (2000). The relationship between dating and self-esteem. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ODTÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Çelik, Ş. (2004). Attachment-oriented–psychoeducational- group-training-program for preoccupied attached adults. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ODTÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Demirbaş, H. ve Doğan, Y. B. (2002). Yatan alkol bağımlılarında projektif grup çalışması. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 3(2), 103-107.
  • Dietch, J. (1978). Love, sex roles, and psychological health. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42(6), 626–634.
  • Doğan, T. (2007). 1997-2007 yılları arasında Başkent Üniversitesi Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Merkezi’ne bireysel psikolojik danışma almak üzere başvuran öğrencilerin profili. IX. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi bildiri özetleri. İzmir.
  • Dreikurs, R. R. (1953). Fundamentals of Adlerian psychology. Chicago: Alfred Adler Institute.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: Norton.
  • Fong, J. (2006). Psychodrama as a preventive measure: Teenage girls confronting violence. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry (59)3, 99-108.
  • Furman W. ve Shaffer L. (2003). The role of romantic relationships in adolescent development. (Ed: P. Florsheim) Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior: theory, research, and practical implications. (3–22) Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Ge, Y., He, H., ve Dai, L. (2011). Study on group intervention regarding interpersonal trust among college students with campus psychodrama. Health, 3, 462-466.
  • Hazan, C., ve Shaver, P. R. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 511–52.
  • Hendrich, S. ve Hendrich, C. C. (2002). Part VI: Love. Handbook of Positive Psychology, CR Snyder, SJ Lopez (Ed), New York. Oxford University Press, 472-484.
  • Holmes, P. (1993). The roots of enactment. The process in psychodrama, family therapy and psychoanalysis. Journal of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and Sociometry, 45, 149-163.
  • Johnson, S. M., ve Talitman, E. (1997). Predictors of success in emotionally focused marital therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 23(2), 135–152.
  • Jung, C. G. (1964). İnsan ve sembolleri (Çev. A. N. Babaoğlu). İstanbul, Okuyanus Yayınları, 2007.
  • Kalkan-Oğuzhanoğlu, N., ve Özdel, O. (2005). The elderly, nursing homes and life voyages: A psychodrama group study. Turkish Psychiatry Journal, 16(2), 124-132.
  • Kipper, D. (2005). Introduction to the special issue on the treatment of couples and families with psychodrama and action methods: The case of generic psychodrama. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and Sociometry, 51-54.
  • Kohut, S. J. (1976). Psychodrama techniques for inservice teacher. College Student journal, 10(2), 114-115.
  • Maslow, A. (1968). İnsan olmanın psikolojisi (Çev. O. Gündüz). İstanbul, Kuraldışı Yayıncılık,. 2001.
  • Myers, J. E., Sweeney, T. J., ve Witmer, J. M. (2000). The wheel of wellness counseling for wellness: A holistic model for treatment planning. Journal of Counseling and Development, 78(3), 251–266.
  • Pistole, M. C. (1997). Attachment theory: Contributions to group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 22, 7–21.
  • Pistole, M. C. ve Clark, E. M. (1995). Love relationships: Attachment style and the investment model. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17(2), 199–209.
  • Paul, E. L., ve White, K.M. (1990). The development of intimate relationships in late adolescence. Adolescence, 25 (98), 375–400.
  • Remer, R. (1990). Family therapy inside out. Journal of Group Psycho-therapy and Psychodrama and Sociometry, 43, 70-82.
  • Özbek, A. ve Leutz, G. (1987). Psikodrama: Grup psikoterapilerinde sahnesel etkileşim. Ankara: Has- Soy Matbaası.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological Review, 93, 119–135.
  • Schützenberger-Ancelin, A. (1995). Psikodrama: Yöntemlerin özet bir sunumu. Yayın No. 4 (Çev. A Özbek). Ankara, Grup Psikoterapileri Derneği.
  • Yalom, I. D. (1995). Grup Psikoterapilerinin Teori ve Pratiği. (Çev. A Tangör ve Ö Karacam). New York: Basic Books.
  • of adaptation in preschool: The roots of maladaptation and
  • competence. Minesota Symposium in Child Psychology,
  • M Perlmutter (Ed.), Hillsdale NJ. Erlbaum Associates.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Mayıs 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 37

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, T. (2012). The Role of Psychodrama in Developing Healthy Romantic Relationships: A Case Study. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4(37), 49-60.

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