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Poroscopy as a Method for Personal Identificatıon: Issues and Challenges

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 36 - 49, 28.02.2020


Practical application of “Poroscopy” in personal identification has a dubious placein Forensic Scenario since the time it was proposed for the first time by Locard. The interest of researchers in this field could not be seen becuase of microscopic nature of the pores and use of opticle microscope. With the emergence of biometrics and image processing tools, one can analyse microscopic pores on computer screen without strain. Though studies with respect to its utility in biometrics have been accepted, the importance of poroscopy is still to be established when analysis of latent finger marks are encountered. In present work, poroscopy has been studied from its various aspects with respect to latent finger marks. We research relationship between time distance of taking ink prints and the consistency of the number of second level characteristics and pores in different zones of the first phalangs of the inked fingerprints. Then we research latent finger marks on different surfaces including unfired cartridge cases obtained and developed with various techniques to look into the results with respect to visibility of pores in corresponding positions. Pores visibility was found to be better in central zone of the fingerprints with respect of the time interval of taking prints. The visiblity of pores in developed finger marks on different surfaces differed considerably due to type of surface and method used to develop the finger mark. There was no change in pores with respect to their openness or closeness at various intervals of the day as reported by Faulds. Though poroscopy can be considered in personal identification but its use in case of identification from latent finger marks requires further studies to establish their permanency and reproducibility.


  • Anthonioz, A. and Champed, C. (2014). Integration of Pore Features into the Evaluation of Fingerprint Evidence. Journal of Forensic Science. 59(1), pp. 82-93
  • Bindra,B.; Jasuja,O.P. and Singla A.K. (2006). Poroscopy: A method of personal identification revisited. Anil Aggarwal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. vol 1, No. 1. (last accessed: 06/02/2016)
  • Champod, C. (2009). Supplementary report to the Fingerprint inquiry. Lausanne : Universite de Lausanne, Institut de police scientifique, PFS 419812.08, October 2009
  • Chatterjee, (1967). S.K. Finger, Palm and Sole prints, KOSA publishers, Calcutta.
  • Choi, H., Kang, R. Choi, K. and Kim, J. Aliveness (2007). Detection of Fingerprints using Multiple Static Features. International Journal of Computer, Information Science and Engineering. 1(4), pp. 884-889
  • D. R. Ashbaugh (1999). Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Ridgeology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,
  • D. R. Ashbaugh, (1994). “The Premises of Friction Ridge Identification, Clarity, and the Identification Process”. Journal of Forensic Identification. 44(5), pp. 499-516.
  • Faulds, (1913). H. Poroscopy: the scrutiny of sweat pores for identification. Nature, 91, pp. 635-636.
  • Geller, B; Almog, J, Margot, P and Springer E. (1999). A Chronological Review of Fingerprint Forgery. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44(5) , pp.963-968
  • Gupta, A., Buckley, K.A. and Sutton, R. (2007). The effect of substrate on the reproducibility of inked fingerprint pore dimensions examined using photomicrography. Fingerprint Whorld. 33(128) pp..156-163
  • Gupta, A., Buckley, K.A. and Sutton, R. (2008). Latent fingermark pore area reproducibility. Forensic Science International. 179 (283) pp.172-175
  • Gupta, A and Sutton, R, (2010). Pore Sub-Features Reproducibility in Direct Microscopic and Livescan Images - Their Reliability in Personal Identification. Journal of Forensic Science, 55(4), pp.970-75
  • Jain, A.; Yi Chen; Demirkus, M. (2006). Pores and Ridges:Fingerprint Matching Using Level 3 Features. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. pp. 477-480
  • Jasuja, O.P. (2006). Poroscopy and Personal Identification. Presentation at International Symposium on Advances in Fingerprint Technology, Delhi, India.
  • Kasey Wertheim and Jeff Walajtys (2006). Level III+ use in AFIS systems. GrantedOctober 3, 2006: Patent No. 7,116,806 URL TheDetail/200-299 /TheDetail292.htm
  • Locard,E. (1912). L’Identification des criminels par l’examen des glandes sudoripares, P r o v i n c e Medicale, pp. 1-12.
  • Murch, R.S., Abbott, A.L., Fox, E.A., Hsiao, M.S.and Budowle, B. (2012). Establishing the Quantitative Basis for Sufficiency Thresholds and Metrics for Friction Ridge Pattern Detail and the Foundation for a Standard. Document No.:239049 Date Received: July 2012 Award Number: 20098DN8BX8K229
  • Parsons,N.R, Smith J. Q., Thonnes,E., Wnag, L. And Wilson, R. G. (2008). Rotationally invariant statistics for examining the evidence from the pores in fingerprints. Law, Probability and Risk. 7, pp.1−14
  • S. Oklevski, (2011). Poroscopy: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the 2nd and 3rd Level Detail and their Relation, Fingerprint Whorld, vol. 37, pp. 170-181
  • S. Oklevski, ( 2 0 1 0 ) . Poroskopie Jako Metoda Identifikace Osob, Kriminalisticky Sbornik, vol. 54, pp. 52-53 (Issue 5) (Czech language)
  • Su, C, Srihari, S N (2010). Latent Fingerprint Rarity Analysis in Madrid Bombing Case, In: Computational Forensics: 4th International Workshop, IWCF, Tokyo, Japan, November 11812, 2010a, Revised Selected Papers (Sako, Hiroshi; Franke, Katrin; Saitoh, Shuji eds. 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6540:1738184
  • S. Oklevski, (2012). Utilization and Correlation between Characteristics and Features from Different Levels in the Process of Identifying Latent Prints, Fingerprint Whorld. vol. 38, pp. 161-173.

Poroskopi'nin Kişisel Tanımlama Yöntemi Olarak Kullanımı: Sorunlar ve Zorluklar

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 36 - 49, 28.02.2020


Poroskopi"nin kişisel tanımlamada pratik uygulamasının Adli Senaryoda şüpheli bir yeri vardır, ilk kez Locard tarafından önerildiği zaman. Bu alandaki araştırmacıların ilgisi, gözeneklerin mikroskobik doğası ve optik mikroskopun kullanılması nedeniyle görülemedi. Biyometrinin ve görüntü işleme araçlarının ortaya çıkmasıyla, bir kişi bilgisayar ekranında mikroskobik gözenekleri zorlanmadan analiz edebilir. Biyometri açısından faydasına dair yapılan çalışmalar kabul edilmiş olsa da, gizli parmak izlerinin analiziyle karşılaşıldığında poroskopinin önemi hala kurulmamıştır. Mevcut çalışmada, poroskopi gizli parmak izleri açısından çeşitli yönlerden incelenmiştir. Mürekkepli baskıların alınma süresi ile ikinci seviye özelliklerin ve ilk falanksın farklı bölgelerindeki gözeneklerin sayısındaki tutarlılık arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırdık. Sonra gizli parmak izlerini, karşılık gelen pozisyonlardaki gözeneklerin görünürlüğüne ilişkin sonuçlara bakmak için çeşitli tekniklerle elde edilen ve geliştirilen ateşlenmemiş fişek kılıfları da dahil olmak üzere farklı yüzeylerde araştırdık. Gözeneklerin görünürlüğü, baskıları alma zaman aralığına göre parmak izlerinin merkezi bölgesinde daha iyiydi. Farklı yüzeylerde geliştirilen parmak izlerindeki gözeneklerin görünürlüğü, yüzey tipi ve parmak izini geliştirmek için kullanılan yöntem nedeniyle oldukça farklıydı. Faulds tarafından bildirildiği gibi günün çeşitli aralıklarında gözeneklerin açıklığı veya kapalılığında bir değişiklik yoktu. Poroskopi kişisel tanımlamada dikkate alınabilir, ancak gizli parmak izlerinden tanımlama durumunda kalıcılıkları ve yeniden üretilebilirlikleri kurmak için daha fazla çalışma gereklidir.


  • Anthonioz, A. and Champed, C. (2014). Integration of Pore Features into the Evaluation of Fingerprint Evidence. Journal of Forensic Science. 59(1), pp. 82-93
  • Bindra,B.; Jasuja,O.P. and Singla A.K. (2006). Poroscopy: A method of personal identification revisited. Anil Aggarwal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. vol 1, No. 1. (last accessed: 06/02/2016)
  • Champod, C. (2009). Supplementary report to the Fingerprint inquiry. Lausanne : Universite de Lausanne, Institut de police scientifique, PFS 419812.08, October 2009
  • Chatterjee, (1967). S.K. Finger, Palm and Sole prints, KOSA publishers, Calcutta.
  • Choi, H., Kang, R. Choi, K. and Kim, J. Aliveness (2007). Detection of Fingerprints using Multiple Static Features. International Journal of Computer, Information Science and Engineering. 1(4), pp. 884-889
  • D. R. Ashbaugh (1999). Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Ridgeology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,
  • D. R. Ashbaugh, (1994). “The Premises of Friction Ridge Identification, Clarity, and the Identification Process”. Journal of Forensic Identification. 44(5), pp. 499-516.
  • Faulds, (1913). H. Poroscopy: the scrutiny of sweat pores for identification. Nature, 91, pp. 635-636.
  • Geller, B; Almog, J, Margot, P and Springer E. (1999). A Chronological Review of Fingerprint Forgery. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44(5) , pp.963-968
  • Gupta, A., Buckley, K.A. and Sutton, R. (2007). The effect of substrate on the reproducibility of inked fingerprint pore dimensions examined using photomicrography. Fingerprint Whorld. 33(128) pp..156-163
  • Gupta, A., Buckley, K.A. and Sutton, R. (2008). Latent fingermark pore area reproducibility. Forensic Science International. 179 (283) pp.172-175
  • Gupta, A and Sutton, R, (2010). Pore Sub-Features Reproducibility in Direct Microscopic and Livescan Images - Their Reliability in Personal Identification. Journal of Forensic Science, 55(4), pp.970-75
  • Jain, A.; Yi Chen; Demirkus, M. (2006). Pores and Ridges:Fingerprint Matching Using Level 3 Features. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. pp. 477-480
  • Jasuja, O.P. (2006). Poroscopy and Personal Identification. Presentation at International Symposium on Advances in Fingerprint Technology, Delhi, India.
  • Kasey Wertheim and Jeff Walajtys (2006). Level III+ use in AFIS systems. GrantedOctober 3, 2006: Patent No. 7,116,806 URL TheDetail/200-299 /TheDetail292.htm
  • Locard,E. (1912). L’Identification des criminels par l’examen des glandes sudoripares, P r o v i n c e Medicale, pp. 1-12.
  • Murch, R.S., Abbott, A.L., Fox, E.A., Hsiao, M.S.and Budowle, B. (2012). Establishing the Quantitative Basis for Sufficiency Thresholds and Metrics for Friction Ridge Pattern Detail and the Foundation for a Standard. Document No.:239049 Date Received: July 2012 Award Number: 20098DN8BX8K229
  • Parsons,N.R, Smith J. Q., Thonnes,E., Wnag, L. And Wilson, R. G. (2008). Rotationally invariant statistics for examining the evidence from the pores in fingerprints. Law, Probability and Risk. 7, pp.1−14
  • S. Oklevski, (2011). Poroscopy: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the 2nd and 3rd Level Detail and their Relation, Fingerprint Whorld, vol. 37, pp. 170-181
  • S. Oklevski, ( 2 0 1 0 ) . Poroskopie Jako Metoda Identifikace Osob, Kriminalisticky Sbornik, vol. 54, pp. 52-53 (Issue 5) (Czech language)
  • Su, C, Srihari, S N (2010). Latent Fingerprint Rarity Analysis in Madrid Bombing Case, In: Computational Forensics: 4th International Workshop, IWCF, Tokyo, Japan, November 11812, 2010a, Revised Selected Papers (Sako, Hiroshi; Franke, Katrin; Saitoh, Shuji eds. 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6540:1738184
  • S. Oklevski, (2012). Utilization and Correlation between Characteristics and Features from Different Levels in the Process of Identifying Latent Prints, Fingerprint Whorld. vol. 38, pp. 161-173.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Adli Tıp
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Slobodan Oklevskı Bu kişi benim

Om Prakash Jasuca Bu kişi benim

Gagandeep Sıngh Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Oklevskı, S., Jasuca, O. P., & Sıngh, G. (2020). Poroscopy as a Method for Personal Identificatıon: Issues and Challenges. Adli Bilimler Ve Suç Araştırmaları, 1(1), 36-49.