Prisoners’ Experiences of Police Intervention in the Reality of Social Capital
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 3 - 22, 11.05.2023
Merve Reyhan Bayegdli
Yusuf Şahin
One of the most important roles falls to the police in maintaining law and order in the face of the ever-changing forms of crime in the world. Methods and practices aimed at maintaining the relationship of trust betwe- en human rights and the state during the operation occupy a large space in the social science literature. In this context, it can be said that a transition from a reactive policing to a proactive policing model has taken place in Turkey. This transition also includes the evolution from force exercise to service delivery. Our study attempts to consider the policing experiences of convicts who define themselves as religious within the context of these discussions. All the participants identified themselves as religious, Muslim. Convicts’ religiosity and feelings of guilt were examined from the perspec- tive of social and cultural capital. From the viewpoint of this problematiza- tion, the convicts’ police experiences were subjected to qualitative pheno- menological analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that religious teachings, as an element of cultural capital, do not prevent the commission of crimes, but have a formative effect in the process of police intervention
- Adalet İstatistikleri. (2019). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. do?metod=kategorist
- Albrecht, S. L., Chadwick, B. A., & Alcorn, D. S. (1977). Religiosity and deviance: application of an attitude-behavior contingent consistency model. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 16(3), pp. 263-274.
- Ataman, K., & Vaughan, K. (2017). Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(2), Art. 2.
- Bassiouni, M. C. (1997). Crimes and the criminal process. Arab Law Quarterly, 12(3), pp.269-286.
- Bayley, D. H. (1996). Police for the future. Oxford University Press.
- Bayley, D. H., & Shearing, C. D. (1996). The future of policing. Law & Society Review,
30(3), pp.585-606.
- Becker, H. S. (1997).Outsiders: studies in sociology of deviance. The Free Press.
- Brauer, J. R., Antonaccio, O., & Tittle, C. R. (2013). Does religion suppress, socialize,
soothe, or support? exploring religiosity’s ınfluence on crime. Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion, 52(4), pp.753-774.
- Burgess, E. (1967). The growth of the city: an ıntroductıon to a research project. İçinde
R. E. Park, E.
- Burgess, & R. D. McKenzie (Ed.), The City: Suggestions for Investigation of Human
Behavior in the Urban Environment, the University of Chicago Press, pp. 47-63.. Ceza infaz kurumları ile tutukevleri işyurtları kurumu. (2021). Ceza ve tevkifevleri genel müdürlüğü. (t.y.). Geliş tarihi 02 Mayıs 2018, gönderen http://
Cohen, A. (1994). The content of the delinquent subculture. İçinde Classics of Criminology,
Waveland Press. pp. 201-206
- Coleman, J. A. (1970). Civil religion. Sociological Analysis, 31(2), pp.67-77. https://doi.
- Creswell, J. (2007). Qualitative ınquiry and research design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. Sage.
- Dhanagare, D. N. (1967). Delinquency and opportunity theory in the context of justification.
Sociological Bulletin, 16(2), pp.39-59.
- Eğitim servisi faaliyetleri. (t.y.). Geliş tarihi 27 Ocak 2021, gönderen https://cte.adalet.
- Ellis, L. (1985). Religiosity and criminality: evidence and explanations of complex
relationships. Sociological Perspectives, 28(4), pp.501-520. https://doi.
- Evkuran, M. (2017). İslam düşüncesinde otoritenin tarihsel ve teolojik kurulumu: allah’ın
ve sultân’ın mutlaklığı üzerine tartışma. Milel ve Nihal, 14(1), pp.36-62.
- Fröhlich, T. (2017). Civil religion on a confucian basis. İçinde Tang Junyi Brill, pp. 240-249.
Genel Bilgi. (2022).
- Goffman, E. (2014). Damga: örselenmiş kimliğin idare edilişi üzerine notlar (L. Ünsaldı,
Ş. Geniş, & S. N. Ağırnaslı, Çev.). Heretik Yayıncılık.
- Grant Weinandy, J. T., & Grubbs, J. B. (2021). Religious and spiritual beliefs and attitudes
towards addiction and addiction treatment: A scoping review. Addictive Behaviors
Reports, 14, 100393.
- Grim, B. J., & Grim, M. E. (2019). Belief, behavior, and belonging: how faith is ındispensable in preventing and recovering from substance abuse. Journal of Religion
and Health, 58(5), p.1713.
- Gupta, S. (2004). The changing dimensions of ınternational terrorism and the role of the united states: a comprehensive and multilateral approach to combat global terrorism.
The Indian Journal of Political Science, 65(4), pp.556-587.
- Hirschi, T., & Stark, R. (1969). Hellfire and delinquency. Social Problems, 17(2), pp.202-
- Huberman, A. M., Miles, M. B. (2016). Nitel veri analizi. Kolektif.
Jiao, A. Y. (1997). Factoring policing models. Policing: An International
Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 20(3), pp.454-472. https://doi.
- Juergensmeyer, M. (1996). The worldwide rise of religious nationalism. Journal of
International Affairs, 50(1), pp.1-20.
- Kara, Y. (2021). Vatandaş odaklı yönetim anlayışı ekseninde toplum destekli polislik
uygulaması. Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey Üniversitesi.
- Kurtdaş, M. Ç. (2018). Küresel terör çağinda ulus devletin artan önemi. TESAM Akademi
Dergisi, 5(2), Art. 2.
- McCartney, P. T. (2004). American nationalism and u.s. foreign policy from september 11 to the ıraq war. Political Science Quarterly, 119(3), pp.399-423. https://doi.
- Merton, R. K. (1938). Social structure and anomie. American Sociological Review, 3(5),
- Olson, J. K. (1990). Crime and religion: a denominational and community analysis. Journal
for the Scientific Study of Religion, 29(3), pp.395-403. Pettersson, T. (1991). Religion and criminality: structural relationships between church ınvolvement and crime rates in contemporary sweden. Journal for the Scientific Study
of Religion, 30(3), pp.279-291.
- Lemert, E. M. (1951). Social pathology: a systematic approach to the theory of sociopathic
Behavior. McGraw-Hill. /10.2307/1386973
- Prinz, J., & Schetter, C. (2016). Conditioned sovereignty: the creation and legitimation of
spaces of violence in counterterrorism operations of the “war on terror”. Alternatives:
Global, Local, Political, 41(3), pp.119-136.
- Reckless, W. C. (2016). The sociologist looks at crime: The ANNALS of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science. Saldana, J. (2011). Fundamentals of qualitative research. Oxford University Press.
Smidt, C. E. (Ed.). (2003). Religion as social capital: producing the common good. Baylor
- University Press.
Tittle, C. (2001). Control balance. İçinde R. Paternoster & R. Bachman (Ed.), Explaining Criminals and Crime, Oxford University Press, pp. 315-335.
Toplum destekli polislik. (2020). Trojanowicz, R. C., & Bucqueroux, B. (1998). Community policing: how to get started
(2nd edition). Routledge. TÜİK kurumsal. (2021).
- Zuo, J. (1991). Political religion: The case of the cultural revolution in china. Sociological
Analysis, 52(1), pp. 99-110.
Sosyal Sermaye Gerçekliğinde Hükümlülerin Polis Müdahalesine Yönelik Deneyimleri
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 3 - 22, 11.05.2023
Merve Reyhan Bayegdli
Yusuf Şahin
Dünyada sürekli değişen suç biçimleri karşısında asayişin sağlanma- sında en önemli rollerden biri polise düşmektedir. Suça müdahale sırasında, insan hakları ile devlet arasındaki güven ilişkisini sürdürmeye yönelik yön- tem ve uygulamalar sosyal bilimler literatüründe geniş yer tutmaktadır. Bu bağlamda Türkiye’de reaktif polislikten proaktif polisliğe geçişin gerçek- leştiği söylenebilir. Bu geçiş aynı zamanda güç kullanımından hizmet sunu- muna evrimi de içerir. Çalışmamız, hükümlülerin polislik deneyimlerini bu tartışmalar bağlamında değerlendirmeye çalışmaktadır. Tüm katılımcılar kendilerini dindar, Müslüman olarak tanımlamıştır. Hükümlülerin dindar- lıkları ve suçluluk durumları sosyal ve kültürel sermaye açısından ince- lenmiştir. Bu sorunsallaştırma açısından hükümlülerin polislik deneyimleri niteliksel fenomenolojik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonucun- da, kültürel sermayenin bir unsuru olarak dini öğretilerin suç işlenmesini engellemediği ancak polis müdahalesini anlama ve deneyimleme sürecinde biçimlendirici bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- Adalet İstatistikleri. (2019). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. do?metod=kategorist
- Albrecht, S. L., Chadwick, B. A., & Alcorn, D. S. (1977). Religiosity and deviance: application of an attitude-behavior contingent consistency model. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 16(3), pp. 263-274.
- Ataman, K., & Vaughan, K. (2017). Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(2), Art. 2.
- Bassiouni, M. C. (1997). Crimes and the criminal process. Arab Law Quarterly, 12(3), pp.269-286.
- Bayley, D. H. (1996). Police for the future. Oxford University Press.
- Bayley, D. H., & Shearing, C. D. (1996). The future of policing. Law & Society Review,
30(3), pp.585-606.
- Becker, H. S. (1997).Outsiders: studies in sociology of deviance. The Free Press.
- Brauer, J. R., Antonaccio, O., & Tittle, C. R. (2013). Does religion suppress, socialize,
soothe, or support? exploring religiosity’s ınfluence on crime. Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion, 52(4), pp.753-774.
- Burgess, E. (1967). The growth of the city: an ıntroductıon to a research project. İçinde
R. E. Park, E.
- Burgess, & R. D. McKenzie (Ed.), The City: Suggestions for Investigation of Human
Behavior in the Urban Environment, the University of Chicago Press, pp. 47-63.. Ceza infaz kurumları ile tutukevleri işyurtları kurumu. (2021). Ceza ve tevkifevleri genel müdürlüğü. (t.y.). Geliş tarihi 02 Mayıs 2018, gönderen http://
Cohen, A. (1994). The content of the delinquent subculture. İçinde Classics of Criminology,
Waveland Press. pp. 201-206
- Coleman, J. A. (1970). Civil religion. Sociological Analysis, 31(2), pp.67-77. https://doi.
- Creswell, J. (2007). Qualitative ınquiry and research design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. Sage.
- Dhanagare, D. N. (1967). Delinquency and opportunity theory in the context of justification.
Sociological Bulletin, 16(2), pp.39-59.
- Eğitim servisi faaliyetleri. (t.y.). Geliş tarihi 27 Ocak 2021, gönderen https://cte.adalet.
- Ellis, L. (1985). Religiosity and criminality: evidence and explanations of complex
relationships. Sociological Perspectives, 28(4), pp.501-520. https://doi.
- Evkuran, M. (2017). İslam düşüncesinde otoritenin tarihsel ve teolojik kurulumu: allah’ın
ve sultân’ın mutlaklığı üzerine tartışma. Milel ve Nihal, 14(1), pp.36-62.
- Fröhlich, T. (2017). Civil religion on a confucian basis. İçinde Tang Junyi Brill, pp. 240-249.
Genel Bilgi. (2022).
- Goffman, E. (2014). Damga: örselenmiş kimliğin idare edilişi üzerine notlar (L. Ünsaldı,
Ş. Geniş, & S. N. Ağırnaslı, Çev.). Heretik Yayıncılık.
- Grant Weinandy, J. T., & Grubbs, J. B. (2021). Religious and spiritual beliefs and attitudes
towards addiction and addiction treatment: A scoping review. Addictive Behaviors
Reports, 14, 100393.
- Grim, B. J., & Grim, M. E. (2019). Belief, behavior, and belonging: how faith is ındispensable in preventing and recovering from substance abuse. Journal of Religion
and Health, 58(5), p.1713.
- Gupta, S. (2004). The changing dimensions of ınternational terrorism and the role of the united states: a comprehensive and multilateral approach to combat global terrorism.
The Indian Journal of Political Science, 65(4), pp.556-587.
- Hirschi, T., & Stark, R. (1969). Hellfire and delinquency. Social Problems, 17(2), pp.202-
- Huberman, A. M., Miles, M. B. (2016). Nitel veri analizi. Kolektif.
Jiao, A. Y. (1997). Factoring policing models. Policing: An International
Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 20(3), pp.454-472. https://doi.
- Juergensmeyer, M. (1996). The worldwide rise of religious nationalism. Journal of
International Affairs, 50(1), pp.1-20.
- Kara, Y. (2021). Vatandaş odaklı yönetim anlayışı ekseninde toplum destekli polislik
uygulaması. Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey Üniversitesi.
- Kurtdaş, M. Ç. (2018). Küresel terör çağinda ulus devletin artan önemi. TESAM Akademi
Dergisi, 5(2), Art. 2.
- McCartney, P. T. (2004). American nationalism and u.s. foreign policy from september 11 to the ıraq war. Political Science Quarterly, 119(3), pp.399-423. https://doi.
- Merton, R. K. (1938). Social structure and anomie. American Sociological Review, 3(5),
- Olson, J. K. (1990). Crime and religion: a denominational and community analysis. Journal
for the Scientific Study of Religion, 29(3), pp.395-403. Pettersson, T. (1991). Religion and criminality: structural relationships between church ınvolvement and crime rates in contemporary sweden. Journal for the Scientific Study
of Religion, 30(3), pp.279-291.
- Lemert, E. M. (1951). Social pathology: a systematic approach to the theory of sociopathic
Behavior. McGraw-Hill. /10.2307/1386973
- Prinz, J., & Schetter, C. (2016). Conditioned sovereignty: the creation and legitimation of
spaces of violence in counterterrorism operations of the “war on terror”. Alternatives:
Global, Local, Political, 41(3), pp.119-136.
- Reckless, W. C. (2016). The sociologist looks at crime: The ANNALS of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science. Saldana, J. (2011). Fundamentals of qualitative research. Oxford University Press.
Smidt, C. E. (Ed.). (2003). Religion as social capital: producing the common good. Baylor
- University Press.
Tittle, C. (2001). Control balance. İçinde R. Paternoster & R. Bachman (Ed.), Explaining Criminals and Crime, Oxford University Press, pp. 315-335.
Toplum destekli polislik. (2020). Trojanowicz, R. C., & Bucqueroux, B. (1998). Community policing: how to get started
(2nd edition). Routledge. TÜİK kurumsal. (2021).
- Zuo, J. (1991). Political religion: The case of the cultural revolution in china. Sociological
Analysis, 52(1), pp. 99-110.