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Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 20 - 25, 11.07.2016


Introduction of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, 1934 (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) with the grass carp [Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844)] and common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), has been documented on Asia, Europe and some parts of North America. It is known that it parazites more than one hundred fishes, principally Cyprinides. One of the major negative effects of fish introductions in Turkey is the wide spread distribution of B. acheilognathi. It is a highly pathogenic cestode that infects a range of fish species in Turkey. It has spread widely because of movements of grass carp and other fish species. This study presents the current geographical distribution and host range of B. acheilognathi in inland waters of Turkey.


  • Açıkel M., Öztürk M.O. 2011. An investigation on Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda) infection linked to seasons and age groups of Squalius cephalus (L.) from Lake Dam Serban (Afyonkarahisar). Fırat University Journal of Science, 24 (1): 15-22.
  • Akbeniz E., Soylu E. 2009. Metazoan parasites of tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) in the lake Sapanca, Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23 (2): 13-18.
  • Aksoy Ş., Sarıeyyüpoğlu M. 2000. Study of endohelminths in Capoeta capoeta umbla from Hazar Lake (Elazığ). Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 12(1): 345-351 (in Turkish).
  • Aydın Y. 2003. Determination of helminth species of digestive treat of sheatfish (Silurus glanis L., 1758) living Hirfanlı Dam Lake. Niğde University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 51 p. (in Turkish)
  • Aydoğdu A. 2001. Helminth fauna of some fish species living in Doğancı Dam Lake. Uludağ University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 82 p. (in Turkish)
  • Aydoğdu A., Altunel F.N., Yıldırımhan H.S. 2001. Occurence of helminths in Chub, Leuciscus cephalus, of the Doganci (Bursa) Dam Lake, Turkey. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 21(6): 246-251
  • Aydoğdu A., Altunel F.N. 2002. Helminth parasites (Plathelminthes) of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Iznik Lake. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 22: 343-348
  • Aydoğdu A., Selver M. 2006. An investigation of helminth Fauna of the Bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) from the Mustafa Kemal Paşa Stream, Bursa, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 30 (1): 69-72 (in Turkish).
  • Aydoğdu A., Erk’akan F., Keskin N., İnnal D., Aslan İ. 2014. Helminth communities of the Turkish endemic fish, Pseudophoxinus crassus (Ladiges, 1960): four helminth parasites for a new host record. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30: 937-940.
  • Coad B.W. 1996. Exotic and transplanted fishes in Southwest Asia. Boletín del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 21: 81106
  • Çetinkaya O. 2006. Exotic and native fish species that introduced or stocked into Turkish waters, their impacts on Aquaculture, fisheries, wild populations and aquatic ecosystems: A preliminary study on constructing a database (In Turkish with English Summary). I. Symposium on Management of Reservoirs and Fish Stocking, MARA, Mediterranean Fisheries, Production and Education Institute, pp: 205-235.
  • Çolak S.O. 2013. The helminth community of the sand smelt (Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810) from Lake Iznik, Turkey. Journal of Helminthology, 87(2):129-34
  • Çolak H.S. 2012. Metazoan parasites of fish species from Lake Sığırcı (Edirne, Turkey). The Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 37: 200-205
  • Demirtaş M. 2011. The seasonal distribution and effect of tench fish (Tinca tinca L., 1758) helminthes parasites living in Terkos Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 35: 159-63.
  • Dörücü M., İspir U. 2005. A study on endo-parasites of some fish species caught in Keban Dam Lake. Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 17(2): 400-404. (In Turkish)
  • Erkul S. 1997. Infection of helminths in freshwater fish seen in the region of Ankara. Ankara University, Thesis/Dissertation, 50 p. (in Turkish)
  • Froese R., Pauly D. 2015. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:, version (11/2015).
  • Hoole D. 1994. Tapeworm infections in fish: past and future problems. In: A.W. Pike, J.W. Lewis, (Eds.). Parasitic Diseases of Fish, Samara Publishing Limited, Cardigan, UK, pp: 119-140.
  • Innal D., Erk’akan F. 2006. Effects of exotic and translocated fish species in the inland waters of Turkey. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 16: 39-50.
  • Kır I., Tekin Özan S. 2005. Occurrence of helminths in tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) of Kovada Lake (Isparta), Turkey. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 25(2): 75-81.
  • Kır I., Tekin Özan S. 2007. Helminth infections in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., 1758 (Cyprinidae) from Kovada Lake (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 31(3): 232236
  • Kır I., Ayvaz Y., Barlas M., Tekin Özan S. 2004. Seasonal distribution and effect of parasites on carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) inhabiting the Karacaoren I Dam Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 28(1): 45-49. (In Turkish)
  • Koyun M. 2001. Helminth fauna of some fish species in Enne Dam Lake (Kütahya) Uludağ University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 119 p. (In Turkish)
  • Kurupınar E., Öztürk M.O. 2009. A study on the helminth fauna linked to seasonal changes and size of the fish host, Leuciscus cephalus L., from Lake Dam Örenler, Afyonkarahisar. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 33(3): 248-253.
  • Kutlu H.L., Ozturk M.O. 2006. An investigation on anatomy, morphology and ecology of metazoan parasites of Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (common carp) from Lake Karamık (Afyonkarahisar). Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3-4): 389-393.
  • Oğuz M.C., Öztürk M.O., Altunel F.N., Ay Y.D. 1996. A parasitological investigation on common carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) caught in Uluabat Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 20(1): 97-103.
  • Ögretmen F. 2006. Use of Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. 1844) in reservoirs and activation of DSI (Genereal directorate of state hydraulics Works) I. Symposium on Management of Reservoirs and Fish Stocking, MARA, Mediterranean Fisheries, Production and Education Institute, 431-437. (In Turkish)
  • Özturk M.O., Aydoğdu A., Dogan I. 2002. The occurrence of helminth fauna in sand goby (Gobius fluviatilis Pallas, 1811) from Lake Uluabat, Turkey. Acta Vet-Beograd, 52(56): 381-391.
  • Öztürk M.O., Bulut S. 2006. An investigation on the metazoan parasite fauna of Cyprinus carpio L. (Common Carp) from Lake Selevir Dam (Afyonkarahisar). Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 18(2): 143-149. (In Turkish)
  • Öztürk M.O. 2000. Helminth fauna of Manyas (Kuş) Lake fishes. Uludağ University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 134 p. (In Turkish)
  • Öztürk M.O. 2005. An Investigation of Metazoan Parasites of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Lake Eber, Afyon, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 29 (3): 204-210. (In Turkish)
  • Öztürk M.O. 2011. Observations on cestode fauna of fishes from Lake Dam Kunduzlar (Kırka, Eskişehir). Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering, 11: 51-56.
  • Öztürk T., Özer A. 2014. Comparative invasive asian tapaworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi infections on the lower Kızılırmak Delta fishes. Journal of Academic Documents for Fisheries and Aquaculture, 1: 1-7.
  • Paperna I. 1996. Parasites, infections and diseases of fishes in Africa, an update. CIFA Technical Paper No. 31 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 220 p.
  • Salgado-Maldonado G., Pineda-Lopez R.F. 2003. The Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi: a potential threat to native freshwater fish species in Mexico. Biological Invasions, 5: 261-268.
  • Samancı İ. 2011. The Investıgatıon of parasıtes in carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) and Crucıan Carp (Carassius carassius L., 1758) inhabıtıng Karacaören ІI Dam Lake. Süleyman Demirel University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 46 p. (In Turkish)
  • Selver M.M., Aydoğdu A., Çırak V.Y. 2007. Helminth communities of the roach (Rutilus rutilus) from Kocadere stream in Bursa, Turkey: occurrence, intensity, seasonality and their infestations linked to host fish size. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 29(4): 131-138
  • Soylu E. 2006. Some Metazoan Parasites (Cestoda, Trematoda and Mollusca) of Blicca bjoerkna Linnaeus, 1758 from Sapanca Lake, Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20: 33-42.
  • Sönmez S.N. 1996. Investigation of parasitic fauna of fishes in Mogan Lake. Ankara University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 73 p. (In Turkish)
  • Tekin Özan S., Kır İ., Ayvaz Y., Barlas M. 2006. An investigation of parasites of tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) in Beyşehir Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 30(4): 333338. (In Turkish)
  • Tekin Özan S., Kır İ., Barlas M. 2008. Helminth parasites of common carp (cyprinus carpio L., 1758) in Beyşehir Lake and population dynamics related to month and host size. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 8: 201205.
  • Topcu A. 1993. The Helminths of the digestive tract of the carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Van Region. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 59 p. (In Turkish).
  • Türkmen H. 1990. Prevalence of digestive track helminth infections in carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) and Roachs (Rutilus frisii Nord., 1840) in Iznik Lake. Istanbul University. Medical Institution, Msc Thesis, 60 p. (In Turkish)
  • Uzbilek Kırkağaç M., Yavuzcan Yıldız H. 2002. A report on spontaneous diseases in the culture of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. 1844), Turkey. The Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 26: 407-410.
  • Uzunay E., Soylu E. 2006. Metazoan parasites of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) and Vimba (Vimba vimba Linnaeus, 1758) in the Sapanca Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 30(2): 141-150. (In Turkish)
  • Yıldırım M. 2006. Seasonal variation of ecto and endo parasites in population of Chalcalburnus chalcoides from Lake Tödürge (Zara-Sivas). Cumhuriyet University, Science Institution, Msc Thesis, 97 p (in Turkish).
  • Welcomme R.L. (1988). International introductions of inland aquatic species. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 294. Rome, 318 p
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 20 - 25, 11.07.2016



  • Açıkel M., Öztürk M.O. 2011. An investigation on Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda) infection linked to seasons and age groups of Squalius cephalus (L.) from Lake Dam Serban (Afyonkarahisar). Fırat University Journal of Science, 24 (1): 15-22.
  • Akbeniz E., Soylu E. 2009. Metazoan parasites of tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) in the lake Sapanca, Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23 (2): 13-18.
  • Aksoy Ş., Sarıeyyüpoğlu M. 2000. Study of endohelminths in Capoeta capoeta umbla from Hazar Lake (Elazığ). Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 12(1): 345-351 (in Turkish).
  • Aydın Y. 2003. Determination of helminth species of digestive treat of sheatfish (Silurus glanis L., 1758) living Hirfanlı Dam Lake. Niğde University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 51 p. (in Turkish)
  • Aydoğdu A. 2001. Helminth fauna of some fish species living in Doğancı Dam Lake. Uludağ University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 82 p. (in Turkish)
  • Aydoğdu A., Altunel F.N., Yıldırımhan H.S. 2001. Occurence of helminths in Chub, Leuciscus cephalus, of the Doganci (Bursa) Dam Lake, Turkey. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 21(6): 246-251
  • Aydoğdu A., Altunel F.N. 2002. Helminth parasites (Plathelminthes) of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Iznik Lake. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 22: 343-348
  • Aydoğdu A., Selver M. 2006. An investigation of helminth Fauna of the Bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) from the Mustafa Kemal Paşa Stream, Bursa, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 30 (1): 69-72 (in Turkish).
  • Aydoğdu A., Erk’akan F., Keskin N., İnnal D., Aslan İ. 2014. Helminth communities of the Turkish endemic fish, Pseudophoxinus crassus (Ladiges, 1960): four helminth parasites for a new host record. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30: 937-940.
  • Coad B.W. 1996. Exotic and transplanted fishes in Southwest Asia. Boletín del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 21: 81106
  • Çetinkaya O. 2006. Exotic and native fish species that introduced or stocked into Turkish waters, their impacts on Aquaculture, fisheries, wild populations and aquatic ecosystems: A preliminary study on constructing a database (In Turkish with English Summary). I. Symposium on Management of Reservoirs and Fish Stocking, MARA, Mediterranean Fisheries, Production and Education Institute, pp: 205-235.
  • Çolak S.O. 2013. The helminth community of the sand smelt (Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810) from Lake Iznik, Turkey. Journal of Helminthology, 87(2):129-34
  • Çolak H.S. 2012. Metazoan parasites of fish species from Lake Sığırcı (Edirne, Turkey). The Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 37: 200-205
  • Demirtaş M. 2011. The seasonal distribution and effect of tench fish (Tinca tinca L., 1758) helminthes parasites living in Terkos Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 35: 159-63.
  • Dörücü M., İspir U. 2005. A study on endo-parasites of some fish species caught in Keban Dam Lake. Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 17(2): 400-404. (In Turkish)
  • Erkul S. 1997. Infection of helminths in freshwater fish seen in the region of Ankara. Ankara University, Thesis/Dissertation, 50 p. (in Turkish)
  • Froese R., Pauly D. 2015. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:, version (11/2015).
  • Hoole D. 1994. Tapeworm infections in fish: past and future problems. In: A.W. Pike, J.W. Lewis, (Eds.). Parasitic Diseases of Fish, Samara Publishing Limited, Cardigan, UK, pp: 119-140.
  • Innal D., Erk’akan F. 2006. Effects of exotic and translocated fish species in the inland waters of Turkey. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 16: 39-50.
  • Kır I., Tekin Özan S. 2005. Occurrence of helminths in tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) of Kovada Lake (Isparta), Turkey. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 25(2): 75-81.
  • Kır I., Tekin Özan S. 2007. Helminth infections in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., 1758 (Cyprinidae) from Kovada Lake (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 31(3): 232236
  • Kır I., Ayvaz Y., Barlas M., Tekin Özan S. 2004. Seasonal distribution and effect of parasites on carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) inhabiting the Karacaoren I Dam Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 28(1): 45-49. (In Turkish)
  • Koyun M. 2001. Helminth fauna of some fish species in Enne Dam Lake (Kütahya) Uludağ University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 119 p. (In Turkish)
  • Kurupınar E., Öztürk M.O. 2009. A study on the helminth fauna linked to seasonal changes and size of the fish host, Leuciscus cephalus L., from Lake Dam Örenler, Afyonkarahisar. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 33(3): 248-253.
  • Kutlu H.L., Ozturk M.O. 2006. An investigation on anatomy, morphology and ecology of metazoan parasites of Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (common carp) from Lake Karamık (Afyonkarahisar). Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(3-4): 389-393.
  • Oğuz M.C., Öztürk M.O., Altunel F.N., Ay Y.D. 1996. A parasitological investigation on common carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) caught in Uluabat Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 20(1): 97-103.
  • Ögretmen F. 2006. Use of Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. 1844) in reservoirs and activation of DSI (Genereal directorate of state hydraulics Works) I. Symposium on Management of Reservoirs and Fish Stocking, MARA, Mediterranean Fisheries, Production and Education Institute, 431-437. (In Turkish)
  • Özturk M.O., Aydoğdu A., Dogan I. 2002. The occurrence of helminth fauna in sand goby (Gobius fluviatilis Pallas, 1811) from Lake Uluabat, Turkey. Acta Vet-Beograd, 52(56): 381-391.
  • Öztürk M.O., Bulut S. 2006. An investigation on the metazoan parasite fauna of Cyprinus carpio L. (Common Carp) from Lake Selevir Dam (Afyonkarahisar). Science and Engineering Journal of Fırat University, 18(2): 143-149. (In Turkish)
  • Öztürk M.O. 2000. Helminth fauna of Manyas (Kuş) Lake fishes. Uludağ University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 134 p. (In Turkish)
  • Öztürk M.O. 2005. An Investigation of Metazoan Parasites of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Lake Eber, Afyon, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 29 (3): 204-210. (In Turkish)
  • Öztürk M.O. 2011. Observations on cestode fauna of fishes from Lake Dam Kunduzlar (Kırka, Eskişehir). Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering, 11: 51-56.
  • Öztürk T., Özer A. 2014. Comparative invasive asian tapaworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi infections on the lower Kızılırmak Delta fishes. Journal of Academic Documents for Fisheries and Aquaculture, 1: 1-7.
  • Paperna I. 1996. Parasites, infections and diseases of fishes in Africa, an update. CIFA Technical Paper No. 31 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 220 p.
  • Salgado-Maldonado G., Pineda-Lopez R.F. 2003. The Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi: a potential threat to native freshwater fish species in Mexico. Biological Invasions, 5: 261-268.
  • Samancı İ. 2011. The Investıgatıon of parasıtes in carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) and Crucıan Carp (Carassius carassius L., 1758) inhabıtıng Karacaören ІI Dam Lake. Süleyman Demirel University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 46 p. (In Turkish)
  • Selver M.M., Aydoğdu A., Çırak V.Y. 2007. Helminth communities of the roach (Rutilus rutilus) from Kocadere stream in Bursa, Turkey: occurrence, intensity, seasonality and their infestations linked to host fish size. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 29(4): 131-138
  • Soylu E. 2006. Some Metazoan Parasites (Cestoda, Trematoda and Mollusca) of Blicca bjoerkna Linnaeus, 1758 from Sapanca Lake, Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 20: 33-42.
  • Sönmez S.N. 1996. Investigation of parasitic fauna of fishes in Mogan Lake. Ankara University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 73 p. (In Turkish)
  • Tekin Özan S., Kır İ., Ayvaz Y., Barlas M. 2006. An investigation of parasites of tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) in Beyşehir Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 30(4): 333338. (In Turkish)
  • Tekin Özan S., Kır İ., Barlas M. 2008. Helminth parasites of common carp (cyprinus carpio L., 1758) in Beyşehir Lake and population dynamics related to month and host size. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 8: 201205.
  • Topcu A. 1993. The Helminths of the digestive tract of the carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Van Region. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Science Institution, Thesis/Dissertation, 59 p. (In Turkish).
  • Türkmen H. 1990. Prevalence of digestive track helminth infections in carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) and Roachs (Rutilus frisii Nord., 1840) in Iznik Lake. Istanbul University. Medical Institution, Msc Thesis, 60 p. (In Turkish)
  • Uzbilek Kırkağaç M., Yavuzcan Yıldız H. 2002. A report on spontaneous diseases in the culture of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. 1844), Turkey. The Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 26: 407-410.
  • Uzunay E., Soylu E. 2006. Metazoan parasites of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) and Vimba (Vimba vimba Linnaeus, 1758) in the Sapanca Lake. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 30(2): 141-150. (In Turkish)
  • Yıldırım M. 2006. Seasonal variation of ecto and endo parasites in population of Chalcalburnus chalcoides from Lake Tödürge (Zara-Sivas). Cumhuriyet University, Science Institution, Msc Thesis, 97 p (in Turkish).
  • Welcomme R.L. (1988). International introductions of inland aquatic species. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 294. Rome, 318 p
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA48FE36KT
Bölüm Makaleler

Deniz İnnal Bu kişi benim

Ali Aydoğdu Bu kişi benim

Salim Serkan Güçlü Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İnnal, D., Aydoğdu, A., & Güçlü, S. S. (2016). Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica, 29(1), 20-25.
AMA İnnal D, Aydoğdu A, Güçlü SS. Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica. Temmuz 2016;29(1):20-25.
Chicago İnnal, Deniz, Ali Aydoğdu, ve Salim Serkan Güçlü. “Invasion of Bothriocephalus Acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey”. Acta Biologica Turcica 29, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2016): 20-25.
EndNote İnnal D, Aydoğdu A, Güçlü SS (01 Temmuz 2016) Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica 29 1 20–25.
IEEE D. İnnal, A. Aydoğdu, ve S. S. Güçlü, “Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey”, Acta Biologica Turcica, c. 29, sy. 1, ss. 20–25, 2016.
ISNAD İnnal, Deniz vd. “Invasion of Bothriocephalus Acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey”. Acta Biologica Turcica 29/1 (Temmuz 2016), 20-25.
JAMA İnnal D, Aydoğdu A, Güçlü SS. Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica. 2016;29:20–25.
MLA İnnal, Deniz vd. “Invasion of Bothriocephalus Acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey”. Acta Biologica Turcica, c. 29, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 20-25.
Vancouver İnnal D, Aydoğdu A, Güçlü SS. Invasion of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica. 2016;29(1):20-5.