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İnflamatuvar Meme Kanseri Serimiz: Tek Merkez Deneyimi

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 3, 93 - 99, 01.12.2009


Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the %1-6of breast cancer and had a worse prognosis than locally advanced breast cancer. Forty-one patients with IBC were analysed retrospectively. Disease free sun/ival (DFS), overall survival (OS), prognostic fac-tors were evaluated by univariety analysis. Median age of patients was 46. After the diagnosis, 28 patients underwent mastectomy. Median two cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CT) was given to 51% patients. Taxanes and antracyclines included regi-mens were given as adjuvant CT and also adjuvant radiotherapy was given 66% of patients. For the 19 months of follow-up time, three years OS and DFS rates were 81% and 49.8% respectively. Median DFS was 28.8 months, median OS was not reached. We found that neoadjuvant CT was related OS, perineural invasion, c-erbB2 expression was related with DFS by univariety analysis (p< 0.05). Hovevver, there was not any prognostic factor related survival by multivariety analysis. IBC stili has bad prognosis, larger studies with more patients are needed.


  • Molckovsky A, Fitzgerald B, Freedman O, Heisey R, Clemons M. Approach to inflammatory breast cancer. Can Fam Physician 2009;55:25-31.
  • Levine PH, Veneroso C. The epidemiology of inflammatory breast cancer. Semin Oncol 2008;35:11-6.
  • Chia S, Swain SM, Byrd DR, Mankoff DA. Locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer. J d in Oncol 2008;26:786- 90.
  • Low JA, Berman AW, Steinberg SM, Danforth DN, Lippman ME, Swain SM. Long-term follow-up for locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer patients treated with multi- modality therapy. J Clin Oncol 2004;22:4067-74.
  • Anderson JM. İnflammatory carcinomas of the breast. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1980;62:195-9.
  • Lerebours F, Bieche I, Lidereau R. Update on inflammatory breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2005;7:52-8.
  • Bonnier P, Charpin C, Lejeune C, Romain S, Tubiana N, Beedassy B. Inflammatory carcinomas of the breast: A clini- cal, pathological, ora clinical andpathologicaldefinition? Int J Cancer 1995;62:382-5.
  • Charafe-Jauffret E, Tarpin C, Bardou VJ, Bertucci F,
  • Ginestier C, Braud AC. Immunophenotypic analysis of ınflammatory breast cancers: Identification of an “inflamma- tory signature”. J Pathol 2004;202:265-73.
  • Mathew A, Pandey M, Rajan B. Do younger women with non-metastatic and non-inflammatory breast carcinoma have poor prognosis? World J Surg Oncoi 2004;2:2.
  • Kroman N, Jensen MB, VVohlfahrt J, Mouridsen HT, Andersen PK, Melbye M. Factors influencing the effect of age on prognosis in breast cancer: Population based study. BMJ 2000;320:474-8.
  • Vanlemmens L, Hebbar M, Pey rat JP, Bonneterre J. Age as a prognostic factor in breast cancer. Anticancer Res 1998;18:1891-6.
  • Chung M, Chang HR, Bland Kİ, Wanebo HJ. Younger women with breast carcinoma have a poorer prognosis than older women. Cancer 1996;77:97-103.
  • Betta PG, Robutti F, Spinoglio G, Bottero G. A multivariate analysis of the prognostic significance of pathological featu- res in breast cancer of perimenopausal age. Pathologica 1988;80:287-92.
  • Crowe JP Jr, Gordon NH, Shenk RR, Zollinger RM Jr, Brumberg DJ, Shuck JM. Age does not predict breast can­ cer outcome. Arch Surg 1994;129:483-7.
  • Somlo G, Frankel P, Chow W, Leong L, Margolin K, Morgan R Jr. Prognostic indicators and survival in patients with stage IIIB inflammatory breast carcinoma after dose-intense chemotherapy. J Clin Oncoi 2004;22:1839-48
  • Bertucci F, Tarpin C, Charafe-Jauffret E, Bardou VJ, Braud AC, Tallet A. Multivariate analysis of survival in inflammatory bre­ ast cancer: Impact of intensity of chemotherapy in multimoda- lity treatment. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004;33:913-20.
  • Prost S, Le MG, Douc-Rasy S, Ahomadegbe JC, Spielmann M, Guerin M. Association of c-erbB2-gene amplification with poor prognosis in non-inflammatory breast carcinomas but not in carcinomas of the inflammatory type. Int J Cancer 1994;58:763-8.
  • Turpin E, Bieche I, Bertheau P, Plassa LF, Lerebours F, de Roquancourt A. Increased incidence o f ERBB2 overexpres- sion and TP53 mutation in inflammatory breast cancer. Oncogene 2002;21:7593-7.
  • Saydam BK, Göksel G, Korkmaz E, Zeki oğlu O, Kapkac M, Sanli UA. Comparison of inflammatory breast cancer and noninflammatory breast cancer in VVestern Turkey. Med Princ Pract 2008:475-80.
  • Zell JA, Tsang WY, Taylor TH, Mehta RS, Anton-Culver H. Prognostic impact of human epidermal growth factor-like receptor 2 and hormone receptor status in inflammatory breast cancer (IBC): Analysis of 2.014 IBC patient cases from the California Cancer Registry. Breast Cancer Res 2009;11:R9.
  • Buzdar AU, Valero V, İbrahim NK, Francis D, Broglio KR, Theriault RL. Neoadjuvant therapy with paclitaxel follovved by 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cydophosphamide che­ motherapy and concurrent trastuzumab in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive operable breast cancer: An update of the initial randomized study population and data of additional patients treated with the same regimen. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:228-33.
  • Horiguchi J, Oyama T, Koibuchi Y, Yokoe T, Takata D, Ikeda F. Neoadjuvant weekly paclitaxel with and vvithout trastuzu­ mab in locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Anticancer Res 2009;29:517-24.
  • Shimizu C, Masuda N, Yoshimura K, Tsuda H, Mano M, Ando M. Long-term outcome and pattern of relapse after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with human epider­ mal growth factor receptor 2-positive primary breast cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncoi 2009;39:484-90.
  • Dawood S, Broglio K, Gong Y, Yang WT, Cristofanilli M, Kau SW. İnflammatory Breast Cancer Research Group. Prognostic significance of HER-2 status in women with inflammatory breast cancer. Cancer 2008;112:1905-11.
  • Sawaki M, Ito Y, Akiyama F, Tokudome N, Horii R, Mizunuma N. High prevalence of HER-2/neu and p53 ove- rexpression in inflammatory breast cancer. Breast Cancer 2006;13:172-8.
  • Ben Hamida A, Labidi IS, Mrad K, Charafe-Jauffret E, Ben Arab S, Esterni B. Markers of subtypes in inflammatory bre­ ast cancer studied by immunohistochemistry: Prominent expression of P-cadherin. BMC Cancer 2008;8:28.
  • Cristofanilli M, Buzdar AU, Hortobâgyi GN. Update on the management of inflammatory breast cancer. Oncologist 2003;8:141-8.
  • Piera JM, Alonso MC, Ojeda MB, Biete A. Locally advanced breast cancer with inflammatory component: A clinical entity with a poor prognosis. Radiother Oncoi 1986;7:199-204.
  • Low JA, BermanAVV, Steinberg SM, Danforth DN, Lippman ME, Swain SM. Long-term follow-up for locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer patients treated with multi- modality therapy. J Clin Oncoi 2004;22:4067-74.
  • Bristol IJ, Woodward WA, Strom EA, Cristofanilli M, Domain D, Singletary SE. Locoregional treatment outcomes after multimodality management of inflammatory breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncoi Biol Phys 2008;72:474-84.
  • Gruber G, Ciriolo M, Altermatt HJ, Aebi S, Berclaz G, Greiner RH. Prognosis of dermal lymphatic invasion with or without clinical signs of inflammatory breast cancer. Int J Cancer 2004;109:144-8.
  • Chen JH, Mehta RS, Nalcioglu O, Su MY. İnflammatory bre­ ast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Can magnetic resonance imaging preciseiy diagnose the final pathological response? Ann Surg Oncoi 2008;15:3609-13.
  • Bonnier P, Charpin C, Lejeune C, Romain S, Tubiana N, Beedassy B. İnflammatory carcinomas of the breast: A clini­ cal, pathological, or a clinical and pathological definition ? Int J Cancer 1995;62:382-5.
  • Ellis GK, Livingston RB, Gralow JR, Green SJ, Thompson T. Dose-dense anthracydine-based chemotherapy for node- positive breast cancer. J Clin Oncoi 2002;20:3637-43.
  • Cetintaş SK, Kurt M, Özkan L, Engin K, Gökgöz S, Taşdelen I. Factors influencing axillary node metastasis in breast can­ cer. Tumori 2006;92:416-22.
  • Duraker N, Caynak ZC, Türköz K. Perineurat invasion has no prognostic value in patients with invasive breast carcino­ ma. Breast 2006;15:629-34.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 3, 93 - 99, 01.12.2009


İnflamatuvar meme kanseri (İMK), meme kanserlerinin %1-6'sını oluşturup, lokal ileri meme kanserine göre daha kötü prog-nozludur. İMK'li 41 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalıksız sağkalım (DFS), gene! sağkalım (OS) ve prognostik faktörler univariyete analiziyle değerlendirildi. Hastaların median yaşı 46 idi. Tanı sonrası 28 (%68) hasta öpere olabildi. Yirmi bir (%51) hastaya median iki kür neoadjuvan kemoterapi (KT) verilmişti. Adjuvan KT olarak antrasiklinli ve taksanlı rejimler kullanılmıştı, %66 hasta adjuvan radyoterapi verilmişti. Median 19 ay takip edilen hastaların üç yıllık OS ve DFS oranları sırasıyla %81 ve %49.8 idi. Median DFS 28.8 ayken, median OS zamanına ulaşılamadı. Univariyete analizinde, neoadjuvan KT OS'u, perinö-rat invazyon, c-erbB2 pozitifliği ise DFS'yi predikte eden faktörler olarak bulundu (p< 0.05). Multivariyete analizinde ise sağkalım predikte eden faktör saptanmadı (p> 0.05). Yeni gelişmelere rağmen, İMK günümüzde halen hızlı progresyon ve uzak metastaz yapma riskine sahiptir. Daha fazla hasta sayısı içeren çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.


  • Molckovsky A, Fitzgerald B, Freedman O, Heisey R, Clemons M. Approach to inflammatory breast cancer. Can Fam Physician 2009;55:25-31.
  • Levine PH, Veneroso C. The epidemiology of inflammatory breast cancer. Semin Oncol 2008;35:11-6.
  • Chia S, Swain SM, Byrd DR, Mankoff DA. Locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer. J d in Oncol 2008;26:786- 90.
  • Low JA, Berman AW, Steinberg SM, Danforth DN, Lippman ME, Swain SM. Long-term follow-up for locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer patients treated with multi- modality therapy. J Clin Oncol 2004;22:4067-74.
  • Anderson JM. İnflammatory carcinomas of the breast. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1980;62:195-9.
  • Lerebours F, Bieche I, Lidereau R. Update on inflammatory breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2005;7:52-8.
  • Bonnier P, Charpin C, Lejeune C, Romain S, Tubiana N, Beedassy B. Inflammatory carcinomas of the breast: A clini- cal, pathological, ora clinical andpathologicaldefinition? Int J Cancer 1995;62:382-5.
  • Charafe-Jauffret E, Tarpin C, Bardou VJ, Bertucci F,
  • Ginestier C, Braud AC. Immunophenotypic analysis of ınflammatory breast cancers: Identification of an “inflamma- tory signature”. J Pathol 2004;202:265-73.
  • Mathew A, Pandey M, Rajan B. Do younger women with non-metastatic and non-inflammatory breast carcinoma have poor prognosis? World J Surg Oncoi 2004;2:2.
  • Kroman N, Jensen MB, VVohlfahrt J, Mouridsen HT, Andersen PK, Melbye M. Factors influencing the effect of age on prognosis in breast cancer: Population based study. BMJ 2000;320:474-8.
  • Vanlemmens L, Hebbar M, Pey rat JP, Bonneterre J. Age as a prognostic factor in breast cancer. Anticancer Res 1998;18:1891-6.
  • Chung M, Chang HR, Bland Kİ, Wanebo HJ. Younger women with breast carcinoma have a poorer prognosis than older women. Cancer 1996;77:97-103.
  • Betta PG, Robutti F, Spinoglio G, Bottero G. A multivariate analysis of the prognostic significance of pathological featu- res in breast cancer of perimenopausal age. Pathologica 1988;80:287-92.
  • Crowe JP Jr, Gordon NH, Shenk RR, Zollinger RM Jr, Brumberg DJ, Shuck JM. Age does not predict breast can­ cer outcome. Arch Surg 1994;129:483-7.
  • Somlo G, Frankel P, Chow W, Leong L, Margolin K, Morgan R Jr. Prognostic indicators and survival in patients with stage IIIB inflammatory breast carcinoma after dose-intense chemotherapy. J Clin Oncoi 2004;22:1839-48
  • Bertucci F, Tarpin C, Charafe-Jauffret E, Bardou VJ, Braud AC, Tallet A. Multivariate analysis of survival in inflammatory bre­ ast cancer: Impact of intensity of chemotherapy in multimoda- lity treatment. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004;33:913-20.
  • Prost S, Le MG, Douc-Rasy S, Ahomadegbe JC, Spielmann M, Guerin M. Association of c-erbB2-gene amplification with poor prognosis in non-inflammatory breast carcinomas but not in carcinomas of the inflammatory type. Int J Cancer 1994;58:763-8.
  • Turpin E, Bieche I, Bertheau P, Plassa LF, Lerebours F, de Roquancourt A. Increased incidence o f ERBB2 overexpres- sion and TP53 mutation in inflammatory breast cancer. Oncogene 2002;21:7593-7.
  • Saydam BK, Göksel G, Korkmaz E, Zeki oğlu O, Kapkac M, Sanli UA. Comparison of inflammatory breast cancer and noninflammatory breast cancer in VVestern Turkey. Med Princ Pract 2008:475-80.
  • Zell JA, Tsang WY, Taylor TH, Mehta RS, Anton-Culver H. Prognostic impact of human epidermal growth factor-like receptor 2 and hormone receptor status in inflammatory breast cancer (IBC): Analysis of 2.014 IBC patient cases from the California Cancer Registry. Breast Cancer Res 2009;11:R9.
  • Buzdar AU, Valero V, İbrahim NK, Francis D, Broglio KR, Theriault RL. Neoadjuvant therapy with paclitaxel follovved by 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cydophosphamide che­ motherapy and concurrent trastuzumab in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive operable breast cancer: An update of the initial randomized study population and data of additional patients treated with the same regimen. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:228-33.
  • Horiguchi J, Oyama T, Koibuchi Y, Yokoe T, Takata D, Ikeda F. Neoadjuvant weekly paclitaxel with and vvithout trastuzu­ mab in locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Anticancer Res 2009;29:517-24.
  • Shimizu C, Masuda N, Yoshimura K, Tsuda H, Mano M, Ando M. Long-term outcome and pattern of relapse after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with human epider­ mal growth factor receptor 2-positive primary breast cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncoi 2009;39:484-90.
  • Dawood S, Broglio K, Gong Y, Yang WT, Cristofanilli M, Kau SW. İnflammatory Breast Cancer Research Group. Prognostic significance of HER-2 status in women with inflammatory breast cancer. Cancer 2008;112:1905-11.
  • Sawaki M, Ito Y, Akiyama F, Tokudome N, Horii R, Mizunuma N. High prevalence of HER-2/neu and p53 ove- rexpression in inflammatory breast cancer. Breast Cancer 2006;13:172-8.
  • Ben Hamida A, Labidi IS, Mrad K, Charafe-Jauffret E, Ben Arab S, Esterni B. Markers of subtypes in inflammatory bre­ ast cancer studied by immunohistochemistry: Prominent expression of P-cadherin. BMC Cancer 2008;8:28.
  • Cristofanilli M, Buzdar AU, Hortobâgyi GN. Update on the management of inflammatory breast cancer. Oncologist 2003;8:141-8.
  • Piera JM, Alonso MC, Ojeda MB, Biete A. Locally advanced breast cancer with inflammatory component: A clinical entity with a poor prognosis. Radiother Oncoi 1986;7:199-204.
  • Low JA, BermanAVV, Steinberg SM, Danforth DN, Lippman ME, Swain SM. Long-term follow-up for locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer patients treated with multi- modality therapy. J Clin Oncoi 2004;22:4067-74.
  • Bristol IJ, Woodward WA, Strom EA, Cristofanilli M, Domain D, Singletary SE. Locoregional treatment outcomes after multimodality management of inflammatory breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncoi Biol Phys 2008;72:474-84.
  • Gruber G, Ciriolo M, Altermatt HJ, Aebi S, Berclaz G, Greiner RH. Prognosis of dermal lymphatic invasion with or without clinical signs of inflammatory breast cancer. Int J Cancer 2004;109:144-8.
  • Chen JH, Mehta RS, Nalcioglu O, Su MY. İnflammatory bre­ ast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Can magnetic resonance imaging preciseiy diagnose the final pathological response? Ann Surg Oncoi 2008;15:3609-13.
  • Bonnier P, Charpin C, Lejeune C, Romain S, Tubiana N, Beedassy B. İnflammatory carcinomas of the breast: A clini­ cal, pathological, or a clinical and pathological definition ? Int J Cancer 1995;62:382-5.
  • Ellis GK, Livingston RB, Gralow JR, Green SJ, Thompson T. Dose-dense anthracydine-based chemotherapy for node- positive breast cancer. J Clin Oncoi 2002;20:3637-43.
  • Cetintaş SK, Kurt M, Özkan L, Engin K, Gökgöz S, Taşdelen I. Factors influencing axillary node metastasis in breast can­ cer. Tumori 2006;92:416-22.
  • Duraker N, Caynak ZC, Türköz K. Perineurat invasion has no prognostic value in patients with invasive breast carcino­ ma. Breast 2006;15:629-34.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Başak Bala USTAALİOĞLU Öven Bu kişi benim

Ahmet Bilici Bu kişi benim

Mesut Şeker Bu kişi benim

Taflan Salepçi Bu kişi benim

Emre Yıldırım Bu kişi benim

Umut Kefeli Bu kişi benim

Metin Kement Bu kişi benim

Mahmut Gümüş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Öven, B. B. U. ., Bilici, A. ., Şeker, M. ., Salepçi, T. ., vd. (2009). Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience. Acta Oncologica Turcica, 42(3), 93-99.
AMA Öven BBU, Bilici A, Şeker M, Salepçi T, Yıldırım E, Kefeli U, Kement M, Gümüş M. Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience. Acta Oncologica Turcica. Aralık 2009;42(3):93-99.
Chicago Öven, Başak Bala USTAALİOĞLU, Ahmet Bilici, Mesut Şeker, Taflan Salepçi, Emre Yıldırım, Umut Kefeli, Metin Kement, ve Mahmut Gümüş. “Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience”. Acta Oncologica Turcica 42, sy. 3 (Aralık 2009): 93-99.
EndNote Öven BBU, Bilici A, Şeker M, Salepçi T, Yıldırım E, Kefeli U, Kement M, Gümüş M (01 Aralık 2009) Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience. Acta Oncologica Turcica 42 3 93–99.
IEEE B. B. U. . Öven, “Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience”, Acta Oncologica Turcica, c. 42, sy. 3, ss. 93–99, 2009.
ISNAD Öven, Başak Bala USTAALİOĞLU vd. “Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience”. Acta Oncologica Turcica 42/3 (Aralık 2009), 93-99.
JAMA Öven BBU, Bilici A, Şeker M, Salepçi T, Yıldırım E, Kefeli U, Kement M, Gümüş M. Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience. Acta Oncologica Turcica. 2009;42:93–99.
MLA Öven, Başak Bala USTAALİOĞLU vd. “Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience”. Acta Oncologica Turcica, c. 42, sy. 3, 2009, ss. 93-99.
Vancouver Öven BBU, Bilici A, Şeker M, Salepçi T, Yıldırım E, Kefeli U, Kement M, Gümüş M. Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Single Çenter Experience. Acta Oncologica Turcica. 2009;42(3):93-9.