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Big Brothers: Two North Pontic Amphorae of Type Zeest 83 / 89 found in Limyra

Year 2022, , 71 - 88, 19.12.2022


Bu makalede, Limyra antik kentinde, antik tiyatronun güneybatısında 2007-2010 yıllarında tekrar kazılmaya başlanan ve tiyatro hamamı olarak adlandırılan yapıda gün ışığına çıkartılmış iki büyük ticari amfora ele alınmaktadır. Zeest 83 / 89 tipi olarak bilinen bu büyük amforaların Kuzey Karadeniz’de üretildiği düşünülmektedir. Yazarların bildiği kadarıyla Limyra’dan bu iki örnek, Küçük Asya’daki antik yerleşimlerde bulunmuş ilk Zeest 83 / 89 tipi amforalardır. Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nde Limyra’nın Kuzey Karadeniz Bölgesi ile ilişkisine ışık tutmanın yanı sıra, Limyra’da bulunmuş bu iki amfora balık ürünleri olarak tahmin edilen içerikleri nedeniyle materyal kültür bazında sosyoekonomik karakterleri ile dikkat çekerler.


The authors warmly thank Ulrike Schuh (ÖAW-ÖAI, Vienna), who headed the excavations at the Theaterthermen during 2007-2010, for her help in assembling the stratigraphic data and understanding the context of both amphorae. Martin Seyer (ÖAW-ÖAI, Vienna), director of the Austrian excavations in Limyra, kindly read the draft, and whose comments much improved the text. The authors also much appreciate an English translation of relevant passages in Zeest’s 1960 publication (115-17) that Andrei Opaiţ (Ontario, Canada) provided, and Maksim Tyurin (Museum of Chersonesos) was most kind in supplying various references.


  • Adak, M., and O. Atvur. 1997. “Das Grabhaus des Zosimas und der Schiffseigner Eudemos aus Olympos in Lykien.” EpigAnat 28:11-31.
  • Alekseeva, E.M. 1997. The Ancient City of Gorgippia. Moscow: Editorial URSS. (in Russian)
  • Aslan, E. 2017. “Three New Fish Sauce Workshops Detected in Kekova Island Research.” Phaselis 3:175-85.
  • Baybo, S. 2009. “Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass Vessels from Trench Q18 at Limyra: Excavation Seasons 2007-2009.” In Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by E. Laflı, 189-98. Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea. Acta Congressus Communis Omnium Gentium Smyrnae 2. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology Division for Medieval Archaeology Publication Series 1. Izmir: Hürriyet Matbaası.
Year 2022, , 71 - 88, 19.12.2022



  • Adak, M., and O. Atvur. 1997. “Das Grabhaus des Zosimas und der Schiffseigner Eudemos aus Olympos in Lykien.” EpigAnat 28:11-31.
  • Alekseeva, E.M. 1997. The Ancient City of Gorgippia. Moscow: Editorial URSS. (in Russian)
  • Aslan, E. 2017. “Three New Fish Sauce Workshops Detected in Kekova Island Research.” Phaselis 3:175-85.
  • Baybo, S. 2009. “Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass Vessels from Trench Q18 at Limyra: Excavation Seasons 2007-2009.” In Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by E. Laflı, 189-98. Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea. Acta Congressus Communis Omnium Gentium Smyrnae 2. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology Division for Medieval Archaeology Publication Series 1. Izmir: Hürriyet Matbaası.
Year 2022, , 71 - 88, 19.12.2022



  • Adak, M., and O. Atvur. 1997. “Das Grabhaus des Zosimas und der Schiffseigner Eudemos aus Olympos in Lykien.” EpigAnat 28:11-31.
  • Alekseeva, E.M. 1997. The Ancient City of Gorgippia. Moscow: Editorial URSS. (in Russian)
  • Aslan, E. 2017. “Three New Fish Sauce Workshops Detected in Kekova Island Research.” Phaselis 3:175-85.
  • Baybo, S. 2009. “Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass Vessels from Trench Q18 at Limyra: Excavation Seasons 2007-2009.” In Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by E. Laflı, 189-98. Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea. Acta Congressus Communis Omnium Gentium Smyrnae 2. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology Division for Medieval Archaeology Publication Series 1. Izmir: Hürriyet Matbaası.
Year 2022, , 71 - 88, 19.12.2022



  • Adak, M., and O. Atvur. 1997. “Das Grabhaus des Zosimas und der Schiffseigner Eudemos aus Olympos in Lykien.” EpigAnat 28:11-31.
  • Alekseeva, E.M. 1997. The Ancient City of Gorgippia. Moscow: Editorial URSS. (in Russian)
  • Aslan, E. 2017. “Three New Fish Sauce Workshops Detected in Kekova Island Research.” Phaselis 3:175-85.
  • Baybo, S. 2009. “Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass Vessels from Trench Q18 at Limyra: Excavation Seasons 2007-2009.” In Late Antique / Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by E. Laflı, 189-98. Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea. Acta Congressus Communis Omnium Gentium Smyrnae 2. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology Division for Medieval Archaeology Publication Series 1. Izmir: Hürriyet Matbaası.
There are 4 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Banu Yener-marksteıner This is me 0000-0003-0612-0313

Philip Bes This is me

Publication Date December 19, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Chicago Yener-marksteıner, Banu, and Philip Bes. “Big Brothers: Two North Pontic Amphorae of Type Zeest 83 / 89 Found in Limyra”. Adalya, no. 25 (December 2022): 71-88.

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