Research Article
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Ecclesiastical Personages of Side (Σίδη) of Pamphylia according to Literary and Sphragistic Data

Year 2020, , 409 - 450, 15.11.2020


Combining the hagiographic and historiographic data with sigillographic evidence, this article aims to contribute to our understanding of the ecclesiastical personages once active in Side of Pamphylia. It derives from my ongoing work on Byzantine seals, for which I received funding for my on-site and library research project
on the “History of Byzantine Side of Pamphylia in the Light of Sigillographic Sources (4th-14th centuries) from the Anadolu University Scientific Research Projects Commission under grant no: E1105E98 (2011). Using old and new sigillographic evidence, duly complemented by relevant references in literary and hagiographic
sources, prosopographic lists of the Byzantine officials, courtly and ecclesiastical figures are compiled and presented.


I own many thanks to personnel of these institutions without whose permission I could not have conducted my research project. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the Anadolu University Project Office for financing my research project. Their support made it possible for me to visit the museums named below to examine their seal collections. I wish to thank Mr. Güner Kozdere, Director of the Side Museum, Ms. Seher Türkmen, the Director of the Alanya Museum and Mr. Celal Özdemir, the Director of Amasya Museum, for kindly permitting me to work in their seal collections. I would also like to thank Ms. Gülcan Demir, Mr. Süleyman Atalay and Mr. Melih Kılınç respectively for their friendly assistance as archaeologists of the Numismatic Departments in these museums. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Alanyalı, former director of the excavations at Side, and Prof. Dr. Feriştah Soykal Alanyalı, current director of the archaeological team, for encouraging me to include the seals found during the excavations in my project. I owe many thanks to Dr. Georgios Kakavas, director of the Numismatic Museum at Athens, and Ms. Giorga Nikolaou, for permitting me to examine only lead seal of Side in the museum collection. I thank Mr. Panagiotis Sotiropoulos for helping me to measure the only piece while I was taking its photographs. I express my gratitude to Ms. Anna Stavrakopoulou, Program Director of Byzantine Studies, Ms. Carla Galfano, Registrar and Collections Manager, and Mr. Jonathan Shea, Associate Curator of Coins and Seals, all at the Dumbarton Oaks Institute, for kindly providing photographic material of the seals of Sidetan bishops along with permission to include them in this article. I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Jean Claude Cheynet and Mme Vassa Kountoumas Conticello, Presidente de l’Association de l’Institut Français d’Études Byzantines (IFEB) for providing the photographic material of two seals from the collections of the IFEB (Paris) and giving me permission to publish them along with the other material of Side. I owe many thanks to Mr. Michael Alram, Director of the Vienna Museum, who generously provided the photographic data of two seals and gave me permission to publish them. Prof. Jean Claude Cheynet has kindly and generously helped with his suggestions based on many years of experience in Byzantine Sigillography. Attendance at Prof. Cheynet’s conferences on Byzantine sigillography (Pera Museum, Istanbul, 2008) and seminars during the summer schools organized by Prof. Dr. Basileios Katsaros from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and Prof. Dr. Paolo Odorico from the EHESS (Serres-Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, 2012) led me to work in this extremely interesting area. Prof. Werner Seibt has also made a significant contribution to my work with his professional opinions from the moment that I met him at the Vienna Dialogues: Conversation and Cooperation: Byzantine Research in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, held in the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies in April 2013 and on. I am also thankful to Associate Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt for her mentorship and sharing her precious scholarly expertise from the beginning of my quest for the ecclesiastical seals of Side in more than forty Turkish museums. I am very grateful to Father John (Ioakeim) Cotsonis for his esteemed suggestions on iconographic matters. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Olga Karagiorgou and Dr. Pantelis Charalampakis for their suggestions and help on sigillographic matters, and of course for their friendship. Finally, I am very thankful to Dr. Suna Çağaptay and Dr. Günder Varinlioğlu who were very kind and patient with me to discuss on Byzantine architectural matters.


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  • Amphilochios, 1864. “Fragmentum - Notitia.” Patrologia cursus completus Series Graeca 77, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 1515.
  • Athanasios 1857a. “Historia Arianorum.” Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Graeca 25, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 698-99.
  • Athanasios 1857b. “Apologia de fuga sua.” Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Graeca 25, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 648B-649A.
  • El Ömerî (Al Umarî) 1991. Çoban-oğulları Beyliği - Candar-oğulları Beyliği. Mesalikü’l - Ebsar’a Göre Anadolu Beylikleri. Translated by Y. Yücel. Anadolu Beylikleri Hakkında Araştırmalar 1. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Eusebios of Caesarea 1857. Historia Ecclesiastica, Vita Constantini. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Graeca 20. edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 910-1233.
  • Georgios Kedrenos 1838. Σύνοψις Ἱστοριῶν, 1, edited by I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Bonn: E. Weber.
  • Hierocles, 1939. Le Synekdemos d’Hiérokles et l’opuscule géographique de Georges de Chypre. Texte, introduction, commentaire et cartes, edited by E. Honigmann. Brussels: Editions de l’Institut de philologie et d’histoire orientales et slaves.
  • Ibn Battuta. 1939. Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. Translated and selected by H.A.R. Gibb. London: Routledge.
  • Idrisî, 1975. La géographie d’Edrisi = Kita- b Nuzhat al-mushta - q f i- khtira- q al-a- fa- q. Translated by P.A. Jaubert. Amsterdam: Philo Press.
  • Ioannes Chrysostomos, 1862. “Laudatio (Εγκώμιον)” Patrologia cursus completus. Series Graeca 50, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 597-606.
  • Ioannes Malalas, 2000. Chronographia Ioannis Malalae, edited by J. Thurn. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Ioannes Skylitzes, 1839. Breviarum Historicum (Σύνοψις Ιστοριων). Vol. 1, edited by I. Bekker. Bonn: E. Weber.
  • Ioannes Skylitzes, 1973. Ioannis Scylitzae Synopsis Historiarum, edited by I. Thurn. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Ioannes Skylitzes Continuatus, 1968. Ἡ συνέχεια τῆς Χρονογραφίας τοῦ Ἰωάννου Σκυλίτση, edited by, Ε.Τ. Τσολάκης. Thessalonike: Εταιρία Μακεδινικών Σπουδών.
  • Ioannes Tzetzes, 1972. Ioannis Tzetzae Epistulae, edited by P. Leone. Leipzig: Teubner.
  • Ioannes Zonaras, 1897. Epitome Historiarum. Vol. 3, edited by T. Büttner-Wobst. Bonn: Weber.
  • Jerome 1895. Hieronymus und Gennadius, De Viris Illustribus, edited by C.A. Bernoulli. Freiburg/Leipzig:Akademische Verlagsbuchhanlung von C.B.R. Mohr. Konstantinus Porphyrogennitos 1829. Constantini Porphyrogeniti Imperatoris De Ceremoniis aulae Byzantinae libri duo: Graece et Latini. Vol. 1, edited by J.J. Reiske. Bonn: Weber.
  • Konstantinos Porphyrogennitos 1952. Constantino Porfirogenito De Thematibus, edited by A. Pertusi. Studi e testi 160. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
  • Michael Attaliates, 1853. Historia, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. 36, edited by I. Bekker. Bonn: Weber.
  • Michael Glykas, 1836. Annales, edited by I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae. Vol. 24. Bonn: Weber.
Year 2020, , 409 - 450, 15.11.2020



  • Amphilochios of Iconium. 1863. “Notitia ex Bibliotheca Gallandii.” Patrologia cursus completus. Series Graeca 39, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 9-10.
  • Amphilochios, 1864. “Fragmentum - Notitia.” Patrologia cursus completus Series Graeca 77, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 1515.
  • Athanasios 1857a. “Historia Arianorum.” Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Graeca 25, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 698-99.
  • Athanasios 1857b. “Apologia de fuga sua.” Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Graeca 25, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 648B-649A.
  • El Ömerî (Al Umarî) 1991. Çoban-oğulları Beyliği - Candar-oğulları Beyliği. Mesalikü’l - Ebsar’a Göre Anadolu Beylikleri. Translated by Y. Yücel. Anadolu Beylikleri Hakkında Araştırmalar 1. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Eusebios of Caesarea 1857. Historia Ecclesiastica, Vita Constantini. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Graeca 20. edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 910-1233.
  • Georgios Kedrenos 1838. Σύνοψις Ἱστοριῶν, 1, edited by I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Bonn: E. Weber.
  • Hierocles, 1939. Le Synekdemos d’Hiérokles et l’opuscule géographique de Georges de Chypre. Texte, introduction, commentaire et cartes, edited by E. Honigmann. Brussels: Editions de l’Institut de philologie et d’histoire orientales et slaves.
  • Ibn Battuta. 1939. Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. Translated and selected by H.A.R. Gibb. London: Routledge.
  • Idrisî, 1975. La géographie d’Edrisi = Kita- b Nuzhat al-mushta - q f i- khtira- q al-a- fa- q. Translated by P.A. Jaubert. Amsterdam: Philo Press.
  • Ioannes Chrysostomos, 1862. “Laudatio (Εγκώμιον)” Patrologia cursus completus. Series Graeca 50, edited by J.P. Migne, coll. 597-606.
  • Ioannes Malalas, 2000. Chronographia Ioannis Malalae, edited by J. Thurn. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Ioannes Skylitzes, 1839. Breviarum Historicum (Σύνοψις Ιστοριων). Vol. 1, edited by I. Bekker. Bonn: E. Weber.
  • Ioannes Skylitzes, 1973. Ioannis Scylitzae Synopsis Historiarum, edited by I. Thurn. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Ioannes Skylitzes Continuatus, 1968. Ἡ συνέχεια τῆς Χρονογραφίας τοῦ Ἰωάννου Σκυλίτση, edited by, Ε.Τ. Τσολάκης. Thessalonike: Εταιρία Μακεδινικών Σπουδών.
  • Ioannes Tzetzes, 1972. Ioannis Tzetzae Epistulae, edited by P. Leone. Leipzig: Teubner.
  • Ioannes Zonaras, 1897. Epitome Historiarum. Vol. 3, edited by T. Büttner-Wobst. Bonn: Weber.
  • Jerome 1895. Hieronymus und Gennadius, De Viris Illustribus, edited by C.A. Bernoulli. Freiburg/Leipzig:Akademische Verlagsbuchhanlung von C.B.R. Mohr. Konstantinus Porphyrogennitos 1829. Constantini Porphyrogeniti Imperatoris De Ceremoniis aulae Byzantinae libri duo: Graece et Latini. Vol. 1, edited by J.J. Reiske. Bonn: Weber.
  • Konstantinos Porphyrogennitos 1952. Constantino Porfirogenito De Thematibus, edited by A. Pertusi. Studi e testi 160. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
  • Michael Attaliates, 1853. Historia, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. 36, edited by I. Bekker. Bonn: Weber.
  • Michael Glykas, 1836. Annales, edited by I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae. Vol. 24. Bonn: Weber.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Nilgün Elam This is me 0000-0001-6966-4778

Publication Date November 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Chicago Elam, Nilgün. “Ecclesiastical Personages of Side (Σίδη) of Pamphylia According to Literary and Sphragistic Data”. Adalya, no. 23 (November 2020): 409-50.

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